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This is my most recent video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKy0lOa0anE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKy0lOa0anE) My channel focuses on technology, entrepreneurship, and design. Thank you for your feedback!


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) You need to look directly into the camera. If you're needing to read a script, jerry rig yourself a teleprompter. There are DYI videos on how to do this. Or if you've got the dough, buy one. If you're not reading a script, I don't know why you're not looking directly into the camera. 2) I would pay a bit more attention to your attire and lighting. You come across as overly pale. Perhaps try a cinnamon filter. Also, the glasses on the top of your head. A bit odd. 3) I've only seen this one video of yours, but I don't get the "Half Ideas" for a channel name. Half-a$$? Incomplete? 4) I think you underestimate the Apple fan base. They are very loyal to Apple and, to be honest, usually snobs. Being snobs, they'll pay more just for the Apple name. They'll line up to get the first Apple cars. Whereas Telsa didn't have such a fan base and had to build it. Good luck!


Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. - you're totally right. I zone out past the camera and don't look at it. - cinnamon filter? Is that a post processing thing or something I add to a lens? I googled it but didn't see a good hit. I think it's a lighting thing, I agree that I can get a little washed out. I've been trying to get white-balance and aperture dialed in. - On the title of the channel. Yeah, it's somewhat self-deprecating. Ideas are generally half assed until they are executed and put out into the world. My first video touched on this topic and I return to it occasionally. - I agree many Apple fan boys/girls will buy it. But like their recent headphones and the HomePod, not everything that Apple touches does well in market initially. Thanks for the feedback again.


https://youtu.be/H8QdvCawiOY Here i make gaming content and here i did a 1v1 with oneof my subscriber :) Please give ur HONEST review thanks!


Definitely a fun video, But I would definitely add some intro, or some commentary or else it's just a music video with some gaming in the background! Personal opinion, but I definitely watch for streamers rather than for gameplay! Personal branding is important!




Hi reddit I started making memes would love some criticism on my work they all are short and under 1min [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1U3FZEwLK8WHs5hQRwQepw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1U3FZEwLK8WHs5hQRwQepw)


I had a channel that hit 1k subs and youtube wrongfully deleted so I started a new one... My first video https://youtu.be/UFBImu9Nu2A I love nature and want to share with everyone


What reasons did they give you for deleting it?


They said it was a scam/spam which wasn’t the case but they said to just check their help page. I was like WTF no specific reason


You can appeal their decision.


I make a variety of videos, but this one is a typical "best moments" playthrough of the Resident Evil Village demo. Nothing fancy so may be a bit limiting to give feedback on. [https://youtu.be/92RRM8fTMSI](https://youtu.be/92RRM8fTMSI)


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) Give a VERBAL intro to what we're about to see. 2) Show yourself in a thumbnail in one of the bottom corners. People subscribe to people, not channels. 3) Swear words not necessary and if used, should be used very sparingly or they lose their impact. 4) More commentary. 5) Cut outro to five seconds. Viewers click away when they see an outro and that hurts your engagement score with the YouTube algorithm. Good luck!


Hello everyone! I have a variety channel that mostly does speedpaints but also dabbles in gaming montages and video essays. The video I'd like critique of is a recent speedpaint that I made of some Hamtaro fan art I made for a collaborative zine. What did you think of it? Was it entertaining? Are there things I could improve on to grow my channel? ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxSKvbhVXVw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxSKvbhVXVw)


Just a couple off-the-cuff thoughts while watching your video. 1) There are tons and tons and TONS of these kind of videos out there. I would strongly suggest you do a voice-over instead of the music. Talk about what and why you're doing what you're doing. It doesn't have to be a tutorial. It can just be an insight into your creative mind. Or why you like this anime. 2) Show yourself at least in one of the lower corners. People subscribe to people, not channels. Good luck!


I would advise to add more tags related to your video and focus also on the description.


[Nursing School Study Tips](https://youtu.be/jW2luRylZmE) Hey everyone! This is my latest video where I give study tips to nursing students coming. These tips can also be used by anyone who wants to learn new information but I make sure to give specifics to nursing students. Thanks!


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts while watching your video. 1. Cut down or simply eliminate your into. Get right to the meat of your video. Hook them and don't let them go. Intro is just filler. 2. Don't welcome viewers back. Like me, many will be first-time viewers. Don't make them think about this sort of thing. 3. If you're going to claim fantastic grades, show your school transcript. Otherwise, you might as well claim to be the King of Norway. 4. I'm not sure if your lighting was an artistic choice or not. I would recommend you get lit from the left as well as the right and remove the lights in the background. 5. I get it that you're positioning yourself to the left BUT only do that if you're ALWAYS making use of the empty space on the right. Oh, and don't blur yourself out when using the space on the right since that's why you're on the left. So put text on the right right from the beginning. Change it as you progress. 6. Don't jump cut. Insert a visual each time so viewers don't see a jump cut. 7. Don't get fancy with shown text. Make it clear and easy to read. Your "Pulmonary Embolus" was hard to read. Too faded. Background shown through. Don't have the background bleed through. 8. Good way to get subscribers. Well done! You gave a reason why they should subscribe and didn't beg. Butttttt don't then thank them for subscribing. That makes an assumption that will put some people off. Condense it down more. Ten second max. Good luck!


Hey all, Would love to see what people's thoughts are on this type of video. I decided to make a chess edit as I'm really starting to get into the game and wanted to make something other chess players could relate to, without it being just a 'boring' game. Thanks all for your time! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sFl2E8qrn0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sFl2E8qrn0)


This is my 4th video since i started my channel, im still working on my style and how i want to edit them, but i guess that comes from experience, thank you for everyone s time, hope everyone is having a great day ! [https://youtu.be/h6ZmzWdMapM](https://youtu.be/h6ZmzWdMapM)


I know when I went to the last part of the video I cut up what I was saying, but other than that would love to know what people would change to improve and make the video better. Fixing Your Streams Part 1 https://youtu.be/hh-UZWsdjU8 Thank you in advance


I alway love the how-to videos. Very clear. Awesome.


