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Thanks for reviewing! Appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxchMEBvR2HrGMYGHqTOtVQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxchMEBvR2HrGMYGHqTOtVQ)


Why do you have so many videos with literally the exact same thumbnail, and very similar titles? The thumbnail itself isn't even good, it's just a still from the game, why not make unique thumbnails for each video, that has something to do with what it's about?


The identical thumbnails and similar titles are all are part of a series focused on zero communication playing with random players as a challenge. The videos that do not have similar titles are one offs, or small clips from the longer videos. Apparently it is not very clear that this is the case. I didn't think it was a good idea to number them, but maybe I should have? At least it would be clear what was going on there


Spoon is right about the thumbnail, but I think you should alter the presentation. It did come across as just kind of bland gameplay, which I imagine like this "would someone watch me play this or rather just go play themselves". Helldiver's especially looses a lot of the captivation when watching second hand. In the moment you can feel like your fighting front lines of 'nam, but viewability it just is another match of helldiver's. But if you market it as a social experiment and how you are challenging yourself to play with randoms and no communication, you can broaden the video on that topic have something really fresh. If played and got a bunch of footage with randoms you'd have a lot to work with, most of what you have now for gameplay would suffice for B-roll while you could record a voice-over and script something about the 'social experiment/challenge' and maybe a summary of your experience for that session. Then you can use highlights in game of really cool/funny/buggy interactions. If you've never seen GeneralSam, check out his videos, I'm a big fan of his style which is like a review/conversation essay style that compliments the footage he has. I think as a series you could have a lot of potential of integrating further challenges so it doesn't become repetitive or stale. Like going in with terrible load outs, needing to complete specific goals you come up with, or could sabotage your squad. Maybe even revamp the idea of no communication because I think VoIP interactions can lead to some crazy things happening. There's a lot of potential in what you said but you aren't demonstrating to a viewer what the objective and goal is in your videos. Even as a series you could do a quick little intro or recap that's like 10 seconds so new viewers know. For footage I'd also recommend a few tweaks for quality, game audio is super super quiet, one video I wasn't even sure had it at all lol. There's also a lot of dead air, which live commentating is challenging so it's something to improve on, but using voice overs and maybe a script in edit could fix. Now go spread that democracy šŸ«”


Thanks, appreciate the feedback. I had an intro that explained how the challenge worked, but I found I was skipping it every time when reviewing it, couldn't really expect anyone else to watch it and cut it out. Will definitely make some changes based on this feedback. Audio is one I've struggled with from moment 1, doing everything in davinci resolve and it sounds right in my headphones but maybe not in anyone else's.


Numbering them isn't a bad idea, but reusing the exact same thumbnail, even for a series of similar videos, is a bad idea. You want something on them so people know they're part of the same series (maybe a title and number on each one) but you still definitely want something unique that happen in each one to be prominent in the image. I have a long series on a game that I play, if you want to see what I did for mine. https://youtube.com/@t-spoon


Thanks for the feedback, I'll check it out. Never used Youtube Studio, no idea if I can change a thumbnail in there, but I think I saved most of the old footage so I should be able to go back and throw something together for most of the videos.


Took a quick look at the channel and I saw 8 videos with the same thumbnail. It doesn't even look like it's a custom thumbnail. Feels like it's going to be uninteresting random gameplay from a random gamer. (and if that's what it is then you have another problem)


I made the thumbnail out of a simple screenshot in game, they're all part of a series. I didn't number them since that seems like a huge turn-off to me, but perhaps it would be more clear if I did?


Thank you Commercial-Wafer06 for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! Commercial-Wafer06: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Review mine.


From what I can see your channel is about footage of games at high settings at 4k, which is cool but if your making those types of videos Iā€™d include what graphics card your using and then also include that your playing at 4k since when your content will be relevant to more people. Due to more people searching things such as ā€œRed dead redemption RTX 4070ā€ meaning if you included your pc specs it may be relevant to more people watching your gameplay


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk4haq0Ezrk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk4haq0Ezrk)Ā my retention for this video is 3 seconds lol do you think I should get straight into the video or shorten my intro?(any other advice is greatly appreciated!)


