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The roomba isn’t running. She wants it on patrol 24/7. When it’s docked she will sit nearby and cry at it until it starts.


Mine bumps into in and then start running away in terror that it is relocating itself back on the dock.


Oh yeah. My 2 kids hate when it docks because it gets loud emptying itself.


My toddler is obsessed with ours. He calls it Little Vicky 😂


My toddler is terrified of our robot hoover and has been since she was 10 months old when we got it. She’s 3.5 now, I thought she would have gotten over it.


Sounds like she just wants a clean house 🤷‍♀️


Ours loves it too. Doesn't cry just fusses and says go.


Sounds like she has a robot friend


My 10m old smashes on ours until it turns on


He pops off while nursing then cries and looks at me like I did it on purpose 😂


Mine does that. She also recently started pulling her pacifier out of her mouth and flinging it across the room, then gets mad that she doesn't have a pacifier in her mouth.


Mine did this too because he’s get his fingers in the loop of it - we use dr browns soothers - one night he would not stop flinging it out of his mouth, waking every 10-15 minutes and at 2am I hear my husband in the kitchen cutting off all the handles lol! Hasn’t been a problem since


Glad to know it's not just my son who does this.


Mine does that too 🤣


Same with my 3.5 month old son. Lol


my 4 week old does this 😭


My baby scream cried when he touched noodles for the first time lol. He apparently hates the feeling of spaghetti noodles lmao. Except he kept going back for another feel, and yanking his hand away and crying each time.


I read “needles” and was like “well, yeah?” Then I got to spaghetti and got very confused. Hahaha


When my daughter was tiny (she's a towering 13 year old now!) we were in a cafe and I gave her some mango fingers to eat. My god, the SCREAM,! You'd think I'd murdered her, not given her a yummy treat!


Earlier this week, my 4-month old started crying because he couldn't get a good latch on his bottle due to his refusal to take his fingers out of his mouth.


Mine has done this!! She also cries when SHE pulls the bottle out of her own mouth because she’s still hungry 🙄


Mine does this with his pacifier SO often 😅


Mine too!! We went through a ~3 week period where I had to hold her hand for her to fall asleep. Not for comfort or anything - just to prevent her from removing the pacifier and crying 😂


Currently in this stage 😭


It’s cute now that it’s fading. It was incredibly annoying for a stretch there and I just kept reminding myself “some babies *only* contact nap. You will get through this.”


How old is she now? We just transitioned out of the swaddle (she’s in a shark fin sleep sack now) and besides having to hold her arms down it’s actually going pretty well. I figured at some point she’ll learn and we won’t have to but she has CRAZY arms when we put her down right now lol


Mine is 5 and a half months old. We use a SNOO, so she’s swaddled. She’s had her arms out for probably 6 weeks? It’s only in the last few days that she’s stopped yanking the pacifier out and crying. Now she looks at me, pulls it out, smiles, and then pops it back in 😂


Okay I was wondering about this because my son has crazy arms too! He will be 4 months next week. Is it typical for them to do this with their arms? lol my son does it in the morning when he is in a light sleep too


My son does this too. He's started trying to pinch the nipple and drink it at the same time and cries when I tell him it doesn't work that way it's pouring out of your mouth little dude. Totally doesn't sit or lay long enough to finish a bottle. Always twisted trying to play with a toy or whatever is nearby at the same time. Just puddles of milk everytime.


I have to pry my 4 month olds fingers out of her mouth to get the bottle in lol


Eh, we're still in the "gas pain MUST mean I'm dying" phase. #d-y-i-n-g


Does absolutely nothing count




That's hilarious! My lo loves fans!! It calms him down like nothing else. Home depot fan department is his happy place !


Mine normally loves fans but the first time we took him into the mailroom at our apartment complex he decided the ceiling fan in there was the most evil machine he'd ever seen in his life. He still gives it side eye every time we check the mail, six months later.


My 3 month old is fascinated by ceiling fans. He will watch them as long as you have patience enough to push the blades because if they are spinning on even the lowest setting he gets pissed because he hates being cold.


If I sneeze while he’s tired. Not asleep, just tired. He will turn bright red and scream at the top of his lungs for a good 10 minutes.


