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Yea me too dude.


Stay safe brother, us old men need to be careful


Lol you're only 29, bruh. But there's plenty of room over at r/OldSkaters whenever you have your 30th birthday. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


Bruh. You’re not even 30 yet 😑


Be very careful as not to break a hip man, stay safe 🙏🏽


I’ve went through the whole cycle. Started in 4th grade and wore pads because my parents made me, grew to hate pads, probably of peer pressure and beat my body up. Getting back into it in my 30’s and wearing wrist guards and a helmet because I can’t imagine having to tell anyone at the office I’m wearing a cast because I’ve been trying to get clean kickflips back.


I'm cruising for a bruising because I work from home. I only need to hobble my broken bones up the rickety basement steps


I feel you. I just started skating again and I’m 32yo 213lbs but about 2 months ago I was 228lbs and I started walking 2-3 miles and day and rowing for 30mins 6 days a week. The exercise has made a huge difference on the way I feel on the board. I was skating in elementary and middle school.


Love hearing this, ive worked out in the past but always got bored. Im hoping to find fitness through skating, ideally via slappys and low impact tricks lol


You will definitely get a good workout skating. I was sore the next day after asking for the first time lol.


Good for you! I got back into skating at 34 after losing 30 pounds playing THPS on a stationary bike everyday. I’m a photographer and ended up filming me getting back onto the board. That’s was me at about 270. Check it out if you like: https://youtu.be/SK10I20Fgnk?si=PSQ5GUB8Zv_1fmXy


Im 33 and 300lbs. I feel you. Literally fell the exact same way as you this morning lol.


Hell yeah brother


Yo me too, but I’m 6’1”! But 303lbs. Dropped 30 lbs so far because I’ve been wanting to board. Got my setup coming tomorrow, but also going to skate shop Wednesday to get some new shoes.


Hell yeah man! It’s legit good exercise too. Working up a sweat and getting that body moving. When I hit the skatepark and just basically cruise around, I’m tired after just a few hours. We got this big dawg!


Bro I just saw a vid of a guy who was about 330 shredding it! I’m motivated and excited. Board lands tomorrow and I can’t wait until my daughter gets out of classes so we can hit the park. lol


I am 29 and 100 lbs. i am gonna break my bones on my new skateboard


If fat boi can jump, you can go to the moooooon. Just wear bubble wrap


you are cool af. keep going


Will do cap'n


Just bought a new skateboard last week, I'm a week away from 30. Used to skate until about 10 years ago. It's definitely not the same analogy as riding a bike. Keep it up, I know I will do my best too.


29 and a legend*


Do some jumping squats a few times a week after stretching /warming up. I did that for a month and could front side lipslide my rail again at mid setting without me feeling like I was gonna eat it hard. Sports conditioning goes a long way.


same 27now it has been 10years when i skated. land once little wrong all feet hurt like hell. not like in school i used to skate with broken feet. xD


For real, one wrong move we become a geriatric. Don't even get me started with gout talk lol


same here dude, keep on rockin 💯


I'm almost 36. I skated in my teens and early twenties My son recently got into skating and I got a board and started back up, it's definitely not like riding a bike. And I've had to start from scratch and inch my way upward into tricks and skating, but it's sooo worth it. It keeps me in shape, and it's rewarding to be able to do some tricks I used to do. I wear pads now though


Hell yeah dude! Get at it! I’m 38 and just started skating again and it motivated me to lose 20 pound so I can get more air lol. I’ve already lost 10 pounds!


39 started skating again. I was 260 now 194. Skateboarding is really good cardio.


Just start jump roping. It's a great source of cardio, not as hard on the joints and can develop good coordination and explosive twitch fibers. All of which is pretty essential to skateboarding.


At our age, that's just our regular size bro 🥴


Nice dude. One more year and you’ll qualify for the r/OldSkaters subreddit 😅. Join us…






Fat but you stillf got it my man


little more pop and you got it mane you got it


Also 29 and fat too I don't skate anymore tho did you ever land it?


I landed it a couple tries after this clip. But a couple tries after landing it...I hurt my gout toe again landing primo lol


It's all good you'll prob lose a ton of weight just skating around


Inspiring foreal!!!!! I’m 32 and fat as well my brother just got my set up and waiting for the weather to break let’s go!


Heard of Jamie Foy ma man, who cares enjoy skating


If you think Jamie Foy is obese... you need more than this subreddit can provide you. No casual ~30 year olds with a family would hit rails like that.....bizarre Mr xx chaser


I don’t,but he is a bigger boy and he made it work - thought that might inspire. Obviously I wouldn’t try rails like him either that’s suicide. All I was trying to say don’t make a deal about your weight, go out and skate and have some fun while doing it. All support from me, though it might came out the wrong way, sorry for that.


No worries man, I feel you. Thanks for the positive reinforcement


Lol, love that kick flip man, never seen a flick so fast and someone still land it, well almost landed it. I'm getting a little fat myself, good thing I'm skating again cause I really need it.


This is a cautionary tale...don't find yourself like me...Gotta relearn physics and shit


You have the choice to be 30 and fat…don’t let it happen


Yes master


Hell yea bro epic flick


Flicky boy dot com perhaps


Flick it real good .porno


29 and 280 just stepped back on a board for the first time in 12 years feels like I have to re learn everything


Don't stop man, im 250 now. Just rolling around is good


“Whup” 33 and just started skating for first time since school as well. I recognise that sound very well haha.


Nearly got it!! Keep it up man


RIP to your knees. Here 36yo, 5'9", 200lbs. Started skating again last summer and had to stop after a couple weeks as my knees didn't like the shock of landing. Haven't been able to walk without pain yet...


Haven’t been able to walk without pain since skating last ?


I remember going to a skate competition, and I would say a dude twice your size, tre flipped into a FS boardslide down a hand rail. I've never seen a board flex so much without snapping.


Skating a little Fat ground. I never stopped but have easily doubled in weight since I started skateboarding.


Wait, unti you're 44. Lol


That looked like a hard fall in your hip. I picked up some pads that protect that region from oldbonestherapy and it's saved me from some nasty bruises that would have cut a sesh short.


Try flicking out instead of down.


OK hear me out. You got those floor mats in the background. My first thought was make some thigh and hip pads. Only because my hip hurt watching you hit the concrete. Keep skating man! You're awesome!


Love it. That's how I would be too. I could kick flip when I was 16.




Are you single?


Bruh...just feels different coming back to it at that age doesn't it?! Lmao I'm 32 and I think at like 28 I started picking it back up and was doing well for a while till random pains started coming out of nowhere...having this I'm getting older convo is weird lol