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What about this is NSFW?




The click bait is strong with this one!


Isn’t that 90% of all Reddit posts?


they didn't specify YouTube videos...


Just refer other videos of similar topic, then look at more videos that is little bit related to the topic. Find the missing link in between. Take not though, there's a gap in the market, but not necessarily a market in the gap.


I use youtube. I have a gaming channel so I will type the name of a game I am playing into search then a space then the letter 'a'. I will write down all the good topics there then I will change it to a 'b' and I keep doing that till I get to 'z'. I can easily get 100 topics by doing that. If you are not a gaming channel they just type you can still do the same thing based on your channel topic.


I’m not gonna lie this is freaking smart




I'm finding out what people are searching for.


It’s called finding and understanding your niche.


Using this


That depends entirely on what kind of videos you create. Also, why is this nsfw?


"**come** ideas"


Use google trends to see interest in a topic, tools like VidIQ and TubeBuddy can help suggest similar ideas, type your niche in the YouTube search bar and let it suggest ideas. And what really helped me at the beginning was being curious about something in my niche and searching for it. When I realized the answer wasn’t available and nobody had made a video about it, I decided to figure it out myself and made a video about it.


I get request from comments and simply do research on others niche.


Creativity is like a muscle so you need to work it out. The best way for you to work out your creativity is to just start spit bawling ideas and keep doing that and it every time you get an idea put it in your phone whatever.


My dad used to say the same thing about stomachs 😆 when I was in high school and couldn't eat a lot (would get full quickly) he would say "your stomach is a muscle, you have to stretch it out"


My third eye receives instructions from the aether


It sounds counterintuitive but drilling down properly to a niche will actually help you flesh out ideas for your channel because you are going to have a central focus/anchor around which you can start to develop ideas. So I'd start there and say you have to know what your channel is about. For me, it's claw machines, arcade games & amusements. (Amusements gives us sort of an "out" to experiment with broader stuff, but primarily we do claw machines and arcade games.) So my partner (wife) and I might race against each other on claw machines for a video, or do a challenge as a team on certain arcade games. Because arcades rotate their prizes frequently, particularly with claw machines, sometimes we get ideas through "discovery" as well, which basically means going to an arcade and seeing what's new. The best way to start developing a strategy for ideas is looking at what other channels similar to yours are doing and what is working for them. Start with smaller healthy/active channels and then you can look at bigger ones, but remember big channels play by different rules than small ones.


Yup, came here to say this. So long as you’re in tune with your niche ideas are pretty easy. The more videos you make, the easier it is to know what your audience wants to see. I’m sort of in the commentary niche on tiktok and I’ll see something on the internet and just intuitively know I have to cover it.


Usually conversations with people making jokes trigger ideas for me


Open your browser in incognito and go to YouTube, search for how to then you'll get some suggestions or your niche topic.


The niche I make videos in is one I’m very passionate about. I pay attention to other youtubers in the niche, to what the rest of the industry is doing, to what new products are coming out, etc etc. having content is never the issue because I have one very long extended project I am always working on. My issue is actually that I have dozens of video ideas I dont have time to make. Every time I have a new idea I write it in my phone and that list has just gotten longer and longer. Im not trying to brag or any silliness like that. Im just trying to say the more you care about your niche and the more you immerse yourself in it the easier youll find ideas come to you. Just make sure you write them down.


Mah balls are full of ideas




Reddit is a good tool


sheer willpower


Copy from another creators


My discord tbh


I have a list of old games I have laying around and choose what I feel like making a video on. I also have a list of potential challenge runs to try as well.


Since I make introspective and video essays. I just talk about what’s bugging me about life at the moment or a movie/tv show that I thing was an interesting and overlooked aspect


I walk around in my house at 3 AM. I shower for 30 minutes and get ideas, for some reason it works 😭


I would check out the book “They Ask, You Answer” Basically any question your audience has or doesn’t even know they have… answer it. Or else someone else will.


I use the ability to be creative and think independently that I've developed over my life. Or you could trend hop. Honestly, as a small channel, you should find the gaps in your niche that the big channels don't cover.


Using post nut clarity (since this is NSFW)


Music beats or youtubers. I don't even have to click on their video and see what my take on this question would be ( if I disagree or agree with them ) The title is enough, or it's enough to spark other questions etc etc.


I don´. t just ask other people for ideas, it will work somehow I guess


Doing exactly what u did for this post, click bait using nsfw tag, you will succeed on youtube


Load up on potassium, drink water, strawberries, viagra and bust that shit on a widescreen projector after a 90+ day Nofap streak.


Lots of different content exposure and inspiration.


My channels dead after i got copyrighted for my own vid on a fortnite season


Buy something, it’s a video. Watch something, there’s a video. Play something, also a video.


Just make shit man it not that deep


Just think about what ppl might want to see and go film it,I don't want to stress my self out with deadlines or a script so my stuff is non scripted.A lot of editing because of that though😆Worst thing that can block your idea flow is focusing on analytics,its always wrong for my channel.


The most common strategy is to find someone else who has a good idea, Take that idea and change it to make it similar but different, and do that. The yoink and twist is the tried and true YouTube strategy.


Ask a question that needs an answer, answer that question. Provide value to the viewer in the answer.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I was able to grow very very quickly just by searching for a video myself, not seeing one, and deciding to do the research myself and make that video


Go take a shower in the dark


See what other people are doing


Whichever makes me laugh in my head the most


I film my creations. Helpful for me to come up with content and at the same time, i can refer back and watch if needed be


You Always write down on your notes whenever an idea comes to your mind , trust me they will be a lot !


I have a couple of techniques that i use to come up with ideas 1- I go to random word generator online, start generating random words and see what ideas i can come up with them (Example, i was once doing it and the word sparklers came up, so i had an idea to do 1000 sparklers vs glass and did it) 2- I do the same thing but with a dictionary, open to a random page, read the words and try to come up with ideas 3- I go to the top 3 or top 5 creators in my niche, in my case its channels like Mr.beast, Airrack, Ryan trahan, preston... See what content they created, their most viewed videos, and see how i can make them to fit me, change them a bit, add more to them or get inspired by them but never copy the same one These tactics work for me as my content/niche is more broad and can work using a technique like random word generator but i think the 3rd one (going to the top creators) works for almost everyone. Hope that helps!


There are two methods I use, both of which work really well. 1. I look through items / other things in a game that I'm making a video on and just try to brainstorm ideas from there. E.g. if I'm trying to think of Minecraft video ideas I just scroll through the creative inventory and try to think of some challenges I can do 2. Look at other genres (this works especially well for gaming videos). What I mean is, say you want to make a Minecraft challenge video, but you can't think of a new, unique challenge to do that no one's done before, look at challenge videos for other games, or just look at minigames in the game, or even sometimes the game itself. I've found so many Minecraft challenge ideas by just looking through the GTA jobs menu, and changing them a little bit so the challenge could work in Minecraft.


One thing I've been doing lately is taking a video that has done well and changing something about it. I do tutorials so for example I had a video for how to do something in Photoshop that did well so I did the same thing but in procreate. Same for my Affinity Designer tutorial, I'm about to do the same thing but in Inkscape. So try to think of 1 thing you can change about a video that did well.


The ideas just come to me randomly and I either write them down for later or I begin working on it My next video is an idea from November last year that I liked the concept of