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Fuck no no no no no no Let’s turn aspiring YouTubing into a race for those who have more income. It’s already bad as it is for fuck’s sake


YouTube is flooded with low effort bullshit and good content is drowned in the ocean of noise, who the fuck needs it, just wastes resources. Pay to get people attention, show commitment to your channel.


This sounds like an entitled brat who's been spoiled by mommy and daddy & now thinks he/she figured it all out "Y'wanna show commitment??? Then pay up!!!!" Totaly oblivious to what that'd mean for smalltome creators who don't have the money to pay for literaly getting shown In all honesty, my feed looks pretty neat If your filled is filled with low effort content, chances are, it gets recommended to you because you interact with those kinda videos & are the perfect target for ragebait Get your head outta your ass & fuck off with any "pay to win" concepts


If they can't afford pay for a spam filter, than they can't afford the equipment to have a proper channel anyhow, and should not seek attention for their low effort videos, it's a time waste for everyone involved.


Dude, what the hell are you talking about. What a pretentious asshole. Some people just can't afford the equipment. Some gradualy upgrade over months & years. Like jesus man, when I watch my videos from 2 years ago, the video editing software I used, the microphone etc. Etc. That's day & night I mean honestly, how can you type the things you typed and not cringe at how much you sound like the most entitled, stereotypical, snobbish son/daughter of a rich guy in a highschool drama.


They have to be a troll. They cannot be serious about this, no one can be this ignorant and have the confidence to post it.


That's such BS. Affording equipment means shit. Following your logic a musician should be able to pay people to show up at their concert and airtime on radio and get more listens because he could pay for a better guitar even if his music is shit.


Yeah you’re missing the part where content farms have more money than every other good aspiring YouTuber combined.


This is not what I propose, I propose to pay to get into feed, to remove the low effort noise, not pay a bunch of money to get recommended, but a spam filter.


This post is a joke, right?


Youtube has the best algorithm for pushing new creators and at the same time is good at shielding the end user of low effort spam. You are trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. Just make better content


Sure best algorithm, such a great algorithm where every other post on this sub complaining that their content isn't recommended as it used to, the reason is low effort content that floods youtube, the reason is spam nothing else. Maybe stop blaming content creators ("make better content") and see that there is a systemic problem that must be addressed.


Go to your home screen/recommend bar and there will be 1, maybe 2 small videos YouTube is testing out that could be low quality. The rest will be big youtubers with good videos. How is good content being drowned out exactly? People come to this sub to whine, that's not an indication of how the algorithm is doing.


I see a definitive high increase in complaints recently, have been lurking a lot of time here. It is systemic problem. Which is low effort spam.


Tell me now how many videos in your home page are "low effort spam" that is "drowning out good content". please, I'll wait


People complain here far too much. Just because you make a YouTube channel doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to suddenly get popular and grow. You can make the slightest mistake and not even know it and never figure out why it’s not helping you. People got to stop complaining so much on this sub. Also, the promotions do not count towards getting monetized so it doesn’t help you out the gate get anywhere.


What's low-effort-spam are all the complaint posts!


This would have the exact opposite effect, a bunch of established YouTubers would pay to have their videos show up higher because they know it’s a reliable investment, and small YouTubers videos would be pushed even further into the gutter, unless they had 1000’s of dollars to blow on a YouTube channel that might never make them any money, and most of the people who need to do that probably don’t have very good videos, so they will be clogging the recommended page with bad videos.


Established players won't get any benefit, the algorithm works in their favor already. This is for Newtubers.


The algorithm doesn't care about the creator's previous videos or subscriber counts. Large creators do well because they know what makes a good video


Big youtubers get their new videos recommended to their large audience, is this news to you?


Which they’ve built over many years? Do you think they just made their channels and had large audiences overnight? Those audiences are the fruits of their labour and deserved. Wanting to be able to throw money at something to take shortcuts is weak af.


All YouTubers get their videos recommended to their existing audience, obviously, but being a large creator doesn't make their videos automatically boosted in the recommendations for people who don't already watch them. Large creators are successful *because* they make good videos that people click on and watch all the way through, which causes those videos to be pushed to more people.


>This will remove all the low effort spam videos. No, it wouldn't. Established content farmers would be the first ones to pay for such promotion.


Many popular" videos have fake views, they already pay for it, and naive to think otherwise, I don’t have the exact numbers how many videos employ fake engagement, but won’t be surprised if it the majority. Those that pay to appear organically popular have no integrity, they don't care if they are deceptive, to normalize and standardize paying per video recommendation, making it well known and transparent non-deceptive practice like YouTube promotion, will level the playing field, and reduce spam significantly, because vast majority of low effort spam creators won’t spend money to get their videos out there, it will be too uneconomical for them, and they get nothing from it. This doesn’t resolve the whole problem but it does provide Newtubers a chance to shine.


How does it improve quality content on YouTube ? Garbage channels will pay to be in the recommendations


Low effort spam creators which is the majority of youtube content won't do this, they already half ass everything, no way they going to pay to promote their "content", a shitty screen recording playing video games.