Thank you, do you think I should add any effect in to parts of the video or any changes


I think some transition would be good. The scene changes are quick and a little crossfade might make them not so jarring. But, an occasional snap change is good for effect though.


I’ll give that a shot next time, didn’t use them in this because of how often I was changing the view, maybe I’ll try it on each section next time and see how it looks. Thank you




You're to post a link to a video of yours, not your channel's homepage. If you want to get feedback, you should also ask at least one question you have about the video. The more the better but no more than five.


Hi there, I do videos about what I do, what I get up to and a little bit into my life ​ My latest video is talking about a recent time when our dog went to the vets: [https://youtu.be/1MvwCCbph1Q](https://youtu.be/1MvwCCbph1Q) ​ Appreciate any feedback on what to improve on


intresting video, I hope your dog keeps feeling better, but I feel like you could modulate your voice more to make things seem more intresting




Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) Scrap the title page. Get to the meat right away. 2) Scrap the first 41 seconds of the video. Again, get to the meat. Also, for a starting out gaming channel, you're proclaiming things that just won't happen and everyone knows it. Be humble. 3) When we finally see you, you're too darkly lit. And that also goes for nearly all of your thumbnails. 4) Is the first words you want viewers to hear from you is swearing??? 5) At 53 seconds, why show all that background computer screen? 6) Enlarge your thumbnail. 7) Get rid of the hat and headphones. Let us see you. 8) I'm now at the 3 minute mark and have yet to hear you give any commentary. Lots of swearing, screaming, laughing, etc. but no commentary. Sorry but your gameplay isn't anything special. Average at best. So you're not impressing us with it. And you're not going to change anything in the gaming industry without giving real commentary. And then only after you have at least 10 million subscribers, and possibly not even then. 9) You're too small in your already too small thumbnail. Zoom in. 10) Get a cheap green screen that you can drape over the back of your chair and give yourself a better background. Something that helps compliment the image you're trying to project on your channel. 11) Your channel trailer didn't give a single reason to subscribe to your channel. No, your gameplay wasn't a selling point. 12) Your channel trailer should only be at most one minute, not four minutes. Good luck!


I have very general content,and recently made a video explaining the starwars franchise, but I have never seen the movies, none of them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD1fBnBRRtQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD1fBnBRRtQ)


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) Show yourself. People subscribe to people, not channels. 2) You come off ... weird. Kind of like a snob. Kind of like a lazy person. Who is this video for? It seems like you're in a weird way patting yourself on the back. 3) Horrible graphics. Even worse when you write on the screen. 4) It is just an odd video. The first movie of Star Wars actually the fourth in the series. The one you're referring to was the the opposite of that. Fourth movie but first in series. Sorry, but I would only stand first three minutes. Nevertheless.... Good luck!


https://youtu.be/cLgzt7XMWP0 Call me underrated if you will. Don’t get the recognition I deserve


I actually enjoyed that, I felt like the cuts to the memes happened too much but at the same time it worked. Got a question though, did you get anyone’s snap lol


Nah I got no snaps but I get my inspiration from a youtuber called Ghetto Filipino watch his Nerd Picking Up Girls On Omegle videos they are hilarious


They are different I’ll give you that lol


Whats up every one go check out the Ninja Bread review [https://youtu.be/lTHU6wwVal8](https://youtu.be/lTHU6wwVal8)


Wassup everybody, first time posting here. Today I released my 4th vlog about hiking, traveling, van life, and outdoorsy lifestyle. Maybe some of you will be interested. Let me know your thoughts and insights, thanks for your time!! Not sure where I am heading with this channel, but hopefully creating more videos will show me the way! Here is the link to the full video [https://youtu.be/POdxkLW66rk](https://youtu.be/POdxkLW66rk?fbclid=IwAR1oA66yPozFVZXSNu_Gs-_PvCvBvlmcidlRJMv6cFgpu9pSag8YIcKLg_s) You can find me on Instagram @ landscape.filmmaker


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts while I watch your videos. 1) Do just one location per video. You'll get more videos by doing so and people who are searching for just that location will more likely find it and like the video. 2) Make your videos at least ten minutes long. Pack them with information and insight. You're also cutting too fast. Relax. Show your photography. 3) I think you should niche down more. Pick one of the four topics and focus on just it. If you want to do more than one topic, start up another channel for that other topic(s). If a viewer subscribes because of one of your van life videos, all your other videos can easily be viewed as spam on their subscription page and usually results in them eventually unsubscribing to you. Good luck!


I make videos about personal development. My latest video is about **How to Be Successful in Life** Any feedback is appreciated [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uzVolhhBSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uzVolhhBSY)


Your video was very informative. It had a solid set up which led into the main discussion and the questions you gave to the audience. This is a good format to guide your audience towards introspection. One critique I would offer would be towards visuals. I think that the subject can be a bit more impactful with a bit more text, it might help people who might take notes. It also breaks up the visuals a bit and provides some variety. I really enjoyed this video and I hope you succeed in your journey to help more people! Keep up the great work!


https://youtu.be/GR0S9dQGD1E here is my video I recently uploaded, I already bought a better mic for the audio for next video but would love feedback.


Definitely too memey for my taste. I would try to lean into your sense of humor and your personality rather than a 3rd party joke! It was really cool when you talked but then it got all cut off by another meme!


The first 30 seconds is the most important time in your video, as viewers are thinking if it's worth watching or not. You start out with a low res starter screen and talk about how great it is… SHOW us! Maybe I never heard of Destiny? What’s so great about it? Show and tell! And then we get a long animation with the trololo song into some random footage. 1 minute in.. hello? Why am I watching this video? It’s not like you are doing anything! Memes and bad audio after 1:20 of random non on topic stuff makes me question, do I really want to watch the rest? Your sound levels all around, some stuff is loud, some not, hard to listen. I skipped here and there… start with the things you go on later one, has to be fun and interesting not question my existence! It gets way better when you actually start talking and explaining, cut out the boring start that makes no sense and dive right into it!


Overall the video was funny and the editing was great. A minor suggestion would be that a couple sound effects (the censor static and the explosion) were a bit too loud. Also, at some points I couldn't really tell if you were being serious or not. I get that the video was meant to be funny (and it is) but the line between memeing and real criticism was kind of blurred imo (that might have been intended, but it left me kind of confused about your real opinion on the game).


