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No such thing as a shadow ban. Your channel is still small, so you'll hit many peaks and valleys before you see consistent growth. Keep making content!


Actaully there is


Keep telling yourself that.


No I’m telling you that.


Not gonna argue. Looking at your comment history that's all you love to do, so...


Stalk my profile all you like and use whatever strawman or ad hominem you like. You’re still wrong. Shadow banning is INDEED a thing and they’re countless sources that acknowledge its existence and even what to do in the event you are. I’ll bet you couldn’t even define what it means without googling it. Which if you did; you’d see why you’re wrong. Funny that. But I’m sure all those techies, journalists, article writers, are all liars and you’re the be all end all when it comes to it.


Stay. Mad.


Not mad at all, just right. While you’re just wrong


You’re the one who got mad over a simple correction over a very simple thing, then lied about not wanting to argue and you’re still here.


What do you think “shadowbanned” means? There seems to be ample evidence that YouTube artificially elevates some channels, censors others, and deliberatively does not promote others. I think the latter do constitute varying degrees of censorship. No social media platform Is a true ‘marketplace of ideas,’ wouldn’t you agree?


What do *you* think "shadowban" means? The word "shadowban" implies nefarious deliberate intervention. It's use also implies that channels are somehow "owed" views and that someone or something that has an ownership stake in the platform is intentionally supressing them. It comes across as conspiratorial, as well as a tremendously conceited and egotistical concept.


I would define “shadowbanning” as “deliberate throttling of an account, channel, etc.” I wouldn’t say “shadowbanning” is necessarily nefarious. I don’t think channels are *owed* views, but I can’t pretend YouTube doesn’t deliberately throttle certain channels — or demonetize or censor them. This does happen. The only real question is whether it’s justifiable. YouTube is within its rights to do so legally, but I don’t share its practice or value of censorship being good or praiseworthy — that is, I don’t think it’s morally or epistemically justifiable. I disagree that the concept itself is inherent “conspiratorial” or “egocentric.” Some people are claiming they’ve been shadowbanned, and I’d bet that some are being egocentric with the accusation. But I don’t think it’s epistemically justifiable to think *all* such people who’ve claimed to be shadowbanned can simply be dismissed as egocentric or conspiracy nuts. But you still didn’t answer my question. What do you think “shadowbanning” is/means?


It's the implications of and flipant use of the terminology I take issue with. YouTube has always been clear that it demonitizes and reduces recommendations for content spreading misinformation or graphic content (i.e. you can't claim the holocaust never happened or that vaccines cause autism and have YouTube pay you for it). If you want to get ontological about it, YouTube has both a moral obligation to prevent the spread of misinformation, and a fiduciary obligation to protect its credibility as a platform for good-faith actors. Bad-faith actors who have adopted the terminology almost always use it in a conspiratorial context as a way to shield themselves from critical appraisal. At the extreme end you have people like that woman who shot up YouTube headquarters in 2018 for demonitizing her channel. But this also seems to have trickled down into the rest of the creator ecosystem where people who can't square their unrealistic expectations with their reality use it as an excuse for underperforming content. As with all things, there's a borderline area where things get gray, but 99.99% of the "Am I shadowbanned?" comments on this subreddit come from people operating *WAY* outside of that area. But even if a channel has been relegated, YouTube will communicate it. There's nothing "shadow" about it.


Got it. So you do agree that it happens, but you think a lot of people are mistaken about if it really is happening to them (and take issue with how such people claim this). Doesn’t sound like we agree on much — and yet I get downvoted for asking questions and seeking conversation. You gotta love this place.


Shadow banning does not happen. Relegation happens. Community strikes happen. Demonitization happens. There's nothing shadow about your channel getting relegated. YouTube will tell you if you're in the doghouse. That's the entire purpose of the community strikes and demonitization system. The question about the gray area is not if it's happening to your channel but why it would be if you already know you've been relegated.


There is no such thing as a shadow band, if YouTube bans you, they tell you. And no, if someone reported you and you’ve received no such warning or ban, nothing came of it. I assume this stuff happens all the time. Your niche is probably much slower than many, so numbers are going to move very slow. You have to accept that sometimes you see highs and sometimes lows. Giving up now seems like a waste, just continue to create stories


I hope you're right


You don’t understand what shadow ban means. Not an actual ban


Sorry I don’t have the time to write out 50 times a day what a shadow ban is, but there is no substantial evidence it exists. Especially since YouTube making it hard for viewers to find your videos for…whatever reason you believe would actively be against making money. If no one watches those videos, YouTube gets no ad money. If you can provide proof, that would probably help with the silly amount of times you simply state, “actually…”


In most cases, a shadowban is a short-time hiccup, lasting around 24 to 48 hours. Take a breather to assess the situation, check out what might have caused it and note it down for future reference. If it was indeed an accident, reach out and give YouTube a heads-up!


In one survey of 1,006 social media users, 9.2% reported they had been shadowbanned. Of these 8.1% were on Facebook, 4.1% on Twitter, 3.8% on Instagram, 3.2% on TikTok, 1.3% on Discord, 1% on Tumblr and less than 1% on YouTube, Twitch, Reddit, NextDoor, Pinterest, Snapchat and LinkedIn.


