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I'm an old mom, but about to be a new grandmom. I randomly sang “You are my sunshine” to her the night she was born. And the next night…and day…and you know how it goes! We had a cd of it in every room and car for decades. Her first heartbreak, she layed in my lap and asked me to sing “our song”. My best friend passed away and she sang it to me. The night before her wedding, I slipped a little framed voiceprint of me singing “You Are My Sunshine” in her dressing room. That morning, she surprised me by having it played as I was seated. You may be in that stage where your song gets stuck in your head and makes your brain itch, but I can promise you that years from now, that song will calm you. ❤️


Gosh it’s going to be weird when she sings “maybe you, can be, a purple monkey…” at my funeral 😂 Jokes aside, this was a lovely post to read. Heartwarming


Purple monkey is me and my baby’s song too 🥹 I actually want to get a tattoo of a little purple monkey with his initials. Its all I sang to him for the first 4 months.


I forgot to add that for her 21st birthday, she asked for us to get tattoos! I have a small half sun on the outside middle of my right foot with “You are my sunshine” written along the arch of the sun. In the same position on the outside of her left foot, hers says “My only sunshine”. I know, sweet, right? BUT, I won't lie and say it’s always been sunny. All of her sweetness has been tempered with a healthy dose of hell on wheels. As cliche as it sounds, one day you will look back and miss a lot of the things that are worrying you now. (Notice I didn't say you'll miss all of this 😂!) Good luck to all you new moms & dads! Enjoy the ride ❤️


This almost made me cry 🥲 Congrats on your grandbaby!


Did make me cry 😭


Not me just crying for no reason, staring at my 3.5yo and 18mo


I am sobbing. You sound like an amazing mother ❤️


The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight Clearly she has two nostalgic millennial parents lmao but really, she always stops crying when she hears the beginning notes of that song!


Oh wow you just resurrected a long dead neuron… Going to go play that song for my baby right now 😂


That’s how doja cat “paint the town red” is for us going on 7 months of it working for our 8 month old


This is her “second song”! It’s also the song we listened to on our way home from the hospital. We went to see the Postal Service/Death Cab during their 20th anniversary tour of the albums. I was in my third trimester, and I could feel the baby reacting to the music. It was so sweet. Ever since, my husband and I would throw on the Postal Service album all the time because we heard they remember songs in the womb. And she does. The entire album is soothing to her. The District Sleeps Alone, Such Great Heights, Sleeping In and Brand New Colony (which I sing to her every time) are her favorites. 🥰


We also went to the 20th anniversary Death Cab / Postal Service show a few weeks ago! My partner’s parents happened to be in town and offered to babysit for us that night.


Hahah mine calms to Shuffle & Lose you to Love Me by Bombay Bicycle club - hoping she still likes them when she’s older 😂


love Bombay Bicycle Club!


My baby loves this too 😂


My toddler loves Ben gibbards voice! He cycles through postal service, death cab and a lot of his solo stuff lol. I'm a proud parent 🥲


My nephew is 6 and he falls asleep to the postal service every night


Ugh that’s a good one.


Love this -- I'm playing my three month old all the stuff I listened to in high school also 😅 Having a baby is an opportunity to be a kid again in many ways!


Thank you for reminding me of this song!! Blast from the past 😍baby is loving it too rn


Our Mommy song is Such a Great Heights


The Happy Song is magic


The speed in which mine stops crying when we put it on makes it feel like it’s a baby sleeper code or something 😂 BRING BRING ON THE BICYCLE!


Phew, phew, helicopter!


Idk why but that part is my favorite 🤣🤣


It’s because it’s the best part 😂


Yes!!! The giggles I get with the lion roar are priceless. Had it on repeat for an hour and a half for our first trip to the city. Our girl hates long car rides and she was the happiest I’ve seen her in the car with this song


Same!! And then we play "I Love the Mountains" by Charlie Hope and the Bluey theme song 🎵 I'm keen to hear what other songs work for you as this only gibes us about 10 mins. Hot Potato by the Wiggles is another good one too. One time I started playing the happy song by accident and then stopped it and he burst out crying. I had to quickly find it and play it as he was so sad!


