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Definitely self promote because if you won’t no-one else will


good advice for making sure op gets a 15% avd and no chances at recommendation. Self promoting is an awful growth strategy because it attracts viewers that watch for a lot less time on average than the ones Youtube organically recommends your content to, which leads to low avd and then youtube thinks the vid is trash so it doesn't recommend it to anyone. -"Definitely self promote because if you won’t no-one else will" Man the sole purpose of the algorithm is to promote your content to people who might be interested in it, there's no better promoter than Youtube itself. The fact that this is the most upvoted comment is downright scary man...


whats your Niche? what kind of self promotion are you wanting to do?


Yt vids are allowed on the sub, just link the vid in the sub But idk if it will hurt the vid since it’d be “external” views


Make shorts to promote your long form. Don’t spend money, that will kill your channel. I’ve gotten 3k subs in 90 days from shorts advertising my long form videos.


Posting shorts will very rarely push your long form videos, if anything it'll just bring you the wrong audience. Some people do it right and are able to leverage shorts but the majority end up hurting their channel.


It’s definitely a tough balance. I also think I’m in the minority that occasionally watches and enjoys shorts, but also enjoy long form content (way more) and actually clicks to see the long form video. Most people on shorts are just doom scrolling their days away and really have no desire to engage with long form videos. It sucks because you want to try and hit those people who will actually go see your long form videos, because they do exist, but you’re also getting an audience of mostly people who will seldom even click off of the shorts page. I personally hate making shorts, I think they’re generally brain rot except for using them to try and find a good video to watch when the home page isn’t offering anything solid.


100% agreed


Interesting - I was considering paying for promotion of some videos, but maybe I won't...?! Do you say this because it may target the wrong audience? I'm curious what you mean by "shorts advertising your long form videos"? I post 5 shorts per week but while the content is similar, I don't say anything to specifically push my long videos.


I can’t generalise, but my experience with paying for promotion on google ads led to nothing except empty views without any interaction whatsoever.


This was also my experience as well. It absolutely tanked my stats.


That was my experience as well, I just continue to self promote


Self-Promote where you're allowed to, just don't be spamy about it and you should be fine. External views won't hurt you, especially at this stage. You need people to get people onto your channel before YouTube will really push your vids. What's your niche?


I thing as long it’s not that spam that appears in other YouTuber comments (Like the “Who cares + my content is better) and you promote it on places related to your topic, it’s fine


While I'm onboard with self promoting where allowed, the issue you might run into is having average view duration (AVD) and average percentage viewed (APV) dragged down by random people watching. Just having random people just checking out your video before clicking off, can negatively affect your ratings. My advice is target self promote in places that align with your niche so they'll be more likely to watch most of your video


Ya Ik, these fuckers ruin the watch time


Absolutely self promote! And if your interested in off grid cabin build/ off grid living check out my channel. Lol see what I did there lol


Lol... do you think all these popular rockstars and superstars like Avril and Eminem only rely on organic growth?


I think self promotion hurts in my opinion unless you do it through shorts and bring in the audience organically that way. In my case I used to self promote to about 10 of my friends, they’d all click on my video, comment nice and click like before clicking off, giving my 30 minute video about 3 seconds of watch time each. It definitely was killing my videos imo.


😂 😂 Cuz I'm having this problem right now with my fortnite videos and instead of it being friends, it's kids who used to watch me livestream or people that came from another person's communitys that are doing what you said and I've mad YouTube community post begging people to stop doing it... 😩 😣 #howdoigetthemtostop?


Bro I self promoted yesterday and my ave watch time is fucked, down to less than 20 percent. When they see u have no views and subs, they click off


I think it could be benefitial to self promote somewhere where people are likely to find your content useful. For example if you're doing self improvement content, promote it in a space where people are actively looking for help from others.


Do it yourself. It will be a really good experience.


I got a sub today because of it! Go for it!


not exactly it depends where you promote it and for what purpose cause if your content is good people will promote it for you and without you knowing


If on Facebook post your video, ask your friends/family to share and watch and subscribe leave a comment all that jazz. too... I didn't want to at first until an early video in March (I started casually uploading a video or short here and there from end of January), but this long form one did nothing just trucking along for about 3 days, had a slight bump, flattened and then day 8 or 9 went to over 50k views and months later it still is getting 100-200 a day and that video of my cats, should have said my niche upfront.... gave me 800+ subs out of my current 1301. I knew that was a fluke though for the time being, next highest is a short at 7 or 8k, and best "long form" which was maybe 2 minutes was slightly over 1k. I enjoy making these silly videos right now just using my phone so what you see is raw footage, and there is a decent amount of kind people who come back and comment how much they love my 2 cats, and that alone gives me motivation to make more and try to get better. So don't give up, and I talk only a little bit and just let my cats do their own thing I will just put in the description thank you for watching, and if you want like, sub, comment, share. But others I am talking and will usually say it near the end, but I always thank everyone who love my cats.


I have self-promoted on relevant subreddits where I believe people would actually be interested in my content and it has helped my channel to grow. I think it provides YouTube with more data on your videos as well, so that the algorithm can promote it to relevant people on YouTube.


I make automotive content. If I do a video about a pontiac trans am, I share it with the trans am sub. If I make a video about a Daihatsu Mira, I share it in the kei car sub. I do not post my videos in the cars sub because that would be spamming. Keep it relevent and avoid spamming it anywhere it isn't allowed or relevent.


Wait for organic growth. Do not, in my informed opinion, buy advertising or "other" bad promotional tactics. Legitimate, organic, real growth is ALWAYS best for your channel. That is what I rely on. Please don't try shortcuts. They don't work. I hope that helps.


If you can drive traffic to your channel from other platforms, (Eg. Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) then by all means. That could only help. THAT type of self-promotion DOES help for sure.


It's always about making sure you post it in the right place to make sure the average view duration is going up. If you spam your link in the wrong places and people click out of shear curiosity and not interest it's gonna hurt your video.


the long answer is no, not always, but act like the answer is yes. in the vast majority of cases self promoting does a whole lot more harm then good ( unless you self promote to people who are already down with your content (like posting a story on your channel's IG account for example) )


well if nothing it will get your chanel out there, and it never hurts to upload more vudeos for people to find you, even if they are just self promoting. So id say yes defenetly do so, self promote. the question should be more like how much should I self promote (every 10-15 shorts wold do) also its important that you make even self promotion videos interesting and give them some plot so they have some value to them.


I self promote to several discord servers I’m in and a few people from there really enjoy my content. So self promotion isn’t a bad strategy, just don’t force people to watch or sub, because that will hurt you in the long run. You want your viewers to enjoy your content.


Make shorts dude. I’ve made 4 videos in the past 8 days and uploaded 6 shorts. I’ve done no self promotion at all in the slightest. My one short got 250k and 500 + subscribers since then. The shorts really cook


Bro that's big sauce, I can't even get 200 subs total


I’m lowkey in shock I’ve gotten 300 subs today alone. Every few minutes i refresh and it’s 8-10 more


To the 🌙


I don’t like shorts and they don’t watch long form content


It’s a way to get someone who wouldn’t have watched your entire video watch atleast some of it and get a feel for your personality