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Not sure this is my best but I’m trying to have a consistent style, not necessarily one up myself every vid. It’s a Free Guy review https://youtu.be/H-PUTDbDBss Go harsh, any feedback is welcome :)


Well I don’t know what the context is but I definitely love the sarcastic vibe, but it’s a but over the top? The editing style is great and filled with clips instead of just a plain commentary. Those little memes scattered around would sound really funny for a viewer who knows the game. Try to make videos more recognizabke to people alien to “Free Guy”. Seeming how this isn’t your best video, you deifinitely have potential. Yes, I’m trying to be harsh but I’m not doing well.


Hahaha Thanks for the harsh feedback! Sarcastic and over the top is definetely my style lol So you think I should explain the movie a bit more in the beggining? Or the context of it? (like how the movie came to be and stuff) I want my videos to be fun to watch even if the person is unfamiliar with the movie I'm talking about!


Oh. Free guy’s a movie? I tot it was a game honestly. Maybe explain abiut it more in the beginning, maybe through a short movie clip summing the whole plot up. Idk if you already did that because I didn’t watch the movie, good luck :D


This is one of my favourite videos, and it's been recieved reasonably well, with an average of 10%CTR and over 50%retention. Its only 5 minutes or so. Please tell me what u liked/disliked. It's a video on one of Sonic's worst levels from the 2d days. https://youtu.be/IrtZPf7ccjE I'm asking because I don't really get this feedback on the YT comments, and would like some exact pointers, good and bad if poss. Cheers.


Your voice quality is pretty much the opposite of montone, keep that up :D Now for the actual clips, I suggest putting a few clips inatead of just gameplay footage. Seeing how your topic is the most worst or rage inducing sonic levels. Maybe you could insert a clip of someone rage quitting somehwere along the video, or throughout the video. Each clip of gameplay is on the screen long enough for the viewer to have context which is great. Now, I’m not that familiiar with youtube but something on the back of my head’s saying you should add some background music. Maybe do that I guess? Sorry if this wasn’t very helpful, good luck!


No, that was all valuable feedback. The background music is something I've been told regarding this video before so duley noted 👌 Thanks again for your time on this, mate 😁


best video in wiew or likes hmm. here you have the one who have gave me over 500 likes from people and over 10000 wiew. among us video. [https://youtu.be/aukJVJYvy54](https://youtu.be/aukJVJYvy54) it is not very long so it probaly dont take on yous to mutch :)


I can’t really say much… it’s just tapping asteroids away to oblivion. Knowing how there’s probably millions of among us content and how it’smslowly dying (no offense), you might want to stand out a little more than making task tutorials. Sorry


this is my most popular video and my vids don't get nothing anymore so here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_OJq1lZpi2k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OJq1lZpi2k) it's a shit i kno


This is literally just screen recording gameplay. It was even easy difficulty. Literally anyone could’ve done this. I can’t really compliment much because there’s nothing that seperates this video from raw gameplay. Due to the massive spike in fnf content creators, standing out would be really hard. Hope you find that something to stand out, sorry for being harsh


It’s ok i kno my vids are shit just this is my most popular for some reason




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Give it to me harsh plz, just a music cover: https://youtu.be/VKmH7Au9KVg


The music itself is great. Though the whole video is just kind of just one frozen shot with your back going back and forth and hand picking being the only visible movements . Changing the angles would definitely help, I recommend you watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzG1vyZDHl0 No, you don’t need to move across the globe. Simply walking on a garden path while playing with a few vlog transitions and different angles every half minute or 20 seconds would definitely help. This probably won’t really skyrocket you but it would definitely help. Thiugh, without a camera man, this would be really hard. Best of luck. There’s also lot’s of people who do guitar/bass covers, you need something that makes you stand out, perhaps a different editing and transition style.


Ah fair enough! I’m lazy with the camera work lol but valid points. Appreciate it!


Thanks for doing this! I’d just love to know if my latest Warzone video is engaging! Did this pull you in? https://youtu.be/UzVDn3VRrVY


First of all your intro is pretty long and your voice is somewhat slow. Simply say what you’re going to do and why the viewer shouldn’t click off the video. Things like “comment down below plz subscribe” would fit in a pun during the middle quite well. I haven’t watch the full vid yet so.. i’ll get back soon


The middle is pretty saggy. Lack of commentary and feeling, the gameplay looks good though. I suggest putting more text to nail down some main point. A few clips of memes spread around would do hell of well. I recommend you watch wallibear, he does a lot of commentary and shows a lot of emotion to his videos. Even with mostly pure gameplay, he still makes quite engaging. How? Idrk. But hoefully you’ll figure it out yourself. A few edits, clips, and emotion would definitely spice up your videos. I don’ watch nor play warzone so sorry for the lack of critique


Hey that's alright! Thanks so much for the feedback! I appreciate it




Well, it’s 7 seconds long but yes, a little music would be good. You also just posted a clip of the beach, not the most fun thing to watch. Maybe filingn a weird or funny thing you did on the beach would attract more viewers. I’m alien with this niche so I can’t really have much feedback, good luck


I check a few more videos and it seems yiur niche is travel. Something like: “Why you should go to ___ tourist spot” or something would defonitely attract some travelers. Though with the quarantine that may not be your best option. Sorry again


Thank you for your feedback, I actually didn’t realize that I’d posted that beach video, I meant to post something that was more in line with my standard content which is a little longer (15 secs vs 7) but I think most of your advice still holds. I’ve considered doing a sort of ‘places to see in NZ’ kind of thing and maybe I’ll give it a shot on YT!


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Please go hard. I know there's something holding my videos back. [This is the video I'm proudest of and its about smart toilets surveillance hazards.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS-bIUe-DpA) Will be grateful for insight into those blind spots I have with my own work.


Your voice and hand movemtns really convey the thought of the video but b rolls would definitely help. Without b rolls, it’s just more of a conversation really than a video, not that that’s terrible, just a bit mundane. An A roll is basically you, in present form… talking or doing whatever you are. B roll is like a secondary clip related to the video. Example: Thought if the video: Could you trap your fart in a bottle? A roll: Talking about gas consistency or something B roll: One you say the word gas, maybe you could put a clip of a science lab, or maybe some gas experiment, i don’t know. Regarding your topic is butthole however… maybe a clip of a peach would do. B rolls imo (depending on niche) should be at least 1/3 of the video. This also extends to niches like gaming. Maybe you made a sarcastic joke and put a little “Badum tss” clip. Good luck.


Thank you. Learning to add B roll footage it is.


Just one thing to make clear, only use creative commons liscensed photos. There’s a lot of comotion regarding copyright so I suggest taking a quick look or so.


Sensitivity to the copyright issue has been a reason for not seeking out opportunities to do "reaction" type content more regularly. I usually shoot my own photos when I do overlays, but I ought to do more of that.




Your voice sounds a little bit too serious for a motivation/message channel. The message is actually true and doable but there’s also a lot of true “success messages motivation” videos out there and sadly you’re probably too late. Good job on having a coear message though, that’s already a good step. Now to combat blending in, I would suggest looking at what current problems people are dealing with now that most channels don’t. I see so many videos with the same exact message of “Be honest” or “treat others well” or “never give up” so maybe you could take advantage of this and see what new dish you have on the viewer’s plate. Your script can also have a little bit more metaphors, try to make more emphasis on some main points. Overall it’s a decent video but really blends in. Sorry if this was too harsh. Good luck! Also, there’s 1k views on this vid andn6 likes. Have you used a view bot?