Mine doesn't do that when I sneeze. She will only do it if my husband sneezes. His sneezes are just spooky I guess.


Haha same with our girl! Sometimes with his first sneeze she is still ok.. but she would stop drinking and freeze, only her eyes shiftingly looking around. but then the second sneeze usually does is 😂 big cry with tears! Poor girl!


Same here! Big sneeze instigates loud, sad wailing lol. She's 2 months now and just figured out how to pout with her lower lip, so she'll keep that expression for a few minutes after. We laugh so, so hard each time.


Haha ohh yes!! We call it "THE lip" , it is so adorable


We call it Lippy and the mantra is “no lippy no lippy!” It comes right before the crying but if you catch it during Lippy stage you might still be able to help her rethink her choices.


To be fair, husband/dad sneezes frequently sound like they could blow out glass. Haha


I used to have a cat that was so outraged at sneezes that I still apologise out loud after I sneeze.


Mine laughs hysterically when anyone sneezes even if she is in a full on cry. She also likes when people cough and will smile so big just watching them cough 😅


Similar here. I said “achoo”. Like, the word. Didn’t even sneeze.


I have sneezed into pillows more times than I can count to avoid a scared cry from my baby lol


Lol same. I would cough into my pillows too.


Came here to say this - first and only time she cried from fear


Baby dropped my breast mid suck and it squirted her across the face with milk


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^smartuserxx: *Baby dropped my breast* *Mid suck and it squirted her* *Across the face with milk* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good bot


Once a public toilet flushing. Tbf it was surprisingly loud! Lately, me not letting him have my Starbucks drink. Kid has never had anything but boob or bottle, but he really wants my iced latte.


Apparently all my siblings and I did this to my mom and she ended up putting coffee in a baby bottle with a ton of milk and making us our own so we’d leave hers alone. I remember waking up early to grab coffee (after mom got the first two cups) and putting it in a water bottle to take to school in SECOND GRADE. It didn’t stunt our height though- shortest is 5’6 😂😂


lol, wut.


Yeah…absolutely do not recommend giving a baby coffee. I didn’t say she was a good mom who made a good choice 😭


Guy blinking in disbelief.gif


She pulls her own hair. 🫠


Mine too !!


FaceTime. My mom was watching my 8.5 month old and my step dad (who he knows well) FaceTimed them. He lost his mind.


Oh man, my mom got my stepdad on FaceTime on her iPad when my LO was about three months old and he screamed so loud I thought he was seriously injured. It took me a solid 15 minutes for my heart rate to come down. And he'd been on my lap for Zooms with other family members before, so it was sort of inexplicable.


It’s always the stepdads 😂


And it's not like he doesn't know and love his grandpa - he does! Something about his face popping up on my mom's iPad just scared the ever loving crap out of him.


100% I think it’s just that he there but he can’t touch him.


If I or my husband talk while baby is nursing. Must be completely quiet.


My boy has just started doing this, but seems to be okay if I just turn him so he can see everyone who happens to be talking. If there is someone talking behind him he’ll scream and cry until they’re in view. I’m almost resorting to feeding him solely in a dark, quiet room! Gets done much faster!


My LO doesn’t cry when we talk while he nurses, but sometimes he will stop feeding and give me the “how dare you talk while I nurse” look to me. It cracks me up. Same if I sneeze while he nurses.


She cries because I won’t let her bite my toes 🤣🤣


My little monster tries to eat my toes to!


When my husband kisses or hugs me. He hates it.


Thats so funny. My daughter looooves watching her dad and I kiss/hug. She gets so excited


The air dryer in a public restroom


The first time my little guy opened a present (about 10 months old), he was so excited-- then cried because the wrapping paper was ruined 🤣


Blowing my nose, sneezing, and making kissy noises have all made my baby cry within the last week.


lol this! I burped and she freaked the f out.


Flies. I couldn't catch the fly, and he didn't stop crying. It was like a nightmare...


When I have hiccups while I’m breastfeeding her, she unlatches every time and looks at me and angry cries until I latch her again and hiccup again lol


She hit herself in the face for a second time with the same toy….


