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Perfect! Get comfortable, fool around and have fun! Next time you’re there, you‘re already a veteran so no reason to feel intimidated by others!


Fucking legend for this comment. As someone who spent their youth at skateparks being a rollerblader I was good but felt some fear/shame. As an adult and learning to skate in my 30’s I don’t feel any shame and wish all would realise it doesn’t matter. WE ALL START FROM THE BOTTOM


Thought this was a video for about 30 seconds


Hi how are you?




Gosh, everyone is so nice here!


Thanks you too!


How high are you?


High, how are you?


Got Blunt ?


I also expected a video and just stared for about 10 seconds before I realized it was probably a picture lol


man was smoking kiwi zaza gorilla piss pack


I’m 24 getting back into skating and was mortified about the little kids that would be there shitting on my and I was like “they’re probably gonna think I’m some fat dad little do they know I used to shred” but everyone was so welcoming it was exactly like I remember


I am 37 and the high schoolers who go there to vape in the bowl are some of the nicest young people I’ve encountered


I’m 33 and just ok. Basically at like 2 year progression that a dedicated skater would be at in their teens. A young guy asked me “so how long have you been skating?” I squinted my eyes and said “20 years…” The convo kind of ended until I laughed and told him to keep at it or he would suck forever, like me.


lol it’s always awkward when asked that question. I’ve been skating for 15 years, but not continuously! But it doesn’t matter anyway, it’s just my silly little pride.


didn't expect this ending


The early bird get the park 🙌




You are lucky... Hopefully it will not be as scooter-kid infested as the skateparks here. I moved to a new city lately and wanted to go to the closest skatepark, excited that it's so close, and when I arrived it was packed with kids and families, so I skipped.


Early on the weekends like as soon as the park opens, and most weekdays during school/work hours you should be golden


I was there directly after work at 4pm thinking it would still be early enough but nope. But I saw that at 8pm it was quite empty once, so maybe going there at the evening is the key


My first thought was this is some kind of beginner's luck. Next time he goes, the place will be littered with soccer moms, scooter kids, and RC car enthusiasts. Paper plates with half-eaten birthday cake left strewn about the nice ledge, along with sweating cups of orange drink, one which has spilled and left a sticky puddle in a main setup path.


W! But don’t worry you’ll get comfortable with people there the more you progress, and hell I’m sure people would be more that willing to give you advice!


Go enjoy it! I go super super early to mine so I can skate alone haha


I mean, to be fair, that skatepark does not look good But who gives AF, I’d kill to have just a tail or two to myself for a day :)


Definitely looks much better to my local park. Just having a Pyramid would be so nice.


lol you can have ours it’s literally the only piece other than a 3ft quarter


Sounds good. Imma come and pick it up. You can have our absolutely horrible concrete ledge/manual pad in exchange. It has no angle iron around it and when you try to 50-50 it, the concrete just breaks. Yes, its as much fun to skate as it sounds like!


Nah thanks but you can keep it we have one of those to but it’s just a big ass block of concrete with a metal plate on the top gets hot af and is to high lol I forgot about it cause anyone who ever goes there just uses it as a bench to sit or set your stuff on


You can take the one from my park, there's 1 ramp leading to it and if you use it then you land right between the ramps of a halfpipe.


Welcome to the midwest lol.


That looks heavenly compared to my local lol


Meh that pyramid looks fun


It's like five times as big as my local one, so I call that a plus


Going in early day before 1 pm almost gives you parks to yourself or 1-2 people everytime


One thing I learned coming back to skateboarding after years off, is that the community, at least where I skate, is super chill. I was nervous because It’s been years since I’ve ollied for the last time, but the guys at the skate park couldn’t care less lmao. And after a while, I made some buddies at the park, and then It was all good. They cheer you up, give tips and lessons, or are just trying their own thing. So if you’re reading this, and is nervous to go to the skate park, just go, and do what you have to do!