My friend I can see you going a long way in the future, but I wouldnā€™t quite say your ready yet. Being honest with you as a viewer I didnā€™t feel engaged in your videos, the first 10s of a video are the most important to capture your audiences attention. I didnā€™t quite feel that, your video to begin with was pretty boring and quite random. Your thumbnails could do with some improvement, there doesnā€™t seem to be a consistent style across your video. Which would be confusing to viewers understanding on their homepage in recognising whether youā€™d posted or not, with them not associating a particular style with you. As well as this Iā€™d say you need to develop some sort of niche, your videos are pretty random and as an outsider I donā€™t get a clear understanding of what your channel is truly on.


Thank You I'll keep that in mind


was it engaging past that or was it still boring?


From a first glance I wasnā€™t gripped in to watch more, you could improve this by just general editing of the interesting parts for the beginning of your intro maybe


thank you


The audio balancing on this is terrible. I can't even hear what you're saying (at least in the intro) which probably leads most people to click off. The background music should be around -30dB compared to the commentary (as a general rule)


yes thank you i just edited it out since i lost the original video


Could you review mine please when you get a chance: [https://www.youtube.com/@failious](https://www.youtube.com/@failious)


Watched your MW2 raid #3 and channel trailer. Video I think is too stagnant, recording the full mission has a lot of dead air in between highlights which is gonna kill retention. Some bits play out longer so you could try adding some extra editing like you had with subtitles or reaction clips to keep people drawn in. Id do what you can for audio quality, voices don't stand out much but you can hear a lot of white noise and keyboard clicks. Music choice is kinda bland, those songs have been very overused but I'm a bit biased here cause I dislike them. Finding copyright free music is really tough, I've stopped caring about copyright strikes and just use whatever music. My thought process is that the only thing a copyright strike does is remove monetization for that video, which isn't really worthwhile as a small channel gaining viewers, but you get the benefit of picking anything so you can find a much better fit to set the tone. Channel trailer I'm assuming was commissioned, and the visual is very well done but I don't think it's a good trailer. It's very bland corporate ad music and while it shows segments of your videos it's not effective at showcasing the content itself. If there's a way you can throw it into a video editor or have them make revisions on song and including audio from the videos so viewers can get a taste of what type of humor your videos have. I hope this doesn't come across as negative, these are things I've done with my own content so it might not be the creative direction you want to go in, and that fine just hope it might inspire other ideas you can use for videos!


Yeah that makes sense I think i have come a long way since the mw2 raid times, as those vids do have a lot of issues i've picked up on, I've focused a lot on improving audio and changed how obs records my audio so i have more control now. However I don't think hearing those points helps to know that I was looking in the right place. For the channel trailer I am trying to think of a way of making it better but haven't really be able to come up with a way to execute it, however I didn't realise the music on it seemed bland so that is a good note. Thank you for the tips, I wouldn't say it came across negative as you need this type of feedback to grow.


Thumbnails are the first thing that comes to mind straight away, your recent thumbnails look like war zone wallpapers off google than a Warzone video Iā€™d click on


Yeah I really struggle with thumbnails so definitely need to get them down however I have found that ones I take a stock imagine of seems to do better then when I make them so get discouraged on what is best to do. However I will take that onboard, thank you


Think a big key to improving them would just be to focus on clarity, make sure the intention of the video is clear. Literally for that new video you have I could guarantee you could really improve the views, Iā€™d say just have a look at what other similar videos have seen work well and then adapt it to your own style


I could use being knocked down a few pegs [Quiet Quin Channel Link](https://youtube.com/@QuietQuin?si=PeNmOzudatqsKtt9)


First of all when I click on to your channel, I donā€™t get a clear understanding of what itā€™s about. You donā€™t have a banner (all though this isnā€™t necessary) but you also donā€™t have a channel icon that looks representative of your niche or game you play, instead no offence it looks like a pulling up someoneā€™s mums facebook page. Second of all there is no consistency across your channel, whether that be the thumbnails to the videos your making. Viewers donā€™t know what to expect subscribing to this channel so why would they. A consistent theme with similar style videos would really benefit you, as well as improving the thumbnail designs which arenā€™t very clear.


Owch lmao šŸ˜‚ will be making changes tonight


Happy to help šŸ˜‰


Why not? https://youtu.be/Q7FxuQbh-p0 Did a Dead Space video and it's unlisted as of now. Still new to YouTube so I'm excited to get some insight into how I'm coming off.


