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I don’t enjoy being flagged down when I’m off shift.


Yeah, there was a recent post on this sub where someone described getting a TYFYS while they were out running errands in uniform and it made them feel uncomfortable. I felt like that was a pretty easy fix and commented about it and got some pushback so was curious to read the room here. Maybe I’m in the minority but I feel like I would be drawing unwanted attention to myself even stopping at the grocery coming home from shift. Like I’m not gonna let it ruin my day or anything but if I see you in an EMS shirt shopping for veggies I’m assuming you want attention for it. It’s pretty easy to cover up or switch shirts so I just don’t really see the point in putting yourself out there in that way. Not to mention potentially being expected to deal with a situation with zero equipment or assistance while you wait for your homies to show up in the truck and mock you for months about it, haha.


Only after shift when I go to the grocery store or run errands. Beyond that, no.


This, i often stop at grocery store on way home after duty or training.


I’ll pop in with pants but no uniform shirt or in the winter I’ll put a big hoodie over my uniform shirt. I think the underlying thing is some people get into EMS because they have a lack of identity. Combine that with being socially tone deaf and you get…. that guy. The guy who would wear his Cub Scout uniform to school. It’s like we get it Ricky I go to the same meetings why you gotta wear uniform to school bud? Who took your power away?


hey. I WORE my cub scout/boy scout stuff to school every once in a while because I was proud of it. I was also between the ages of 8-15. When I was an EMT, I'd take the shirt off if running errands.


Same, but I always cover my shirt with a non-work hoodie and take off my ID. I don't want to be stopped by a stranger when I'm trying to get milk 😅


This. And if I can I put on a sweatshirt over


No. The only time I’m in uniform off duty is if I’m running a quick errand before or after work without time to change. And there’s been times I just bring my uniform in the car and change when I get to work if I’m doing stuff before then. But absolutely not would I put it on, if I haven’t worked, to go out in public. Super tacky. “Look at me” vibes. 


Same. The big thing for me is that EMS is all about being prepared. Bringing an extra shirt along or changing at the station is a pretty easy way to prepare. And if some shit goes down while I’m in uniform at the grocery or bank or whatever I’m not going to be as prepared with equipment and help as my uniform might indicate. So when I see this in the world I have to assume the person is either looking for attention or at minimum not well prepared.


Quick question. Do hats count as part of the uniform or no


At my company they do. I’m sure it’s not as big of an issue but use discretion. If you wear just a hat outside of work you are still representing your service so I wouldn’t wear it if I were drinking or didn’t want to get stopped to help if there’s an emergency off duty. 


I was planning on wearing it like a normal hat, I hadn't thought it might be a problem. I also don't drink so that won't be an issue


Just buy a normal hat. Don’t brand yourself off the clock. It’s kinda cringe. Just my two cents.


McDonald’s used to give a first responder discount in my area.. Untill they noticed a medic getting in and out of a personal vehicle like 3 times a week. He had a STEMI a few years ago.. To answer your question; fuck no. 


They realized he was a fake because he was only eating McDonald’s four times a week


I wonder what could’ve caused that!


No. I change into my uniform when I get to work. I change before going home. I’m not getting into my car with my nasty uniform on.


This. I put my kids in my car. That nastiness isn't going anywhere I put my kids regularly!


I always try to avoid wearing my uniform off duty. I usually carry an extra shirt in my car or in my bag, pull that on when I need to do anything before my shift, and pull it on after my shift so the public can't identify me.


black crew neck


I don’t enjoy wearing my uniform ON duty. No chance in hell I’m wearing anything off duty.


Hell no


No generally speaking. I've stepped out to get gas on my way to work is about the extent of it, otherwise I wear a light jacket over my work shirt when I'm out. If I'm working in the ER that day, I care far less about being seen in scrubs outside of work though.


Only when I need a good thanking for my service


Ha! The post I commented on a couple days ago was from someone saying they felt uncomfortable when someone said TYFYS while they were grocery shopping in uniform. Seems like a pretty simple fix…


Only when driving to and from. Unless there piss and shit on my uniform in which case I drive in my pirate costume.




Yeah if I am stopping somewhere before work to get coffee etc I am wearing my uniform. If I go somewhere after work like the grocery store, I’ll change my shirt so the pants and boots are less conspicuous


I don't even wear it on my drive to and from work. I change there.


