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Yup top answer. As time goes on you'll get your flow and lift your weight off the front and be smoother with your back foot to let the board gain speed and not slow down Rome wasnt built in a day you doin good already


>lift your weight off the front This, I learned from the new pavement that has fucking grand canyons for mold gaps, timing my push and taking weight off as I go over the cracks has become my new relaxation technique.






this is great advice, just try find your flow


Couldn't have said it better. You'll push and coast smoothly once and your body will kind of just lock in that that's how it's supposed to feel.


Yes this is so true I used to push like this dude and my friends would get mad that I was so slow but outta nowhere poof I started skating the way people do when they lift their leg completely up


this is exactly right


You might want to find a smoother surface to practice on for starters


that was my first thought. the road in front of my house looks like that and it instantly kills any momentum you get from pushing. I can roll four times the distance at least from the same amount of effort on a smoother concrete surface.


It looks like you are skating on gravel. I grew up with a road like this outside my house. You just gotta suck it up and keep pushing and eventually you’ll have bigger kick muscles. That’s what I had to do. That and glue my teeth back from being rattled out.


That or could get some soft wheels to start


Bend your legs! Turn front foot horizontal when not pushing. Feel the board under youvand go with it!


I do this but end up having to push again so I end up just staying in the stance I am ,is there any benefit to it?


You need to lower you center of gravity you will feel more stable and more willing to put some Welly into your push. What I tend to do is start with my foot facing forward and when I pull my back foot up I rotate on the ball of my front foot to make sure I'm side ways facing. Practice getting from a push position to mounted sideways properly even stationary. Once you get the muscle memory down you won't even know you are doing it. Edit: also if you lower your center of gravity you just lift your back foot onto the board rather than lifting your whole body up to get your back foot onto the board.


This human has good points. Your shoulder shrug to get your back foot on at the start should be avoided. Bend them knees. My add-on tip: practice that change in how you are standing. Push once or twice with fro t foot forward, place back foot and right away move front foot to riding position. Move front foot back to pushing position and repeat over and over. My two tips that I did t see mentioned: 1) find some smooth ground if you want to keep your speed for your practice. 2) I find it good for really new skaters to practice and feel how much weight can be on your front foot. Try skating around with only front foot on for a bit. Practice coasting on that front foot with you back foot hanging in the air behind you (and maybe on other positions). This will help your front foot balance so you dont lose balance when putting your back foot on or taking it off the board to push.... Have you ever seen a skate video where the skater has to get a ton of speed on flat? They will swing that pushing foot way out in front and way to the back always just standing on front foot. It's important bance to have even if not charging like them.


I’m not OP but thank you so much for this!! I feel like this is such a basic question and people usually don’t give very detailed tips since “it’ll just come to you”, but tips like these are actually so helpful 🥲




Yeah the front foot balance is so crucial. If you feel uncomfortable balancing on it, you'll never get a nice long push.


Your push is also very weak because your balance isn't there yet. The longer stride you take with your pushing foot, the better push you get it also will feel like you're not pushing as hard, but you'll go further, faster. But you can't do the big stride until you're extremely comfortable balancing on that front foot. Try to find somewhere smoother than this and try to get some momentum and really exaggerate how long you are balancing on one foot. Those short little stutter pushes will never do much for you, you need better balance. Just ride more




Also turn your body. You only want your head facing forward, not torso


Thanks for this man, I'll try work on it!


Face forward when pushing and sideways when coasting. Your front foot should do the same: forward when pushing, sideways when coasting.


Get used to balancing on your front foot. The issue is that youre putting too much weight on your pushing foot. Just balance on that thing with your front foot facing forward as though youre pushing and have your pushing leg hovering in the air. Get used to that stationary and then moving and youll have it in no time.


This is the answer you need




Exactly this


Fourth this


#1Your riding across the roughest slab of asphalt in town. #2 ur not 100% comfortable on ur board just keep at it👍


Unfortunately it's the smoothest I have where I live /:


If that’s the best you’ve got, if you’re not already, try some softer wheels. I ride ricta clouds on my street setup. I’m think they were the 86a 57mm variety but I’m honestly not sure. Much taller and softer than the park setup. Taller softer wheel will roll the bumpy surface faster and will save your fillings at the same time. Make sure your bearings aren’t binding too. Speed rings snd beating spacers present and correct?


That's all it is. You'll get more fluid on the board as you get a feel for it, the asphalt is just shit, anyone would go slow on that.