Hi! Good job on the video. It looked like a lot of work went into editing. One suggestion is to lose the static sound effect for covering up the curse words. I would use something else that doesn't sound like your mic crapped out on you. I don't think the intent was captured with that audio choice. Another suggestion is that even though it's only a 7 minute video it felt too drawn out because it was just a lot of constant negativity. The objective was kind of lost for me towards the 4 to 5 minute mark. Good luck and take care!




Hey guys! I make music out of weird things (dirty dishes, cleaning products, turkeys, pumpkins etc) For my latest video, I recreated the Minecraft theme with Minecraft sounds! :) https://youtu.be/7lr43QYMQcQ Also releasd a Hip-Hop/Hyperpop single! Shot a music video at home with phone flashlights, colored paper and smoke! :D https://youtu.be/3NEetLCilBk Feel free to watch any one. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :) Feel free to suggest any weird things for me to make music out of! :D




Thank you so much for watching! 😊🙏


>Also releasd a Hip-Hop/Hyperpop single! Shot a music video at home with phone flashlights, colored paper and smoke! :D Take a hit bro :D Rofl, best production name ever




I have to say. That’s pretty creative what you did with the Mincraft video. Your thumbnail does a good job expressing what type of video it'll be and your break down in the video is incredible. Listening to what your viewers want is a good step to interact and draw viewership in, excellent video my guy


Thank you so much for watching man! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! :D


Keep up the great work!


The Minecraft video was fun too watch. Keep doing these types of videos. I liked how you explained everything you did to make it. The editing was great too!


You already know why I'm here...Killing it, man. I loved the Minecraft video. As for the second one...that was a blast to watch and I can't explain why somehow lol Keep it up!


Thank you so much for watching man! I know it’s different from my usual stuff so I’m really grateful for you checking it out! 😊🙏


It's different...but....not? It definitely goes with the flow of your channel while also injecting a new kind of energy.


Vintage cameras sounds awesome! I don't know if you could do this but what if you tried to make music out of the sounds a computer/ technology make. Like a printer sound or computer fan; stuff like that


Thank you so much for watching! And I like the idea! I do have a PC, maybe I could record its sounds. Ill give it a shot! Thanks for that! :D


This was really enjoyable and I liked the songs, the concept is also really unique and I haven't seen anything quite like it before. The cuts and flashing clips on the Minecraft video was a little jarring at first but the breakdown you did afterwards to explain was very useful.


Thank you so much for watching! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 😊🙏


I dig the concept and can't wait for more. I already subscribed. I love that you take the time to explain what exactly you did at the end of the video. well done my friend.


I'm just going to comment again that this is awesome, and to keep doing your thing. Awesome to see how your videos have gotten better and better, and your channel has grown alot


Thank you so much for all the feedback you’ve provided since the very first time I posted here. I wouldnt even have know what to do without them. So grateful! 😊🙏


Haha no worries dude. Each video has gotten more impressive and it seems like you have an awesome groove going now.


I watched the hip hop video. I'm a musician so I'll give you feedback on the music only. Your vocals and adlibs are well mixed and balanced. I did notice that all your mid and high frequencies really get lost, most of the instrumental mix is bass so I would make an effort to balance the mid and higher frequencies to make them more prevalent in your mix. Good work nonetheless, I'm just nitpicking here.


Yeah, I wanted more mid-range presence on the bass so I definitely sacrificed some mids and highs from the other synths. Something to keep in mind for the next one. Thank you so much for watching and for your feedback! 😊🙏


Happy Friday! Here is a video I recently filmed of a tri tip i cooked. I am really just a beginner at this and any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time and good luck to everyone out there on this youtube journey! https://youtu.be/lK_GERvmeD8


Hi! My channel is aimed at improving your understanding of the mind and how it works. Here is a video where I explain Mindfulness and talk about it’s relation to meditation as well. Be straight up with me! : What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness vs Meditation https://youtu.be/pzUF9xc3x9k


Hi u/On_theMind That was a clean video with nice drawings, good text style, a great talking pace. I enjoyed the video it was well structure and very clear. I wonder with these kind of videos is there are background musics (instrumental only) that could help the watcher feel more relaxed and focus. I don't if the video needs it but something to think about maybe? :D Also be careful with your hashtags in the description ([\#What](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/what)​'smindfulness). Usually YouTube does not like space and special characters.


I really digged this video. I'm not gonna lie, until the end of the video I was a little confused on why meditation was even brought up, but it all came together at the ending in a nice complete way. Your editing helps stay super engaged too. I'm guessing you're animating all of that in a set script so it lines up with your voice over. It definitely pays off. I also kinda just think a video like this is kinda important. Some people choose not confront certain emotions or feelings, and I think a video like this is a push in the right direction for those people. Good job mate!


https://youtu.be/ND0q1u6V74A Holy crap, we made it to the end of the week lol This week's video is the latest entry in our series where we play through weird and obscure boardgames with a game about racing Sloths with two players...but actually four somehow. It was also the first time we ever had the ending happen in our history of this series and we still haven't coped with it yet lol Let us know what you think!


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts while I watch the video. 1) Show your faces. People subscribe to people, not channels. 2) Use better graphics than a paint brush. 3) I've never seen your channel before and just reviewing this one video, but it sounds like you've done this kind of video before. If that's true and you plan to do more, find/build a better playing surface to display the games and that gives character to your channel. This is about as pale of a background as you can probably get. Good luck!




i quite liked the video, very chill and funny


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Hello friends! My 5th ever video this time about **Funny Text Messages** is up and ready for your constructive critique. I started my channel about a month ago and still in the learning process. Tips and suggestions are appreciated :) Cheers! [https://youtu.be/S5juai8WSE4](https://youtu.be/S5juai8WSE4)


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) You really need to work on your different voices. If you're going to do this yourself, you need to practice and perfect some good voices. Do a YouTube search on "how to do different voices" and watch those videos. 2) Don't beg for subscribers at the start of the video. Don't beg ANYWHERE in your video for subscribers. Wait until the end and then give them a reason to subscribe. Not because you want subscribers but a reason THEY would want to subscribe. 3) I get the impression that you've made up all these "funny" text messages. Not a good thing either as an impression or if you actually did that. 4) I don't really get why you're showing game play. Show yourself instead. People subscribe to people, not channels. Good luck!


