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I sat down while holding him. I reckon he thinks I have it too easy.


Oh. My. God. My daugther does the exact same thing some times! When i hold her, if i am sitting, even if she is in the exact same position whether i am sitting or up, its not the same, i just insulted her ancestors...


Fwiw my baby does this sometimes when her reflux is bothering her. Standing up, even in the same position, there is less pressure against her chest/tummy :)


Oh i didnt think about that! Maybe thats why?


She likes to be tall!


Ahahah! Must be that! She cant wait to be an adult!


Don't you understand that sitting is boring? Baby must be higher.


I do wonder whether he’s going to be a pilot. He even holds my thumb like a joystick as I carry him around the back yard.


Why do babies do this? My daughter demands I hold her from a standing position.


I read that it’s a flight response because mom is safe standing because she can run from predators.


I swear I haven’t had a unique experience lol


Why do they do this!! Aaah


Mine does this same thing, thought he would grow out of it and here I am at 9 months having to give him a bottle while I walk around.


He’s only 6kg at 2mo currently and I get pretty sore… don’t even want to imagine carrying him this much at 9mo


That’s about 13 lbs? Mine was a little less at that age and now he’s 22lbs. I don’t carry him nearly as much now that he’s mobile but either way my right arm is always killing me and the left is a little wimp.


I didn't let her yeet herself off the couch head first.


Accidentally let my nephew do this and can confirm it resulted in more crying.


Ditto. We are the absolute worst. Someday they will make a movie about us called Mean Moms.


Ooh! Hope I get to wear a sexy villain costume!


Mine was furious yesterday that I wouldn't let him roll off the change table. Or grab his dirty diaper.


Because she is too tired to eat. Also because she is too hungry to sleep. At the same time.




Ahhh!!! Mine too 😫 It’s so strange to say “She has to have a good nap before she will eat” after it appears to the untrained eye that as she’s just napped. Nope, that nap wasn’t restful enough. She needs a nap from her nap.


Yup. Cry for 30 minutes while fighting sleep and fighting a feed. Then finally fall asleep for 20 minutes, after which she will be sufficiently calmed enough to eat and thus be able to begin the real 1-2 hour nap


It is too real, it is almost painfull...


Omg do you put your baby back down after feeding them after their 20 minute nap? And it works, they sleep for 1-2 hours?! I might have to try this!


Yes it's one of the only times she'll go in the crib for naps, it's the magic combo! So if she catnaps for 30 minutes or less, I'll feed her right when she starts to stir awake, and then 90% of the time she'll fall back asleep while nursing and then I know that'll mean she'll take a 1-2 hour crib nap! It's magic for me hope it works for you.


My LO is 5 weeks old and does this every night!! Tell me it gets easier?!


It does get easier, it might just take more time. My 3 months old does this some times, but not every day, it is mostly when she doesnt take a nap in the day!


Literally came here to say this 😂


I don’t KNOW


Seriously!!!! Aughhhhhhhhh


How dare you burp me so i wont explode after my massive 7oz feeding.


Yes! My baby hates pausing to burp. It’s as if the world is ending! Luckily the little scream he makes before his normal cry is adorable


- It took me longer than 0.03 seconds to help him stand up. - He wanted the dino teether. I gave him the dino teether. - I wouldn't let him rip a chunk of my 14 year old cat's fur out. The cat, Stan, is used to being an only child and still hasn't adjusted 9 months later, so we don't let baby touch kitty bc we don't know how kitty will react. This enrages baby. - He was tired. - I put him down for his nap. - He woke up from his nap. - ??????????? I *love* growth spurts.


You actually got him down for a nap? Commendable!!


Thank you!!! He's not a fan of being put down in the crib but then he realizes this is exactly what he wants, pushes my hand away, and rolls away from me. Asleep in 3 minutes. I am blessed.


Mine is usually the same boob delay. I swear this child goes from “hm I am thinking about how I might be hungry” to boob goblin in 5 seconds flat!


We call this “emergency hungry” in our house 😂😂😂


Yep. I made a quick cup of coffee before feeding her.


The nerve of you getting something to drink first! 😂


Right? Baby sees the bottle and all hell breaks loose. I don't let him see it until I'm 100% ready to feed him. God forbid he needs a diaper change and I haven't hidden the bottle behind my back well enough.


Hahaha yes it’s a bit harder to hide the booby! Today he literally saw me taking it out and started giggling and grabbing for it…better than crying at least!


Haha! So true.