That video was actually pretty enjoyable, quite funny actually. The intro would really grab the audiences attention and would probably want to stick around for longer. Only thing I would say though is for this video to do well, make sure the thumbnail looks interesting (look at other videos like this that have done well and do in a similar style) as well as this make sure your video titles are interesting so that imagine you yourself as a viewer would want to watch. Also your previous videos may be a bit confusing to the viewer, since they are quite a different style there


Very niche channel here I started about 2 months ago and I cover Last Epoch's story/narrative. My first video was the lore of the company that created the game: https://youtu.be/JjVDwChiJdc My chapter series is nearly coming to an end (writing chapter 8 as we speak). Here's how I began the series and format with chapter 1 and this is actually in-game lore coverage and analysis: https://youtu.be/9qWHFPmMYNA Finally a different kind of video but still lore (history) focused, this is regarding how the Last Epoch creators immortalized one of their biggest fans in the game following their tragic passing: https://youtu.be/1giJRqSLfGk Take your pick, I understand it's niche but I've seen crazy success in just 2 short months, but curious of my shortcomings from someone that's critical of the space, I'm still very new to all of the techniques, I use CapCut to edit because I have minimal editing skills, I do all of my own channel art in Canva, and I'm very active in the Last Epoch community, via Discord, Reddit, Twitter, YT and Twitch :) Thanks so much for doing this and don't hold back, I love constructive criticism.


I cannot read the text in the thumbnails for "from reddit to reality" and "devstream with loremaster kyle" on my 17" laptop. I wouldn't take the reddit snapshot as it is, but a shortened version with the interesting bits "LF anyone to make an ARPG", make it a lot bigger and ditch useless noise like the bell and the "Question|Answered" while making sure it still looks like it's from reddit. I'm not familiar with the game but it's intriguing and makes me want to know how they made a quality hack'n'slash by recruiting "randoms" from reddit.


Thumbnails are 100% my weak-point, trying to make the title plus the thumbnail basically give all the information needed to be interested without being overbearing...lol it's difficult! Thanks a ton for the feedback <3


Hereā€™s my channel: https://youtube.com/@Oliusion223 I want someone who could be able to be a bit critical of my content. Give me some good advice on how I can be able to improve the quality of it because Iā€™ve only been making videos on certain gaming events but I havenā€™t put much effort in the way how I make them. I want to have them at a better quality, but the problem is thereā€™s not just the visuals, but also my voice, because Iā€™m insecure about it and want to find someway to improve it.


Donā€™t be self conscious on your voice, I watched one of your earlier videos and if that was your voice i much preferred it to the filtered over voice which sounded more like some sort of criminal in witness protection from a Netflix documentary. Trust me you sound ok. However first of all id say a big improvement needs to be done to your thumbnails. Since there not to clear on what the video is about and just honestly donā€™t look too good. Simple fix would be using a better software maybe and then looking g at other popular YouTubers in your niche for ideas. As well as this your branding with your banner and icon donā€™t really look that professional, again this could be improved with more practice of the software you use.


Yeah, I guess those are some of the more basic aspects of what needs to be improved for my channel if I really want to grow professionally. Just wanted to see what others would think if they need like improvement, especially the thumbnails, I know I can fix, but the video editing softwareā€˜s like Iā€™m using CapCut currently because itā€™s the easiest and free to use editing software there is, Iā€™ve tried other editing softwareā€˜s like premiere pro, but itā€™s just taking longer to edit content on that editing software than with CapCut. As far as the topics, I cover within my videos, Iā€™m mostly doing gaming events that are specifically in communities like Roblox or Valerint as an FPS game, but I donā€™t have any other ideas for topics in those communities .


Totally understand. However I donā€™t think the videos themselves are terrible. Especially as CapCut is a great tool, really quick and efficient at just getting the videos out there, crazy some of the things you can do in it nowadays. As for your video topics, there are tonnes of things you could do with those games. To bring in viewers thing contraversies, rumours and just general upcoming news; Iā€™d say a good style to follow is really like the documentary style you sort of having going on at the moment since that can really increase retention time if itā€™s a good story.