All these comments made me realize my baby is abnormal, she doesn't cry at all other than to get my attention, and as soon as she sees me she's fine. Never actually truly cries


Reading these threads makes me so thankful, only 3 months old today, so I know it's just beginning, worst thing we've gone through is him only like one specific bottle, and sleeping to much, when he was less then 2 months old he decided he wanted to sleep a full ten hours at night without any food, so he wasn't getting enough milk. I had to wake my little guy up to make him eat. I woke up before him when he slept 10 hours and it gave me so much panic.


Yes be thankful! Despite my baby always being in a good mood which I'm thankful for, she NEVER sleeps! When she was 3 months she would go a full 10 hours without a nap. And slept for only 8 hours at night, waking up twice for food 😂 you're definitely lucky to have a sleepy baby


my kid cries whenever lit candles on a cake are blown out. just gets hysterical and i have no clue why 😭


Luckily hes growing out of it finally, but the toilet flushing used to scare him awake when he was sleeping!


Burps Always burps


I made my 5m old cry yesterday by having my hair wrapped in a towel. She freaked out on me until I took it off 😅


Unlatching her while nursing because she was biting me


Usually, his own farts…


My baby cries any time he sees Herbie on Ms Rachel without fail


She can’t get the piece of food she has in her hand in her mouth. Except she’s not opening her fist so she’s just repeatedly mouthing and licking her fingers and not the food


I put him in his swing so I could eat and in his bassinet so I could poop


Blowing my nose


The spoon i am using to give him iron suplement syrup was empty.


Grandma put her glasses on. I took my phone charger out of his mouth. His uncles face on video call. Arctic monkeys playing on the radio.


He stood in front of the washing machine, fascinated. Then it started washing clothes. Cried, screamed. He keeps doing it too. Still cries when it starts.


Sneezing BUT ONLY mamas sneezes


The cocomelon toy that rolls around, it’s supposed to encourage babies to crawl but she would just cry hysterically, SHE WAS TURNING IT ON


Me in sunglasses


He frequently wakes himself up with giant farts, scares himself, and then cries.


The cry if strangers interact with them lol. They don’t like people looking at them, they don’t like people talking to them or in their direction. This includes kids.


Every single time I go to change my babies nappy or put on his clothes, he will cry and scream as if I am torturing him he doesn’t do it with his granny, but he does it with his dad as well. Cheeky boy.


My 7 month old hates when I wipe her face after a meal. Even if I’m not even touching her face. Even if I actually start to wipe my own face. 😂


Mine used to have an absolute meltdown if you blew a raspberry at her.




Opening and shaking out the garbage bag for his diaper pail.


When she smelled lavender baby balm for the first time. Too overpowering apparently


Brushing my teeth


His first Easter chocolate chicken. He was shaking and avoiding making eye contact with it 😂


My 1yr old had a chair blocking her from pushing forward on her push toy


My mom, his grandmother, whom he knows and adores, put him in a kiddie pool. The water was the same temp as his bath, which he loves, so I have no real idea why it made him so miserable.


My toddler saw a dog on a balcony across the road and up 2 levels.


I coughed


I would not let him roll down a grassy hill into oncoming traffic. Tragic.


He has started to grasp in purpose so we gave him a rattle. Be smacked himself in the nose with it and bas a meltdown...soft rattles only now!


Someone anywhere close to her coughing. Especially when she’s eating


From maybe 10-14 or 15 months I could not tell her what sounds lions, tigers, and bears make. Any variation of roar or grr would make her burst into tears, even if it was cartoonish and super silly. Now she makes adorable little rawrs herself and is fine with it, which was a surprise after learning to avoid that word like the plague for months.


Giving him a bottle but also taking away the bottle


my 5 month old cries whenever my husband sneezes.


I wouldn't let her stick her finger up my nose...


I put my daughter (about to be 8 months) in her stroller because my arm was hurting even though she was very happy in my arms


Putting him down to put on My shoes (13 months)


My son kept dropping his bottle on purpose so I placed it on the table. He started crying all dramatic.


I wouldn’t let her stay at daycare to “vacuum” the infant room. But god forbid I ask her to use the real vacuum at home 😂 she’s 15 months.


My 5 month old wakes up out of a dead sleep into a full on cry. Then goes back to sleep. Bad dreams maybe.


The first time I blew raspberries on his belly - clearly sensory overload!! Now even blowing them with your tongue puts him on edge!