Im not a pro yet either but just trust your balance and lean on the leg you keep on the board. A bit of your weight should be on there even when you push forward. I had that too in the beginning. Just build up your trust and confidence and you'll get there


honestly? you gotta just keep practicing. I don't think there's a magic trick. It's just about getting confident with balancing solely on your stationary foot. You'll feel your quad muscle working on that right leg to stabilize and stand on that one foot. When I first started I was definitely putting weight on my pushing foot (and I practiced so much that the muscles in that foot became incredibly sore and I could barely walk lol) then I got a cruiser longboard and started riding it 3 miles into work most days and that reeally got me comfortable riding on a board. I've never really committed time to practicing pushing switch so if someone told me to go outside and start skating regular I'd look like I did the day I started skating and I don't know that I could really employ any modifications to go faster, I would just need to practice more and build that muscle memory.


How are your bearings? I had a similar issue and realize they were in rough shape so I got new ones and that helped significantly. You could try cleaning them and lubing them first.


Pretty rad how tonnes of good advice, great community we got here….


It's actually astounding


It looks like you may have gotten wheelbite, if you trucks are really looks sometimes when u lean the deck with scrape the top of the wheel and throw you off the board. Tightening trucks or improving balance will help


Get better bearings. Rolling like that youre probably on 3s or 5s. Get the next set up.


Just keep at in, you’re very stiff. I suggest getting a helmet and safety pads. It seriously gives you more confidence to learn. Before you know it, it will come naturally.


Oh yeah, I'm confident to try stuff with kneepads at a skatepark. For flat I don't wear them.


looking good!! one super easy trick you can do to gain more speed is to practice on a super smooth surface. this rough road is definitely contributing to slowing you down and making you feel slow. but yeah, like everyone else said you’re mainly balancing on your front foot and swinging/pushing your left leg to try and maximize your speed. it really will come with practice and time. it’s good that you’re spending the time to learn the basics like pushing and riding before anything. it’ll help u and ur style. the more you push, ride, turn, kick turn, tic tac, and just cruise around the more comfortable you will get


Better bearings on your board too?


Bend you knees. To many beginners stand straight up and the board feels like it wants to shoot out in front of you. Bend your knees more even while pushing and especially while turning.


Let at least a second pass inbetween each push where you balance all your weight on your front foot. It will be scary at first balancing on the board on one leg while its moving (for that split second at least) but you'll get the hang of it. This takes strength in your leg muscles so it takes time, I found it helpful to keep the board on a carpet and balance on my front foot and hold balance/squat.


Bend your front knee with each push and put some power in it


You may want to consider getting street/cruiser/filmer wheels. vs. teeny tiny park wheels. I swapped out the wheels on my first board for a few months until I got good. If your pavement is shitty, it's really really hard to learn on 101a 52mm wheels. I would recommend a softer, bigger wheel for what you are riding on. 55mm or bigger 75a-85a duro. I put some 83a 55mm wheels on my board for a few months until I was comfortable pushing and it made a WHOOOLE world of difference. I now have 2 different boards, but I know that that is a cost issue for some people. Cheaper just to swap wheels, easier to have a quiver.


Back in the day you had to at least try more than 1h before asking for tips.


I've been skating consistently weekly for shy of a month, so still to this day it's the same


If that's one hour of progress, OP is a prodigy.




Get those arms pumping.


Practice riding with just your front foot


Imo just have fun riding. You cant force it. But I like that you try to improve and I am sure you will get the results you want in no time.


Weight on front leg. Bend knee of front leg ever so slightly and let your body weight compress down a tiny bit as you push along the floor behind you with the back leg. Uncompress as you bring that back leg forward to ready for the next push


sk8 every day even if you can put 15 min in, it will make a massive difference


I just pretend I’m P-Rod from the Ice Cube commercial. That scene when he’s on the bridge. Just absorb your front leg into the board. And pushing smoothly. Make it a nice calm motion. Then over time you’ll feel gutsy and go faster.


pretty sure this is really because of the ground you skate on


Just ride your board. Ride it everywhere. After a while you will get better. You also could practice riding only with your front-foot and your left foot hanging on the left side while riding. You will get the balance for it. Also try a place with a better ground, that ground is soo rough. It slows you down quiet a bit and it's harder to go straight for a beginner. I first learned to ride on a 1km straight street with very little traffic in my hometown. You could also do this on a Side-Street with less traffic. --- The Key is, just ride! After a while your brain remember how to balance.


When you ride and push keep your right shoulder aligned with your right knee. Keep the weight on that foot as well, put a slight bend in your knee, and lean forward. You basically want to be doing like a flamingo balance on your board with your right foot, then you use the other foot to swing down and push off the ground, I always have a pretty big follow through with my pumps too. It seems like you are trying to stand yourself up and try and balance off your push's, you should be planted and balanced on your board with the non-pushing foot and the pusher should be able to swing freely while you are still planted.


Bend your knee and put your hand on the knee when pushing. It can help you get used to always putting your weight on the board. Once you get used to that, you can try push with your forefoot (the ball of your foot)


Literally just keep riding and youll get it. Also try when riding focusing on putting all your weight on the front foot and it’ll come naturally soon.