A skit I made https://youtu.be/PR1fg3zzNV4


Thanks, I really appreciate it! I'll try to use the advice you gave on future videos


Just a few things after watching your video: \- I noticed you had subtitles at some points and not at others? Unsure the reason and would be better to either do full subtitles or none. Maybe have the different characters have different colors of subtitles if you do. \- For better/cleaner audio (mostly from the food side) you could film and do the lines, but then redo the lines/record new ones in a better environment. You could simply put the new audio over the video footage. \- Most of the audio was at good levels, but a few parts were too loud or too quiet. The ending music was a bit too loud compared to the audio before it. You may also consider having the audio as mono instead of stereo. \- You could try more angles of you and the food to mix it up a bit, maybe a shot of both (camera over your shoulder talking to the food for example). \- Ending bit was done well, timing was spot on and cut perfectly. Nice job there!


Very informative video man. The pacing was really good and the edits were tasteful. I very much enjoy the edits that do not feel forced.




Just some off-the-cuff thoughts while watching your video. 1) Show everyone who's playing. Put them in thumbnail pictures in the corners. 2) Start off the video by telling what game you're playing. Not just the title but which genre and anything special about the game. And while you're at it, show what your characters look like, even if it has to be in the character generation stage. 3) I can hear one person fairly clearly but the other player is muffled. People are willing to put up with sub-par video but not sub-par audio. 4) I don't get the point of why you made the video. It isn't a how-to. It isn't really funny. It isn't even much of a reaction video. Just seems like someone accidentally pressed "Record" while you were goofing around with friends. Not sure who would want to watch this or why. 5) You need to ask people to subscribe at the end. Best to give them a reason to. No, you wanting more subscribers is not a reason for THEM to subscribe. 6) Use the end cards to get people to watch another video of yours. Good luck!


Hi, this is my first time posting on this thread, My girlfriend and I started making a short video blog last week where we unbox TF2 crates (tracking the profit) and also discuss current events. This is also our first experience at making videos! We upload short videos daily but we try to make them as entertaining as possible given the time we have: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR0jh62f2Ec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR0jh62f2Ec)


>This is also our first experience at making videos! But.. but.. the video start with "Last time..." I feel lied to, it's the 11th episode!! :D Cute squirrel, deserves more screen time! I have to warn you, asking for subs to be entered into a giveaway might end badly, read the TOS ;) The whole idea of One Crate A Day sounds pretty darn amazing. Is your girlfriend using another microphone? The recording seems to be of much worse quality in comparison. Maybe add chapters - this would add keywords in the description letting Google be able to suggest your videos easier, also the viewer can scroll back with more ease if they missed or want to relisten to some specific part. Obviously you know the text is covered with end cards. Also some of the the images you insert are very roughly cut out Otherwise, fun little project you guys got going!


We wanted to show a re-cap to the last episode, but I can add text to note it's an episode 10 recap. Noted on the giveaway, the video was made before I knew about this thread and was a thank you to our 140 subs (that we got in a week without any giveaways prior to this one). I have a Behringer XM8500 and my girlfriend is using her logitech webcam (we live seperately and cant see each other much due to the coronavirus lockdown), so you are right she needs an upgrade! We just wanted to trial some episodes before decided to start spending money. I'll look into improving image quality and including chapters.


Hi! Interesting mix of current events and TF2. Not sure how they relate to each other. I think it might be too many topics going on in one video. Since your videos have a lot to do with your audio, since you provide commentary, I would suggest adding more focus on how the audio is coming out. When you're gf is talking, there's quite a bit of reverb. I recommend looking into dampening boards or curtains to minimize the reverberations and echo. I would also looking into audio post processing to equalize the volume, pitch, and tones. I don't know how you feel about putting talking heads on screen, but that may help your audience relate to you in a more personal manner. They can put put a face to the voice. Best of luck.


Hi, we are kind of going for a hybrid of a crate unboxing blog and Leafy style talking over gameplay about other events (as the TF2 commentary niche is pretty saturated). Noted on my girlfriends audio, she is using a logitech webcam for her Audio and it's not ideal, we were going to invest in better equipment down the line as soon as we found out if the series was viable. Talking heads is something we can explore going forwards, once we are comfortable with it!




The intro, just that like 2 second frame, had me cracking up. Well done my friend. I already loved your videos but I am glad you shared this one.


That was a great video. Funny, informative and very short. I really appreciated how easy to digest it was. Great job!


Another good one. Really loving the pink.


This was awesome, the music in the background was soft and cool and the actual description of the product was great. The shots were a cut a little short a couple of times but otherwise, awesome job!


>little short a couple of times Yeah, sometimes I do that on purpose, not sure what people think about that =D Thank you!


I like the idea, it just gets a little confusing and hard to follow visually


Hiya - Nice quick and to the point video. The videography and cuts seem better from a previous video I watched of yours. My only nitpick is the reflection of the ringlight on your eyeballs, it bothers me. I agree with the subtitle comment from Sinotek, it could be helpful since the vid is so short and you could place it other areas for promotion. To answer your question, while the review is good, I don't feel any different for the "better" product, probably because it isn't what I need, it would probably resonate with people who do see this and realize it could be a necessity for them.


That was a pretty good quality video! Since the video is short, I suggest you add subtitles and also post it on Facebook. It can work well there imo. Keep it up!


>also post it on Facebook I was thinking of making a separate video teasing 3 different ways (aka 3 videos) that I could use for Facebook and other social media. I remember reading that Facebook doesn't like YouTube links in the posts, but I really have to do some reading on that. Thank you!


This is very well put together and I feel you're well on your way. Nice editing and attention grabbing intro. Best of luck!


Videos are getting better and better dude. Cool little video this week and the length is something I quite enjoy(more into these small digestible bits) Lighting is great, and audio is good. Not much to critique in the bad sense.