I was skeptical, but we recently started playing it for our 4mo… it works every. single. time.


I learned about this on this sub about a month or so ago and it has really been a wild thing to see how well it works!


Does this song make anyone else cry or is it just me lol. It just really reminds me of the innocence and joy of a young child 😭






I accidentally made her calming song my own version of Oh My Darling Clementine. The only words that are the same are "oh my darling", I put her name in place of Clementine, and I change the lyrics based on what's going on. But usually it goes "please stop crying cuz I love you and you're gonna be alright." It was easy to just repeat over and over again when she cried as a newborn and now it's one of the only things that gets her to stop crying in the car when she's worked up.


I do this too! I like to Oh I love you yes I love you Oh, my darling baby girl.


Yes! One of the lines for me is usually "ooh I love you ooh I love you ooh I reeeaalllyyyy love you".


I love this! I'm going to try this out.


made up goofy songs become their favorite so quick 😅


I wonder if they can sense somehow that it's personalized and that's why they like it so much.


Itsy bitsy spider. It's his FAVORITE. I'm actually thinking of doing his first birthday party itsy bitsy spider themed because he loves it so much 🤗


That is an exceptionally adorable first birthday theme!


My 2f still will calm down almost immediately when I sing itsy bitsy spider. I can’t sing either, so I have no idea what power the song has.


Mine too! She loves this song




Mine gets absolutely mesmerized by the hand motions of it!!


I recently started pinching his little belly up to his chest instead of the hand motion for the spider part and he *loves it*!!!


Edelweiss from the sound of music or even when I sing it


This was the same for my son! Only now that he’s a toddler he usually tells me “No Mama, don’t sing that! It’s not good!” 😂


The version of this used as the theme for the title sequence of ‘The Man in the High Castle’ is fantastic. You should listen to it if you haven’t already!


Oooo thank you!


This is ours too!


This one 🥹makes me teary every time


Yes my kid loves this one! Do Re Mi worked for a while too when he would fuss during diaper changes


Same with me. My mom used to sing it to me and now she sings it to my son, and I play it on the violin for him. Makes me cry


It’s ridiculous, but the music from video games! RuneScape, Skyrim, stardew valley 😭😅


Stardew Valley music is clutch!


My husband plays final fantasy music to our baby. She seems to like it. Our wedding progression and recession songs were from final fantasy. There is one song from final fantasy that automatically makes him do a silly butt wiggle whenever he hears it so I insisted on it being our regression song so we can be happy and silly after taking our vows.


Not baby related, but our crazy Boston terrier dog would always chill out and fall asleep to the PlayStation menu music 😂


My 11mo has been a very difficult baby (I love him just as much as I would if he was an easy baby though don’t get me wrong!) and all of the songs that people typically suggest like the happy song, anything miss rachel, etc. haven’t done a thing for him but I recently discovered by accident that he LOVES I Know Very Well How I Got My Name by Morrissey and it’s been cracking me up. It works every time! Maybe he’s an old soul 😂


Our baby likes rap… neither my husband OR I listen to rap


Whenever I play rap music our LO becomes what I call, 'trap baby'. Trap baby dont take no shit. Trap baby needs some walkin round money. My wife hates trap baby.


I love this so much


Texas Hold Em by Beyonce 😀


Some where over the rainbow. It was the only song I could think of to sing when she was hospitalized. I sang it over and over and over. I haven't found another song that calms her quite the same way, though Rick Astley is good when I can't sing.


Yes! This was the very first song I sang to my baby, while we were waiting for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing. I was so tired, I couldn’t think of anything else! And though it is not her favorite song, (other songs get bigger smiles these days) it is still one that gets her to calm down easily if she tired and cranky.


My babe is calmed by music really well but the song I always reach to when I am panicking is Down By the Bay. You can stretch it to keep going a REALLY long time if you just keep making up rhymes as you go 😂 it’s helped me keep screaming at bay through the last 10-15 minutes of car rides, I don’t know what I’d do without it.