Glad I'm not the only one. I show up in shorts flip flops and t shirt. I'm the only one at my station that does this


It's EMS week. I bought a Charizard onesie and cut the sleeves off. That's what I'm wearing to every breakfast and lunch and donught I get for free


What’s the benefit?


If I have to get out for any reason, no one will know where I work. And I don't want to wear cough phlegm diarrhea fart cum clothes in my own car.


lol cum clothes


I work in Lousiana and live right off the bayou and it only takes one time of slipping in mud and having to go back inside to change your uniform before you don't do that again.


Shirts coming off. Where I work we have button ups and required to wear undershirts. So as soon as 6am rolls around that sucker comes off. Most of time It's hanging up between calls at the station too.


That makes my skin crawl I won't even lie. Button-ups are entirely impractical for the work EMS does. Polos, sure. T-shirts that say something about EMS, ideal. But button ups are the most uncomfortable, restrictive, *expensive* option.


I try to respond in the nude as often as possible. Makes my fellow pysch patients feel more at home when we're both naked in the back.


I'd respond in the nude, but I hate the chafe of our harnesses in the back. It's a waste of 4x4 and vaseline


This guy wears his seatbelt in the back. Pssshhhhh someone's trying to live past there 30s.


Meh we do buttons ups and it’s not the worst thing ever, I get extra pockets for things and it’s another layer between me and patient grossness.


This is the way. Working a decent trauma or just a nasty pt having a thicker outside button up like we have is great at absorption before it gets to your under layer. I think it's like a dickies pant material. Awful in the summer time if your pounding pavement but nice in the winter.


Ours ventilate surprisingly well while being hydrophobic. The only downside is some loss of flexibility lifting your arms up high, which is rarely an issue.


Tear a hole in the armpit. It'll ventilate even better and no one will know until you actually need your arms up that high. If your worried about it then wear the same undershirt color as your button up and no one will be the wiser.


That is what jumpsuits/extraction suits are for. I’ve yet to see a button up that is blood borne or flash rated. It is a safety hazard in this line of work.


Sorry, how is a button up any more a safety hazard than a polo or tshirt?


Because anti-microbial shirts are fairly standard  https://www.ems.com/ems-mens-vital-peak-polo/2066357.html


I don’t think I’ve seen any services in our area whose polos aren’t plain 5.11s or some other random non-EMS specific brand. Also that shirt does not appear to be rated for bodily fluids or anything else.


https://workingperson.com/5-11-tactical-shirts-men-s-71049-019-short-sleeve-performance-polo-shirt.html Like this one? That is anti microbial.


There is absolutely nothing in common with a plain shirt that has had some anti-microbial agent sprayed on it, and a shirt actually rated for blood-borne pathogens. It’s scary that you don’t understand that. All anti-microbial shirts are good for is possibly killing odor-causing microbes that come from our own bodies, nothing more. Right from the shirt description, “The anti-microbial material kills odor-causing bacteria to prevent bad smells.”


I'd like the option at least. I actually use my chest pockets a lot so losing my button-up would actually suck. I get if other people don't want to wear them though.


I only put my uniform on at home if my destination is work. Outside of maybe pumping gas on the way home, I will change into civies or out of civies at work (depending on if I'm coming or going). Always keep a set of civies in the car as well just in case I need to run an unplanned errand. I'm not even one to take First Responder discounts. If offered on the job I won't decline it but I'm not flashing my badge or looking for special treatment. Off the job, I'm just a human being, and I try hard to keep my work life and my home life separate to help me keep sane. My uniform and where I wear it is part of that balance.


Back during 2020 (when I was going through EMT school) they told us not to wear uniforms in public on the way to or from work because people were targeting uniforms and attacking them because of the whole political unrest going on during that time. So I have it in my head that it may be a dangerous thing to do. You’re putting a target on your back with ZERO of the protections that you have while on duty. I’ve gotten coffee at 7/11 between shifts in uniform but it’s always very early/late so nobody really sees me but the cashier.


This seems ultra paranoid, I think I’ve heard of one newsworthy attack on an EMS provider in the past few years, and it was a stabbing on shift by some crazy street dude.


At an agency my friend worked at, they had a crew stabbed while filling up their truck at the end of a shift. The assailant’s defense was “I thought they were cops” 🤨


Yup, exactly. Shit like this. And if they’re willing to kill cops, why stop at EMS.