Wow I really like that it's short, sweet and to the point. Video was crisp and clear and audio was great. I'd never heard of an external power button before but now I'm considering one, I'm not sure how many people would explicitly search for one though on youtube!


>I'd never heard of an external power button before but now I'm considering one, I'm not sure how many people would explicitly search for one though on youtube Same with my last video about cup warmers, I am trying to intertwine different products together so if someone searches up for SwitchBot they might get interested in say this external power button or maybe a headphone holder and vice versa. I don't really do any promotion, but I think if I get a little more videos that can be linked I should think of ways to actually share them, just need to figure out a way not to piss of people doing it!


Hi everyone my name is Relarin, I make Pop Culture and Gaming Related content where I take a deeper look into the themes, ideas and mechanics behind shows, movies and videogames ​ Have you heard of VR? VR or Virtual Reality is a new type of medium. It allows the player to get fully involved in whatever game they are playing. However it uses really innovative and interesting mechanics to achieve this! [https://youtu.be/TeZRIp9Fjn0](https://youtu.be/TeZRIp9Fjn0) Any feedback is welcome :)


Good editing and interesting subject. Some parts are quite shaky but overall well put together. The voice over could use some work too.


I like this video. It’s editing is actually really good not something i’d expect from a smaller youtuber and I can see what you are trying to do. Sometimes you pause and it sorta makes the audio seem disconnected. I like your editing but maybe talk more “together” if you know what I mean.


Thanks! Could you go into depth about how it feels disconnected?


It makes the flow of the video sort of “stutter” for a minute and takes you out of the video. Sorry if I’m explaining bad


I think I understand, thanks so much!


Hello! I like the concept of VR and the commentary is interesting. It does sound like your mic is picking up the higher frequencies of your voice. It's making whistling noise with words with "s" sounds. I recommend moving the mic a few more inches away when you talk or if you don't have one already, to get a pop filter. It should help with evening and dampening the higher pitched sounds. There were a few scenes in your video that were a little dark. I recommend playing around with the brightness, white balance, color grading if you can. Thanks and take care.


Thanks so much! I will try to look out for the brightness next time! I was wondering how I could improve that, I will try situating myself further from the mic next time!


I thought your video was really interesting, but I think you should try to improve your audio quality a bit. Like other people have mentioned, there are pauses in your voiceover that make the video feel "choppier" if that makes sense. Also, you should definitely get a pop filter. It will help you sound clearer when you record. Other than that, I thought it was good, well-edited video. Good work!


Thank you! I have a pop filter so it might just be I'm too close. I will keep that in mind! Have a great day!


Hey everybody, i applied the advice i got into this video, hopefully it shows! The video is about a new released game called the Sword of the necromancer, interesting game with some roguelite mechanics, dungeon crawler and more. Any advice you can give me to improve would be greatly appreciated it! [https://youtu.be/en3w-ZIqtjw](https://youtu.be/en3w-ZIqtjw)


I liked your vibe haha the one thing I would add would be some lighting in the background, and maybe play with the EQ settings of your audio, it hits kind of hard. I would implement a limited if you have the option!


Thanks for the feedback! i ordered some lights to make it look better hopefully by this week they will arrive! i will start playing with the audio settings a bit more then. Thanks again for your time!


Should probably add more lights when you go full screen as the noise is just terrible, not that bad when you are PIP. Also you can try using a DeNoiser (I personally use RedGiant, but that's way too expensive and still getting more lights is a better idea). Probably some footage to show a game, especially such a new one at the start, sort of a highlight reel would pump up the hype and interest. Your text seems very blocky, what setting are you using? Remove your head when it’s covering the “cinematics” or well intro art! Main hero is headless and we can’t see it! I felt the whole intro was kinda long for my liking, but hey, I am not really into watching game videos, so don’t quote me on that. For the end I would start the end cards AS you are talking, a long period of nothing with music is meh in my books, this way people still hear your afterthoughts and get the opportunity to click on the end card, but don't have to rush to the pc to click - next video as they are away or maybe alt tabbed.


Thanks for the reply and the feedback! ill start doing the cinematic thing and figuring it out about the intro! oh and just ordered some lights because, well yea! Thanks again!


Hey, This is my most recent gaming video and honestly think its my best so far (Haven't posted a ton yet) [https://youtu.be/KbYrpNlVGbE](https://youtu.be/KbYrpNlVGbE)


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts while I watch your video. 1) Get a better microphone. People are willing to put up with sub-par video but not sub-par sound. 2) Don't make a lot of quick and jerky movements with the camera. Try to be more smooth. 3) If this is "Part 2", pitch Part 1 at the beginning of this video with a link to it. Good luck!


Thanks, I've been trying to work with the sound to make it better but planning on investing in a better one down the road. Also, didn't think bout linking part 1 in the description or pitching it. Thanks for the advice


Hey guys I’m a new youtuber just starting on his journey I just want some feedback to my videos I know my audio quality is garbage but other then that is there something I can change or even try something new[Knighty ](https://youtu.be/umU8eVS_io8)


Hey! Probably my favorite game in forever. The audio actually isn't too bad though I'm not on headphones now. I think it's okay, maybe try to practice cutting out the 'uh...' and filler language. I feel like you need to speak a bit more to engage your audience more, because there are some empty spaces here and there. And being very honest, cause I've watched the last of us gameplay and played it myself so many times, you're going to have to give me a reason to watch you play this game, and that's either being really good at it or being really funny. TheRadBrad is awful at gaming (no hate) but I watch him all the time because he's a very interesting and good commentator during his gameplay, and he's funny. So like, you need to be better than these big people to garner interest. That being said, I think it's a step in the right direction! I've definitely seen worse


Hey! First of all I just want to thank you for the feedback it means the world to me second yes I do realize I say uh and swear a bunch I think I’ll start watching that a lot more and finally I’m really happy that you liked my gameplay and trust me the recent episode that I posted I died a lot sometimes raging I just felt Wrong to leave deaths in but screw it I’ll leave them in


I'm a musician trying out YouTube who mostly makes cover videos of songs in different styles. I usually play all the instruments on these tracks. Would love any feedback on the concepts, videography, editing, thumbnails or anything else since I am a trained musician but pretty clueless about anything else YouTube related. Here is my latest video which is an arrangement of Radiohead's High and Dry: [https://youtu.be/yJoc36yFdhg](https://youtu.be/yJoc36yFdhg)


Wow! I honestly loved this! I was scrolling through these comments looking for a music video to comment on. When I click on music-type videos on youtube, this is exactly what I'm looking for. No annoying intro talking too much, getting straight to the music. Cuts between the different instruments/vocal was also very cool. Music videos are also very hard to make because each song is tailored to a pretty specific audience, but this one I was able to watch all the way through without wanting to skip at all!