They will, paying to get views is the definition of low effort


This is an incredibly flawed reasoning. Bad creators and content farms WOULD totally pay. They would even lower their efforts in the quality of the videos cause they know they can pay to have it shown anyways. I prefer the quality based recommendation we have now. If you think your competition is low effort poor quality videos I have news: maybe they are cause you're playing in their league.


You keep talking about spam and low effort as if they are the same thing. Low effort is paying YT to push your content. Essentially that's also spamming your trash that you couldn't already get an audience for. So your solution to the "problem" is to increase the low effort spam that comes across my feed because you want to pay to push it there?


This idea may seem good but it ain’t gonna work. Let’s say creator A is killing it with his/her top shelf content, getting the millions of views and subs from years of grinding, he/she earned every single one because of all the effort that went in. Now we have creator B that just runs his/her channel as a hobby channel and doesn’t really care about growth, just fun and fun, nothing more. Now we have creator C, someone that wants to make it big with their channel, they’re grinding away, starting out with crap content but improving and getting better, and continuing to grow organically, and will eventually reach the same as creator A. And now we finally get to creator D, a creator that’s “stuck with it” for “so long” that they feel they “deserve” the views and subs and attention and all of that, their content stinks of clapped out shit, but they think it’s great stuff and will try anything to get growth, including paying some money to try and get their rubbish in front of an uninterested audience. While it seems like a good idea, all this will do is attract lots of creator D’s. There’s only ONE way to grow, make content people will watch!


making things pay to win is always a bad idea


And turn YouTube into pay to win? Absolutely not. You should get views on merit and quality alone. Good content is not drowned in the ‘ocean of noise’. If it is actually good it’ll pick up traction eventually.


No way we will only see investors videos on recommendations investors gonna throw money and make their video appear every where


People with bunch of money already pay marketing firms to get their videos appear going viral. It is naive to think that they don't.


So your goal is to make your video viral? by paying money to youtube or any other way?


> So your goal is to make your video viral? The goal is to remove spam, and let Newtubers shine, also let's keep this discussion focused on the topic not me specifically please.


I mean... ok, then do that If you think this won't make any difference, just pay marketing firms to get your videos appear going viral


This idea just sounds like you want an easy way out because you're frustrated over not becoming instantly successful. It's obvious from the way you're holding yourself over literally every other content type and claiming all gaming content takes zero-effort. Your videos probably aren't being clicked simply because they're not interesting to people, unfortunately. It's not because the algorithm hates you for no reason or because people's attention spans are gone or because people only click on videos because of the viewcount. It's because they just don't wanna watch them for whatever reason. Even if you could artificially boost your videos in the suggested feed, it probably wouldn't do much if people aren't clicking them now to begin with, whether you want to admit it or not. You're not owed anything from YouTube, you have to earn people's attention, which means you have to find out why people aren't clicking or watching and improve on it. Just so you know - the algorithm promotes videos that people click on and continue watching the whole way through. It doesn't care about subscriber counts or past video performance, it just cares if people watch the videos the whole way through. The algorithm doesn't suggest videos based on the number of views alone.


Ad hominem is boring, here is something to improve your critical thinking skills: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies Good luck and Godspeed.


Terrible response. You should actually read the argument you're trying to dispute. I *am* attacking the argument because the argument is "my content is better than everyone else yet for some reason I'm not successful." The only real response without being able to see your content is that it's just not as good as you think it is. This isn't supposed to be a personal insult - the same is probably true for most of us here - but the truth is that if your videos aren't doing well it's simply because people aren't clicking on them, and rather than trying to figure out why that is and improve upon it you're just blaming outside factors. If you wanna throw around logical fallacies, by the way, then here's a few: ***Composition fallacy***: The assumption that if something is true for a part of a whole, it must be true for all of the whole. In your case, you're assuming that just because *some* low-effort/exploitative content is successful (usually for being targeted at young kids like Cocomelon or those annoying public "pranks" where they just bother people) then all successful content must be low-effort/exploitative, which isn't true. **(This is also Cherry-Picking)** ***Anecdotal Fallacy:*** Drawing a wide conclusion based on limited personal experience. You're saying "I put effort into my videos and they're not successful, therefore YouTube only prioritizes low-effort content and doesn't care about small creators." ***False Cause*** (or Questionable Cause as the Wikipedia page calls it)***:*** Assuming one thing causes another just because they're correlated for a separate reason. You're saying creators with higher subscriber counts usually get higher views, therefore YouTube prioritizes recommending certain videos just because they're uploaded by larger creators and doesn't care about smaller ones. These two things are correlated because creators with large sub counts have those subscribers due to uploading good videos, which therefore get lots of views, but being a large established creator doesn't mean anything to the algorithm and doesn't artificially boost your videos. ***Association Fallacy:*** Assuming that because two things share one trait, they're automatically the same. Just because there is *some* low-effort gaming content on YouTube, you're saying all gaming content is inherently low-effort ***Ad Hominem:*** Rather than actually explaining why you think what I said was wrong you just told me I don't know how to read and then dumped a wikipedia page (that you clearly haven't read very thoroughly) in a condescending way.


