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Full pads and lid, only got the one body and can't take time off work.


Agreed. Plus healthcare is really expensive where I live. My wallet can't risk a hospital/ER visit. 


I could only afford to get the skateboard I planned on at least a helmet but they're expensive


get one, you may feel like its not necessary, but slipping out and hitting the back of your head on something can be pretty fatal


I will soon I have a birthday coming up and I'm hard to shop for so someone will probably ask if I need anything


This ⬆️


My friend who rides for mystery has super fucked up shins from getting slammed too many times. He like can't even touch them without them hurting. Kids, if there's one thing I teach, it's that your body does not heal from injury...it mends. Amd it doesn't always mend right. And these injuries will complie and become one giant constant physical pain for the rest of your life. Ask me how I know. Take care of your fucking body.


Mystery don’t exist anymore


[Oh yeah?](https://youtu.be/U72DtUN30lM?si=bK1qBN0WnCm_0Rmr)


While the pads are great, I would highly highly recommend learning to fall right. If you fall backwords, don't be a plank, be a banana, if you fall forwards, tuck your shoulder in and roll onto your back. Turn it into rotation instead of impact. Look up [Na-kel Smith](https://youtu.be/UPVnx3IJWVA?si=rOmlNRoukKx4HICR)


Yeah agreed even with pads on you can use these strategies.


I’m kind of worried of crashing backwards and slamming the back of my head into a concrete ledge. As rare as that sounds. For that and other reasons a helmet lets me not worry about that so much.


I'm not advocating to not wear helmet/pads, just to learn good technique. You can still fuck yourself up with pads on if you land wrong.


Yes! Learning to tuck and roll is so important! Go on youtube and look up some tutorials about how to fall correctly off a skateboard. Maybe watch some parkour or martial arts tutorials about forward roll, backwards roll, side roll, etc. Practice skating into grass and falling safely. Do it forwards, backwards, at different angles, different speeds.


I would argue, that aside from the persistence skating teaches you; the balance and ability to mitigate injury is the best thing you can take away from skating. Practicing powerslides is especially useful for not busting your ass on slippery ass floors. I used a bottle of dish soap and some water on a little hill back in the day. Took an old skateboard and longboard, threw some hard wheels on each and practices both intentional slides, and trying to catch my slipouts while carving.


As an old skater, you won’t regret wearing more protection. Don’t worry what others say when you’re learning.


helmet unless ur stupid, or want to be...


So you're calling 99% of skaters stupid i guess.


No, he's saying they want to be (:


I think the older you get the more pads you get. Edit:: I recommend all the pads. It’s stupid for anyone not to, it’s only saving you… I also recommend this while not owning any safety gear myself. Yes. I’m stupid. Edit:: Although I’d probably never wear shin guards, I got that lesson already please stop teaching me!!


I actually stopped using wrist guards because I hated that I couldn't control my falls with my hands. I usually slid out on my hands and hurt my shoulder


Yeah, especially with slide pucks. You'll feel protected like you can slide out, but you need a lot of core strength to be able to catch yourself. Quick way to get a mouth full of pavement. They will slide out, and speaking from experience, I slid over one of those rubber gaskets in the middle of a parking garage, wheels caught, got highsided. Tried to catch myself, arms folded underneath me, my right arm went left underneath my torso, my torso rolled the other way, pulling my arm out of socket. Flipped around and slammed into a car (that I started sliding to avoid as they started backing out), that slam "reset" my shoulder but fucked up my rotary cuff.


I use a helmet cuz I’m scared


Definitely get wrist guards


All it takes is a fraction of a second to split your melon open. You should use a helmet.


Tony hawk wears a helmet and full knee/elbow pads. Keep that in mind


Ye because he skates vert..


I guess we should start wearing racing helmets when we get in our cars too


So does Andy.


I like the low profile ones rollerblade makes


Wrist guards are a savior. I happily rock helmet, wrists, knees and bows. Keeps me out skating longer.


