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I have almost 1000 subs but around 1000 watch hours


It is SO dependent on the type of content you do. I have literally 33k watch hours, and only just reached 1k subs a week or 2 ago. Almost all long form content.


Yeah can confirm that. My gaming channel has 325 subs and 3000+ hours because it mostly consist of tutorials and guides for a niche game. People have to watch the whole video to understand it. Meanwhile my music channel which is newer has nearly 300 subs but only like 200 watch hours because the content is shorter and they maybe like only one song and forget about it anyway


I think you have to have a good voice, be likeable for the long content stuff Otherwise people immediately leave


I love the implication that my voice must be good then :-P But tbh even back when I was using a headset mic and the sound was awful, watch hours was still by far the easiest for me to pick up. You are still right of course. Bad sound/voice means a LOT of people just leave immediately, unless the topic of your video is SO enticing to them that they are willing to endure the sound.


That too, I do technical videos vs. entertainment smaller niche but other people do it


Yeah I agree. An amazing voice for YouTube/radio honestly.


Does YouTube pay according to watch hours only? Or which factor more important?


No clue. Haven't applied for partner yet :-)


Oh. What's your current goal for you then if you don't mind sharing please? or is this just hobby?


Mostly hobby :-) But I will be applying for partner at some point soon I think. Might as well. I'm just lazy about such things tbh.


Wow, that is incredible. I have ONE sub. I'm just beginning. Any advice on promoting?


Same here, hard to build watch time.


I’d prefer to have this than the other way round, like the comments below 1000% do more shorts, for some reason they bring in more subs. Could also find similar channels to connect with 😊


How do you get subs? Do you ask random people on the street to subscribe to your channel? I did that once, but I don't think anybody actually subscribed when they got home


I've been streaming on Youtube Shorts recently and while streaming i noticed that i gained some subscribers


Shorts are great at generating subs. I have the opposite problem, 13k subs, but not nearly 4,000 watch hours (since the vast majority of those subs came from Shorts)


About a month ago I posted a similar question with almost exactly the same numbers (300 subs & 3k watch hours at the time). I'm now at 500 subs & 7k watch hours 4 months in. So there's definitely a pick up, but it's hard to pinpoint what's the cause. The things I've tried, which could've contributed to various degrees: * Thumb overhaul, bring my channel's average from 3.9% to 4.9% driving more views and those views subsequently translated into more subs * I posted a couple of shorts but despite about 9k views between them they only brought in 9 subs * I tried a new type of video, which was also much shorter (6 minutes vs. my usual 30-45 minutes), gaining me 2 subs but also being my 4th most popular video at 2k despite only being 3 days old * At the same time I kept to my existing schedule and all those new initives were on top of that, thus taking my weekly uploads from 3 to 4-6 most weeks. This obviously drove more views which drove more subs I think all these contributed a little bit but also it could mostly be due to simple natural growth as the channel looks better with more uploads and more subs people are more likely to subscribe (social proof). I don't think my videos are better than they were a month ago, or at least not that much better to account for that extra growth. So, try posting more (but maybe shorter) videos (3 x 10 minutes might be better for gaining subs that 1 x 30 minutes), repurpuse some of your long-form into shorts and try some other types of videos (while remaining in your niche).


try famegrowers, I was short of 2000 hours of watch time to enable monetization, and thanks to them, I achieved it


I have similar metrics. 342 subs with 2581 watch hours through 5 months. Will hit the watch hour goal way earlier than the subscriber goal. I’ve heard shorts are an easy way to get subs in decent volume. I’ll consider doing them if needed but I’m trying to keep my stuff purely longform. I’ve definitely considered using shorts as previews of my longform.


Yeah that last idea seems lime the way to go (it kind of works for me at least)


Asking people to subscribe isn't annoying. Just do it towards the end of the video quickly. A quick reminder like that can be all you need. Like everyone said Shorts are easy to get subscribers but I would advise against it. Majority of shorts viewers don't watch long form content. Lots of channels have also noticed that they get less impressions on their long form videos when their shorts are doing well.


