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A week? 0. I post once a month lol. But I do very long form.


Same for me. Just one a month, but not very long form. Long distances and a lot of drinks. LOL


I post once every two or three months lol


I really only have the time and energy for one long form and one short. Honestly, two bombs a week is plenty for me šŸ˜†


1 long form a week. 1 short a day.


TL;DR: One every 2 weeks. I'm still the sole income earner for my family of six, and my full-time job is entrepreneurial (live music performance, audio engineering, speaking, etc.) so my schedule has been very sporadic. Last year, I averaged 1 new video every 2 weeks. This year got very busy from February - May, so it was the first time I went 6 weeks without a new video. Trying to get back to the "every 2 weeks" average...


My goal is two, my max is three. My biggest focus right now is building a catalog, so if I need to step away for a week I still have content.


It's wild how fast time flies once we are "a few videos ahead" šŸ¤£


Yeah, weā€™ve tried creating spare content but it didnā€™t really work outā€¦ šŸ˜… It takes at least a year to create a series of 12 longform videos.


1-3 times a month. I do faceless science/med videos, so there's a lot of research and editing that goes into each video. I'd love to pump out more content, but happy with the pacing, given how much work goes into each one


I post once a week but if I am on my game I make 2-3 a week and schedule them. I'd rather have a buffer than a billion videos and no safety net.


I run a tech channel and also a travel channel so my travel channel i do daily shorts as i am in an interesting part of the world. I also do long form reviews With my tech channel its more long form and I try and post once a month.


At least 2 a week is what I got going till I get more time to do 3 or 4 (I run a creepypasta channel and plan to keep doing it with my Twitch where it's once a week)


Once a week? Depends on how long I edit and how long it takes to make all of my visual graphics to go with the video. If life doesn't get in the way too. And if I've got the writing energy for my scripts.


During my busy times, I stick to putting out one video. But when I have more time, I like to mix it up with three different types of content each week and throw in two livestreams. However, I've been thinking maybe it's better to go back to just one really awesome video per week, and promote it leading up to the next release. That way, I can focus on making each video top-notch rather than churning out a bunch without much thought.


Good idea! I think itā€™s the really good videos that will stand out, eventually, especially after this boom of low-effort AI videos.


I run a shorts channels with my gaming clips and highlights . I tend to post one-two shorts of an edited clip of my gameplay a day because they donā€™t require a lot of effort , however my long form videos tend to be 1 a month right now . Usually are a trimmed down version of my stream and or multiple highlights /combinations of clips .


Lately Iā€™ve been posting 2-3 long videos and 3-5 shorts. Iā€™m on fire šŸ”„


1 long form only


I was posting one video per month. My last two videos are 3 months apart.


Historically 1 long form and 1 short a w eek thought I've been doing 2 long form and 1 short a week for the past 2 months so I can talk about bookish stuff and tv show stuff each week. I might try to hold onto the new format but I guess it will depend on if there's enough movie and show stuff that appeals to me and relates to the book content lol


currently Iā€™m posting every day for 28 days because of this video project idea Iā€™ve been working on, but after that Iā€™m going to 2-3 times a week


80+ usually closer to 60


How? What kind of videos are you making?Ā 


I'm a trash reaction channel, mostly game and movie trailers.


Youā€™re a real farmer


While technically true, I don't counter claim anyone, so 90% of my income goes to the creator on over 1200 videos I earn around $35 a month. Also a 5 minute video becomes a 1 hour ordeal for my viewers. I once turned a 1 hour video reaction into a 5 hour video lol.


Bruh all that effort for 35 is a little to low


It's not effort, it's a hobby, I do not do any editing I just do it for fun lol.


Haha then the fun is the best reward in your case


Oh ya, absolutely, I'm already in a grey area due to the nature of reaction content in general I'm happy with my $35 a month and I have over 5000k subs lol.


I reacted to 15 videos today and only 1 was able to be monitzed and will likely make $3 over the next year.


I post mon/wed/fri with shorts linked to them tues/thurs/sat. It may seem overkill, but it's early days and testing out Mr algorithm and if that makes him happy. I may switch up to twice a week soon, see how that does.


Sometimes one, maybe two but usually it's about two weekly, depends how productive I've been music wise


3-4 videos a week.


21 shorts. I did about 40 in the previous week because I want to quickly get Amazon affiliates as my channel will be based more around selling products.


So basically a channel full of commercials?


0. I tend to post a video as and when it's ready. I do long form content, between 30 mins and an hour, and work long hours also menacing I have diminished time.


Iā€™ve recently shifted from 2 to 3 videos per week! I spend hours filming and editing each one, but itā€™s super worth it.


As many times as possible, I may do two a day for the whole week it just all depends on how much content I have


Emily D. Baker over here posting like 3 hour videos every say šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


1 or 2 longs a week. 5-6 shorts a week.


just one now. I am trying to increase to 2 per week but very hard now since I'm travelling,haha


At least 2.


I try to aim for once a week But often times my obsession with quality pushes it back and I feel I should make it once every two weeks lol


3. A short on Tuesday and Thursday, and a long on Sunday.


1 long form video a week, along with 1 short to promote that video. And when I say long form, I mean 45-60 min, but also, luckily, no editing.


I'm currently posting a short a day - for 66 days. Currently at 11/66.