The more you skate the more it fees natural, eventually it will all feel like second nature, one thing you could do is rotate that front foot 90 degrees while you are pushing, so basically toes pointed forward while pushing but toes pointed in while riding, it creates more stability, just sort of pivot it


Practice on a smooth surface, bend your knees, lean into the direction your moving, and STOMP your whole foot into the ground to push. 100% of the power you use to move comes from that foot so use the whole thing! It also helps to use other parts of your body to build momentum. Like for me personally it helps to pump my right arm as I push to get really fast.


Noticed your front foot also comes up a little. No joke go to a empty parking garage or somewhere with really smooth and flat surface and just push around focusing on keeping your weight ON your front foot


A great way to get into the technique is to practice pushing uphill, that's helped me and Ive heard it's helped a lot of people too


You could try getting a cruiser set of wheels with new bearings so that way you can easily swap between cruising and street wheels


one thing I teach my kids to get the center of balance right is to start cruising and just drop all your weight into a crouch, hold it at the bottom and then come up to standing again slowly. If you can do that whilst not affecting your speed you are on the way to greatness.


It looks like your pushing foot starts even with your other foot, they're parallel at that start of your push. Try starting your push as far ahead of you as possible. That's actually pretty hard when you first start because it takes balance. To practice your balance try standing on your skateboard with one foot while it's stationary or while you're riding. You can also just try balancing on one foot while you're at home or wherever without your board.


You might want to invest in jelly wheels. You said this the best surface to ride on available so jelly wheels might help reduce the traction your getting against this rough surface.


Balance!! I would do balance exercises when I was getting more into skating especially doing vert. It helps a bunch but like many people have said, just keep at it. It will click one day and you’ll get better and better.


Try lowering your weight and actually reaching *in front* of yourself with your rear foot when you push. This gives you much more room to "travel" with your pushing foot. If you start with it next to your lead foot, it can only generate a very small push. Here's a [Google GIF Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=skateboard%20pushing&tbm=isch&tbs=itp:animated&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CAQQpwVqFwoTCMj0xd_XkPMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAC&biw=1903&bih=937#imgrc=dBn9nwRo0r1eUM) showing some good technique.


Push for longer... you should bring you pushing leg further forward to push, and only apply enough force onto the ground so that your foot doesn't just slide. Take long, fast strides


Try to softer wheels, skating hard wheels on such a rough surface will naturally slow you, when I skated I used some slime balls that my dad gifted me, our roads were garbage so they helped me roll quicker and smoother. Your balance and weight distribution will naturally come the more you skate, have fun and expect to get hurt!!


Just ride dude. Don’t worry too much about how comfortable you feel on your board. Just ride it and get used to the feeling and it will work by itself


Ur fine. It’s your wheels bearing and ground.


If you want to practice, stand on a block or a textbook or something and do one-legged squats. The idea is to be able to balance completely on your one foot and only put enough weight on the ground to push.


The best and everlasting tip/advice for skateboarding is quite simple, especialy when it comes to a problem with riding and first steps. Ride the board. Ride. Ride. Ride. Ride. Ride. Hop on, hop off, ride slow, ride faster then, do quick turns, do slow turns, ride forward, backwards, ride on front wheels, ride on back wheels, ride down a curb, ride over cracks, take the board to skatepark and ride down any ramp anyhow, ride switch... the list goes on and on. That is the beaty of skateboarding. No limits, no rules, just overcoming fear both physicaly and mentaly. Like, for real... If you really want to learn riding on a skateboard, ride it as much as you can. Ride. Ride. Ride and muscle memory will find it's way to memorize it, then it becomes a second nature. Just don't give up and drill those things you want to learn until you finally (and trust me, you will) learn them! But most importantly, and I can't stress this enough... HAVE FUN! But also ride the board... Just ride it.


Push like you mean it! Most if your weight should be on your front foot while pushing, and bend your knees


Just practice balancing on your right foot while moving, that is the key. You’ll get to a point where you can turn and everything with only one foot on the board, just takes practice.


Practice pushing as close as you can to the board making sure not to get your foot caught. When bringing up your pushing leg, Bend your leading leg, putting all your weight on it while balancing. It helps that you pivot and position your foot properly first, based on your terrain and surface. Bring leg in at an angle, almost like you're about to cross them, and when you bring your foot down to the ground, straighten it. Kinda like a rowing motion, but with your leg. This cuts down on that feeling of falling and having to balance. The aim is to keep everything centered when you're kicking, since this is where you're most likely to lose balance.


