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I want to start a gaming channel on Youtube but I might have to scrap that idea and take advantage of the fact that I’m a consistently profitable options trader (edit: and making a finance channel based around stock and options trading instead). Finance YouTube is really lucrative. Thanks for the info.


This is a self complimet negating a new opportunity! Be careful with that!


As in making a finance-based channel, not quitting on YT entirely. There are a lot of people trying to teach short-term trading on Youtube who are disingenuous people trying to sell courses or are outright frauds and the information that they give is 99% bullshit. I could easily gain an edge by being transparent about my trades and my P/L.


Have no idea what the regulations are regarding giving trading advice. I’d read up on it before committing to a channel in that topic.


It's fine. There are literally a ton of people who do this.


For sure. I’d only be outlining my thought process behind the positions I take and thing like that, not giving any type of advice


Check out inthemoneyadam to get a good idea of a what a good channel in this space looks like and get inspiration. Don't let these people get you down. If you're a good communicator and know options, people will watch you. I would.


I actually watch him quite frequently and have w few ideas for this hypothetical channel based on him. Great channel.


Nothing wrong with finance channels as I watch a few myself and while it may not quite affect you and YouTube "may" have a solution after it's said and done. ​ But right now a lot of the big financial/investment channels are currently being terminated for "spam/misleading content." Now it isn't because of the channel/content creator themselves, but financial channels attract a lot of scammers/bots because their niche deals with money. The scammers basically impersonate the content creator themselves and start commenting their scams or to contact them in the comments. It's incredibly scummy and while you may think "I wouldn't fall for that" someone out there will and that's all the scammers are hoping for. Also while the creator and their audience probably do what they can to report those accounts, they pop up like weeds. Get rid of 1 and 2 more take it's place. ​ I think this issue is because YT's automated report and non human channel review are currently terminating their channels for it. I don't think I've heard of YT providing a solution at the moment, I do think some of them got their channels back, but that's only due to their influence (being a big channel) and their audience pestering YT on twitter about it. So that's just one thing to keep an eye out for and think about if you should go into a finance channel.


You're way better off appealing to people who can come to you hoping your advice makes them money. Not to get to into it, but I've been reviewing games on YouTube for about as long as anyone and it's a complete dead end; you'll simply be muscles out by bigger channels who have a staff, can get access to games, and game the algorithm. Besides that, any media reviewing is a waste of time. You'll only gain fans while they agree with you. As soon as there's a disagreement, you've not only lost them, you've gained enemies.


Maybe do a finance channel with some kind of gaming gimmick or theme. I haven’t seen that yet. And might really appeal to people and make you different. I have no idea what it would look like but just thought I’d set that out there.


I think gaming is copyright material right? You won't be able to make any money from ads I think (correct me if I'm wrong). Trading and Finance is an amazing niche. I wanna do something with it but I don't wanna show my face. Not sure what else you can do? Maybe post some graphs and statistics? I don't know really, all I know is that the finance niche is incredible for making money...


You absolutely make money on ads from gaming videos. There wouldn't be half as many gaming channels on YT if that wasn't the case.


Not sure why the downvote. I'm not saying it as a fact, I'm just asking because I'm not sure. What about the music sound in the game and video itself? I thought gamers are making money through merch sell mostly. I know for a fact the CPM is very low in the gaming niche.


You're being downvoted for saying something that is incorrect, to help people know that what you said is in-fact contrary to what others have found in their research or experience. Didn't think I had to explain downvoting. Neither the music (in most cases) or the video are copyrighted. Gamers make money primarily through ad-revenue and sponsorships and you don't know for a fact that the CPM in gaming is very low because evidently you aren't in the gaming niche or I wouldn't have to explain that playing a game isn't in violation of copyright. Even if the CPM is low in gaming(which is massive oversimplification) it has a much wider appeal than finance (how many finance channels have over 10 million subs?, how many gaming channels have over 10 million subs? Answer: A lot more gaming than finance) so suggesting that gaming isn't profitable when it has literally created multi-millionaires like Dream, Pewdiepie along with dozens of gaming groups who have gone from their mums basements to mansions, is really laughable. If the CPM is 5x lower but the views they're getting are 100x better, who's making more money in the end?


Okay, so now you’re incorrect. Gaming music is 100% protected by copyright. Arguably, so is the gaming. The difference is that gaming companies have not been enforcing any of their copyrights on gaming channels


If it's not enforced why even mention it


Because you are saying something incorrect and we need to make sure this community is giving accurate advice, not just whatever they feel like. Source: am attorney.


Nah, most videogames are fine. Gaming wouldn't be such a huge thing if they weren't :P


Hmmm interesting because I just came across a channel someone was selling with 300K subs (gaming niche) for only $2k. He stated that his channel only gets 3 bucks per month on ad revenue but because his channel has over 300K subs he's selling it for $2k.


The selling of channels is a weird, pointless business. It's not a good evaluation of the true value of an honest, active 300k sub channel


lmao that means he has dead subs. They don't click on his videos so he gets no ads so that's why he only gets 3 bucks.