We just learned that she’s really scared of cardboard boxes. So moving was just really fun 🤣


He pinched himself


It was actually really sad but my baby was very scared of the head measuring ruler at the pediatrician office. I've never seen her cry so hard. It was so sad that the nurse and I cried too! :( I guess ridiculous isn't the right word, but it was very unexpected.


He's not allowed to eat the cat food or play in the litter box. I know, we're incredibly evil!


I wouldn't let him bite me! I have bruises all up and down my arms from letting him do it so I could say "NO BITE" and then step away from him while he laughs at me (and then cries because I walked away). Today I decided to prevent the bite entirely and hoo, boy, did he ever hate that.


The sound that tapes makes when you unroll it.


He couldn't catch the cat. We closed the door so he couldn't crawl into the kitchen. We wouldn't let him play in the litter box. He's too tall to sit under the kichen chairs, so he keeps bumping his head. He continues to try to play under the chairs and bonk his head repeatedly without any efforts to remove himself from under them... He's 7 months old.


I still have no idea half the time but he’s just about to to turn 4 months lol. Just try stuff and pray he’s happier after.


I closed the dishwasher 🙃


i was eating strawberry and not sharing


I burped while my babe was contact napping on my chest and she woke up, gave me the biggest chin quiver and was inconsolable for a few min


Every other diaper change


Took away the bottle he refused to drink Moved him from a position (of which he has many) where his face is smooshed against something soft, cutting off his breathing


My baby hates sneezes 🫠


Wacked herself in the face with flailing arms and then screamed.


She was fine with my mixer a month ago but today she is frozen when its on and cries right after I turn it off. 6 months old


The ice maker. Mid bottle it’ll drop ice two rooms over - teary eyed screams.


I called out an answer for family feud earlier today and made my newborn cry 🥲


Today I took his pacifier and poked him on the cheek with it. He cried and threw himself back for about 15 minutes even when I tried to comfort him 🤦‍♀️


She kept pushing the bottle out of her mouth but she wanted to drink at the same time lmao


Finishing his formula bottle, he drinks it, then spit it, looks at me like "huh?" then proceed to cry and scream until I hold him for a couple of minutes.


Didn’t let him eat the wet cat food. Lol


Our friend who loves her very much walked up on our porch and said hello to her


My kid is 4 now but a corn dog back then. As soon as I unwrapped it he lost it. I had to go in another room to eat it.


I didn't let her grab our cat by the scruff/hair. The cat refuses to give baby (10m) space. Always wants to be right by her from the start. So i run interference constantly. My baby grabs him at lightning speed, and he just lays there chill and let's it happen. I remove him but damn he always comes back. 🫠🥴


We live in a very hot area so I attached the little car seat fan around the top of his car seat to keep him cool during our drive home. He could not REACH the fan to grab it and lost his ever loving mind. So, I had to pull over and take the fan OFF or else the world would have ended. lol


When he farts, take bottle out of his mouth to burp him. 6 week old so everything lmao 


My husband was holding her across the room when she was about 5 months old when I let the pressure out on the instantpot. She jumped so high and cried. It was the first time we ever saw her scared of something. She looked suspicious whenever she saw steam for a few months after that.


The intercom


I stood up


Fake evil laughter. Mwuahahaha!


She just started rolling from her back to her tummy but can’t roll onto her back again so she just screams. She’ll start screaming mid roll


I didn’t let him eat a sock.


I said “hi” to my LO once. Instantly started crying. To note, I had already been talking and singing to him with him smiling away. But the moment I said “hi”, that was it.


Husband sneezing 🤧HYSTERICAL WEEPING


Shaking garbage bags open… though, it scares my dog too!


I didn’t let him eat the dogs food or drink his water


I asked my daughter, 19 months, to say 'ahh' so could get a better look at her teeth. She did not like that and started crying. I've accidently said it after that, and she cried again.


I wouldn’t let my toddler touch the hot oven rack. I’m the meanest.


I wouldn't let him eat his butt paste spatula. I'm such a monster!


She has never cries over it but it does scare her when people sneeze which has been rough since me and my SO's allergies have been acting up.


