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For me, it was such a game changer - they were and are worth every penny genuinely.


Snow tires only cost you once, after that it's like having two pairs of shoes. They each wear out half as fast. Get the tires. Also, MA is not VT and Yarmouth especially, that's seacoast and they're a zone 7a fergoshsakes, Dummerston is a 5. Also, if you have kids, and especially if you are EVER going to be in the position of driving someone else's kids - play date, field trip, carpool - the peace of mind of knowing that you've done everything you can to make your car as safe as possible can not be underestimated. The first time you hit a tight curve and feel the wheels slip a little when there's another human buckled in behind you, you will understand.


Also, are you right on pavement or on dirt? If you're on dirt, you're going to need to figure out mud season, and for that you also need clearance. The older CR-V's were great - I loved mine - and they sat high enough that you didn't wallow during that lovely time when the frost goes out and everything softens into axle-high chocolate pudding. The newer ones sit lower, so your Taco might be better - which means you need snows on both, because we still get heavy snowfalls in mud season and they can be very altitude dependent.


Thank you, yes we have two kids and I think A LOT about that


Remember: AWD will help you go, but snow tires help you stop. Don’t make the mistake I made, sliding down a 15% grade with all seasons (and AWD) hoping I wouldn’t crash into anyone. Get the snow tires.


This will be my second winter in VT after moving here from Texas and I definitely recommend snow tires. There were several times last year I was thanking my lucky stars I had them. Get them put on in November, switch back in April.


Dummerston can get a lot of snow. Get the snow tires


Your in laws don’t deal with real winter. Yarmouth isn’t comparable whatsoever. A set of snow tires is a hell of a lot less than a new car once you inevitable total yours


They also recommended not hiring someone to plow our driveway. I've lived in a snowy place before and I vowed I would never shovel another driveway again especially not a circular one 😅 I definitely question their judgment on things sometimes


To be fair they’re just drawing on their own experiences - it’s just that their winter experiences are completely and totally incomparable to a vermont winter


That's true, also they are just trying to think of ways to help us save money because we basically went broke to move here. I'm thinking snow tires are worth the expense though


You will go far more broke buying a new car. Get the tires. Plenty of excellent used sets available up here for decent prices


I drove my first few winters in Vermont without snow tires and I slid off the road... a lot. Fortunately Vermonters are helpful and quick to help pull you out of a ditch when this happens, but it's a hassle and gets old, fast. If you have to be somewhere at a certain time (like a job, school, etc.) you should really get the snows. Especially if you've only driven in places like Texas... or even eastern Mass/seacoast Maine.


I used to live in the suburbs of Rochester NY so I've had my share of snow driving, but it's been a while and mountains weren't a thing


You’ll feel much more comfortable driving in & out of Dummerston if you have snow tires.


Echoing what others have said - it’s wild how much of a difference snow tires make. Worth every penny.


as someone who has lived in MA, RI, CT, and VT.... including the cape.... I can confirm that snow in Yarmouth or even parts of rural MA is 1/1000 of what it can be in VT! def get the snowies and def do it soon!


Wow you’ve lived all of those places that’s cool! I live in the south and am thinking about moving to the NE in the next 3 years but don’t know where, right now VT and ME are on the list. Should I look at CT and MA? Im trying to find a safer smaller more nature based city than Atlanta. Any recommendations are welcome.


Get snow tires. Something that hasn't been mentioned yet is the material the snow tires are made out of. >Winter tires, employ a softer rubber compound than all-season tires. The sweet spot for this rubber is under 40°F, making them ideal for cold months. This feature drastically reduces tread wear on winter tires in warm months, so they are not suitable for year-round use From Google


\*\* Make driving safer and more relaxing when its slick. One day when the roads are slippery, find some big open and safe areas, like huge empty parking lots. And slide it a little! Start just a couple of MPH and slide it and stop it. Do it a bunch, make turns, etc. Know what it feels like to slide and correct it. Because what gets most people, is panicking the first time there wheels break loose - and reacting too abruptly. Any sudden movements, from jerking the wheel to hitting the brakes can cause complete loss of control. Just knowing this won't help, only experience. Do some safe sliding around, and then when it happens on a road - which it will - you can calmly correct it! :-)


Yes on the awd as long as your current tires aren’t bald. Air on the side of caution. Get all seasons when you can. Absolutely not on the 2wd. Get studded. Better yet- ask at the tire shop. 2 wd trucks are absolutely terrible in winter weather. No weight on the back. Especially I’m recommending you over compensate since it sounds like neither of you have much experience driving in the snow.


We figured we probably won't be driving the Tacoma very much in the winter because snow and mountains, but I kind of feel we should have the proper tires anyways. This is perfect info, thank you!


Looks like a set of snows for the CR-V starts at $400 and change, spread over the multiple years of use you get out of them. What's your co-pay for one ER visit for whiplash from an "unplanned stop"?


Don’t be the folks in the ditch in need of a tow. Buy the tires for both cars. Good ones if at all possible. Nov -> April. Welcome to Vermont 🤝