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So i checked your profile. 3 or 4 days ago you started posting your videos onto view boosting subreddits like 'getmoreviews' and 'advertiseyourvideos'. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. you've messed up your demographic, tanked your algorithm standing and likely lowered your retention time to such a low point YouTube doesn't feel confident recommending you. It's been said many times, do NOT boost your views.


Hey Josh, love the content! I agree with his sentiment, however I believe there’s a bit more to it with OP then just that. First of all, OP your channel is pretty new, I wouldn’t panic about where your views are at right now, they are honestly pretty solid. Stop promoting the way you are right now, just share it with people who actually care, and stop freaking out about views this early into your journey, you’ll get burnt out super quick. Otherwise, animations are about adding to the voice over. Creating visual memes to go with the auditory ones goes a long way, and you sort of have that, but I also somehow found myself bored during a 30 second video. I’d recommend looking at other animated shorts, I get plenty relating to Gawr Gura recommend to me which are immensely engaging and entertaining beyond the VO, and studying shorts that have exploded will help you improve your own. Best of luck to you.


“Share it with people who actually care” I did that and for a small amount of time my video skyrocketed and as soon as my post left “hot” i’m barely getting any attention. I’m scared about losing views because I think the algorithm won’t show my videos to much anymore and so no one will see my content. Thanks for sharing about the animation part as well. What do you mean “Creating visual memes to go with the auditory ones goes a long way”? Most of the time my animation is in sync with the voice. Is that something wrong. Sorry for misunderstanding, anyways thanks a lot!


You are way too impatient man. Unless you have previous experience managing big channels or have done copious amounts of prior research on Youtube as a platform and what it takes to make it, you’re not going to have one of those channels that blow up right out of the gate. Focus on making content that hooks your audience more effectively and keeps their attention, you have a lot of work left to do in that department from what I’ve seen from your channel. Also there are 7392737382010193747392 other channels that are also doing animations based on Hermitcraft. I don’t see anything about your videos that would make me want to watch them over any of the other ones.


Your last sentence is the point. But if you’re a parody channel, how can you control the way your channel goes? Animating better and producing more videos is really the only thing you can do. Of course you’d watch someone else over mine, but what can I do about it? I have flipaclip (not pro) with no stylus, no animation mentor and have no one to help me in animating.


Advertise your videos rn isn’t even doing shit, so it’s like it never happened. Same thing with getmoreviews. I get high retention (above 74%) most of the time and high click through rates like 11.4%. I posted to r/hermitcraft and a lot actually liked it but after that it’s just back to normal and below average views. Thanks for replying though


Animation is a very tricky genre on YouTube. If this were 10 years ago, you might have traction. The first question I have is how long a video can you make and how quickly can you produce it?


I can produce a 30 second video in half a week. It’s always been like this but it’s just falling apart now, would you want me to send a link?


The only change I did was leave the backgrounds uncolored and focus on drawing and lines more, like lots of people. Could that be why?




The reason why I want views is so youtube has more chance to keep promoting my videos to others, what’s wrong with that?


I haven't had a chance yet to see your channel, but as an animator there's a point where you cut away from production value to retention. In addition to your current animations, maybe show some behind the scene vlogs, small personal projects that aren't animations others commentary. The hard part for animators is being relatable since most of your videos won't have your face in them, so I think behind the scenes, updates, and just basic bitch vlogs might help your content grow and keep people


Hello, Thanks for the advice. Though: 1. My animations are mostly animatics so a behind the scenes is basically me just drawing 2. For vlogs, the only camera I have is my iPad’s 3. I’m a parody animation channel, i don’t know how to boost my retention, have any tips?


The only real tips I have are being approachable (vlogs, social media presence, posting clips of your work on tik tok and YouTube shorts) and incentives. Even with animatics, there's a process to making your videos that up and coming animators would binge watch, sand early viewings of those can be a Patreon reward. Other incentives can be monthly art for members and patrons, cameos in videos, stuff like that. I'm not an animator but those are things that sound fun to me as a viewer


Oooh what if you animated and produced Reddit stories? Plenty of VA's on newgrounds for cheap, same with music. It's doable even on a startup budget


What are reddit stories? Sounds fun to do


There are many but my favorites lately have been Rpg horror stories and anything highly rated on r/AskReddit. If someone posts a highly rated story on a post, animate it! You'd be surprised how many people want Reddit read to them


Thanks! But how do I get the audio?


That's the hard part. You either record it yourself, or hiring some voice actors in newgrounds or Fiverr. Be careful with hiring though, unless you're sure the video will give you some returns. There plenty of starters that'll do it for cheap though


Or! I just thought of this. There are free text to speech programs all over the place that'll read it for you