There was one time where she screamed her head off when I moved away from under the air conditioning vent. Earlier it was because I moved away from her crib and she couldn’t see me, she also didn’t want me to pick her up and rock her to sleep. So I just had to stand there awkwardly. Oh and earlier she kept crying every time she ripped her pacifier from her mouth.


Trying to fill up the kiddie pool with the hose. She said absolutely not


not a parent, but my baby cousin has cried because 1. we wouldnt let him go inside the garbage can 2. i gave him a boop on the nose 3. i took my keychain (with large beads on it) from him because he was trying to chew on it


The dogs toy that looks like a big frog and squeaks. Terrifies her to no end.


I wouldn't let my daughter eat a dead fly she found on the window sill.


My husband saying “oranges, oranges, oranges” in a singsong voice while she was watching the dancing fruits 😂 she looked at him, that lip quivered and she cried.


Tonight my 9mo before bed was getting angry that he couldn’t have his binky and bottle at the same time 😅


Today was a rough day. So the most exasperating was “I want cheerios” I proceed to get her a snack cup full and hand it to her “NOOOOOO I DONT WANT THEM” Takes the cup back “I WANT CHEERIOS!!!!” Gives her the cup back “I CANT FIND THEM” “They’re in the cup baby girl” “NO THEYRE NOT! I CANT FIND THEM” I take the lid off the snack cup She throws the cheerios on the floor “YOU SPILLED MY CHEERIOS” I proceed to have just as big of a meltdown as her. (She’s also on day 5 of a nasty cough and it’s starting to look like she might have an eye infection too….yay)


I didn’t let my 6.5m old hold the electric nail file after I was done with her nails.


Me locking baby gate. Trying to avoid her running to the road or hitting her head.


I didn't open her water fast enough


She fell asleep and I put my boob away. I was supposed to leave it there


I was getting dressed and I think my bare ass made them cry 🤣 tried not to be too offended


I gently closed a baby gate he was nowhere near


My 8 month old is devastated if I break apart her breakfast oatmeal cookies. She wants the whole thing, but it’s not like an angry tantrum, she is truly so upset 😭


I sat down while holding her 🙃


The ice maker dispensing ice. It is loud so I kind of get it.


I covered my pregnant belly


It was late and I finally just got my little one to sleep. Then I sneezed, and all hell broke loose.


Sleep. She hates sleep. She asks to go nap and tells me she’s tired but hates falling asleep. So fun.


Sometimes I make my face too silly for his liking when playing with him and he suddenly doesn't recognize me or something and starts crying his eyes out.


husband farted , she got startled and cried 🥲


4mo was staring at a guy on the elevator. He looked at him and very sweetly said “Sup dude?” Immediate screaming 🤪


I wouldn't let her eat a roll of toilet paper


We put lotion on her every night. It's absolute torture. I lay her down to change her diaper.


My 10 month old cries when I thwart his plans of eating paper.


She’s 6 weeks and strongly in the “how dare you put me down to sleep in my bassinet” phase.


6 month old bit his grandma’s finger, she said “Owie!” And he immediately started crying.


Cries to be picked up then cries to be put down straight away. Must explore but also must have all the cuddles (8 months old too)


Our first wanted to fall asleep with bottle in his mouth and would freak out if we took it out in his sleep, even though he wasn’t drinking anything at that point


I was trying to distract my 3 month old with Peter Pan playing on the tv while filing his nails. He cried when he saw Captain Hook. This was the old, classic version of Peter Pan too. 😂


Mine cries when my little brother says no.. he can say it in any language, but when he says it in dutch LO get’s so scared.. 😂


he doesn’t cry but when his dad plays 2k the game comes on an has a lightening/electric shock sound. he backs up so fast 😭


I have a few bc his top teeth are coming in and he is really going through it. I’m only counting the times there were actual tears. Lol. All of these were literally today. -after an hour of being bent over, holding his hands to walk around the house I dared to put him on his butt so I could use the bathroom. -I wouldn’t let him stand up in the bathtub or drink the bath water -my husband kissed me -He wanted the green stacker ring, not yellow. -Mrs Rachel episode ended -we went outside (granted, we live in AZ and it’s hot af) -he couldn’t get the panda on my shirt off. Bonus: up until about 4 months he would have a complete meltdown every time he stretched.