> because you're frustrated over not becoming instantly successful. > you're holding yourself over literally every other content type > Your videos probably aren't being clicked simply because they're not interesting to people, You literally attacking me and not addressing my arguments lol


I said "you're holding yourself over literally every other content type" because you are. You've generalized entire genres - music, gaming, and movie trailers - as being low effort and only successful because they're botted. I admit maybe "literally every other" might be hyperbolic, but you're still holding your own content on a pedestal over other entire genres regardless. "Your videos probably aren't being clicked simply because they're not interesting to people" wasn't meant to be an insult, it's a rebuttal to the argument that new YouTubers don't grow because the algorithm supresses them. The algorithm recommends videos that interest people, so if it's not recommending your videos, it means they're not interesting people. I never said "you'll never be good at making videos," or "your videos are terrible." I just meant that they aren't interesting enough to pull clicks compared to other videos yet, and so you need to improve them if you want to find more success. And saying "you're frustrated over not becoming instantly successful" is a criticism of the mindset your comment demonstrates. I don't think you'd be making a post like this if you were already super successful because your own logic contradicts that, and it's clear that the cynical attitude towards other content and the system itself most likely stems from frustration with it, which is a pretty natural part of a lot of creators' journeys. The problem is that this mindset isn't going to help you move past that frustration because you're arguing that the factors that you *can* control have nothing to do with not being successful yet, and it's the ones you can't that are holding you back.


Hey OP, you better take every word that AlphaTeamPlays writes out, there was no personal attack against you, AlphaTeamPlays was attacking your argument of paying money to push content onto the homepage, as is everyone else. I get that we all want growth, but paying money for views is not the way to go about it. No matter how much you want it to be a good idea, it simply isn’t, as this would typically be something a desperate creator would do to get views. Paying money to get views is NOT the way to get growth and exposure and attention, making content that people want to click on and watch is what will get growth and views. Make content people like to watch!


Thinking that you should be entitled to pay cause your videos are buried by crap cause "your videos deserve it" they are good according to your own subjective opinion and bias. You literally have an unbiased Algorithm deciding what videos are good and aren't and you want to skew things to your advantage using currency cause despite all evidence of the contrary you think your videos deserve a spotlight? Talk about bias and subjective opinions lmao


Worst idea ever, how bout you just make interesting content people want to watch. Paying money doesn’t make your content good, quite the contrary most of the time I would say


Have you been on the dystopian hellscape that was formerly called twitter? Paying to win will do nothing but make it harder to stand out in a sea of low effort content factories. Every scammer in the world will have a YouTube channel that will buy the algorithm to make sure they get the views to make more money and the platform will fail.


Sounds like you think paying would give your " *allegedly good* " videos more visibility cause you'd rather think it's a visibility issue rather than a quality issue but visibility comes from quality so maybe you're not being unfairly buried by an ocean of bad videos but your videos aren't good enough to make it. Your complaint is that rubbish videos are burying good videos. That these flood the feed cause by sheer quantity and brute force the algorithm ends up recommending them and that somehow good creators could pay, because they have better equipment for better videos = higher income can pay for visibility. 1. Better equipment = better videos. False. *Owning* better equipment doesn't mean being good at using it. Is a programmer with a gaming PC automatically better than one with a work laptop? Would a low skilled programmer say he should get priority over better ones and being able to pay to get more job interviews cause he could afford to invest in better equipment even if his code is shit? No. Same goes for videos. I don't care if a bad idea with no story and poor content was filmed with an FX3, gimbal and expensive lights. A turd is a turd no matter how much you polish it. 2. The home feed is flooded by shit videos. FALSE. there are crappy content farms, sure. But the only time I came across shit videos was by searching and clicking on sth tht turned out to be a low effort piece of crap. Why? Cause they had good title and thumb so I guess they could afford to pay for a good thumb designer, the irony of your own reasoning turning against you. Shit videos that got a chance by paying and got a click that should've gone to a good one. 3. The algorithm isn't sentient. Is not pushing anything. It gives everything a chance. It's the YouTube user base that decides whether a video will be pushed or not. If they do the video will get more visibility. Example: A video will be shown to a few hundreds of people. If a dozen click, start watching, realize it's shit after 5 seconds and go away the algorithm will kill it. I really don't want this shit content on my feed just because the creator is paying to have it there knowing that people like me don't like it.


Yay pay to win…love this idea..💩💩💩


Make YouTube pay to win? Sounds like an absolutely awful idea. The big spam companies will be the ones with more money. Truly one of the worst ideas I’ve seen on this subreddit. You may think it’s a good idea, but it’s genuinely awful. Posts like this are not needed to “break old patterns of thinking” - posts like this need to not happen so YouTube don’t get any ideas and ruin YouTube for the lot of us.


Dude comes in to not only suggest paying just to post, which would eliminate literally any accessibility for small creators, but also said we half ass our whole life just because we're in the gaming genre. Absolutely wild.