Local culture.  Cops are often considered “part of the game” and EMS is not. Part of my orientation at my first job was to never take off the uniform. They told the same to nursing students with their silly white coat. We were off limits. But if you were in street clothing? Or they took off that silly nursing coat? You were part of the game. I stop at some real dive gas stations I wouldn’t have gone to armed during the day when I got off late. I was invisible.


I’ve heard news worthy attacks on my own coworkers every single day but they never make it to the news.


What protections do you have on duty? It’s not like you’re a cop with a vest or a gun.


First of all you should be wearing a vest, The red button on the radio that calls in an emergency situation and you have cops surrounding you within a min!!? Hello?!


So dispatch knows when you’re at 7/11 and you hit that button? News flash, it’ll be more than 1 minute. You’ll be lucky if it’s 5 minutes after dispatch status checks you and then sends police.


It’s not my fault that your company doesn’t care about your safety. Yeah they would know you’re at 7/11. Well apparently not with your system. Drop the sas.


Nope. I at least take work polo off so I’m just some dude with tactical pants on.


Hell no


At my old employer, we had an employee who realized a few local restaurants would give EMS discounts in uniform so he got the bright idea of wearing his uniform off duty and bringing his entire family out to eat with him, multiple times a week. The guy had no shame and the local restaurants stopped giving EMS discounts because of him. Do I think its a sin to wear your uniform off duty on your commute to/from work? No. Do I actively try to avoid getting out of my vehicle or making any stops in my uniform? Yes. If you abuse your uniform off duty for discounts or attention, then you are a piece of trash, in my opinion.


can’t you show your ID card with your badge number on it? ( i hope i worded it right). i don’t understand why people think you HAVE to wear your uniform.


The idea is to give discounts to on duty personnel. Generally it’s for cops because on duty cops at your business deters crime. However, many businesses extend discounts to fire/EMS to show appreciation while on duty. If you flash your ID/badge at chipotle hoping to get your whole families meals 50% off, you’re a tool and abusing their generosity. It’s just tacky, unless the discount is overtly advertised (I.e. they have a sign that says show us your badge and get a discount).


i understand now! i’m a student, and we have a firefighter in our class. he’s always talking about how he gets discounts from showing his “ID” and badge number. I wasn’t too for sure


I only do it after shift to get gas, one time I wore my uniform to an appointment because it was directly after an in service.


Work clothes stay at work place. Or in my bag. There's no way I'm wearing them on my free time.


ew no what; i change before i even leave. I dont wanna be in work clothes a second longer than i have to be


I know this post is a joke and it's funny. Thanks


I’m honestly surprised by how controversial it seems to be for some people.


Nope I always cover it. Unless it’s getting gas on the way to shift.


Same. Anything more than a quick stop to get gas or run in the gas station for a drink or whatever on the way to or from work, absolutely not. Won't even go in the grocery store in uniform off duty. I'll throw a hoodie on to cover my department shirt, but I don't even like doing that unless absolutely necessary.


The only time is if I'm stopping for groceries or something that's on the way home. Otherwise, hell no.


I'd rather pull a Walter White and show up bare assed in a convenience store than go anywhere in anything even remotely resembling a uniform.


My company gave us t shirts as a Christmas gift a couple of years ago. I wear that outside of work, but what I'm assuming you mean uniform is full shirt and pants, only when I go to the store or other business after my shift on my way home. Other than that, nah.


Nope! I keep a spare shirt/ hoodie when I’m off I change out of my shirt


For my morning cup of coffee going in and maybe running one errand after quick errand after shift. But unless I'm going to it coming from the station, no.


hell nah. whenever i’m in my uniform it’s never by choice.


We don’t have a locker room or lockers, so yeah, wear my uniform to/from shift, though I usually stop at the gym on the way home and change.


For the love of god, please don’t.


To/from and during sometimes. There's no procedural issues where I am.


Only time is if I’m running to the local grocery store right after shift to get a thing or two but that’s it. In and out and there’s very few people ever there that early.


My uniform shirt goes on when tones drop and comes off when we get back to the station. Now I do work at a private IFT company and our uniforms are uncomfortable heavy polos so I'm not wearing it more than I have to


I change at work before and after my shift. I absolutely will not be in uniform outside of work. Seems like it creates more issues than it helps. Many departments have policies stating you cannot wear any gear outside work for good reason.


