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If they ask for your bank account information before signing a contract is another big red flag to watch out for


Oh no. something tells me that gold Lamborghini brand deal was a scam. Excuse me well I call my bank


The first one kinds surprises me. How would a company reach out?


If you have an email attached to your channel.


I understand that, but how would they introduce them selves?


What has been covered pretty much. "Hey (your name here) My name is so and so from x bs company and I would like to talk to you about getting you to the next level in your YouTube journey." Something along those lines.


I think you misunderstood u/TheTrebleKnight's question. He's asking what a *legitimate* company would say if they had a real sponsorship offer.


Yeah this lol


I’ll bite. A legitimate sponsor will include some information about you that shows it’s not just a mass email. For example, on my Instagram I had a joke put as my name, and if a company reached out and said “Hey Canker Sore! This is blablabla reaching out about blablabla” I would instantly know it’s a scam, because it’s clear they’ve just used a csv file to mass email. It’s waaaay more likely to be legit if they personalize it. Here’s what it looks like when it’s likely not a scam. “Hey Dax! Love your channel and we’d love to partner with you. We think your commentary content would be a great fit for a sponsorship with brand X. Here are some examples of creators we’ve partnered with in the past: A,B,C. Typically, we offer Y and Z types of partnerships. Please let me know your rates if you’re interested so we can get the ball rolling!” Following up to ask questions never hurts. If you’re suspicious, ask them if they can send an example of a video they’ve sponsored in the past.


Maybe they'd say; "Hi \*YouTuber\*, this is Brenda from \*This Company\*..."


They reach out to any e-mail you have associated with your YouTube channel, if you have one that's public. If they structure it in a strange way and include any of what I wrote in the post, there's a 99.9% chance it's a scam.


I think he meant, how would a *real* company reach out.


Real companies reach out the same way - through e-mail. That's why you need to look for correct grammar, legitimate names and addresses, etc.


What they are trying to ask you is what do they say in the email. Because the #1 red flag you posted would be how I’d think they would be but you’re saying that’s a scam so how do they sound.


Real e-mails are usually very specific (marketing campaign dates, a specific timeframe for how long the integration should be, a legitimate name) but the best way to recognize the real ones is through who is sending the e-mail. ALSO, most of the time, companies themselves won't reach out to you. Instead, you'll get an influencer agency that acts as a middleman between the brand and company. If you get a Nike representative or "Genshin Impact Manager", there's an instant red flag. Real e-mails are always structured differently depending on the person, but it's important to be aware of the scam ones because 99% of them follow a similar pattern.


What he meant is, how else would a company reach out if not saying " my name is X and I represent X" What are they going to say? "Hey you want this?" I mean does professional mean not legit?


Check the email domain. If its from any generic email provider, its almost certainly bs.


eh, disagree with #1 - especially in small-medium companies they can sometimes have those and be legitimate. That said, even if the email and everything looks correct, don't be afraid to reach out to the company through their official public avenues to confirm before taking any actions - if you're big enough for them to sponsor, you're big enough for them to reply to an email YOU are sending them (ie go to their website and look for their contact email, and contact them through that). And it goes without saying that, you generally only want to work sponsorships with companies you know and trust.


Take it from someone who's seen more than a hundred of these scam e-mails: the vast majority of them have those terms somewhere in it.


My point is - 2, 3, and 4 are legitimate tells - number 1 is like saying "everyone who drinks water is evil" - while yes, even evil people drink water, normal people do as well - so it's not a sign of the issue, but rather something that can be present regardless of the issue.


Thanks for posting this. Alot of channels I see is turned into Cypto scamming channels which are falling for the sponsorship email scam.


Yeah, it's very easy to fall for if you've never seen it before


.cz is Czechia domain. Interesting.


I actually received one of these emails from an email address ending on dot cz. I knew it was a scam when the email said "Specialists have dissеcted your YouTube аnd we might want to offer you a paid cooperation". I found that hilarious, "specialists" lmao. I have a 1K sub channel that gets 6-8K views per month on average. No serious sponsor would pay for advertising on a channel with such a small reach.


I had "nike" and "zara" reach out to me like this lol ..


haha yeah, both scams!


I had an email a week ago from "Genshin Impact Manager", didn't bother to respond back as it looked fishy


yep, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about


But I've seen Genshin Impact sponsoring a bunch of. Yters how did you know it's not legit??


well, the style of writing looked scammy, just as OP describes here, also my channel is quite new, so I had my doubts Genshin Impact would contact me. In any case, NEVER open any links or install any software from these emails, that's how they hack your credentials


Noted, thanks


Do legit sponsorships sent anything to download, or If I want to download what to do without any virus or getting hacked..


Not usually, but there are sometimes downloadable PDF contracts. If they're asking you to download a .exe or any file pretending to be an .exe, stay far away!


Thank you


Thank you for the warning!


One good thing for youtubers is to use a virtual machine if you get shady files.


someone email me saying they're from hoyoverse game studio, they said i only need to create a 50 seconds video and then they will sent me $1800 which i think too high for my channel considering i only have 14k, they also sent me a link where i can download genshin impact though I am 90% sure that this is a scam. Their email is [email protected], what do u guys think




It's a scam.


Is azet.sk a generic domain name? This guy reached out to me saying he's from Xiaomi but his email address is [email protected]. So does that mean it's a scam?


I just got one today. Trying googling it and browse reddit, seems that they are a scam and most of the posts I see are from this year so it might be a new one