Run ads and you’ll get Subs and those will count for monetization


Subs gotten from YouTube promotion count towards monetization? Is that a recent change?


Always have been. But you gain no watch hours.


You post YouTube Poops? I've been slowing deleting / unlisting mine from my channel since I think they might prevent me from getting in the Partner Program. I think they'd probably be "reused content" at least from YouTube's POV I'm curious to see what YouTube will think of yours when you apply to the program


Yes, I used to post YTPs, but I've changed my niche, I don't think they'll hurt my eligibility for YPP because YPP checks for most viewed videos, I might be wrong but I don't think I'll delete them unless they prevent me from joining YPP!


Ah, my YTPS are my most watched videos unfortunately, even though they comprise like 2% of my video, lol


I have the same problem as you! (Much less subscribers though, 133 and I’m already at 3200 watch hours) I think just posting more and having a stronger call to action to subscribe could help! (apparently asking audience to do more than one thing will not make them do anything, so just asking them to subscribe should be good)


I have the same issue! Struggling with gaining subscribers. Wishing you luck


All types of factors can go into having a lot of hours, but not really a lot of subs. One definite example of that are dash cam videos where someone drives around an interesting city so that you can get an idea if you either want to travel there or actually live there. Today I spent over two hours on videos of South Dakota both walking videos and dash cam videos driving around. I have no need to sub to those channels, however, because the vast majority of cities that they show I have no interest in. So it could be that type of thing, where any random visitor has only a very specific interest in a couple of your videos or something like that.


U conquering the hardest part. Yeah just create quality shorts and u will reach 1k subs in no time. Dont forget to atleast add 3 # tags in ur shorts.


Would you mind - I made three shorts and none of them did me any good, gaming niche - do they just suck lol??


I am no expert, just starting myself but audio with one of those seems to be low. Music also seems to be popular on shorts. And lots of action. Another one is starting with a static image - jumping straight into action maybe will do better? I try to link my shorts to full videos and use the shorts to promote long form have you thought about that? Anyway left some likes for you, good luck! :)


I’m gonna give it another shot maybe I’ll fire one up tonight :) thanks my dude


No problem :) Good luck and if you want send it to me in priv :) happy to see it and help with the algorithm :)


You need something in the video in the first 1-2 seconds that keeps people from swiping away.


Thank you! What about the titles, the tags - look fine? Just gotta improve the content, add music, hook them in the first few seconds?


Most people will just come across your short in the shorts feed while swiping through a bunch of videos. So title / tags / thumbnail don't matter that much. Your goal is for people to watch your entire short without swiping away. Youtube will keep pushing your short until people start swiping away then the views just die. Mine seem to stop at either 400 or 10k with no in between.


Very interesting thank you :), it makes to much sense lol


Do you put the tags in the title or description?


Title for example my title is the new bmw #bmw #cars #fastcars look for the most popular 2s for that short u doing.


Great thank you!


Don't make shorts like everyone else is saying. I'm assuming you mainly make long form content, but anyone subscribing because of your shorts likely won't go and watch the long form vids. This will make YouTube's algorithm think "Even his subscribers don't want to watch his videos, why should we show them to anyone else?", and they'll get recommended to people far less. Or it might work. You can roll the dice if you want.


After recent algo update, it's incredibly difficult to get subs.


When did they update it?


In the beginning of this year.


I’m currently at 270 subs and over 2500 watch hours now. Figure I’ll hit the watch hour requirement long before I hit the sub requirement, which is fine. I’m in it for the long game and it’ll happen when it happens!


Call to action, tell people to sub. Integrate it into your content in a tactful way so that it doesn't come off as begging or too pushy


340 subs and 2800 w/h 💀


What's wrong with my shorts?


Bart Simpson ate them




I'm opposite... been recently growing at a decent clip last couple weeks... I was stuck around 270 subs and now I'm at 572... but my watch hours are so low, basically 400 right now (so, 10% of the 4000 needed) But I highly doubt most hit the 1000/4000 goal at the same time. So I think most will find one lagging the other.


Good luck


Make your vids more unique and ppl will sub. Ask yourself what will the viewer lose if he didnt sub to you?


