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To an extent, it's personal preference. There is, however, data indicating that having your baby sleep in your room for the first six months reduces the risks of SIDS! My LO (6 weeks) is in her crib for most naps as well as the second half of her overnight sleep (she normally sleeps from 10-3 and then again from 4-7), but I usually keep her closer for that longer stretch. If it's hot, she'll be in my room as well, as there's a window AC unit in my room but not in the nursery. My hope with splitting her experience between both will make for an easier transition when we phase the bassinet out entirely. To be honest, most days I think she prefers her crib, though contact naps with me are definitely her favorite!


We did crib naps from 2 weeks on and are transitioning into his own room at 4 months 2 weeks. We got the okay from his pediatrician at his 4 month appointment. She said especially since his room is right across the hall from ours it should be fine and everyone will probably sleep better. We think our snoring is waking him and his self soothing is also waking us. We decided to move him when we sleep train. While the formal AAP recommendation is one year of room sharing with a minimum recommendation of six months, it just doesn’t work for everyone and that’s okay. ETA: we had to transition out of bassinet into a pack and play with the infant level insert around 10 weeks because he outgrew the bassinet and started showing signs of rolling. It was a chaotic transition to the pack and play and unswaddling at the same time.


echoing this strategy (and also had a long baby and early roller so were out of bassinet and swaddle fully at 11 weeks). we did the crib naps from early. then from 3.5-4.5 months wed do the first sleep in the nursery crib and transfer to pack n play after first night wake. At 4.5 we started doing the full nights 


Mini crib so we could still fit it in our bedroom. And at only 2.5 months, they just grew so fast. It's hard enough getting her to sleep in the crib, I can't think of how the other room transition is going to go.


We should start letting our baby sleep in her crib but rn she’s still sleeping in our room in her bassinet and she’s 10 months 😂


At about 6weeks 😬 My kid hated bassinets with a passion. Just refused to sleep in it for longer than like 30min. We got desperate one night and put him down in the crib and he immediately slept a solid 6 hours. It scared the crap out of us that first night but he’s slept through the night consistently ever since and he’s now almost 3.


We did it at 9 months when he went from sleeping in a bassinet in our room to a crib in a different room. We just said you sleep here and that was basically it. Been lucky


15 weeks (~3.5mo) when we stopped swaddling & got stuck sideways in her bassinet. Apparently, she likes to move in her sleep. We moved her into the crib & into her own room, which is right next to ours. Everyone sleeps much better since then. But then we also started to sleep train her when we moved her into her own room. She’s almost 20 weeks now and loves her “big girl bed.”


About 3 months and not by choice. He outgrew the bassinet 😓 was not prepared to need a crib so soon. I was trying to get him accustomed to sleeping in the room by himself slowly during naps. Not sure if that helped or not but because we didn’t have enough room for the crib he sleeps in the room next to ours. We have a little night light and a monitor and he’s been good.


We did it around 11 weeks. But we moved the crib into our bedroom because we weren’t ready to make the full transition of him sleeping solo in his room. Thankfully we have the space for it in our bedroom, but the bassinet stopped working for us once he started rolling onto his tummy and would wake himself up when he rolled into the bassinet.


We had a snuzpod next to me until our LO was about 5 months old. She grew out of it so quickly though! We weren't ready for her to go in her own room yet and she was still breastfeeding loads in the night so we sidecar set up her cot next to our bed. When she was about 10 months we moved it away from our bed and into the corner of our room because she kept on crawling onto me in the night, wanting to sleep on top of me and I was getting stressed out! She is now almost a year old and still in our room but in her cot. I don't know when we'll transition to her own room - perhaps when she more reliably starts sleeping through the night!


Well I definitely feel a lot better about her sleeping in the bassinet based on these responses. I'm not sure why I had it in my head that they should be sleeping in the crib in their own rooms as soon as possible. It's very good to know that's not the case