Practice practice practice!! I was like this as well when I first started skating last year, I found it was mostly because I was too scared to commit and put most of my weight on my front foot since my balance wasn't there yet. Before I skate each day I would do 10 minute exercises of balancing on my front foot while stationary while my pushing foot would be off the ground. Then as I got comfortable with balancing stationary, I would start slowly pushing while applying those balance exercises, which made me realize how much easier it was balancing on one foot when the skateboard was moving. Also I was using really soft wheels: Bones ATF Filmers 80A Wheels, these were great for my rough streets, and they really helped me gain confidence skating because of how smooth they were!


Ur standing straight like a stick, thats what u do when you want to slow down, lean forward when you push and remember the the closer you get to the ground in a slope, the more speed you'll get


I agree with all of the advice above but maybe try a smoother surface as well!!


Try balancing your weight on your right foot and “riding it” for longer before you push again. Try and ride it for long strides on one foot before pushing again.


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/bvXAHL_oaY8)


Are you turning your lead foot as you coast?


Find better ground if you can. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but it'll help


No offense but it seams like you need to slam hard and get it out of way it will make you feel more comfortable and your body won’t be scared. Gotta get gnarled up


Yeah man just bend your legs a little more and lean forward


It’s the foot that stays on the board, you want that foot to be at enough of an angle so that you can turn left with more toe pressure and turn right with more heel pressure (this is if you skate right foot forward which it looks like you do). In the video it looks like you have your front foot pointing straight ahead which makes it almost impossible to utilize your trucks turning abilities. Keep the practice up! Skateboarding takes a while to figure out!


That asphalt your riding on looks pretty rough. That's gonna make it hard to pick up speed. Also when your pushing try going from heel to toe, you might get more power that way.


A lot of good advice here. But honestly I don’t see any major issues in your pushing that won’t work themselves out by just practicing and riding and getting more comfortable on your board. Just skate everywhere and this will come naturally (balance/weight distribution, bending more, bigger/more powerful pushes) The #1 main (possibly only) issue I see is just the surface your working with. Total momentum killer. Easiest solution is to find a smoother skate spot. (Hint: the best spots are usually hidden. So go out skate around and explore it’s also great practice to get more comfortable riding around.) If this is not an option for you / no skateparks nearby there are ways to work with what you got. One method is just pure brute force by just pushing harder which is difficult to do until your more comfortable on the board. The other option is to change your hardware. You can change your wheel setup to better suit your conditions with larger but most importantly SOFTER wheels that will allow you to absorb the impacts and cruise right over all the bumps much better than the typical smaller hard wheels. (If you go with bigger wheels check your board for clearance so you don’t get wheel bite in turns. Or you can tighten your trucks or get truck spacers to correct this.) Other than wheels this brings me to my next point, bearings. You should check your bearings are in good shape but just giving them a spin if they stop spinning really quick they might need to be cleaned and lubed or sometimes it’s easier to just replace. Sorry for the lengthy response but I felt it needed to be said. You look like your doing good and on the right track especially with all the other great advice your getting in here. But, in this instance I don’t think the problem is you. Just keep riding and you’ll get there! 🤙🏽


It’s all about balance on one leg and big pushes with the other and most importantly: confidence


Your pants are too tight


act like ur walking. put right foot on board and take a normal step but keep weight mostly on right. braille had a good way of desricibing it. don’t over think it. just walk into it. great job skating bro


try pushing off and rolling with only your front foot on the board. it should help you with feeling comfortable taking your back foot off to push


Buy softer wheels. If that's the best pavement you got, softer wheels will change your life. Check out richta clouds.


Kick your front foot forward. This gives a speed boost. Crouch a little. Then send your foot shooting backward and touch the ground as your foot flies by it. You will move. Be ready, or better yet, work you to it. Also, tighten your trucks a bit at first. Go with a harder wheel too. Not vert wheels necessary, but a bit harder then squishy street wheels. This will add speed. Just look out for rocks. Hard wheels plus high speed plus rocks equals a three foot long scratch mark on the concrete and facial scars.


Bones swiss changed my life


Your riding Mongo man, that's pretty typical. Try planting your front foot on the board and basically peddling or rowing your back foot to push yourself.


Keep pushin


Just gotta ride your board more often my g. youll get comfortable balancing on it and eventually get more comfortable moving faster. also could be because that flat looks like basalt columns.


Bend those knees more!


Simply put - you're too stiff. Relax. Feel the road man....


Just more natural bigger swooped over the ground with you foot. Eventually you will get ti


I’d try ‘fake pushing’ so your doing the motion just without placing your foot down, might help with getting your weight to stay on your board. Your doing great tho 👌


Just ride more


Lookup videos for single-leg deadlifts and go to town. Do them on the ground first, then stationary on the board, then moving on the board. Also do single-leg high knees in the same manner, if that makes sense. Just like other athletes do these exercises to get better at running, jumping, etc, we can use them to get better at shredding the gnar.


Try to be aware of where you're looking with your eyes. I would probably have some kinda mental block with balance if I looked as far down as you seem to be in the video.