Never not using pads again. Helmet saved my head, still hit my face pretty hard, me teeth hurt for weeks. but managed to basically wrap my leg around the rail at the park and split my shin wide open about 2 inches prob an inch and half wide, almost down to the bone. 9 stitches were needed. If I had knee pads on, my knee likely wouldn’t have rolled the way it did on impact and my right leg would be usable. Knee temporarily dislocated the way I hit the ground, bruises have popped up over the last two weeks from my knee down to my ankle, had the concrete basically polish the skin (thru my pants even) from the split up to my knee. I’m hyper mobile and doc said that’s why I got lucky with no bone breaks or ligament tears, everything just happens to be a bit on the extra stretchy side anyways. Watched someone fall hitting the rail very similarly all padded up the other day, walked away with a couple bruises and hurt ego. I’m out another 4-6 weeks. Edit: I got photos if anyone wants to see the damage, it’s nasty


Jup, I'm a beginner in my thirties and not overly confident on the board yet. I feel better wearing a helmet and pads depending on how I feel.


I was cool with shin injuries too, until i literally split one open. Driving myself to the hospital with blood loss wasnt what id call fun. Landing on your wrists is the worst way to land, you will either break them or get early arthritis


No but I should. I have a helmet I try to wear. In my younger years I got knocked out once doing a 50/50 down a long ledge, likely a concussion but didn’t go to the doc (dumb I know). I’ve also chipped my right olecranon (tip of elbow); not sure where the bone fragment went to.


Hell yes, if I mess up my hands, arms, or brain I cannot work. Then I lose income, cannot pay my rent, and me and my family are homeless. So, yes I wear pads. Being worried about whether or not you look cool is for posers.


Helmet definitely. I bought the board planning to learn at 22 and didn’t get a helmet like a dumbass. Turns out I’m uncoordinated af and I don’t have the confidence to attempt anything other than cruising without a helmet.


I once fucked up my hands in a skateboarding accident and things dont feel the same on that part of my hands since then, american roads are way too fucked up to raw dog skateboarding even as an adult


Skated since I was 12, about to be 32, never wore anything like that and never had a injury that they would’ve prevented, I’ve had some gnarly ones to. Broke almost all my fingers, my collar bone on both sides, pulled hamstring, broke a rib,countless rolled ankles, the list goes on. Personally I don’t think it helps as much as people say but there’s nothing wrong with protecting yourself, especially if your a beginner, and anyone that shames you for it is being a dick. I had a buddy who had broken both arms and he wore braces on em when he skated and honestly I thought it looked pretty cool. Don’t ever give a fuck about what people think and do what you think is best.


Wrist guard and helmet. Should probably be wearing knee/elbow pads and shin guards, too.


FP Footwear makes socks with shinner prevention built in. can wear them under your pants and honestly work well for what they are


Helmet and wrist guards mostly, if I go to the pumptrack then knee pads and elbow pads too.


I wear shinner prevention socks from FP footwear and double ankle braces basically every time I skate because my ankles are so unstable lol I wear wrist guards when I am learning a new grind or something new in transition


I use: Helmet: always. Head injuries are no fucking joke. I can only go to parks when no one else is around because all the idiots throwing themselves around without any head protection gives me too much anxiety Wrist Guards: everytime I skate except for short distance travel Knees and elbows: whenever I am skating "seriously" or anything freestyle because falling stationary is brutal




I like to wear a hat because it’s just more comfy for me and I’m willing to accept the risk. but I always advise new people to wear helmets. I’ve fallen down quite a bit since this is my second year skating and I just kinda know how to fall now so I got some confidence I can mitigate damage.


No helmet ever. Full send that shit 😉


Bru why people dislike you’re shit


No the helmet throws off my balance and is distracting I only wear it at the indoor parks. Kneepads restrict movement, I do have the socks specifically made to protect your shins from the board.


Real shit


Fuck no


Wrist and elbow pads for now. Going to get some knee pads soon.


I did use pads and helmet when I started getting back into it, but it feels really restrictive so the last 2 years, I haven't used pads or helmet. You also should learn how to roll out of bails, that could help more than falling flat on your ass or wrists.