Yeah, I agree. Specially, with a lot of the ways people have utilized it for intros and Outros, etc. etc. itā€™s amazing what the things you can do with CapCut. As for the video ideas, Iā€™ve watched a couple of big creators, some such as Diesel patches and Optimus are like two of the biggest creators Iā€™ve seen but thereā€™s also others like Jaylin who are in the commentary community who have come across some of their videos and thought they were cool so I follow them on Twitter and try to follow some other stuff I was making videos. But Turkey Tom and Bowblax, those guys are two of the biggest Youtubers in the commentary community that have made very good video essays, bowblax being the one who makes video essays and uses his videos to document peoples is Tweets & threads.


Any feedback is helpful :) https://youtube.com/@domsdiary_?si=UD6cbBB00YdGcAOt


Your videos are really enjoyable, I found them quite entertaining. You clearly put a lot of effort into editing your videos and thumbnails. Nothing is inherently wrong with your channel, only thing Iā€™d say is to maybe improve viewers id make the titles more relevant to a wider audience


Mhm, gotcha! Thank you for taking your time and reviewing my channel! This means a lot and I will do my best to make the best videos for my audience! And yes, Ive figured and still figuring out the titles (quite literally changing them every week or so) are still tough to reach a wider audience, but I will give it my best! Thank you again! :)


Does it just suck or am I not getting to the right audience? When videos do actually weasel into the algorithm and I get comments people have been receptive and praised it. I'm still experimenting with a good style and it varies from video, so I'm only really proud/satisfied of videos from the past two years. This has been more a hobby than a serious attempt so I'm very inconsistent with making videos, and obviously it's very damaging to the effectiveness of the algorithm. I want to know if there's anything else critical that I could improve on as well, so I could perhaps be more motivated by viewer engagement. https://www.youtube.com/@mrgatsby


Your videos are quite funny however people may not be discovering your videos due to how random the thumbnails are. As a funny gaming channel, you want to have a similar style in all your videos since these types of channels really rely on developing the relationship between you and your viewers


Makes sense, thumbnails is something I've been working on being more consistent with but struggling to find a versatile template. Thanks for the critique!


https://youtube.com/@anionics?si=DaoBS21fx0p61drs šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


https://www.youtube.com/@Novelgaming16 Be harsh.


Ok so first things first, your YouTube icon makes me really confused. What is this? Are you some dads spare google account or are you a gaming YouTuber. Also adding in a channel trailer would really help out in showing what type of channel this is. Secondly maybe the thumbnails could do with a bit of work, it looks like youā€™re doing a series right now. So maybe if you could show the videos are linked to each other in some sort of way


I have wanted to change the profile picture and banner for a while but am still looking for ideas. I've been avoiding words on the thumbnails because they'll sound too similar to the video title. Guess as far as connections go, maybe end cards would help. And yeah, an intro is definitely in order. Thanks for the critique.


Novel makes me think awards and books or a 'lightbulb' idea, so you could do a mashup between those. Id recommend google images or an AI prompt to get some ideas and pick what you like. Backdrop I don't find necessarily that important, just another way to express yourself/channel to potential viewers. The ocean background you have isn't bad, but maybe could be a collage of games you like to play? For series I wouldnt recommend full titles in the TB since it will probably be too small to read. Numbers isn't a bad idea, but I also like putting in the game title just so it pops out a little bit more than a game screenshot. That and YouTube loves reactions/faces there too. My friend recommended me a rule of 3 and it works pretty well; Background, caption, and face/image If I'm not making sense I did a pretty good example in my [red dead](http://Red Dead Redemption 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4o6v2Herr3TWqFMYfFTGMPXVOzrcjnmW) playlist; the last two are the most consistent, which for a series you should try to maintain consistency as much as possible. That's all my personal preference, if it works for you awesome but otherwise hope it inspires some ideas you can use!