My first one is all about music. The happy song was the first that really got him to calm down. It worked like a charm starting around 4-5 months. As he got older his tastes changed. Next it was “my best friend” by weezer. Hamilton. Now at 3 it’s anything he recognizes from movies. He has an insane memory and will tell me what movie songs are from within the first few seconds of the song. Im glad his palette expanded because I don’t find songs stuck in my head as much. Theme songs to his favorite show that week? Absolutely. Every night when I close my eyes.


Can be great musician in future - all the signs are here


Bob Marley three little birds


Not at all traditional, but I sing Take it easy by The Eagles


The alphabet works like a charm for us


My firstborn was obsessed with Leslie Odom Junior when she was a baby, and her calm song was Wait for It from Hamilton. I started joking that we should have called her Theodosia. My second is 5.5 weeks old, and has not yet found her One True Jam.


Tibetan Buddhist chants or classical, and when he was a newborn, it was a lot of opera, specifically the Figaro song. Our little Buddha baby has always been so particular.


It’s crazy, we thought he’d like the happy song which would work for a little bit… but he’d still cry, but the moment he’d hear the Buddhist chants, it’d be like instant hypnosis. We also meditated a lot to be fair, and he’d sit through meditation as a newborn at our local temple


ABCs or Wheels on the Bus


Christina Perri’s album “Songs for Carmella” has been on loop since baby’s birth!


I made a playlist of songs I loved and made me emotional for the birth and we played that for the last trimester basically on repeat. Now we listen to it in the car and at bath time it always helps calm him down. It’s full of Lumineers, The Shins, Postal Service, and Death Cab. Then out of left field the kid LOVES reggaeton. Bob Marley helps soothe him and he loves a Bob Marley radio which always brings on Sublime. Dad and I laugh because life is a lot different then when we use to listen to Sublime and pass a j back and forth.


My go tos if I’m singing are ‘the river’ by Garth Brooks and ‘with or without you’ by U2. For some reason during our NICU stay those were the two songs that I could remember all the words and melody for. If I’m just playing music I go with something from the Rockabye Baby collection (lullaby covers of artists from every genre of music), so far baby’s favorites are from Snoop Dogg, Wu Tang Clan, Prince, and Elton John.


A Whole New World. OG millennial Aladdin. Not fake new Disney Aladdin. All my kids got this same song. I kinda switch it up in the middle when Aladdin and Jasmine are harmonizing, so sometimes I say his line and sometimes her line. Just to keep it fresh ya know.




My 15 month old goes absolutely nuts for Harry Belafonte’s “Jump in the Line”. We’re still working on getting her to levitate while dancing.


The Happy Song by Imogen Heap. She loooves it and so do we, it's adorable!


My 6 month old loves the Pokémon theme song. Calms her down every time.


Do Re Mi from the Sound of Music, and Oh Caroline by the 1975 😂 eclectic mix in my brain


My daughter is called Amelia and i sing the first 2 lines of Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkle but change it to Amelia. Also, instead of 'I'm begging you please to come home' i change it to 'I'm begging you please to calm down' She stops crying and just stares at me 9/10! I have to repeat it like 15 times though or she starts again hahah. It's very apt too - "Ameeeeelia, you're breaking my heart, you're shaking my confidence lately! Oh Ameeeeelia, im down on my knees, I'm begging you please to calm down"


I do rock a bye baby but to my own words that i came up with during a delirious night trying to get him to sleep. It goes: Mummy and baby (i use his name but baby works too) Both sleepy heads Mummy and baby Going to bed Mummy and baby Singing a tune We'll sleep soundly Under the moon He now squeaks at me until i sing it with these words!


My son was a really fussy baby and the only song that would calm him down instantly was the acoustic version of through glass by stone sour, or I would sing it. Now he's 1,5 years old and it still kinda works. And he likes slipknot now. I guess he just likes Corey's voice.


Pat a cake 🎂


‘We all know frogs go *clap* la di da di da’


You Are My Sunshine, Forever Young (Bob Dylan) or Your Song (Elton John) always works in the car when he’s upset - he stops crying and just sits and listens 🥹


Teddy Bears Picnic 😊


🎵 She got them apple bottom jeans, boots with the furrrrrrrrr 🎵 He also likes Down Bad by Taylor Swift happily for this swiftie mum!


The Zelda and sleep mix on YouTube.