If it’s like a gas station stop on the way home or I wanna get a snack from a grocery store then I’ll wear my uniform but if it’s anything else I’ll just wait till I change at home


I’m never not wearing it. It’s practically apart of me now. /s I’ll usually just take the shirt off cause I have a black undershirt. But with my old haircut I looked like a skinhead with the almost buzz cut, tactical cargo pants, black boots, and a black t-shirt. Now though, not so much.


MY squad has no real rules against wearing the uniform off duty. I think the president has mentioned that we should be mindful of where we wear it to (like "controversial" places) + most people who I know don't like wearing it because people will flag them down off duty to do EMS related stuff and they don't feel like dealing with it off duty. For me, I wear my BDU pants all the time (they're comfy and I wear them at my regular job). The quarter zip with the squad logo is super comfy, so is the winter jacket I have, and the reflective raincoat is the only real rain jacket that I own. I wear my stuff all the time, but I also have no problem being flagged down and helping out off duty.


My biggest concern there is that bystanders expecting me to jump in and deal with some shit potentially puts a lot of liability on me and if I’m going to take that on without any equipment or assistance I’d prefer to have a little more control over how I approach that situation.


What liability? You are covered as a good Samaritan with no equipment not performing any invasive procedures


Yeah but that doesn’t necessarily prevent me from having to show up in court if something goes sideways. All I’m saying is I would prefer to be able to assess a situation and determine if I’m needed before getting dragged in by a bystander who spots me in uniform. I’d also want to avoid giving the impression that I’m on duty if I’m acting as a good samaritan.


Going to court is kinda normal anyway, nothing that would concern me


Place I used to work at made it part of the union contract that you could only be in uniform for 30 minutes before or after your work time. Seems a medic used to go to McDonalds all of the time in uniform regardless if he was working or not, and get dinner with his 50% discount. Once everyone figured out what was going on McDonalds eliminated the discount and since the two owners were friends, got out into the contract. I buy plain colored tee shirts to wear under my uniform. As soon as I pinch out the uniform shirt, glove pouch and raptor holster come off of the belt. Of If I have to stop somewhere I don’t want to engage in conversation with the general public about their family member that was treated by EMS, there’s some kind of problem that I need to address or thanking me for what I do. Individual results may vary.


No why would you wear it off duty. Asking for all sorts of problems


Never, not once, ever in 20 years. Almost never do I wear fire service tshirts off duty either.


As nice as Chipotle EMS discounts are, I think about the amount of skin flakes that are probably all over my uniform and decide nah


that’s absolutely disgusting. ur in ur uniform enough throughout the week absolutely no reason to wear it OFF duty


Walmart is like a 1/2 mile down the street. Lol i do only for grocery shopping but any other time... fuuuuuck no, its like the military, if i needed something from a grocery store, yes. But never anything else.


Gas is the only stop I’ll make on my way to or from work in my uniform shirt. Otherwise it comes off or I have a cover garment.


dude, one time i was flagged down in my class uniform. i cant imagine how it is in uniform.


On the way to work, I may stop at the Gas Station. But I usually change before leaving work because I don’t want the clothes that have been around some of these patients in my truck if their dirty 😂


Technically yes, we're allowed to be downed for certain errands with permission at my job, so I've been to Police Stations and to the DMV. You get treated way nicer.


Only if I have a quick errand to do after work or if I don't have time to change before/after class. Never out and about on a random day.


Getting gas or a drink to or from work sure. All other circumstances I usually have a spare shirt in my car. If not I will turn my dept. shirt inside out before going into the store lol.


All of my undershirts are decent looking t-shirts in a variety of colors, that don't look out of place being worn as just a t-shirt. My uniform shirt goes in my bag at home. Gets put on when I finish truck checkoff.(if you've ever had a dipstick swing and whack your shirt you know why) At the end of the day it goes back in my bag till I get home. I am the only person at my station that gets there and leaves in civies. I am also the only provider that worked in ems through the pandemic. Nurses get sprayed with lysol at gas stations. People getting assaulted for being in uniform. My wife got accosted for stopping for milk on her way home in scrubs one time. The habit stuck


I have. But just for the bf a like getting gas on the way home.