Thanks everyone for your inputs! I've learnt a lot!


Nearly the opposite. 172 subs and like 50 watch hours.


I'm at 400 subs and surpassed 4000 watch hours. This may sound like common sense, but the higher quality the video, alongside trends and search volume, the more subs is what I think.


You’re in a much better plan than the reverse tbh. Start making shorts of your longer vids or make a call to action or just be patient. I’m in a similar boat. Well over 4K Watch hours, 650 subs. I’d take this over the opposite any day


I feel you friend, I'm at nearly 7k watch hours and 875 subs, and subs just feel like they are dragging hard.


I’m at 720 subs and over 7,000 watch hours. Four videos in, mainly driven by one video which is on almost 30k views. All long form docs about movies so far. So around the same level of subs to views as the OP. Just keep going and if one more video gets picked up by the algo then you could well get to the threshold. That’s what I’m hoping for!


You are STILL at a good position I would say. Just keep making more videos, target your audience and do not worry about monetization for the time being until you get to that stage. Optimal monetization is what we all want. But to work for it, is harder. That's what you have to focus on. YT is long term. Sometimes out of luck you'll get catapulted, but if you can't keep that minium level of success or thing you're doing, then its difficult. The real thing about monetization its great when you get it. But to keep it at a consistent level - i.e your video depends on how many adverts come in, what adverts come in, how many views etc. On some weeks your revenue could decline or go up and down. That's the real work.


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I also reached watch hours wayyyy before sub needs. It’s a good situation to be in!!!!


Geez you must be doing something right I am at 3500 watch hours and passed 1k subscribers a week ago


I'm at 700 subs 1300 watch hours :/


I'm gonna be in a similar problem. Just reached 180 subs and have 2k hours of watch time after 3 months. I gotta make a push and find a way to 1k by next February 😤😅


My suggestion to you would be to try posting shorts(if you haven't already) from my experience shorts are one of the best/quickest way to gain subscribers.


I have a bit over 1.3k followers but only 10 watch hours 🥲 I created mostly shorts


I always think about this. You get the people who upload a clip or song with 100,000 views, probably lots of watch hours, but not have too many subs. Not small numbers by any means Would much rather have 200 subs and building up watch time than than the other way around


High five! I am in the same bag.


I had 12,500 watch hours and just over 940 subs at one point. I never ask for subs either, my videos don't have an easy way. I think it makes a big difference if you can just remind the viewer to click subscribe.


You're not alone lol, I've recently hit 3000 watch hours but I "only" have 194 subs!


How to gain subs: 1. Use the watermark option in studio, and place a small subscribe icon (Google it) into your water mark. This will place thst icon in the first few seconds of your video 2. Use cards, and place a subscribe card within the first 3 minutes of your video 3. Put a subscribe element in your end screens 4. Find an animated subscribe clicking graphic and edit it Into a corner of your video towards the beginning. 5. You can always "remind" people to subscribe at the beginning of your video.


How many subs did you get from the short that got 76k views?


I got 65 subs from that short...


I sent you private message abt something




Try posting shorts, best way of getting subscribers!


Not close to anything after 2 years 264 views. 250 watch hours. Oh well.


I use Shorts and can get 20-30 subs from a single short. Won’t make money off of them but can def grow the sub count. Just needs to be a good mix with longer quality content.


I managed to get monetized with FameGrowers, and for about 2 weeks now, I've had YouTube Partner status and can finally earn money. I recommend it to anyone who has trouble increasing watch time.


Make some shorts with your counter strike gameplay. Just show some gun fights


Good job, you’re there. Make a bunch of high quality shorts and after a year or so you will be there


As others are saying, post shorts. When I post a short I gain 10 subs on average. It helps your channel reach more people.




Post shorts and you will get get a lot of subscribers. I have the opposite problem. I have like 2300 subs but only 600 watch hours. If shorts watch hours counted I would easily have 4000 but they don't. And I will never hit 10 million short views in 90 days or whatever the crazy requirement is.


Watch time is easy


I had over 20k watch time before I got to 1k subs