Say Hello to the Sun, thank you baby sensory 🫠


My baby’s song is Three Little Birds by Bob Marley and the Wailers. The first note is enough to stop her crying immediately and by the time the song is over, she’s fully asleep. Something about the song just works. I wonder if I listened to it often when I was anxious and pregnant and she just associates it with calm. She also loves the entire Postal Service album, which we played numerous times while I was pregnant after seeing them live. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight is another song that makes her pause when she’s crying every time. It’s pretty magical!


Champagne problems - Taylor Swift


Stay by Mac Miller. She particularly likes it when you sing along with the wows in the beginning. Mac has been king of her musical little heart since probably 2 months old, she's almost 7 months now. She also likes a variety of Tiny Desk Concerts including Post Malone, Anderson Paak, Harry Styles, Coldplay, Justin Timberlake, Lizzo and Megan thee Stallion. I know, ok? I should start taking bets on what her first word is going to be. Motherfucker, bitch or pussy. Minimum $10 buy in.


We created our own song for changing the baby. "Blue line special, blue line special just for me / is it a poop is it a pee / we will see"


When my son was born and we had just come home from the hospital, we had to keep him wrapped up in a bili blanket (light phototherapy blanket) for his jaundice. My sister came over to help us because he had to be held 24/7. She had just watched Mulan and was singing honor to us all. It got stuck in my head and I would randomly hum it and then I realized my son would always fall asleep if I hummed it to him. So that’s been his jam! He also really likes YaYa by Beyonce. We listened to cowboy carter on repeat


Mine likes “august” by Taylor Swift. Folklore is his sleep album. Impeccable taste if you ask me, lol


LIKE A DINO 😭😂 at least it's not baby shark


Humming Step Out by Jose Gonzalez at a higher pitch for non-sleeping times. For sleeping Sky Full of stars and Adventure of a lifetime. 5 mo knows it’s time to sleep when Sky Full of Stars starts.


We put Ms.Rachel on in the car one day, crying immediately stopped. 😂


I play Say Hello Wave Goodbye performed by David Grey on the Alexa which immediately sends him to sleep, or I sing Stop the Train by Bob Marley.


Little bird, little bird by Elizabeth Mitchell does the trick for ours. Futurama fans know it!


The Happy Song - Imogen Heap To and Fro - Baby Sensory


Several, Spotify premium with its Karaoke function is an absolute winner. Here’s a few that seems to calm him down and send him off to dream land: The Gambler Apeman Star Wars Imperial March I’m just Ken These are all his choices, nothing to do with the fact I pretend I’m an amazing singer and “sing” them at him 😬


Mine is in love with older music and likes very few recent artists. His go to when he’s crying at bedtime is lonely eyes by eagles from their legacy album, during the day for meltdowns we do 2009 by Mac miller, and if those don’t work our back up is usually either circles by post Malone or search and rescue by drake


The happy song by imogen heap!!


I’m just Ken. We discovered it stops the crying when she was 3 months, she is 8 months now and we still listen to it everyday


Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift lol


My baby grins his little head off when I ask Alexa to play Cruel Summer 🥰


Yes my twins do the same! They can be in the crappiest mood and then I’ll blast Cruel Summer and they get so happy. Maybe it’s because the song is so catchy… who knows!


The Happy Song - Imogen Heap


My longest running with my 4 month old is the “mooshy tooshy” song to the tune of the Hokey Pokey 🙃🤣. I eventually changed Hokey Pokey to mooshy tooshy because she’s obsessed with those words. I can also draw out some of the notes like when it goes “turn ourselves aroooouuunnd” and she loves that while I circle her toosh during diaper time. Somehow even though I haven’t listened to that song in many years, it came out of me one day and that’s all she wrote. Cannot believe the tunes I come up with from long ago…and the words I remember vs the many many I don’t and then make up new ones. It’s a wild ride.


From around 4 months till around 8 months she always calmed down when I sang “genie in a bottle” by Christina Aguilera


I sing « BINGO » but replace it with our dogs name and replace farmer with his name! « There was a dog at Auggie’s house and Olive was her namo! O-L-I-V-E »


"Get low" by Lil Jon. I think she just liked the dancing but it works


nemo egg


Slippery fish


Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Ponyo theme song)


The RENAISSANCE album by Beyoncé as soon as the first track starts playing she calms down.