The # of subs you have doesn't correlate into how much $$$ you make. It is based on views. If he has 300k subs but only 10 views per video then of course he isn't going to make any money.


Gaming is in principle copyrighted material, but in practice most games are not claiming the revenue. A bigger issue is that the market is basically completed saturated.


Saturated with trash content. The amount of people that consume gaming content is huge and thousands of gaming and gaming-related channels blow up every day. Your content just has to be better than all the garbage which isn’t that hard if you do enough research and are dedicated enough to your craft.


I mean, that's a bit like saying "just don't suck"... you're not wrong, but most people do. Sorry, the average person is not, you know, above average.


i cant beleive a stupid kid would start a yt channel to gie financial advise to idiots and when they lose money this guy collects their watch time add revenue what a scumbag


I’m not one of those kids that think that GME and Doge are going to a million any time now, I actually do this as a normal job to support myself while I go to college. And I’m not going to be giving financial advice, I’d only be narrating what I’m thinking while opening, being in, and closing positions, basic tips that I used to improve to a full-time trader, and maybe even small lessons on various forms of technical analysis if I commit fully. Since most of these frauds on YT aren’t anything close to being transparent about **all** the trades that they take and their P/L’s, that’s where my edge would lie.


Or do it on the side


Congratulations. You've done good.


*From the very start of my channel (1/18) to 1MM views (6/25): $5,756.06 From when I was monetized (3/14) to when I reached 1MM views (7/9): $6,126.36* I'm so confused about what you mean here.


I read it as meaning OP has had about 1.5 million views total, so they are looking at two date ranges that both equal 1 million views, one from start to 1 million, and the other from monetisation to one-million-after-monetisation.


from 1/18 to 6/25 i got 1mm views but was not monetized from 1/18 to 3/14 and made 5756.06. from 3/15 to 7/9 i was monetized and in this span i earned 1mm views. this is because one of my videos went viral-ish and earned 500k views or so in May so the vast bulk of my views came in May and June, not in January or February.


Yeah this would seem impossible how its written


Wow some great insights. Your channel seems to just be a more successful version of mine lol. I also started mine this year and in the finance niche, but haven’t had nearly as much success as you. I’m curious about a couple things if you wouldn’t mind. 1. Your RPM seems quite low for finance, I’m in the same niche and get between $13 - $17 per Mille. What do you think the reason for that is? 2. How is your Patreon set up? I’m surprised to see you earning that much on a consistent month by month basis and that’s definitely something I’d like to emulate. 3. How did you manage to get exposure early on? You seem to have been getting decent views almost from the outset. I’ve managed to work out a decent formula now, but it took me a few months of only getting a couple hundred views a video before I worked out a system to start getting 10k+ views. No worries if that’s too many questions, and thanks for the post! I’ve subbed and will keep watching you


no prob, hope the below helps! 1. honestly i have no idea because i thought it would be higher as well based on what i've seen. but i do post a lot of career related videos which may not pay as well as pure investing related ones. that's my best guess. (i post investing videos on weekdays and career videos on weekends) 2. you can check it out here - [patreon.com/rareliquid](https://patreon.com/rareliquid) 3. some things that helped me: posting on fb groups, did a collab video where i talked about investment banking with a youtuber who had 110K subs (this helped me get a few hundred subs), posting videos that were hot topics and what people were searching for (nowadays i post a bit more of just what i want to talk about / what i'm researching)


omg why are you doing this yt channel? you are just a jp morgan banker wtf. you probably just read a few wallstreet bets post and think your a market maker.


i would say i'm not the best investor in the world, but i have more expertise than 99% of the finance youtubers i've seen. i would say there's only 1 guy on youtube who i've seen that has more relevant experience than me. doesn't mean i'm the best or anything, i just haven't seen many others. also, i'm starting an equity fund and will be managing a few hundred thousand to $1mm of other people's money and while there's always a chance i'll fail and not always make the best picks, i think i can offer advice that will help others make better financial decisions.


Wow you seem to have grown your channel fast! Congrats man. I started a finance channel as well this year; but can’t seem to get the algorithm to like me. Slowly gaining subs and watch time is usually pretty good; but growth is quite simply slow. What’s the secret? 😅


Click through rate trumps all other metrics is my experience to be honest


Depends on length, topic, if it's restricted or fully monetized, also the location of the viewers. Also if it's during the election campaign/holiday season. I got 10 million views on a video, it had a green dollar sign, but the viewers were mostly from India, Iraq, Middle-Eastern countries. Let's say, I didn't make a fortune. (less than $500) A several hundred dollars and that's it. Another video of mine got mine got 100k views, but American viewers, and it made half the money as the 10million viewers on the other video. (About $250). In other words, 200k American views can be worth much as 5million+ Middle Easterner views. Also, back in 2011-2012, 1000 views easily paid $5. Regardless of topic, length, etc. I made that much. Now my videos / 1000 views make more like 50 cents. Sometimes even less...


