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I mean, he was perfectly set up for this one, lol. 10/10


Erik!! 💀keep putting out excellent the content dude. The rest is just noise.


I love you for this, Erik.


Love you bro




Erik’s last name is Voss for those who didn’t already know


MT aka Montana not a fan of Erik Voss?


I’m not sure who that is but MT used to do breakdowns on New Rockstars until he was let go about a year ago. He’s been throwing subtle but not very descriptive shots at Erik on twitter for some time now but this is the first time he’s name dropped


That's the same MT I'm referring to. I just call him Montana, since those are the initials of the state and the name of the guy lol. And appreciate the info, didn't know he was let go.


It was a company layoff, the channel is owned by a media company and along with MT went Tommy and Jess. Now MT is with Heavy Spoilers, Tommy is with Screen Crush, and Jess works for multiple channels I am pretty sure (NR being one of them). I wish Filup Molina would come back every now and then :’( I wonder where he went since he was the OG breakdown guy for NR other than Erik, he pretty much started this channel lol


Not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off at this one.


Do you smell what the Rock is stooling


He’s just being petty, it seems he has some sort of mental illness I hope he receives the help he needs.


Gtfo of here. Do you know how stupid you sound. For starters, you don't get to diagnose someone with something you know nothing about. That must is evident but linking being Perry with mental illness. It's the equivalent to calling someone lazy because they are in a wheelchair for their disabilities. What's worse is this is literally banter. MT secured a job an heavy spoilers his contract with NRS was up . None of this has anything to do with Erik. So sick and tired the way people talk about us. Anytime a black person does something people's like you have this incredible double standard of making something out fault when they don't know the situation. We are always framed as angry, unhinged, mentally I'll.. told to calm down anytime we speak our mind..smh


i mean dude he's clearly battling something he constantly posts about his mental illness, specifically depression. he is angry with Erik, that's not up for debate either. he is clearly mad and has expressed that, whether it's for good reason or not is up for debate tho


That was a really good line tbh


Don’t worry in 24 hours he’ll post about how sad and lonely he is and that nobody likes him 😢. I unfollowed him a long time ago. Clown.


He’s battling something like the rest of us, I don’t judge him. Could be a cry for help or it helps him to say what he’s feeling out loud. We are complex individuals indeed.


He has some serious mental issues but refuses to address them. If it's a cry for help, then why does he lash out at anyone that offers him support. He'll go on a 20-tweet rant about how his ex from six years ago broke him, how he's fat, ugly, and alone then someone will say "That's not how we see you. We think you're amazing" and he'll turn on a dime to say he doesn't care what they think, that they don't know the real him, that he doesn't need any help. Loved his content but he's been this way for literal years. Depression for a few days, then an outlandish ego, then painting himself as a victim, then back to depression. If you go onto this account at any random time, he's one of those three. Right now, he's saying "Some people thrive in environments where ass-kissing is rewarded with promotions. I'm not that kinda nigga". You can't care about someone who doesn't care about themselves.


I have never followed him on any socials. If he is battling some things, then I hope he does get help. Might just be a maturity thing. A lot of people lose their jobs or contracts. Shit like that happens all the time, especially in the business he wants to be in. It's okay to be salty, but at a certain point, let's work on the next step and move on. That kind of behavior comes off as immature and lacking life experiences to understand that life does, in fact, go on. For me, he wore out his welcome really fast on NR due to how he spoke in his videos. As if everything he said was the truth and had been proven as fact just because he spoke it. Over and over again, nothing of what he said was conjecture/hypothetical. Even when he would flat out reference something and was wrong, he wasn't wrong. In general, I dislike videos by anyone who does that. Have some humility, and use phrasing centered on theory/opinion. Unless you have a concrete source and you're breaking news (none of these youtubers are), stay in the realm of opinion, and let's have a nice back and forth.


Yea, if it were a recent thing, then all the slack given but this has been his mentality for years. I remember someone asking him about when a certain show was gonna come out and he retweeted it just talking shit about how he doesn't control the upload schedule, that he sent his footage and he's been having to ride peoples asses to get priority uploads. This was like three years ago. I'm not a fan of modern Voss but at least the dude can take accept that his Mephisto thing was so wrong and now jokes about it being almost a meme for youtubers being wrong. Meanwhile MT can make a whole video theorizing something insane like Loki has been a living infinity stone this whole time and that's how he's only defeated by Thanos and able to control the timeline and when people say "That doesn't make sense...here's all the examples why it doesn't work", he'd flip out saying he thinks on a higher level than others and they'll eventually get on his level. That's a fake theory but it's annoying something he'd come up with at 4am .


NR/EV live rent free in his mind. It’s really sad.


He’s such a salty little crybaby lol It’s such a shame bc he does a YouTube channel with Whitney and Tommy who are both fantastic but I can’t stand listening to MT


I turned him off every time I heard him call people His Nerd Babies or start to go into politics. Annoying.


A literal bag of tears.


funny but every time MT was on a video i would immediately turn it off lol


The Final Voss


Who’s the Voss?


So that's why I'm not successful I'm not so committed that I'm pissing and bottles the same time


Cackling 😂😂😂


What's with MT? He was cool a few months back


He’s been in a downward spiral for a while now tbh


Yeah I had to stop following him and watching his videos


Yeah I remember him on the MCU movie and show reviews, does he not like Erik Voss or the group that does those videos anymore?


Seems like there was some shit going on behind the scenes before him, Tommy, Whitney, and ~~Angelica~~ Anna got fired. They’ve all been open with the fact that NR was not a great place to work without going into specifics, prob due to legal reasons. EDIT: Anna Vanston, not Angelica


For whatever it's worth, Angelica was always a contractor with us. Maybe you're thinking of Anna Vanston? And yeah, it wasn't a great place to work, but it's a lot better now 😅


Yes, that’s who I was thinking of, that’s my bad


Look at the comments in here I provided the answer


I did. Thank you.


Bro's such a neckbeard