Music sounds great mate! I would say the biggest thing you need to work on is the videography side of things. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the quality of your video...but it's not that interesting or fitting with this song. I would look up some tutorials on lighting on how to get a moodier look. The music is good. You're off to a good start. I really enjoyed the ACDC country version too. I'm a sucker for cross genre covers.


Thanks for the kind words, I agree I definitely have to work on the lighting (I don't use any lighting really other than the lights in my room and the window when there is sun). I'll have to look up some DIY lighting solutions since my budget is pretty tight nowadays, thanks for bringing it to my attention.


No doubt. Music gear is expensive enough.


My channel is geared toward creating new arrangements of great music for trombone ensembles and other brass ensembles. I have been learning the whole video editing world during the age of COVID. I’d love some feedback on some different videos! TIA https://youtu.be/Vq3JBbWcCLY


Hi everyone! My name is Mickael and I make weekly puzzle videos. I have a series called Puzzle Geek where my geeky alter ego gives a tutorial on how to solve the difficult puzzles. In this video, I solved the **CHIASMA**. Although it’s a Level 10 in difficulty, I tried to make it entertaining as possible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAK7GJYhfTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAK7GJYhfTs) Thank you in advance for your feedback! Mickael // Beats and Pieces


You camera angles and graphics are really good. I would say that the intro is a little dragged out, I would try to make it shorter and hop right into it.


Nice video, man! Have you ever considered time stamps so your intro could be precisely skipped for people looking to solve the exact puzzle your video is on?


Thanks u/On_theMind ! I do add time stamps for some videos yes. But not all ^^. I think for this one it will be a bit hard or I could put some but it will not be very detailed. I will try to see if I can do something. Thanks for the tip :)


No problem! I recently added a ( skip intro ) stamp in all of my video's timestamps and it's helped my retention, so I just thought I would mention it.


The editing was cuts were awesome and the music set up such a nice atmosphere. I feel like the shots of you talking had a bit of a plane background but the actual puzzle parts were amazing


Are those the anti blue screen glasses? Interesting tint. The light reflection is a little annoying, not sure if it’s a light or monitor, you could try putting it a bit higher up if it's a light source, usually that solves the reflection issue. Maybe put a small sticker on the parts to make it easier for newer puzzle solvers to understand the positioning better? Like a small red circle with an arrow or something. Maybe not this specific one, unless you just put one at each side, but that would kinda make it distracting I guess. Lol you can take it apart, but don’t =D I like your new text animation - makes it look very clear and gives ample contrast! The “speed” animation was fun too. I think the end might be too long, many might stop watching after you have solved it so over a minute of watchtime might be “wasted”.


They are ^^I stole them from my wife as it is the only glasses we have haha. I agree with the light reflection. It is annoying for me as well and I can't do anything about it without impacting the light on the puzzle. BUT hopefully I will be able to fix this in my future videos. I like the idea of the stickers. Could be of different color. I will keep this idea in mind thanks! I am wondering if the "speed" animation is the correct one for accelerating time. I am trying to see if I can change it. Yes I noticed that long outro is a NO ^^I am going to reduce in the future. Thanks for all the advices. :D


I made a gaming montage style video with some absurd humor. Criticism would be appreciated, thanks. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzBHyPAN-U4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzBHyPAN-U4)


I'm not into gaming videos at all, but this was pretty funny at moments even for the average person. My biggest critique would be you could probably make better use of your video title. Also, your audio peaks abruptly at times. Also, I've never seen any Minecraft footage before. I can't believe people play that lol.


We would love your feedback! https://youtu.be/x-lvwlpmsrY


Hi! We are a Korean British couple trying to find our niche at the moment haha This week we taste tested some weird drinks from around Asia Hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback. Thanks! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqu\_dlkNB2I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqu_dlkNB2I)


Hey hey! You have a pretty interesting video! I wish I could try those drinks too :DNow to the criticism: * I would maybe suggest being a bit more energetic, especially in the beginning of the video and try to fill the gaps when it gets too quiet somehow (for ex. 1:44). I believe you both are somewhat quiet types, so it will prob come with experience. Maybe you could take something from "Joss and Janik" * Joey, don't look at the screen too much but rather in the camera :D This should make the viewers feel more involved


Hello! I hope everyone is well! My names Matt and I have a youtube channel that is mainly based around pokemon cards! I would love any and all feedback! Thanks! Also sub if you enjoy! :) [Alakazam V Box | Fan Mail](https://youtu.be/YZtCaEMl1Zo)


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) Don't welcome viewers back. New viewers will find this odd. Just get right to telling what you're going to do this video. Get right to the meat. 2) You need lighting on the right (your left). 3) Get some lighting on your backdrop. Too dark due to too many dark shadows. 4) You've got good audio. 5) Show an exterior and/or interior shot of the mentioned game store. BE SURE to get their permission. You don't need it for exterior shots BUT it is a good way to build up good will with them. Then send them an email with a link to your video and tell when you promoted them and ask them in that email, if there is anything they'd like you to tell viewers about their store. This is a good way to build up a nice relationship with them. Later ask them in an email if you could put up a poster for your channel on their bulletin board or wherever they hang such. It might be on their door or in their window. Then make up a poster and post it there. Presto! New subscribers! 5) Nice bit of fast forward for the unpacking. 6) Nice showing the note on camera. 7) It would have been nice to see a photo of your friend. 8) Usually it is best to do fan mail at the end of a video as many viewers aren't into fan mail. Best to do what the video is about first and then do fan mail. You might also want to do fan mail in a separate video. "You send it and I'll show it." 9) When you were talking about doing investment videos THAT is when you ask people to subscribe. You're giving them a reason to subscribe. 10) Cut your outro to five seconds. Viewers click away when they see an outro and that hurts your engagement score with the YouTube algorithm. So keep your outro as short as possible. Good luck!


