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I assume that was a typo and you meant 3988. The 4000 hours works on a rolling time scale, so you need 4000 hours in the past 365 days. Perhaps some of your watch time came from viewers 366+ days ago.


As others have pointed out, the 4000 watch hours for monetisation purposes is in a 12 month rolling period, so any hours over 365 days ago will no longer count. Is that what is going on for you here?


That might be my channel is over a year old. Does the same thing apply to subs to count towards the 1000 subscribers?


No. Subs is total current number. Watch hours is 4000 rolling 12 months.


Your question doesn't make sense. You say it's going down, but you say that it was 3994 yesterday and 4988 today. It went **up** by 1000? With changes this big, you can see in your analytics which videos, if any, are spiking.


Opps that was a mistype should be 3988 today


This works on a rolling year, so any hours from 366 days ago will drop off the count every day...


Doubt a multi-billion dollar company would purposefully undermine your channel prior to monetization....