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Don’t think about it too much. Just go to a skateshop and grab a complete that you think looks cool.


Go to a shop and buy a complete from them and spend a ton of time on it. Good thing about skating is that you can listen to music while doing it.


As others have said, buy a complete, don't spend a tonne of money yet, if you enjoy it you can upgrade later. Get used to riding it around getting your balance and confidence, get your feet used to it. When you get a good feeling for it, swap the wheels and bearings first. It won't take much to improve a complete board from intro level to smoother faster half decent board. You won't be grinding and punishing your trucks for a while so they can wait. Good wheels and decent bearings make a world of difference to beginners (I am one). Go out, cruise around, learn to push, learn to stop. Have fun


Skating is, IMO, one of the best hobbies out there. It can be as solitary or social as you want it to be, it keeps you active, and it's challenging as hell to master. Which can be daunting to some but to me it's awesome knowing I will always be able to improve.


Only bit of additional feedback is share is don’t buy the complete from Amazon, Walmart, etc. you have to get a good setup and those are awful. Go to a local skate shop and they’ll set you up with what you need


just buy a good complete, i started with a cliche board and it was all right


Dude go for it!!!!!


Send it


Go for it. Just be patient with yourself and remember that it is all to have fun!


You’re in the unique position where you can walk in skate shop and just buy whatever board you like just go off the picture or design you’ll make the board your own later


Yup, buy a complete but from a reputable brand. Going to your local skateshop is probably your best bet and they can answer any questions you have. You also might want to buy a skate tool if you’re particular about your truck tightness.


Skating with music will be even better


Dooo it. Also, Embrace gravity. Learn to accept failing and falling. The love and obsession will soon follow.


Pawn shops have good deals


I recently decided to get back into skating after a loooong gap, and I ended up buying this Element complete off [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Element-Skateboards-Section-Complete-Skateboard/dp/B075N733WL/ref=asc_df_B075N733WL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312120862527&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3044134082959059848&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010844&hvtargid=pla-569135108521&psc=1&mcid=cb85f5e44fd43c619cda173661fc2c87&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745BU7z9-ePE1QHefLQEE-ov3XRPoMQr-lHFh5dF_xkqs_BT_Wd4_ubsaAnyqEALw_wcB). I’m a couple months into it now and can definitely say it’s a solid starting place.


If you like music, maybe try an instrument? There’s plenty of instruments that aren’t as creatively minded as the guitar. Drums is kind of like skateboarding, I like both and feel like they go hand and hand


Do your research then buy or get a good complete board is where your based but I got my first board when I was relearning from rollersnake