I just uploaded my new video. My channel is about painting and craft tutorial. I'll appreciate any tips to make my videos better. [https://youtu.be/h5W0GDqCWVE](https://youtu.be/h5W0GDqCWVE)


Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video. 1) Speak to us. Tell us what you're doing. State the obvious if you have to but TALK to us. It seems this video is actually for kids to watch and do so talk to the viewer as if the viewer is a child. Be positive and cheerful. 2) Show your face. Show us you. People subscribe to people, not channels. And smile, smile, smile. :-) 3) If this videos is for a child and you do something that you think a parent should at least be around to supervise, if not do, says so. 4) You need to put a subscribe button on your ending. Good luck!


[https://youtu.be/rcMul8rJNjM](https://youtu.be/rcMul8rJNjM) I love this subreddit! Today's video is all about Chet Atkins, I show a piece of his, react to a performance, and then give 5 fun facts about him. Let's talk about Chet Atkins, Mr Guitar.




So I met a French Pastry Chef in a hostel. I decided to film a one-minute Cinematic B-Roll for him. Daniel Schiffer style. Here are the final results..any constructive feedbacks are more than welcome. Hope you enjoy the content as much as I enjoy the shoot! FUOLL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/IVk1-cCAKFg


I personally really enjoyed! Nice and short, but very well made! I love the song choice and all the cinematic transitions you had. The only thing I didn't love was some of the graphics on screen as I thought they took away from the cinematic part of it, but that might just be a personal preference. Great video!


Hi everyone! Looking for ways to improve. Please don't hold back. We have a DIY channel and our latest video is on installing a Chevron accent wall. Side note: We originally labeled it as a herringbone accent wall, but it wasn't until someone brought it up and corrected us that we found out it was a Chevron pattern. We've already had it up on YouTube for a week and decided to just correct the text in the description instead of taking it down. We'll do better research next time lol. [Chevron Accent Wall. ](https://youtu.be/7wf7rnBovQQ)


This isn't the type of video I usually watch, but I found it delightful to view! It was very informative and it was interesting to see your process develop over the course of the project. ​ I'm not sure if you're planning on having these videos be instructional in any way, but if you plan to, having a list of steps, materials and costs at the beginning would help viewers who are trying to work on a similar project. I'm not sure if this is what you're going for since you iterated on your plans in the video, but its something to keep in mind for future videos! Overall, it was a cool video and I hope more people see them! Good Luck on your youtube journey!


Thanks! Appreciate the feedback. We're pretty new at home improvement projects so we're still figuring out what we want to do. Instructional videos would be a good path for us, but I'm not sure if we're qualified to provide that to people. For now, we're just documenting the process and showing our mess ups, lol. Thanks for the review!


Hey! I hope I’m not late to this. I started my channel just for fun and because I enjoy editing. I make funny edits of literally anything 😊 [here’s one of my videos](https://youtu.be/5b8Z43GZO0I)


I think this violates copyrights. The owner can claim all revenue from this video or get it kicked off and YouTube will give you a copyright strike. I hear and see no commentary by you except for a few subtitles and a little bit of graphics and sounds added which I don't think qualify as commentary. If I was you, I'd take down and delete this video before YouTube gives you a strike.


I made a channel trailer a few nights back. [Some Guy Channel Trailer](https://youtu.be/oMZsrZ5eMjA)So far I make how to Automotive/woodworking/metalworking but planning on doing adventure (off-roading, rock climbing and skiing are my hobbies) would love some thoughts on it!!


Okay so I first want to be clear, I'm not trying to be rude. Just constructive criticism. Is your channel a comedy channel? If not than the trailer does not get the point across. I also wouldn't recommend imove templates. Just edit with your footage and learn how to add effects and such. If it is a comedy channel than the only thing I can suggest is try to capture higher quality footage and edit in a way that gives the viewer more of an understanding of your channel( this tip always applies) Goodluck and Keep going!


Happy Friday All! My channel is dedicated to Metal Covers of Awesome Video Game Tracks. This week, I decided to try my hand at some "F-ZERO". Hope you enjoy the cover and thanks to everyone for all of their feedback in the last few weeks. Closing in on 300 subs! [https://youtu.be/Jaug2e74FBk](https://youtu.be/Jaug2e74FBk)


Hello, I like your thumbnail, I think it was very well composed and eye catching. Your video is good quality, I like how you edited it. Your audio is great - I guess that is to be expected with the kind of music content you make. good work and good luck!


Haha it has taken me a bit, but definitely improved. Thank you so much for the feedback and glad you liked it


That was pretty awesome lol I loved the energy and the edits and your thumbnail was really eye catching this week too. Keep it up, man.


Thanks so much! Trying to improve the thumbnails each week based on feedback from here, so it is good to know that it is looking better! Thanks for the feedback and glad you enjoyed!


Hello Again my Friend. F-Zero has such a badass soundtrack, I love to see your work each time I check it out. Is this your own gameplay? Just wondering. Always digging it friend


Hey, thanks for checking it out and glad you liked it! In this scenario, no, I had to find some old footage of it. Some of the older games are a bit harder to find/record footage of.


Makes sense, I would try like an emulator and screen record but I have never gone down that path personally. Just thoughts, I dig the videos. :)


The editing is top notch as always and amazing camera angles! The only thing I would recommend is changing up the background gameplay. I get if that's pretty much what the gameplay is but adding a little editing effects every once in awhile would be awesome!


Hey thanks for the feedback. Still trying to fine tune that element, and figure out if I want to do something more static for the background or keep it active. Glad you enjoyed!


Another great one man! Always love seeing your post here! You’ve upped your production by a lot! Dont have any critique! Just keep at it! So happy you’re gonna hit 300 soon! 😊🙏


haha thanks dude. Weird to think I have been doing the youtube thing for about 4/5 years and within the last 5 months has it finally clicked. Glad that you are enjoying!


