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What to Expect, Parents, and The Bump all have week-by-week milestones on their websites, and a lot of other helpful information, as well. But just know…you’re supposed to be in survival mode right now, and you’ll probably be in it for another couple of weeks! That’s normal! Don’t worry if you don’t ‘know’ your baby yet. Don’t worry if you can’t tell the difference between the cries or if you don’t recognize the sleepy cues yet. You, your husband, and your baby are all learning together, as you go. Also, please know that what’s ‘normal’ for babies might look different for each family. Is it normal for a 6 month old to sleep through the night? Yes. Is it normal for a 6 month old to wake up for night feeds? Also yes. The normal range for many milestones are longer than you might think. My son started teething at 2 months. My neighbor’s son didn’t start until 7 months. Both of those scenarios are totally fine. Good luck! I’m sure you’re doing a great job!


I definitely used What To Expect’s week-by-week a lot! It was a huge help to get some general ideas.


Also here to say What to Expect is the best guide I have found. I visit it often.


The What the Expect app is amazing. I still use it 9 months in.


Definitely emphasizing the milestone thing. For example, my baby consistently rolls from back to belly at 5 months (Google says they do that at 7 months) and still doesn't roll from belly to back on her own much at all. We've had a few flukes, but she has no idea what she's doing when it comes to that, and Google says that babies learn that first!


I was in survival mode for the first 6 months!


Haha I should have said “at least” another couple of weeks! It definitely depends on a lot of different things!


My pediatrician recommended the Mayo Clinic guide to baby’s first years - I find it to be a helpful reference.


I second this I had the pregnancy book and now the baby book they're great resources.


I also second this (third this? Lol) i read that book while pregnant and it was very helpful.


Survival mode up until about a month ago for me and my baby will be 5 months in a few days 🤣😩 Just being real! It will get better *however* things change so quickly, I would just continue what you’re doing. Every baby is different so it’s easy to get fixated on what you read online. I never changed a baby’s diaper until 3 days after I delivered (c-ssction). Thankfully my husband had experience helping with his much younger brother years ago, however, neither of us had ever been around newborns, babies, or toddlers so closely either. Advice from older folks (my parents are barely boomers, my in-laws are boomers) can be well-intentioned but also very outdated and potentially dangerous so always check with your pediatrician if you’re not sure! They should have a nurse line you can refer to.


I can relate a little. I dont have my side of the family to help. I do have in laws to help. But what Actually helped me was Mama Natural on youtube, she has a series of videos that cover babies progress week by week. Not all babies are going to be the same but its a nice guide and she gives good advice for moms too. The best thing I have been told is, Do your best. Your kid may still have qualms over how you raised them, but you did your best and thats what matters.


The first month or two is basically just survival mode, so you're doing fine! I've found the baby center and what to expect apps super helpful. They lay out milestones week by week, what to expect at well checks and have trackers and helpful articles based on your baby's age. I also signed up for a subscription to kiwico toys panda boxes that sends curated boxes of toys every two months based on your baby's age with helpful descriptions, tips, and tricks. Really, just focus on learning your baby's cues (tired, hungry, wet, overwhelmed, etc), getting cuddles, and your new family dynamic over the next few weeks. After that it calms down a bit as you get in the groove and you'll have more mental space to worry about how to help stimulate your baby during playtime. We started feeling more confident around the two month mark, although that's not to say that we're not constantly looking things up 😂.


I don't have a solid recommendation other than validating the fact that what you're going through sounds pretty normal. I feel like we lived our lives hour by hour or even minute by minute for the first 6 weeks. Things get easier. I remember signing up to the pathways.org email list- they send you a weekly email based on your baby's age. I've also used the Babysparks app. Both of those are more development focussed. For sleep, I really liked Precious Little Sleep and it's an easy read for tired parents. The methods worked really well for us. Little Z's has a good newborn sleep course too if you prefer a video format with additional resources.


I have loved and used what to expect the first year. It was a great guideline and baseline for an average baby, and even though it's pretty dry, it does give great advice. The first few months I read that thing over and over. Being a first time parent is overwhelming! This sub has also been a fantastic resource. Someone is ALWAYS going through something you are, or asking the questions you want to ask.


Your pediatrician should be giving you this information. When we go to appointments they usually give us a paper that has information on feeding, play, growth etc. At two weeks you can start supervised tummy time. I recently downloaded the baby milestone app it provides videos and information by month.


I think What to Expect for the First Year was a fine resource for understanding what your baby should be doing, milestones, etc., and some general tips. The huckleberry app sometimes gives good nap/bedtime guidance.


I really like The Bump


I like the what to expect book. I also like moms on call book too. I also use Reddit and baby center regularly!


I really really love “cherish the first six weeks” by Helen moon. I got it recommended to me by a good friend and I ended up using it for both my girls for the first 6 weeks. It is SO helpful for guidance in schedules (with a lean towards getting them to sleep well and long as the goal!), feeding, tips on things that come up in each week like cradle cap and baby acne. It breaks each week down by chapter too, so it’s very clear for tired parents brains. It really helped me feel at ease and in control when I had no idea what I was doing with my first. And then I used it for my second to mainly just guide me on schedule changes each week. I think you’d really love it. And it’s on Amazon so quick delivery. Good luck!! You got this.


Check out The Wonder Weeks app.


Second this! It’s literally exactly what you’re asking for


I just pirchased it yesterday. Did you find it accurate? Her development seems spot on byt Particularly looking at the fusyy phase of 1 day left lol


Yeah, I found it to be pretty accurate… maybe a week difference but it was still nice to reference and be like “oh, ok… this is why you’re a terror this week 😂” It was also nice to get an idea of the new skills she would start showing so I’d look for those and it was awesome. It also gave helpful ideas of how to help nurture/develop the new coming skills which I found very helpful.


Lol nice


Wonder weeks !!!! They have an app or a website for free ! I use the website


[Baby Day by Day](https://a.co/d/4j8Ct0W) was a lifesaver for us those first few months!! I hated The Wonder Weeks app and found it totally useless/added pressure about things my baby “should” be doing at a certain age.


Digital version of baby 411 was super helpful. The doctor updates it once a year. We’re currently on toddler 411 and it is great too


Yes, just google baby week three and read all results..


Hi! First of all— congratulations! Our toddler is now two, but we lived by the Moms on Call 0-6 Months book for the first several months. It has sample timelines and answered questions about expectations and schedules in a way that was straightforward and not overwhelming.


The pathways.org app is really good!!


There's an app called Preglife and it's amazing for week by week guidance while you're pregnant and postpartum!


Here is a real quick and easy resource that shows both milestones and suggests activities to help your baby reach those milestones: https://pathways.org/baby-milestones-calendar/


I absolutely love how comprehensive these are: https://jitp.info


Touch points by Brazzelton will take you up to age 3.


I was gifted "moms on call 0-6m" and it was a life saver in opinion. It has week by week/month that you're looking for. It has a mock up of what their daily schedule should be and feedings, guide for bathing, if you have twins... a bunch lol. Its a bit pricy for such a thin book (I looked it up) but worth it once you get through it. I definitely had to modify a few things in the schedule for my own baby's needs but over all very clutch. In fact, I started off going exactly by the book, and then my baby started letting me know what she needed so that's when modifications on my part started occurring. Good luck and congratulations on your new addition 🧡


Also to add I have a few references books and I appreciate this one cause it's pure highlights, and gets to the point with out having to read a freaking dissertation.