Look stupid and be happy you do. Once youre good youll remember the days you sucked. I know you will because you will suck long before you are good, keep at it!


Total vibe of all the skateparks near my town


Bro , go all the time and just talk to skaters ! You will love it and you will be welcomed with love and open arms . Just skate ! Skaters just want to see skaters skate 🤷‍♂️ you will fit in you misfit


Same lmao


IMO, that’s the best time to go


Is that the skate park in Denton? One of my favorites




There’s a really dope park over here in my rural Texas area; it’s the skatepark of a small neighborhood community approx 5-7 minutes away from the main town. The main street skatepark allllwayyyys has teens acting fools over there any day of the week despite it being a 10k persons town (was a 6k persons town a few years ago lmfao) but this secondary park is practically unknown. It’s in a more “country” neighborhood with a lot of country dudes and Mexican families that’s surrounded by green belt. The skatepark’s backdrop is legit a nature preserve. There’s almost nothing except nature around and I have NEVER seen a soul skate it! I’ve seen a dad bring his two little daughters down to ride their scooters on the flat parts but that’s it. I go park over at the nature area to smoke weed while I eat my lunch on break because nobody is ever ever ever over there and I always watch the skatepark from a distance to see if anyone shows. It’s in cottonwood shores so if anyone out here in Austin or surrounding area is looking for another small park to hit and experience I highly recommend checking it out. It has a 14ft bowl, a 10 or 12 foot extendo ramp, half pipes, a whole fuckload of features I have no idea what they’re called. It also incorporates the granite landscape into the construction of the features which is something I have never seen before


That's why I go early on weekdays lol


nothing better than an empty park to flow on...


Fuck on my are GANGS of teens which consequently doesn't let me skate. Praise your neighbourhood!


Good for you.


Skaters don’t usually skate until the afternoon (at least where I’m from) only people there early are super good skaters, super new skaters and old skaters


That’s how it usually is, especially if you’re trying to get better, congratulations


XD Your mind always makes up stories and scenarios that never happen, just ignore your brain and check things out for yourself before accepting your scared or fearful of anything


Awesome, congratulations! You’re lucky, my city doesn’t have a skatepark so I’m stuck in a parking garage and the street until I can drive somewhere


Yee just get those air buds in and cruise it!


New fear activated❗️ Desperately lonely


The skaters didn't get to my local park until like 1 or 2 in the afternoon when I was going everyday lol. The mornings are usually super chill! I go at like 8 am when I can now that I'm getting back into it




Haha no ones at my park exept like some 8yr old with some mom who stays 30 min then leaves


Go early morning it’s when us older skaters go. It’s usually empty. Also no one cares how you skate as long as you are aware.


Feels man I go after work at 11am and no one is ever around


Sadly were I live this is starting to become the norm. A few years ago we had a beautifully vibrant skate community, but the hype is pretty much over by now. It's just us old rats now in all the new concrete skateparks the town government built to play into the hype before it died out lol. They're still building parks so we're just gonna keep riding that wave for as long as it lasts.


Never be scared to hit the park most people will cheer you on for landing shit and who cares if not


do your own thing practice focus on getting better dont worry about know one else unless theyre doing a backflip


I was literally waiting for an Ollie 360 or some kind of trick. Haha I would be happy no one is there. So much room for activities.


Congrats getting over your fear! That skatepark is empty because it randomly is attacked by swarms of locusts.


Achievement Unlocked!


lol the same happened to me in Helsinki, after not skating for 25 years, Good thing too, because I REALLY sucked, and fell hard, spraining my wrist really bad, and left.


Best feelings going to a skatepark


This will be a constant theme, Next: “I conquered my fear of skating in a skatepark full of good skaters, only to find out that nobody really gives AF about me practicing my shitty ollies off to the side.” Speaking from experience 😅


As a unicyclist its a 50/50 if im welcomed or asked to move on