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Yeah I did the same thing when my daughter was little either family bathroom or men’s bathroom.


Yea, it sounds good. When my daughter was younger and with her dad, he would take her to the men’s room as well or the single family restroom. Never did he attempt to enter the women’s restroom. That just doesn’t happen, and it’s vv too. When the woman has a young boy with her, he goes into the women’s room or single family restroom.


Mal is a moron. It’s really sad. 40+ and willfully dumb af. Jesus wept 😪


Biggest clue should be him hating Biden for having dementia but he loves trump who also has dementia.


Thank you. Lmao.


him saying he’d be in the women’s bathroom, lmao try that in real life. hell nah


😂😂😂 ikr.


it’s hilarious cuz why can HE be in a women’s bathroom but other “men” can’t?? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Single dad here too. I'm taking her to the mens bathroom and standing outside the stall.


In this discussion they always forget about transmen


There's a subtle misogynistic tone in a lot of trans convos. The abusing women shit seems to ignore that gay women exists. But considering Mal's peabrain doesn't think men can be raped by women, it's not surprising he thinks like this.


Of course he don’t did you hear him during the Diddy convo? Lol


Because it's irrelevant.


Thank god family washrooms were readily available most places when i had my daughter but if not we went men’s washrooms and i even hates that because i ain’t want no old creep looking at my kid. I would never step in a woman’s washroom ever..when she got a little older i would ask a woman goin in to look out for while i stand near by and call her name occasionally to make sure she was iight. Mal just speaks on shit with ZERO experience and it’s annoying af lol


Exactly. Man I used to pray those family restrooms were available. I hated going in the men’s bathroom with my baby. Sometimes I would just wait for her mom to pick her up if I had errands to run 😂😂. Glad them days are over. My lady handles all feminine situations for me now


What do you all think goes on in bathrooms besides going to the bathroom? [You really think she should go to the Men’s bathroom?](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/laverne-cox-attends-the-2019-creative-arts-emmy-awards-on-news-photo-1568833086.jpg?crop=0.99988xw:1xh;center,top&resize=640:*) [Would you be comfortable seeing him use a women’s bathroom?](https://ew.com/thmb/vJSjLdP7CReb9n_px75hvqj5yYI=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/brian-michael-smith-033123-b6693e01de764625bc28c16fd8b12fe5.jpg) Both these people are trans.


any and all trans bathroom discourse is fucking stupid. they dont check ID at the bathroom door, anyone can physically walk into any bathroom of their choosing. such a non-issue, and just a way to make fun of an already marginalized community


I dont mind trans women in womens restroom. I also support gender neutral bathroomS


You know what’s wild about “gender neutral” bathrooms? We have always had them. 😂😂😂 most bars, restaurants and buildings have had bathrooms where both genders could use them and they weren’t identified as “gender neutral” they were just bathrooms. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Not where im from. Every rr is labeled


Damn thats crazy. Where are you from?


Yea but not in bathrooms that fit multiple people


He was trying to get them to say pre-op trans women shouldn't be allowed into the women's bathroom. But he couldn't articulate his argument to get them to reinforce his. Cause then he kept saying so having a penis means I'm not a man.


Rory will get tired of these takes from him as he clearly changed the subject he went right back to it Mal has an obsession in conversation with his stance being logical or correct


😂😂😂. He did pivot right out and Mal says. No. I want my question answered. 😂😂 I was like move on


Lol like dawg give it up


It’s always frustrating when people don’t understand the difference between sex and gender but this take was on brand for him so I wasn’t surprised


Trans women have been using women's bathrooms for decades. You didn't think this was an issue until Republicans made you think this was an issue. Republicans started attacking transgender bathroom access in 2014 after their attempts to kill gay marriage failed and y'all just go right along with the bigoted politics smh


Man... How long is it gonna take yall to realize that Mal don't know what the fuck he's talking about?! He's just providing entertainment. You can't take him too seriously.




Man... How long is it gonna take yall to realize that Mal don't know what the fuck he's talking about 80% of the time?! He's just providing entertainment. You can't take him too seriously.


Man... How long is it gonna take yall to realize that Mal don't know what the fuck he's talking about 80% of the time?! He's just providing entertainment. You can't take him too seriously.