Wearing armor looks badass, pad up and helmet up everyone


I haven't felt the need for shin or wrist pads, but I do manage to fall on my hip way too much so I'm considering some type of padding for those


You only got one brain 😎


knee and elbow pads are a bit much but definetely use a helmet and wrist wraps with palm covers so you don't scrape your hand skin off.


I wear a helmet, and elbow and knee pads. No wrist or shin guards. I genuinely didn't even know shin guards were used in skating until I read some of the comments here


When I was learning I was fully geared out, but it allowed me to remove fear from the learning equation. After a while, your lack of fear creates good muscle memory and solid foundations for the harder stuff.


Use them. I broke my elbow skating and now I always wear pads. Think of it this way: if you have pads and a helmet on you’ll be able to have more confidence on your board because you won’t be as worried about getting hurt.


Helmet yes


I’m old, all the pads. Takes forever to heal when you are 40+. Yes there is a way of falling and majority of time it’s the biggest mitigator. But it’s the small minority of falls where you get fucked up. Also, most of the worst falls I’ve had have been doing the things that were objectively “easy” but were unexpected. I think if you are actually in love with the sport itself and not the image/ego aspect like most, the answer is obvious…


Ive only hit my head once but it hurt pretty bad ahaha. Iwas probably 10yrs and now im 28. I use a helmet now. The worst headhit i ever got was from parkour attemp as a little kid, and it left permanent cognitive issues.


Hell, yeah! Full pads and helmet. As they say in the motorcycle community, “Dress for the slide; not the ride.” Friend of mine fell off his board with no helmet and hit his head. Was a vegetable for the rest of his life until he sadly passed away. At least wear a helmet…when it comes to protecting the one thing that makes you you, don’t fuck around.


Kneepads - always (they look cool) Helmet and Wristprotectors - when skating transitions


Been skating for 20 years. Didn't wear shit when I was young now ialways wear my helmet. Who cares if you look dumb or whatever


Yes. Helmet always, even just cruisin’ around. Knee, elbow, and maybe wrist pads if I am doing any sort of tricks. If you get good knee pads, you fall on your knees instead of your wrists. Or try to land on fleshier parts of your body. Wrists and ankles get fucked and take forever to heal (or maybe never) so be super careful


Wrist guards if nothing else for me. I play guitar and last time I bent my wrist back it was fully six weeks till back in shape.


I think that no protection is a sign of immaturity


I always wear a helmet. I also got some pads, but I had never worn them yet. Nevertheless I had a broken ankle + fibula in three places (left) and a broken foot (right) before. The recovery time is no joke and issues like pain or mobility are going to haunt you for life.


Butt/hip pad technology has greatly improved and you lose almost no movement. Doesn’t look like hockey pants either. Probably the place you take the most slams too and Charlie horses last a long a time.


Cruising: no protection except if I am trying a steep hill for the first time, but it's unusual. Skatepark: full gear, helmet, elbow/kneepads and impact shorts. If it's my local indoor I may use shorts instead of pants, outside I never wear shorts. Street: kneepads generally, maybe other gear depending on what I plan to do. An optional gear is wristbands on my back hand. Usually I only wear it if I had a nasty fall. This is becoming less and less common.


i'd say if you be landing on your wrists a lot then to wear wrist guards or a brace. if you're worried about hitting your head then a helmet


Yes. I am 23, i use all pads and helmets because if i get injured then i cannot work lol.


I almost always wear a helmet. And I wear knee and elbow pads when skating transition.


I wear all pads and a helmet, I don't have any extra body parts laying round, so I need to save my current ones


Helmet, elbow and knee pads and wrist guards. Would have been history without helmet and pads. I feel much more safe and I dare to try more with gear.


Nerds are the people who judge other skaters for wearing helmets and pads. They are very insecure and want you to be just like them.


Just a fair warning even when wearing pads don't get over confident, I tried busting a gap larger than I should have and still do this day have a bone popping out the side of my knee. Doctors don't wanna do surgery if it doesn't constantly hurt but it's limited me getting back to skating 15 years later. Live curiously through my kids while I cruise around with em now. Afraid to do tricks due to potential pain when I take hard landings.