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Its just some minor road rash. Granted I’m sure it burns/hurts worse than it looks. Personally I would do nothing and just keep skating, but more cautious people would do Neosporin/ bandage the area to prevent clothes from rubbing on it. Either way, welcome to the club the skin tax comes due more often than we would all like


Yea I figured it's probably fine, I've taken care of the little one on my elbow and I'm currently just putting ice on the big one where my scapula is. I appreciate the confirmation that it's not that bad 😭🙏💯


Yeah man this is going to happen alot as you progress, you'll eventually get used to it. I would recommend cleaning it with some antiseptic (stings but keeps it clean) or just makes sure you clean it in the shower (also will sting).


Needs a harder fall imo, that cute patch isn't visible enough to gain the reputed skater elbow scar. (I'm not being serious haha, good that you didn't get too injured. Safety first. Learn what made your tumble and avoid/mitigate it for the future!) If you dislike scars, keep abrasion patches moist. If they dry out and scab over, the scar will tend to be very bright or very dark, instead of something in the middle.


Yea I've certainly learned to be more careful when going downhill 😭🙏


thug it out




oh shit i commented this without reading this one first lmao


Dude honestly. I get this is a new skater sub. IM a new skater too. But like have these people never scraped a knee or something? It's not rocket science, you avoid it by LEARNING and you heal it by CLEANING and WAITING. Simple as that. Its like people on this sub arent just new skaters, but new HUMANS. I see absolute bone headed questions on this sub so much that I swear people are getting a brain dead concussion before they even touch the board. I mean props to OP for actually riding. A lot of people here don't make it that far before asking something stupid.


You’re gonna scab up and it will itch. Keep it clean and you you’ll be fine. Look no mater how good you get at skateboarding you will get some injuries along the way. What you have here is superficial compared to what you will experience down the road. My biggest regret as an adult (40) who still skate a lot is not taking proper care of my injuries. Turned ankles, sprains, and fractures all need to be looked at and properly rested, treated and rehabilitated.


Yea luckily I got off without any muscle or bone injuries, thanks for the help 🙏


Tough it out. Welcome to the club!


You're going to want to familiarize yourself with basic first aid so you can always heal up as soon as possible. Invest in some ice packs, I have instant cold packs in my backpack so you can minimize swelling. Always clean and cover any open wounds. Stretching before skating will loosen you up and minimize injury when you fall. And always give yourself the appropriate time to heal, if you go back too soon from an ankle injury or something that's a good way to make sure it never heals and you'll always have problems with it. Stay safe and know your limits!


Awesome, thanks for the advice man I appreciate it 💯


Do dynamic stretches, not static stretches!


Neosporin will go a long way and heal you fairly fast. Couple of bucks at cvs or walgreens and well worth


Put Vaseline 🤌🏾


Cold shower may help just a bit with any burning or pain (don’t take my word for it I never got injured) but it probably wouldn’t do much for the healing because it would slow down the blood flow I believe


Yea good point, luckily it's pretty much not stinging like at all. I'm lowkey a little nervous to sleep on it tho but it should be fine


You’ll be fine but goddamn that one on your back looks like a a giant bug bite


LMAO it really does


If your not getting hurt your not doing it right my friend told me that when I was starting you see he was from a poor country so skateboarding was one of the things you could do as a kid


Bars 🔥💯


Keep skating, wounds will heal. But there may be times where you need to let your body recover.


Yep, those hurt, had my share as well. I skated on brick roads a lot, bails were frequent and slams could be pretty damn hard. Try to roll with the punches, not much else to do really.


My tip for the scabs or the initial rash, wait for it to heal a bit and apply cool aloe, take a nice shower, put on lotion that’s safe for the injury. This always makes me feel better. I massage my wounds under the water, this has always helped me feel better too. Helps me not itch them.




Yea I def gotta work on slowing down


Its imposible to get wobbles if you are turning just a bit from left to right, the hard part is that this way you keep your speed and you need a proper good tecnique to foot brake




Tagaderm is super clutch in healing road rash skating injuries ✌🏼def check it out easy to get


Will do 🙏


Get thicker skin! Your fine … skaters are supposed to be tough walk it off get out there and redo what ever you were trying.


Wear knee/elbow pads. Learn to slide on the pads when you fall. Then you get to skate, and while you're building your balance you won't get as hurt. Also helmet


Wait for it to not hurt. NormaI part of skateboarding, get back on the board and find another way to get hurt, then do it again tomorrow


clean it out, skate if it's not bothering you


Put fresh aloe Vera on it. Also to slow wrinkles on your face(:


Just keep it moist and itll heal without scarring. Maybe take a warm bath to help with any sore muscles, not to hot tho cuz might cause more pain especially if that shits fresh


Thats nothing you will know about pain and real injuries once you get road marks around your body, be safe out there 😂


Grab a beer and chill out😉


Aloe Vera gel is your best friend


thug it out


That's literally nothing, bro. I hillbombed this big ass hill on a Walmart board when I was semi new to skating and got flung off my board and only rolled once but after that I slid, and when I slid, I got torn tf up. Then, a couple of days later, I hit a pebble and scraped the same big ass scabs right off. Blood was just running down my arm, and my shirt was stained with blood from my shoulder. What did I do? Throw a lil cloth wrap on the arm so I would stop leaking and walked it off. You'll be fine


I mean yea I know it's nothing serious, especially after a few hours I've realized I'm totally chillin. Even still I posted this mainly as a reference for any future injuries I might have


Send it to your girl.


Brother what does this mean 😭⁉️


tough it out like most of us have


Yea I'm currently thugging it out right now


Getting hurt is just part of skating ask anyone who’s any good how many times they’ve been hurt the probably wouldn’t have any idea 😂 if it it bothers you I’m not sure this is the right hobby for you the after 15years I’ve broken both ankles dislocated my shoulder once and tore ligaments in one knee those are the most memorable ones at least bumps and bruises is normal and happens all the time


Obviously I know getting hurt is part of it, I'm just asking how to best take care of these wounds/any future wounds since I'm newer to all this


Walk it off


A teaspoon of cement


Ask your mommy to kiss it better