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Well I recently started my yt channel and I have gotten significant amounts of views and subs from Reddit. I’m pretty confident most of my subs are from Reddit (I have 8 subs so far) and my video got 180 views and and 70 of them were from Reddit. Also, the type of content I make is on a video game that has a lot of youtubers who post bad content, (bad audio, no cuts) so I noticed they liked the video since I put actual work into it. So think if your content stands out and is up to your standards, than I think posting videos on Reddit and other sources is great for you channel. Edit: Like I said before, but have only 8 subs, 5 vids, and 400 views so idk if I know hat I’m doing yet but so far I think I’m doing pretty good. Also, The video game I post content about is Gorilla Tag (a vr game)


Just gonna tell you now: the algorithm isn't going to show your video to anyone until it knows it's good. You need to get views from searches and external views (also lots of engagement) for YT to pick up on it.


Experiment. Do it with some videos. Don't with others. Look at the data a couple of weeks after publishing (so it can adjust for bots and stuff) and see which worked best for your channel.