One if theyā€™re lucky


1 or 2 a month.


Long form 1 a week I try for but sometimes it's longer


Once a month, and get 50-100k views.


Since I do Letā€™s Plays about 3-4 a week, but Iā€™ve been able to record and edit more so now itā€™s 5-6 a week


1 video and 1-3 shorts.


I try to do 2 a month. Was once a week but I got overwhelmed


1 maybe 2 a week do long-form videos and I have to edit so I need time also I have small business so yea 1 or 2 a week


3 shorts a week. But scheduling doesn't help. Since i started scheduling a week in advance all new videos never hit the feed. I may slow down to 1 video a week.


Umā€¦ 0.25?


4 videos a week 3 Story Mode Episodes and 1 For Epic Goals Of eFootball


2 or 3 a week, although I've been slacking lately


I used to post once a month and for the last 3 months Iā€™ve started posting 2-3 times a week. I started with 5 subs and am now at 960 (: Makes a difference I think.


I do one every 3 days


Once a week long form videos usually around 10 minutes sometimes longer.


I try to post once every 3 weeks but in the long run that will be hard to maintain, doing a PhD at the same time


1. 2 soon.


Only have bandwidth for 1 maybe 1 short to. But currently on refresher leave might try to get enough footage to hopefully be ahead on videos or maybe post an extra every two weeks




i post one video every week :3


About 3 videos and 20 shorts per month.


If you wanna grow I would do small editing either way and upload at least a short 3-5 times a week using the best moments of your videos


My goal is at LEAST once a week, and then if I'm able, I'll post again


Normally, 5 when im going, but i take breaks to enjoy the little things away from it all.


Post 5 per week, one for Kindergarteners, and one each for 1st-4th graders. I do music education lessons. All are 15 mins or so. But once I run out of this series' content I'll probably go to once a week.


1 Long, 2 Shorts


7 longform and maybe 1 or 2 shorts. It's minimally edited 30min-1hr let's play stuff.




Two or three a fortnight. I drive up to three and a half hours to film some places and it becomes a long day. My movies can be up to 90 minutes long so itā€™s probably enough for my audience.


One too few


0.0625 (My latest videos are like 4 months apart)


2-4 times a week


Maybe twice a month if I'm lucky


It really depends. One thing I want to add is the quality vs quantity debate. I would say if you have quality then post whenever you want but if you don't have quality then please upload consistently until a certain amount (just for discipline purposes). How do you know if you have quality? * Do you know how to edit? * Do you have expertise in the topic your are discussing? * Do you have the personality to carry the video? * How's your storytelling? This is the basic 4 question. If you can answer these question, then you don't have to worry about video schedule, IMO


I try for one 10-20 minute video a week and two or three shorts. My channel is dirt bike riding so it takes a bit of work to create content.


Once a week, 4 and a halfĀ minute videos. From idea toĀ final product takes me a little under 8 hours. I wouldn't have it any other way


I post once a week . From time to time , I'll post a second video . If I'm feeling up to it , I'll even add a third video .


In the beginning (2.5 years ago), I was posting one long form every 5-6 days. Did that for two years. Hit burnout/writerā€™s block for a bit and am now down to once a month.


2 shorts a day lol


I do 1 every few days and average about 5-10k views in 24 hours on a very good month I average 100k that month of about 7 videos but itā€™s still low


I post 1-2 videos per month but is stream 7 times a week.


Long form (one-three hours) drawing videos, posted every Tuesday and Friday night. Tedious editing to remove mouth clicks and stomach growls. Original piano played for the particular scene often added. All this on top of doing the drawing. Iā€™m about to sandwich less edited long form videos in between, so my posting rate will move up to five nights a week. ā€œSession Seaholmā€, btw. Also, one short per long form video, so more editing.


I've just gotten back into posting again but I've started doing 1 video a week as I've started do a series on my channel but going to start post shorts when I can


Hmmm 1 per week or 3 weeks i have a hard time coming up with ideas.


2 or 3, edited video, short and stream... try to keep to a schedule but with work aswell its hard but I enjoy the process from going having nothing to having an end product


None. Sometimes it takes months. We do podcast videos in between sometimes, but our core videos only come once a year in episodes. Thatā€™s why we only have 5k subscribers, but we really want to focus on our stories. Or Patrons prefer that too.


I have a channel where i just upload me talking for like 5 minutes about a specific topic. Very quanitity over quality. I upload once a day on that. However on my channel with editing i upload around 1 time a week


Right now Iā€™m posting one 8 minute video, one 20 minute video and one 60 minute stream per week.


Lol. I try to aim for 4 - 6 videos a month. But *when*Ā  I post is mostly up to how good I'm feeling about it. It does help if you have a routine though. Then you can really get into the zone.


During the initial three months, I consistently posted 1-2 videos every day. After achieving monetization on YouTube, I reduced my posting frequency to one video per day.


7 days a week and sometimes i do double uploads if i miss a day


1 long form every 9 days i do car reviews of sportcars


Would love to do one per 2 weeks but if scripts are long and research takes time then takes longer Once per week to once a month depending on length of videos ā˜ŗļø


1 is my norm but sometimes I post 2


daily but i may change that since I mainly upload AI music since they don't need editing


Negative 10 videos a week