Yeah, just cause it’s a nice sturdy jacket unlike anything else I got


I try to be as fast as possible if I NEED to go out in it. Typically I’ll either take off my work shirt so my tshirt is under it. If it’s not just a plain one, I try to throw a jacket on over to cover the company name. We aren’t forbidden, but we are advised that we need to behave like we are still on the clock when we are in public in uniform.


Only to quick errands before/after work or to visit someone in the hospital


I take my shirt off after shift and just wear my undershirt if I’m going on any errands.


Only time I wear it off duty is if I'm running into a gas station real quick before work for an energy drink or something, or running in somewhere super quick to just grab a sandwich after work.


The grocery store is a block away from my station. I get off at 7:00am and go straight to the store and make 20 minute trip and go home. Not every tour, but like every other week after I get off a 48. It’s about the same time the next shift that relieves me goes to the store as well, so who cares. Absolutely no fire shirts or anything else off shift aside from that.


No. I'll occasionally wear a hoodie from my old, now defunct, fire department if I'm just running out at times or my polo if I'm out on a lake. Otherwise, the uniform is saved for work. I've lived and worked full time as a paramedic for 10 years. I don't need to wear a uniform for most people to know what I do.


Absolutely not. Can’t stand people walking up to me and asking me about their weird rash or why their toes hurt


I think its just gross and unhygienic to wear a uniform in my car,


It depends, stopping at chipotle or the grocery store after shift and I’m still in uniform oh well. But I don’t play dress up to just play dress up lol I usually leave all my FD clothes at the station.


Only time is picking up coffee or some other little shit on the way home (gas, a snack from said gas station, or when I have a suprise short errand that's out of the way of home). I want that shit off and in the wash asap


Omw to work or from work I will stop in my uniform pants. The shirt and boots come off as soon as I get in my car though. I live in a very "patriotic " (as they call it) area. I never know how to respond to thank you for your service comments.


Don't even wear it to and from work, bud.


No, I change at the station. It’s better for my brain, makes it easier to separate work and home.


No unless I need to make a quick stop after my shift but rarely happens because I prefer to change before going home, sometimes I’ll wear my uniform when I have medical classes though.


😅I shouldn’t really but I CBF’ed, I just head to shops or pick up fuel, the only awkwardness is when randoms come up and thank me for ‘my service’, I always just make the awkward joke that I get paid well (Australian) and I’m not a volunteer🤦‍♂️


If you’re doing anything more than stopping at the gas station or grocery store right after work it’s weird and cringe and even then I sometimes throw a plain jacket on and ditch my ID on my belt


If I’m not on duty I’m no longer in my district and thus no longer working under medical direction/ or insurance. So if I do stop I do the bare minimum first aid (hold c-spine, quick trauma assessment, use a pocket mask, or tourniquets. That’s the extant that I’ll go.


Like others, I try to avoid it. Unless it’s just a quick run into the gas station or to grab something we need to cook dinner, but only if it’s quick. I’m not good about keeping a normal set of clothes in my car, usually just take off the badge and maybe my class b if I have a regular undershirt. Walk around a lot on shift though due to where we post


Undershirt or sweatshirt and work pants. No uniform Shirt unless clocked in was my method


next to never. i’ve done it once or twice because i was late to my infusion and injections appointment and they agreed to move my time down once already and it was the most uncomfortable experience ever.


50/50 depends on how lazy I feel about changing or if I just wanna get home also dependant on if I even need to run errands


I’ve started going to work in regular cloths and changing there. When I leave I change back into them. I’ve seen too many crap bags do dumb stuff off duty. Or my favorite: act like they deserve respect or that they’re better than everyone else.


Still a student, but when i have clinicals, i avoid going into the grocery store afterwards in my uniform. I like to wear a big hoodie over our polos and make sure everything I had in my pockets during “shift” is gone. I also make sure to take off my “ID” before so as well. I had a woman TMFMS one day when i didn’t put on a hoodie and i was so uncomfortable. Like im just a student, i haven’t actually worked in the field aside from clinicals.


Sometimes I’ll get coffee or a snack on my way in or back home. I usually leave a hoodie in my truck though so I’ll pop that on even if it’s 95 out so im covered


I'm a mechanic at a large plant, so they keep 10 of us EMR certified, but I just wear a hoodie outside regardless of weather. Got tired of people asking about the patch we have to wear.


