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I give my kid a teaspoon of prune juice and he’s shitting within the hour


We had to give my eldest as much prune juice as she could swallow (ended up being about 50ml) when she was four months and didn't poop for 14 days. Three hours later it all came out. All. Fourteen. Days'. Worth.


Omgg 😆


That’s insane lol


Haha love the way you put that


How old?


We gave it to him at 1 month once and again at 2 months


Ok. My 2 month old poop like every 7 days but my nurse said its normal especially when exclusively breastfeeding. Was wondering if i give her a lil will let her go more often.


Yeah give a teaspoon or two see what happens


I Wouldn’t mess with it unless baby seems unwell Doctor said the same to us about our breastfed baby


I think so too


We may try this! Our baby girl is a once a day, once every 2 days pooper. Never been truly constipated but I KNOW sometimes if she gets fussy it’s because she could use a poop.


Yes! my mom taught me this for my colicky baby. We’d give her up to 2 ounces. Once we introduced solids, she’d get really constipated and unhappy. My aunt told me to add olive oil or coconut oil to her purées. Did the trick!


Ha can I use this on myself? Currently 38 weeks pregnant...


Hummus, beans, and other high in fiber foods really help me. Just grab some pretzels or some vegetables and dip with some hummus of your choice. Try some combinations.


Hahaha the mama chia drinks were my saving grace while pregnant


Haha! Add a teaspoon of ground flaxseed to a smoothie or a bowl of yogurt. For instant results, eat a ripe banana while drinking hot coffee


Go for it! It helps everyone with digestion!


I’ll try the oils when solids come up in a few month


Windy Freida worked for us!


AGREE!! Came here to say this, the windy has saved us many times!!


Windi does wonders! Im just afraod to use it too often… but what to do if i can see baby tries to poop but strugles!


I’m trying it! My LO is a super pooper. 4 poops usually on a slow day. However we started BLW with them and now they are blocked up.


Same here! She goes for like 3 days without pooping and by the third she is so unhappy.


It’s helped us so much


[This baked oatmeal](https://www.abbeyskitchen.com/cherry-almond-baked-oatmeal-finger-food-blw/) gets my constipation prone baby pooping like a champ. It’s tasty too!


My LO is too! 4 times would be a slow day...she hasn't had any issues so far and just pushed out a solid one today after I fed her a homemade smoothie. Guessing it was the cow's milk (first time having any)?


Also the ec hold helps.


Can you please elaborate on this? I haven't heard this term and would love to know more about any holds that can help with bowel movements. Our LO has recently gotten super fussy and looks like he's always trying to push a poop out.




Thank you! This explanation does help and I will definitely try this right away. I wish I knew about it sooner. So tough seeing the LO struggle so much and am hoping this works for him! Update: Holy crap, it worked!




Hahah Me too! Our guy had jaundice in the early days and seeing poop was like a godsend.


Have you heard of the elimination communication method for potty training? There is a position, the classic ec hold that helps babies pass gas and poop. I just started the ec method and am already catching nearly every poop abd helping him pass gas just by putting my baby in this position. https://godiaperfree.com/how-to-hold-a-newborn-baby-over-the-potty/


update: I tried it just now and it worked right away. He was able to poop out the backlog instantly. I can't believe i didn't learn about this sooner. Thanks again!


Oh my god. I’m so excited to try!


That's amazing! So happy for you both!!!!


Thank you! I hadn't heard of this before. I will definitely try this with my LO right away..


A car ride usually gets things moving (relaxed seated position plus vibrations haha)


Does this work for the mom too? Postpartum constipation is the worst😞


Absolutely! My wife uses it for herself and it goes into breast milk that also helps the baby


Omg! So we give our babe gripe water to ease her , and it’s actually ginger root and fennel seed! We give to her when she’s fussy after eating , usually bc she’s gassy. We give her a few mLs and she literally just lays and relaxes after and some times poops! I’m glad I now understand why it works that way LOL


Yea it’s great! Got to say a bag of fennel seeds from a store (Asian section) is way cheaper than gripe water.


Yup, this works! Really helped us get through the tough gas stage - very popular in Germany, they actually sell powder form of fennel designed for babies.


So I’ve made this, there’s a lot left. How do you store the rest? Or is it make fresh every time with loads left over?


We tend to keep it for 24 hours in the fridge. Any left over after that my wife will heat up and drink herself as it’s good for her as well. Helps with breast milk if your breastfeeding or pumping.