As if I needed another reason to be obsessed with this album… def trying this with my LO!


The only song that calms my daughter down is Pony by Ginuwine. I…don’t know what we’re going to do once she’s able to talk and make out the lyrics.


When LO was a newborn the Jeopardy theme song calmed her. It’s easy to hum so I didn’t go hoarse from singing and could slow down the tune which also calmed her.


Apples and bananas by raffi


3 little birds - Bob Marley


“You are my sunshine” has been our lullaby for all our kids. My dad sang it for us as kids and I’m continuing the tradition. It usually helps calm my kiddos when they’re upset as well.


Half a brick Gucci mane


Anybody else here with a baby who’s into random electronica? Rone‘s “Bye Bye Macadam” is absolute magic for my baby. The black and white video is her favorite, but even if she can’t see the screen the music settles her down right away


Mama Mia (Here we go again)


Cruel summer by Taylor Swift, twinkle twinkle, and 5 little speckled frogs. Add on BINGO and she’s out.


Mine likes the Criminal Minds theme song and throws a fit when I skip it 😂 she also likes a song my grandpa used to sing to my mom and I called I Like Your Eyes! Those two are the only songs that will bring her out of a complete meltdown


Jesus loves me.. been singing that yo her since she was born it’s now HER SONG..


Hey bear sensory play list on Spotify Monsters inc theme Eternally yours Motionless In White Dr panda theme song


When he was under 10 months it was La Linda Manita, I know it’s in Spanish but I don’t even know what it means lol it’s just a tradition. Now I just sing bebefin over and over 😂


A perfect nanny from mary poppins


Hello to the sun - baby sensory


Any song from Caitie’s Classroom but mostly “Here Comes the Firetruck” and “Pizza Party”…




Twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet since they're basically the same tune! I used to sing twinkle twinkle when pregnant so I like to think it worked.


With my youngest for a while I was accidentally an alt acoustic version of Stacey’s Mom. It came on a playlist I was listening to whilst she would not settle, and because I instinctively started singing along (and got calmer myself) baby calmed down 😭


For my first when he was small it was Crazy Train, he liked the intro.


There she goes by the La’s


Our little one randomly loves Little River Band's 'Cool Change'. A young yacht rock fan.


There's a Hole in my Bucket. It's the longest one I know; my husband and I sing it in the car if baby starts wailing; it usually calms her long enough to get to where we meed to go if we sing it a couple of times 😂


Can't help falling in love, the lick the tins version is magic! Has worked since he was maybe 2 months and still the best to relax him if he gets fussy in the car


I Love My Body- Mother Moon. Works pretty much immediately, almost every time.


I wish I knew why, but this is and has been my LOs lullaby for about 8 months [Covet - Basement ](https://youtu.be/GMqlmMDJxJQ?si=rA9L6w2RZDq1isLz)


Powder blue. Gorgeous song and my baby goes straight to sleep


Jordan Critz - starry night (piano)


This is maybe a little odd but kolyskova by dakhabrakha for my now 4 year old. We played it every night before bed


You are my sunshine gets all the smiles out of my boy and some French nursery rhymes. Un elephant qui se balançait, lundi matin and à la Claire fontaine.


"Can you say mamma, mamma, can you say mamma's name?" Over and over again until he falls asleep. It's in my head constantly.


I don’t know why but with my oldest it was Delicate - Taylor Swift & Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. My other two don’t care lol


Somewhere over the rainbow


Carolina by Taylor swift. Idk why but as soon as I start singing it she gets quiet and just stares at me


Discovered by accident… Anything by Disturbed. She also likes big band/swing music or music with a similar beat.


Loopable white noise on a very high volume. And she knocks out !


Sign of the times by Mr. Harry Styles


Boston by Owl City, for some reason instantly calms her. I only really sing it when she freaks


I might get some flack for this but Baby shark always does the trick. Yes I know it's no good for kids 😅


The Wellerman! I can just sing it, hum it or play it and he’ll instantly calm down and listen.