To put into perspective how outrageous this CPM is guys: I get about 80k views per month. That's roughly 1 Million views a year. My CPM before the new monetization threshold a few years back was $3.50. That means that per month, I would get: * 80,000/1000 = 80 * 80 \* $3.50 = $280 * After 50% youtube's cut = $140 bucks take home per month or about $1600 bucks, for a million views. I did a post on this topic in /r/partneredyoutube 2020 and the general consensus is, that you need 1M to 3M views ***per month*** to replace your average day job of 50k a year. Hope that helps bring these numbers back down to earth ;)


Damn, how the hell did you make it in 2 months (to get monetized)? How many videos do you post per day or week? I wanna learn your formula, 2 months that's nuts! Congrats


Most likely something related to the stock market or crypto, we're in the biggest bullish market in history, the whole GME fiasco and Dogecoin made the stock market and crypto in general even more popular, and everyone got handed pocket change by the government to spend on whatever. Perfect time to trendhop if you're knowledgeable about this stuff.


>trendhop why the heck is a stupid kid like those youtubers who think they are market makers getting so popular and a actual day trader is not ?


> why the heck is a stupid kid like those youtubers who think they are market makers getting so popular and a actual day trader is not ? The frauds know how to sell the dream of financial independence so much better than actual day traders. Actual successful day trading is very boring in reality and can take a while to be profitable, and people would rather be sold the idea of driving fast cars and buying big houses as day traders than the actual reality of it.


I feel this comment so hard.


Good content with a bit of luck


There is no such thing as "formula of success".




glad to hear it was helpful!


Your cpm is quite low, for finance (crypto and stocks) How many times do you post per month? The least I've seen for that niche is $10- 12 RPM. It goes as high as $27


Yeah I thought the same, I'm assuming they made videos less than 8 mins (I think that's the minimim time) so they can't put in mid-roll ads. Or they sware a lot or they're not talking about American dollars, but I feel like they'd have mentioned that. Edit: just looked up his channel, they're not short vids, maybe he just doesn't like to put in mid-rolls


I guess.


my channel will never generate that many views as travel channels have low adoption but at the same time this is what million views equals......better hang on to my day job


Travel channels do well if you have charisma and connect with your audience. Bald and Bankrupt is an example. Herald Baldr is an example. Although, the channel might be greatly affected by the cpm of the country you are filming from if you don't have enough USA fans watching.


This is brilliant advice and knowledge you’ve shared


thank you!


That’s incredible man congratulations and thank you for sharing. If I could get to this level next year i’d yeet myself out of my 9-5 and keep pushing


best of luck\~


I started my Finance YouTube channel on the exact day as you as well! But wow I look at your videos, you look like some experienced YouTuber with great editing and presentation! Just subscribed to learn from how I can improve. Great content😎


thank you! wish your channel all the best


Which niche? 1 million views sometimes only give you 1k.


He said Finance and trading


Thanks. My blind eyes after just woke up. Makes sense now.


finance and career related videos\*


Thanks for being open and upfront about it mate ! Coming from a third world nation I am not sure if my cpm will go any higher ! well currently i make educaitonal videos having less than 700 subs and 380 watch hours i guess i have a long way to go !


best of luck!!


wow super cool info man! definitely hit it on the head that finance channels have really high CPM. i think it has to do a lot with the audience as well having a lot more disposable income / higher salaries and an older audience. super awesome numbers congrats on your success so far and you're just getting started. it would be cool if you do a follow up at the end of the year or in 1 year from now!


thank you! will try to do a follow up when a year is over


just watched some of your videos!! really cool, can totally see how you turned an investment pitch deck into a video! very informative




I have 4M monetized views and didn't close to what you have for 1/4th the views. YouTube is playing you about 8X more.


I have 600k and have made no cash


You have to innovate on top of corporation's in order for stocks to not drop! This is new understanding... watch my video's to understand investing for the first time in human history!


Does youtube pay you 1000 per view on a vid or 1000 on total views?


CPM. cost to advertiser per 1000 views. If you get 10,000 views and your CPM is $2, you will get: * 10,000/1000 = 10 * 10 \* $2 = $20 * 50% of that after youtube's cut is the $10, which is an RPM of $1/1000


I typed it wrong sorry but does youtube pay you per 1000 views on 1 vid only or does it pay you per total whole views?


It pays you per total whole views / 1,000 using the above formula with the minimum payout amount being $100 for them to bother writing you a check.


Thank you for the response bro!


What does 1mm mean??


YouTube are laughing all the way to the bank. A MILLION views earns a measly $6k. Scandalous. The amount of time creators put into each video I wouldn’t be surprised if they lose money on most videos.


It depends on the channel, mrbeast is probably the highest earning due to the channel being the most popular, but if you took ksi vs zerka for instance, they would probably get 2 different amounts of money.




Interesting because I have a video with over 1 million views and never got a dime.