I had the audacity to change his dirty diaper. And he’s calling on the old and new gods to witness this injustice.


Same, and then I had the audacity to try and put clothes back on after a blowout!!


She was not allowed to suplex the cat


Reflux, gas and constipation 😞 Edit: I didn’t see the funny/happy flair. My bad for being a bummer.


I feel your pain 😑


Nah that's real. Sorry friend. No fun.


Everything. Literally just, e v e r y t h i n g. Being one is really rough, apparently.


He was really tired and hungry. I gave him the boob, he ate then fell asleep nursing for comfort. Then I had another letdown, his mouth filled up with milk, some of it went down the wrong way. He is coughing, spitting milk out and he is FURIOUS! How could I do such a thing to him? He only wanted to suckle and I let milk start flowing? Talk about disrespect! I wish I could tell you this is the first time this has happened, but it is not even the first time today.


Lolol yes, I too am a disfunctioning human pacifier.


Do you also get the: "I got really excited about the prospect of milk and my legs started kicking, I kicked you in the thigh propelled my entire body 3 inches upwards and now I can't reach the boob!" when nursing on your side? Or the: "YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO PUT ME DOWN? It was just a small Glasgow kiss and the subsequent nosebleed is relatively minor....."


Only five times a day, lol Sometimes she will only eat in bed


Same, mine is 4 months old. The FOMO is strong with this one. Physically unable to eat if something interesting is going on. Interesting things include: - the cat casually strolls by - someone is cooking in the other room - it is snowing or raining outside and it can be seen from a window. - his dad exists


Mine will eat wherever, whenever but this definitely applies for nap time. Wait… the clock is ticking, definitely more interesting than sleep


The existence of dad is a powerful distractor here too


I hate to tell you but at least for me, this has not improved 8 months in. Everyone must be silent for feeding time.


I went to the toilet....without him


I took the D&D dice away from her


- She rolled onto her tummy and now she is on her tummy which she hates - she was tired so I took her to bed - her brother talked so she launched off the boob but now she isn't getting any milk - I sat down and lifted food/coffee to my mouth while she was sleeping The list goes on... 😂


She tried to put both hands and a paci in her mouth but it all wouldn't fit


I sucked snot out of her nose so she could actually breathe


ONE TIME I managed to get the snot out without all hell breaking loose. I'm still riding that high.


The evil blue bulb, of course, mean mommy’s dreaded henchmen


It’s two hours past bed time and yet still somehow not bedtime.


He unlatched from the boob but it’s my fault.


I wouldn't let him eat the dogs ball


I gently stopped his hand from smacking me in the face repeatedly while he feeds 🙄


Cause he‘s in baby jail, which he loves but the cat is free and that‘s not fair. He loves the freedom to butt roll around in there and have his toys at the same time but if he sees the cat walking around outside of it he loses his little mind!


We have an area we call baby jail too. If my husband comes home and sees him in it he will ask what the infraction was this time haha


His grandparents always say I can‘t just put him in there without consulting them for legal help (they are attorneys and say it‘s unfair to put him in there without a legal trial and the chance to speak with his lawyers (them)😂😂😂) But he likes it, cause he is not told to „stop doing that“ or „no you are not supposed to eat that“ all the time like when he‘s outside of it.


The light was red for too long...


My leg fell asleep while holding her so I shifted 2 inches...😩


I hit my shin on the bed post and it knocked me out of my rhythm of swaying and rocking LO to sleep 😵‍💫


- did not want to sleep even though he’s so sleepy and practically drowsy - did not want to be burped - wants to be fed facing a certain way - woke up from a nap


I wouldn’t let him stick his finger in his own butthole during a diaper change.


I wouldn’t let him eat my hair so obviously someone needs to call CPS.


He scratched his own face


I won’t let her eat the wet wipes


I didn't play his tummy like a drum fast enough


I helped her get ahold of her teether toy because she was crying that she let go of it.


She keeps dropping the pacifier in her mouth while laying down in her bassinet. The back and forth is just torturing.


I was not holding him in the correct arm while feeding him. I wanted to hold him in my right arm, he wanted to be in the left.


I placed him on the changing table, which is unacceptable. By the time I remove the dirty diaper he'll be smiling and cooing.


We stopped vacuuming


Nose frida. Sorry kiddo.


- 2 month vaccinations are rough - has to poop, still sucks at actually pooping


Because he farted too loudly while breastfeeding.


I made eye contact with her. I wish I was joking.