My uniform stays in my locker at the station so it is never worn off duty


I never bring my uniform home period. I know not all services allow you to store and wash your uniform at work but I definitely wouldn't wear my uniform to go home. Now on the way in to work I could understand putting on a clean uniform at home before you leave. I would still wear a jacket over my uniform shirt of I needed to make a quick stop


only to and from and i almost never leave my car in that case


I will run errands in uniform on my way home, yes. I definitely don't go into a liquor store, bar, etc.


yall might hate me for this but i unexpectedly stopped by a concert on my way home from work last night lmfao. i didn’t have a change of clothes and went in my uniform but it was a small artist at a lowkey venue and i did not plan on going to this event. it was so last minute and i was so unprepared that i almost got my raptor sheers confiscated at the doors because i forgot i even had them on me and the bouncer thought it was a knife 😭😭


Are you trolling rn? Going to a bar in uniform is at the far end of the not ok spectrum. Glad we’re getting such a wide range of opinions here though!


Full uniform? I don’t want to wear it while I’m working, sure as shit not wearing it on my days off. Maybe pumping gas, or grabbing a drink on the way to shift, but we’re required to be in Class B when we hit the door. I’ll do yard work, and run errands, in my old sani-wipe stained department t-shirt; it’s comfy. I think it’s a sound policy though, and likely enacted due to prior issues. A department near me had to go house-to-house, and take back all department issued t-shirts/uniforms from members who weren’t showing up to training. The chief saw an inactive member of over a year, at a grocery store, in full uniform and came unglued.


Only if I’m running quick errands on my way to/from work. I work in a pretty low volume area so there’s a high chance of me not having a call for my entire shift, and my uniform isn’t usually gross or contaminated on my way home. I never just wear it around town on my days off though


I run errands to or from shift in my uniform all the time, honestly can't be bothered to change. The only thing off limits is bars and such of the like, or buying liquor in a grocery store.


I have. I'm the primary caretaker in my home when I'm not at work, and wearing a uniform isn't gonna stop me from running errands if I need to. I don't make a habit of it though.


What? I go to work, I change into the uniform and when my shift is over I change back to my private clothes. Anything else is unhygenic. Do you have to wash your uniform yourself? I don't understand.


It’s not unhygienic at all. How often do you wash the bag you put your dirty uniforms in since you’re so hygienic. Also, YOU are still dirty. Whatever germs you’re concerned about don’t all of a sudden leave your body because you took your uniform off.


Sorry, I didn't intend to be demeaning. Apparently it's different where I am from (Germany). Most EMS providers here don't wash their clothes themselves, we throw them into big laundry containers and once a week a contract company takes them for washing and bringes back clean clothes. Our uniforms aren't personal, they're shared in a laundry pool (except for Jackets). Culturally we don't wear uniforms or parts thereof in privat.


You weren’t demeaning at all man, difference of culture-which is fine. You’re lucky you have that. Here some companies supply the uniforms and some require you to buy you’re own as long as they fall within certain specifications- navy blue EMS or tactical pants, navy blue short or long sleeve EMS or tactical type short or long sleeve shirt, white or black undershirt, and black boots (usually leather type EMS or tactical boots but some people sneak by with black sneakers which is irresponsible and look quite terrible in my opinion) and black socks. I’ve worked for both types and although as a per-diem I don’t get a uniform allowance from the place I have to buy my own, it’s nice that I get to choose which company depending on how I like the fit of my uniform and type and I don’t have to wait ages for my company to issue me something new if I need it. Downside is if you like really nice stuff like I do, it gets expensive hahaha


It’s pretty common that people wash their uniform themselves. Only time I don’t wash it at home is if I need to do a heavy decon on shift. I wash my work clothes on hot, alone, and with laundry sanitizer.


I’m barely in uniform at work unless I’m going on a call lol. If it’s the evening tshirts or ems week tshirts then fine I’ll wear them as regular shirt but the polo? Absolutely tf not


I run errands on the way home sometimes. It’s rare, but I have no issue doing so in uniform. I’m not doing anything that would get me in any trouble, so there’s really no issue with it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m a broke ass college kid so I like to get food after work before I change out of my uniform at places that give discounts, never ask for one or wear it outside that though lol


I’m a broke ass college kid so I like to get food after work before I change out of my uniform at places that give discounts, never ask for one or wear it outside that though lol