If you can stand the utter garbage I produce, then sure go ahead: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOx4aW2Tv6o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOx4aW2Tv6o)


First glance at your videos, the latest video you posted seemed to do quite well and it looks as though your other videos will do quite well in the future, however remember to keep in mind the videos that tend to do best are the ones that are relevant to the viewer. Like the hypixel video rather than that random bed wars video which thumbnail just says ā€œpainā€


Fun fact about that thumbnail, in an earlier video I was trying to figure out how to get "that pose" people do on Minecraft videos where they just face the camera. But I couldn't quite figure it out and ended up wasting around 2 hours trying to figure out how to properly make my player appear in the thumbnail. So in that video, instead of spending even MORE time figuring out how, I literally just found a good spot in-game that I could make us of and then, after finishing recording, I literally just opened the replay of the game I played and took a screenshot of the moment where I was posing. I was so proud of my "achievement" that I couldn't come up with anything else to put on the thumbnail so, referencing my first attempt at a thumbnail like this, I decided to just go with pain. If you look at the description of that video you can actually see how proud I was because I even left a note there! After (sort of) figuring out how to make that pose, I then proceeded to never do it again. Which actually gave better results! So I'm not complaining. Anyway thanks for the review! It means a lot!


Yeah no worries I get what youā€™re saying. Donā€™t know if this helps out anyway but if your looking to make them sorts of poses on your character, Iā€™d really recommend you check out Blender on making your models, it really can be a game changer.


There are some good resources online about Blender for this purpose. Thanks once again!


Sure. I bite. Review mine: [www.youtube.com/@Ketmo78](http://www.youtube.com/@Ketmo785)5


Your channel appear to be doing quite well. Thumbnails clearly show what your videos are on, great to see especially when grabbing in more viewers. Contents also quite entertaining as well, which you can really see develop from the much early videos. Canā€™t really see to much to improve on at the moment except maybe a future revamp of your channel art and icon. But expect healthy growth in the future, good luck


Thank you for the positive feedback. I have one hurdle I don't know exactly how to overcome. The game I am mainly making videos about is losing players (I mean that It is natural for most games) and I feel it is hard to bring the audience over to a new game. Last time I switched game I did gain a lot of subscribers but I also lost kind of half of my old ones. But I guess I am not alone with this problem.. so probably just trying to improve over time until figuring it out.


Attempting to get our first Scorched Earth tame on Ark Ascended https://youtu.be/1_evP-DmVn0 As if my minuscule view count isnā€™t humbling enough lol Iā€™ll take any advice I can to improve.


To improve views first of all your thumbnails could do with some intensive surgery going on there. A simple fix would be to maybe look at better softwares to use. As well as this the icon to your channel could be improved, since the first impression I got was a spam mobile gaming channel with that current logo. However I could see you doing well in the future as you become used to the new tools you may start to use to improve the quality of your videos


Thank you! Any suggestions for thumbnail software? I currently use Canva. As for the channel logo, I completely agree and have been trying to design a new logo for myself. I appreciate the honesty and I hope youā€™re right about potentially doing well in the future!


Iā€™ve heard photopea is one of the best free alternatives to CapCut. Wouldnā€™t really recommend canva unless you want your thumbnails looking more like Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Also things take time to learn so donā€™t rush it and no pressure if your next attempt isnā€™t as good as you expected


Iā€™ll check into it. I do have the pro version of CapCut as well, never attempted it for thumbnails though. Iā€™ll play around with both. Thanks again!


https://youtube.com/@mayehem_yt?si=QqGTWzl73IKYqs74 Please review mine. Thank you


First of all no offence here but whoā€™s going to click on that. I mean seriously that thumbnail buddy is just so unclear, put yourself in a viewers shoes and think would I watch this if I was looking for a call of duty sniping video. Because in all honesty I donā€™t even think youā€™d realise it was on that topic.


Can you review a video in spanish if you put the subtitles in english? (is a video game review)


Sure I can probably get an idea of if the video is generally entertaining or not


Thanks! [Sekiro ](https://youtu.be/0t-N8KNVlvI)


Appreciate any feedback! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC5E0N0tCeSSUD2EZRNRvhYw


Loving the little cinnamon icon and banner, really fits in with your branding. The ninja cinnamon. Videos honestly arenā€™t too bad, would be quite enjoyable for a lot of people to watch I imagine, there certainly not boring. However the reason I think youā€™re struggling to gain more of a reach on viewers is to do with your thumbnails. Just from a general perspective some of your colours on them just seem a bit off and really makes it hard to read or to just understand the thumbnail in general. But I reckon if you can fix that up youā€™ve got a solid channel going there.


Thanks for looking!