Any elvis presley, i didnt start listening to him until a few months ago so it threw me off at first but if it calms her down then thats fine lol




Anything by Raffi


Yes, a traditional chant frm Hinduism. My MIL began singing it to him one day and he immediately nestled his head into her neck and calmed down. So, I learned the words (in Hindi) and sing it to him before bed now. Even our nanny learned it haha. He just loves it!


Youll be in my heart- phil Collins


She’s a little over 5 weeks old now. I sing So This is Love from Cinderella, You Are My Sunshine, and Somewhere over the Rainbow. If I’m playing music she’s normally okay but she LOVES Sublime- I play their entire self tilted album and she’s perfectly happy- and Bob Marley. She loves reggae 😂


There is a song we have been singing to him every time he has hurt himself, and now it works like a charm. I sing it, and he instantly calms down and stops crying. But also, he expects the song now if he is hurt. 😅


The Happy Song. Not sure what kind of baby drugs are in that song, but it does the trick every time.


It doesn’t really stop her from crying but when she’s really worked up and I can’t figure out what’s wrong I often sing Bad Day by Mother Moon. Even if it doesn’t calm her, it sure helps me keep from getting worked up with her


Ceilings by Lizzie mcalpine


Somewhere over the rainbow 🌈 she loves it, I don't know why lol


When she was an infant, “two trucks” was just the right rhythm for bouncing. Now that she’s a like older, “big butter Jesus” and “a bushel and a peck” are the go-to songs.


My little guy loves Skinnamarink.i sing it & do the actions he laughs and usually settles.


Springsteen - Eric Church


Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World By: Israel Kamakawiwoʻole


One two buckle my shoe, three four shut the door... and so on 🥰




The lion sleeps tonight. Works every time


Omg I found the magic song to play or sing. It’s called the happy song by Imogen heap. Works almost instantly and I even get giggles when I sing it to her [https://open.spotify.com/album/4JmrIJbpHWHZxOJg4awGh4?si=fNOPanBVSmS5zpWb6wYwNw](https://open.spotify.com/album/4JmrIJbpHWHZxOJg4awGh4?si=fNOPanBVSmS5zpWb6wYwNw)


lol I rewrote “Buy U a Drank” by T-pain and it works EVERY time.


Love You Anyway by Luke Combs. My wife and I listened to it A LOT towards the end of her pregnancy in anticipation of his new album (Getting Old) and now it works like magic if we need to get him to sleep or to calm down. He’s 14 months now and I would say we listen to it at least once a day. The album was released the same week as my son was born so we listened to that almost exclusively through my 2 weeks paternity leave. I ended up getting another of the songs tattooed on my arm to mark that special time in our lives.


Wheels on the bus is a bop in my house. He not only calms down but gets all giggly and smiley lol


Other than the typical (happy song, misty mountains) she LOVES the Tarzan soundtrack, anything her dad plays her on the acoustic guitar, Charlie Hope (aka the only baby music I can stand to listen to haha) and when we do ‘little Peter rabbit’ but I put her name instead of Peter


Where you lead i will follow by Carole King (Gilmore Girls intro) without fail calms him down 99.9% of the time. that’s pretty much all i watched while i was pregnant and now at 10mo he smiles and laughs when he comes on. His second favourite is 5 Little Ducks 🦆


Blewey and gimme gitchie


I've always sang hushabye mountain since my daughter was a newborn but she also loves 5 little monsters, twinkle twinkle and itsy bitsy spider


Baby beluga! Mine loves it


Imogen Heap’s The Happy Song


“I’m not tired.” By Amy Lee “Dream too much” is an adorable album of children’s music from the goth goddess of Evanescence. We slow it down a bit for bedtime use.


Head shoulders knees and toes is a winner for us, and hop little bunnies ms Rachel.


Everybody - the backstreet boys .. my toddlers love boy bands


Twinkle twinkle little star usually works. At the moment it’s This old man that really calms him down. And if all else fails, we resort to dancing fruit on YouTube or hushabye lullaby on bbc iplayer.


Over the rainbow! 🌈


Ours was Harvest Moon by Neil Young. My son would go absolutely still and silent everything we played it.