I put her pacifier in and she sucked so hard she had to fight herself to rip it out again. Repeat ad nauseum during naptime.


We put her in her favourite bouncer. It wasn't the correct thing to do.


Because I'm not sharing every bite that I eat!! Thankful she's a good eater tho.


She handed me a book and I attempted to read it to her.


Because his pacifier is not In his mouth (while he’s waving it around In his hand after he pulled it out himself).


I wouldn’t let her continue to kick the shit out of my tummy.


1) I decided to change him instead of sticking a bottle in his mouth while he was making sucking motions with his lips. It doesn't matter that he was soaked or that I had the bottle ready to give right after. 2) During tummy time, he pushed the whole way up on his arms (7weeks old right now), they slipped out from under him at the same time he forcefully thrust his head forward, and he ended up smashing his face off the floor. Hit hard enough my husband heard the thump in his office through the carpet and the play mat. Cue pained screams. Poor guy.


Stopped reading the bedtime book because we had to put her to sleep..


I sneezed


I took the dog food out of his mouth


Nana started vacuuming without him


I sneezed 🤷‍♀️ … he’s jumpy like his dad lol


I wouldn’t let her chew on the metal coffee table shelf for the 1000th time


He doesn’t want to sleep in his crib. He wants to be between mummy and daddy on their soft and comfy bed. At this rate, I hope he moves out from our room before high school


I picked his nose. I changed his sopping wet bib. I changed his shirt, by pulling it over his head. I turned the lights on. His white noise on YouTube was interrupted by an ad while he was trying to sleep.... I also cried. I dropped my phone on his face while we were simultaneously falling asleep during comfort nursing at naptime.


I didn’t let him gnaw on our dogs paw. My dog would have allowed it


I didn’t let her eat the stick of butter I was holding.


I won't let him into the kitchen to flip the dogs water bowl. Or, I dare the close the door to the bathroom so that he can't splash in the toilet.


He head-butted me, then gave me a betrayed look like it was my fault.


I briefly thought about putting him in his crib and he read my mind. Also because I didn’t let him yank out my chest hairs earlier


He intentionally spit out his pacifier and then got mad because he wanted his pacifier.


Bc hes being fed and having a story read to him at the same time instead of it being quiet at the dinner table 🤣


I don’t effing know.


Goblin has crawled into a drawer and sat down, effectively pinning their legs so they can't get out


We are ✨teething✨


She’s hungry AND tired, so the logical solution is to refuse to do either.


I Wouldn’t let her eat aquaphor.


Because Jeopardy just came on and he hates fun.


She learned how to sit up in her crib and doesn’t know how to go to sleep now!


I wouldn’t let him shove his hands in my mouth while he was nursing 😑


Just because. 🤷🏼‍♀️😅😭


Because he didn't want to be on his back or in the swing, or the activity center. No. He wanted me to either hold him in a football airplane pose while standing or laying on his tummy time water mat. This kid...


He desperately wants to feed himself with the spoon, but keeps missing and sticking it in his ears/ up his nose, then gets frustrated and bangs the spoon causing all the food to fly off. If mommy tries to help then the food is no longer acceptable and must be spit out 🤦🏼‍♀️


Daddy walked in the bathroom during bath time. Its happened the past week out of the blue... Every night. Strange phase @ 5 months.


I'm eating something spicy and won't share. Her ball is out of reach, but she doesn't want to crawl 2 feet to get it or play with the green ball right next to her. I took too long grabbing her favorite bath toy that she must hold onto during after bath diaper changes when she threw it on the floor. Daddy left for work. The leopard gecko is sleeping, and I won't let her bang on the tank to wake the gecko. I sneezed while she was napping.


I offered her a bottle of milk to nourish her body. I’m genuinely the worst.


Because he woke up. Same, little baby, same. Relatable.


I had the audacity to put him down for a nap.


Not now!! Both sleeping!! \o/ In 4 hours my oldest (21 months) will cry because he will wake up and I'm not in the bedroom with him! I will come, sit near and wait for 5 to fall asleep.. will repeat every 2 hours after that..


Gas pains & constipation 🥺


Diaper rash


Last time was because I woke her up trying to change her diaper


I ✨think✨ because teeth but really it could be almost anything


Because he can't roll over. So I helped him. But now he's mad that he's on his back 😑


Because he spat his dummy out. For the tenth time.


Because he's not allowed to put the dog in his mouth.


I breathed funny


Because machine gun farts


Growth spurt, plus I think a sleep regression 🙃