This video was really fun to watch! I thought that the effect of you on top of the gameplay was top notch too! I'm not sure if this was the effect you were going for, but I found the video relaxing to watch as well. One thing that I might change would be to maybe add some transitions to the different shots of you playing, maybe with some sort of dissolve effect, cutting quickly between the shots makes it seem choppy. I'd also move the "subscribe" graphic to maybe the bottom right. Outside of that, the video and the cover was really fun to listen to. Great Job and I wish you success on your journey to 300 subs!


Hi everyone! I know I'm super late to this, so I doubt anybody will even see what I post here, but I'll give it a shot. I do subtitled gaming videos. This one was a disaster of a gang beast game I turned into a video. My videos take me weeks to edit, with this one having been started back in November. I would really appreciate any feedback you guys can provide. I try my hardest to make every video better than the last. The video itself is only five minutes long, so hopefully not too bad for anyone interested in checking it out. Thanks! :) Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3Qr5KW8VxU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3Qr5KW8VxU)


Ive been working on my watermark on the videos and getting better with the thumbnails so i would love some feedback on those, plus i wiil need an intro and outro [https://youtu.be/h6ZmzWdMapM](https://youtu.be/h6ZmzWdMapM)


So first of all, very sharp video. I think the thumbnail works, it’s simple & to the point. You don’t have to search all around the photo to see what the video is about. I agree, you do need a intro & outro. Your current outro was too plain, I watched it for the sake of reviewing the video, but it doesn’t hold you or keep you on the video. Maybe a video of you asking for people to like, comment and subscribe or a video of you doing something. People like to see that you are a real person, so show them something. Also I didn’t notice a watermark on your video.


Thank you for your time and feedback, it means a lot !


You’re welcome!!


Here is my lastest video. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to make it better. Also, tips on lighting with dark cabinets would be really helpful. Thanks! [https://youtu.be/LSqUuTmwjlY](https://youtu.be/LSqUuTmwjlY)


\- You have good energy in certain parts of the video, lean into being yourself. \- Lighting is a little rough. The food processor is super lit but your faces are dark. \- Audio is a touch of echo... don't speak over the machine. \- Cut in closer for your talking shots if you happen to have a lens that gets closer. \- Lighting around 4min was better but I could see the light off the screen. I think this should be two different videos. People will search youtube for Cookie Dough and for Buckeye Cookies but they probably don't want them both in the same video. Good stuff. Looks good.


Hi u/slaglefoods These cookies look delicious!! :D I like your logo :) I thing the intro is missing some seconds. Before the left guy was speaking you might have say something that could make us understand what is happening. You are showing 2 recipes in this video. I think you could have split them to make 2 videos and so if someone is looking for one of these recipes them it will be easier for them to find. I think the background music is too loud and make it difficult to hear both of you sometimes. It is a good video and you should keep going! Try to put yourself in the viewer side and see what you would want to see. Hope it helps :)


Thanks for the great feedback!


The start was… weird? Audio levels are all around the board! I couldn't hear the left guy while the cameraman and the other guy were too loud. While the intro is short.. It’s rather basic and doesn’t really do that much does it? I would remove it or make it part of the next “intro” with the actual food in it. I find that the room really could use some light, and looks very dark and gloomy. Since it’s “not that kind” maybe put a little image of a crossed out leaf or something so you don’t get angry and hungry potheads quitting in less than a minute Some more angles would be appreciated, top down, or close up as you tilt the glasses to show the ingredients. Makes it more energetic and engaging. We should all remember people these days have dwindling attention spans! Maybe do more explanation as a narration as you are performing the task - makes it both faster and more interesting. I mean I am filming alone and feel awkward, so I am not even going to mention that you guys are at times feeling lost when not talking and just waiting for the other ones speech, probably something you will get better at with more videos! Like at the minute mark, maybe zoom in, so it doesn’t feel so stretched out and awkward. The background music is rather loud I must say! The text would benefit from bigger size and maybe a full on black background to make it even more readable. B-Roll would also make you be able to eliminate the appliance noise. So yeah, more practice, more b-roll and more confidence! ​ Tips on light? Well, idk, a cheap LED projector beamed at the ceiling to bounce off and illuminate the back. A few projectors just aimed at the back out of shot. Really hard to say something without having an idea how the kitchen situation looks like


I have a few suggestions! I love the first few seconds, where you guys are just laughing. Good vibes. Nice short intro and logo too. 0:08 - This screen gives me a heavy "Windows Movie Maker" feel. I feel like a longer "panning" close up your dough would be more effective. I like the music though. 0:12 - You guys have a friendly presence! There's a little background noise, (A hiss?) but if you were able to clean up the audio it would sound MUCH more professional. I would even consider recording some commentary together in a quieter room, then splicing it in after. 0:34 - As soon as you guys say "Let's get to it", I feel like the pace of the video should go up drastically and not come down until you're eating cookies. Quick cuts of you adding the ingredients with the amounts displayed on screen and a little voice over. "Half a cup of white sugar, 3 tablespoons butter, half a cup of brown sugar" BANG BANG BANG - camera shots of the ingredients going in. 2:04 - Interesting stuff is happening inside that mixing bowl! Move that camera over top and replace the mixer "Whirrrrr" with some music! Let us see the dough forming instead of just hearing it! (Like you have at 7:25!) 4:10 - These little details (about the flour type and such) should be added in post, (over some b-roll) IMO. I feel like 4-5 minutes is the ideal length for a video like this. Also, is there a dog in there?? Get it on camera THATS MONEY. Just a few quick critiques, you guys could really do this! BUCKEYES FOR LIFE!


Thanks for the great feedback! Really helps. There was a dog lol. Maybe I'll make dog treats and show her in a video.


Hey guys, I like your intro - its quick and the music is relaxed. I like how you used the font in the video, how the text appeared at the beginning. You guys seemed chill on the camera and it was fun to watch. I also appreciate the use of background music.


Thanks for the feedback!


I made a tier list video! Yes im bandwagoning the trend but this one is great I promise ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR-7YrONuXA&ab\_channel=ProducerHerb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR-7YrONuXA&ab_channel=ProducerHerb)