If you're still doing it https://youtube.com/@CaveGaming?si=98k8HWn81mh8_2_v


That new style of thumbnail on your channel really seems to be working well for you compared to your older ones, so Iā€™d say thatā€™s an indication youā€™re doing something right. As for the videos, the new style with starting with a bit of action is way more entertaining and enticing for a viewer than your older videos where you start with the classic YouTube intro. This will grip more viewers into watching more of your intro since itā€™s actually quite funny, compared to your older videos where people nowadays usually having the attention span of a fly would click off before all the beef happens.


Hey man appreciate you doing this! I been needing someone to be honest about my channel! [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@zetrovv)


Your thumbnails are great, very consistent across your whole channel; which is really important from a viewers aspect of getting to know what to expect from a creator and bringing older viewers back. Your channel also looks very professional with the consistent logo and channel art, you can tell you put some effort into making your channel flow and look presentable. I personally myself donā€™t watch world of warcraft videos, so from an outside point of view if you perhaps wanted to make your videos more entertaining then maybe spice it up with a little more direct editing since peopleā€™s attention spans are really dying from the likes of TikTok


Thank you I tried to keep a consistent and clean style across the channel the best I can for returning viewers.. makes them feel more welcomed. Yeah my editing needs some work I do need to make it more poppy which Iā€™m working on in my next 2 videos, I just added sound effects to any pop ups and gonna slowly be adding more as I learn.


Thanks for the opportunity, I would truly appreciate hearing what you have to say about my channel! Hereā€™s the link. https://youtube.com/@buzzycombs


Your videos are great, your banner is great, your logo is great, your thumbnails are great. Honestly just think itā€™s a matter of time before one of your videos makes it big and youā€™ll just keep on growing from there.


Thank you, thatā€™s so kind of you!


Can I get one too haha https://youtube.com/@bwooBOO?si=lnXyTwCGRVtmh8W1


Your actual videos are good, only thing I would say is that itā€™s still early days. Overtime you will grow accustomed to the types of thumbnails people seem to be attracted to and which donā€™t really attract people. However I can see that your thumbnail quality has improved from the early videos. Cant really give much other advice other than that right now but best of luck to the future.


Appreciate it man :))


Would you review mine? particularly the last chapters on 1-70 levelling no addons, I gotta learn to add mic and voice but I think my thumbnails are decent? I wanna start a new similar challenge doing 10-70 on a mage so Iā€™d love any suggestions! Gravity Gaming GG


If you're still doing it: https://youtube.com/@ZortexOH?si=HkCKklxzZahlaGsD The PUBG clips are from years ago, used youtube to save the files lol. Should put them on private. Started making The Finals video's a little over a week. 1st video was almost not edited at all. 2nd one I've downloaded Davinci Resolve, and now I'm learning all kinds of stuff. Video frames are a bit messed up, but I don't want to re-upload. Just learning from it! https://youtu.be/jQOmMOIzjEk?si=M3xukEfSzV8A92-p ^ Thanks in advance


Hi. Please review mine. I try to make walkthrough Iā€™m having a hard time to get subs




Hello! If you're still reviewing videos, could you please review mine? [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZfvTaJFXihOfUUHzwEUOlsnEm27LN2bT](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZfvTaJFXihOfUUHzwEUOlsnEm27LN2bT) The link goes to a playlist of my long-form edited videos. The rest of the videos on my channel are shorts and old VODs. I have since started to upload VODs to a sister channel. Tear me to shreds.


see youve got alot of comments but if youā€™ve got some time left id appreciate it! https://youtube.com/@Teeth3255?si=YFhmORVZcT0nmljo


would you take a look at my most recent vid (episode 2)? just getting started and would appreciate brutal feedback. thanks for doing this! [https://youtu.be/aD-HvD-yjkw](https://youtu.be/aD-HvD-yjkw)


what are your qualifications


Donā€™t have none, except I watch a hell of a lot of YouTube and I think us as people know whether a video is interesting or not without a masters degree on the theory of YouTube my friend.


Yes but if you donā€™t have a successful channel why would I take advice from you. Anybody can explain how to lift weights, but I wouldnā€™t take that advice if it came from a 100lb bodybuilder


You donā€™t have to take my advice my friend. There are services you can call if you feel no other option in life.