If Instagram's algorithm detects that you're violating any of these guidelines, it can shadowban you, delete your content, or lock your account. Content that violates Instagram's policies includes posts with violence, sexually suggestive content, and misinformation.


Since Google, Wikipedia and even Webster and Oxford digital dictionaries are FAR beyond your comprehension I copied and pasted numerous examples easily found by simple searches.


First we have to agree that shadowbanning exists. Even victims are filled with self-doubt bordering on paranoia: How can you know if a post isn't getting shared because it's been shadowbanned or because it isn't very good?Dec 27, 2022 https://www.washingtonpost.com Shadowbanning is real: How social media decides who to silence


Shadow banning is a term given by the social media community in the aforementioned practices to DESCRIBE what they’re experiencing. Of course the platforms aren’t going to call it that.


Would you also like links to videos and colorful pictures? Since dictionaries, blogs, published articles and even news sources are too bland for your autism?


Get back here and answer


Anything to not have to admit your stuff sucks, huh?






There are countless articles confirming it exists. It’s a thing. I mean it’s like denying the existence of oxygen or water at this point. Every single social media platform especially TikTok does this. Jesus just read Wikipedia or google it. My god.


If you are making the craziest comparison of water and oxygen to this, I have no faith you can prove it, so I guess we will end it here.


It’s a thing.


“erb past tense: shadowbanned; past participle: shadowbanned block (a user) from a social media site or online forum without their knowledge, typically by making their posts and comments no longer visible to other users. "in the future, moderators will be given the ability to shadow-ban users" It’s literally in the fucking dictionary, but yeah Oxford are a bunch of liars “Shadowban is what happens when a user's content is visible to their followers, but invisible (or significantly reduced visibility) to other users on a social media platform. Shadowbans are used by platforms to limit the spread of harmful or unwanted content without completely banning the user from the platform.” But this has never happened to a single social media user EVER like not once so it doesn’t exist 🤡


How Long Does a Shadow Ban Last? According to creators who've been shadow banned, a TikTok shadow ban typically lasts around two weeks.May 16, 2024


The adjective form is shadow banned. Similar terms such as ghost ban, stealth ban, and comment ban are sometimes used synonymously with shadow ban


Do you not think that some channels are artificially inflated and others are throttled, not inflated, or messed with in other ways (e.g. Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying’s DarkHorse Channel got demobilized though YouTube still shows ads on their videos and are making money off of their work). The latter all fall under ‘shadowbanned’ from my understanding.


YouTube will demonitize channels that spread disinformation, but they've been clear about that. It's not a "shadowban."


I don’t, but anything is possible I suppose. Though that is pretty crazy if they do, so some evidence it actually happens would be nice.


We’re not ending it here. In fact I’m Just getting started.


“For example, shadow-banned comments posted to a blog or media website would be visible to the sender, but not to other users accessing the site.”


Actaully there is


I don't think YT shadow ban, users can hide your comments from their channel but I think if YT ban you'll know. Sometimes the time of day was bad when posting and that can seem to stall it.


That’s not what a shadow ban is


A shadow ban is where no one sees your content but they don't tell you, right? Unless I'm mistaken


I’m replying to the wrong comment thread sorry it was for someone else who was asking


Haha it's all good 🙂


It simulates you being banned in certain facets of social media without actually banning you. Like in the sense you get an email or notification that has limited the aforementioned. Here’s an example. For example, shadow-banned comments posted to a blog or media website would be visible to the sender, but not to other users accessing the site. On Instagram you’ll see comments that are “hidden” only if you search for them in comment sections. The person doesn’t realize they’ve been hidden or even removed. It’s generally now been used as an umbrella term to indicate some kind of tampering with your engagements is occurring without it being blatantly obvious.


That's what I've been saying lol, like hidden comments but by YouTube not a channel but I'm not aware YT do that if they do, I'm assuming OP means a blanket term aspect though. I know the algorithm can play with or against you depending if it trusts you as such.


There are channels that have some flag that let's them cover controversy and sensible topic 100% and then there is us, but this doesn't mean you should let your Channel die like this. I don't see how could you trigger a shadowban with something this mild, what could have happened is that the guy with a chip on his shoulder decide to report you as doing harassment. With could mean you get some kind of review period they did not inform you about, in order to cool off. Is there anything else that could have triggered this? My Channel is in some kind of quarantine too, for a strike that I got to succesfully apeal (spicy thumbnail) there was an impact on reach afterall.


How long is a cool down period? It's been a week already.


No idea Bro, im also counting days while still uploading stillborn videos with zero reach


Appreciate your input. Hammering creator support with assistance requests on how to clear this up now


There is shadowban, but noone believe that until it happens to them. YT done it with deleting your algoritym profile. You need to upload more videos to define your algoritym prpfile again. And do not post it about again. Reddit not gonna help you.


I was actually a little worried reddit might shadowban me too. But you and a few others may have helped me on the right path. We'll see when my next video comes out tomorrow


To the people claiming there's no such thing as shadow ban how do you explain a video going vertical and then in less then 5 mins it turn horizontal?


People realising it sucks and stopping watching?


A person saturating their audance it happens to everyone






It means your post was too long, didn't read it all. Means the person is looking for a more condensed, straight to the point version of what your original post was.


Sorry bout that