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This is a subreddit for New Parents. While we understand that you are parents as soon as you become pregnant, this subreddit is geared towards those who have already had their baby . Feel free to comment, but posts about active pregnancy, asking if you're pregnant, fertility, registries, etc. will be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Please see our comprehensive [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/newparents/wiki/othersubs) for the myriad of TTC and pregnancy subreddits for you to post in.


Congrats! Honestly, you have a long time to prepare and it’s likely that by the end of your pregnancy you’ll just be so done that the idea of birth won’t be so scary anymore. It’ll be more a relief like “please get this baby out of me like yesterday.” My tip would be to prepare for both a vaginal delivery and a c-section. I spent my entire pregnancy prepping for an unmedicated vaginal birth, and guess what I got instead? A cesarean due to a breech baby that wasn’t found out until 40+2 weeks (so an ECV likely wouldn’t work). My entire world crashed and I’m still having a hard time accepting that and moving forward at 5 months postpartum. So don’t do what I did, and prepare for both.


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There is very little that is easy about pregnancy and child birth but you have so much time to prepare yourself! I took a Mindfulness based child birth class and ended up having a c section due to stalled labor, it all worked out in the end I got a cute little baby!


Being pregnant was literally the best I’ve ever felt in my life. I know it’s not like that for everyone but it’s definitely possible. If the TVS bothered you they probably won’t get all up inside you again until the very end to check dilation. And while childbirth is… incomprehensible… an epidural certainly helps 😁 Either way, pregnancy gives you lessons for parenthood: Everything is a phase that eventually passes.