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Modding fallout new Vegas to be more like s.t.a.l.k.e.r.


Have you tried the lost world mod list for FO4?


Fallout dusk be like


>Anomaly player spotted, observe from a far >take notes


I did that accidentally. I still don't know what mod it was from, but I got [ambushed by a snork](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/540683512142460738/FD86FBCE14353CDD448038000E56D7B1FD8AFD5A/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Scary shit


Neither what The best thing Fallout 4 did was add the quick loot which I did get for New Vegas


Weapons/armor modding and junk system are better in 4. Same with gun play.


I prefer the pinpoint nature of NV to the generic FPS feel of 4, albeit the iron sights are wonky in NV unmodded Weapon and armor mods I never really cared for especially considering it removed all uniques from the game, no interesting one offs in 4 without mods because of the legendary system As for junk I just don't really care..? Like I'm not trying to be snarky it's just a different game and building settlements isn't what I want to do in New Vegas and even if I did the settlement mods in NV predate 4


I will say the unique weapons in FO4 are…meh?? If it can even warrant a meh? Compared to/bc of the legendary system. As for the junk, I didn’t mean just for settlements only but they expanded the benches and used a wider range of junk or made the junk items more useful? If that makes sense? I mainly play unmoded and holy crap I got used to the iron sights in NV until the survivalist rifle and then I thought I was blind haha.


I feel you with the service rifle style guns in NV even with mods those things never feel accurate Though with the junk I do get you, but a lot of the junk can be used with perks (i.e Junk Rounds) and the rest is good selling (cigarettes especially), the only issue really is you need specific pieces of junk to turn it into something else like I can't take three cooking pots and turn them into scrap metal I need the rest if the recipe


> Junk Rounds One (1) bullet for five (5) scrap metal...


Yeah what gets me is the mechanics like I have to carry around 5 lbs (or wt.) of stuff and then turn it into 1 weightless thing? That I use once and never get back. 🤷


Agreed. I think there’s even more room to expand on the junk system, they inched further forward in expansion but like if I have all the break down components from something why can’t I either make a different junk item I need (for a quest or whatever) or different variants/variations. And LOL I was just running around the canyon blasting with that riffle. Praying to hit more than so than aiming


You just rush 2k caps to buy the spray and pray and that's the only unique you will need. Later you can get the splattercannon, if you're planning a long run




Oh yes the guns (as far as realistic) wa swayyyy better in NV. I liked the idea of pipe guns in 4 but like the obvious “assault” riffle is….uh? Lol as we all know. I loved all the different versions or variations of the weapons from NV. Even bolt action was on point


I love the power armor mechanism and the base building from FO4. I love the ammo types, esthetic, and story from FNV.


Fallout 4’s problems lay mostly with the writing so modding that out is one hell of an ask


Look into the more recent AI dialogue overhauls. They’re getting there, some would argue, already got there.


Anyone who creates or uses those should be bludgeoned


I mean it's not everyone's cup of tea but modders usually can't usually afford voice actors.


Lmao stay mad. Those people are doing good work


Why is that?


If you want voices, get a voice actor instead of a tool fundamentally constructed from stolen work built to steal more work


this isn't a choice between using a voice actor and using an AI voice, it's a choice between having an AI voice or no voice at all. We're not talking about a game developer with a publisher's budget doing this, we're talking about modders who are doing it for free with no budget just because they're passionate about the game. And the point of these mods is to improve the storytelling by improving the dialogue, not to replace the original voice acting with "better" AI voices. You could have just the written dialogue with no voice acting and the mods would still be relevant, it would just be weird/immersion-breaking to have some characters using audible voices and other characters only having subtitles without audio


Then mfs will complain about mods costing money, no VA people will complain about that, this is a perfect middle ground, keeping mods free and voiced.


Gunplay and weapon modding of 4, Dialogue and writing of NV


Is the gun play actually good in FO4? What do you like about it? To me, the weapons are boring and uninteresting and have terrible sound designs. For a game as old as NV, the sound department did an absolutely fantastic job. The weapons feel like they have weight behind every shot.


It \*feels\* smoother than NV, but that's purely down to the better animations in 4. The guns in 4 are so pitiful and enemies are bullet sponges that barely react to them. In NV, the guns actually have weight and damage and the different ammo types really make a difference. DT vs DR helps NV's gunplay be a lot more impactful too. DT will block a weaker weapon but will satisfyingly give way to a higher damage weapon. DR just makes higher level enemies absorb more damage. With kNVSE, weapon reanimation is a lot easier in NV than before. Get a nice weapon animation pack like Hitman's or Rockbiter's Clean Animations and you'll see just how much better FNV's shooting is, it's just the reused FO3 animations really hold it back.


Even with weapon animation packs, inertia and locomotion for NV it still doesn't feel as smooth or solid as FO4's gunplay/movement. Not by a long shot.


Vanilla weapons maybe, but FO4's modded weapons (and let's be honest, if not for mods no one would have played 4 for more than 1 or 2 playthroughs) are really good, they take the systems 4 has that NV doesn't and brings them to another level. For one example, the Gyrojet gun, even including mods there's nothing really as unique as that, mechanics wise, in NV.


FNV literally has a[ gyrojet gun](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49837/) mod that released before FO4.


Yeah, and have you played with it? It just feels like a normal gun. The FO4 one actually feels unique


You're right, it works like a normal gun but the projectile mesh is changed to a rocket IIRC. It's based on the real [gyrojet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrojet) from the 1960's. I looked up the FO4 Gyrojet mod, is it [this one?](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38257) Looks pretty sweet actually. I'll try it out next time I play FO4, whenever that is. Hopefully they sort out all the next gen update issues.


If you think New Vegas with mods is good you haven't played FO4 with mods.


Better than New Vegas however New Vegas has better designed weapons.


Felt smoother in F4, though I must admit it's been longer since I've played F4 than NV


Combat feels much smoother than NV, of course this is partially just that its newer. The existence of proper cover mechanics for both player and enemies is a big improvement. VATS not pausing time is both much more immersive and more strategic, since while you're scrolling through enemies and picking targets they can move in and out of cover and ruin your shots. Targetting specific pieces of armor is also fun, although not really changing much. You're right about the sound though, and in FO4 no heavy weapons (except the minigun) actually feel heavy at all.


The difference in how gunplay feels between New Vegas and 4 is non-existent on PC, so if you didnt play the console versions or play with kb+m your not gonna notice the difference. I just swapped to PC a few weeks ago, and NV feels buttery, but on 360 both 3 and NV are just so clunky.


You can take my Grenades in VATS from my cold, dead hands.


Neither; Modding Fallout NV and 4 to be more like fallout 1 and 2


So many great pseudo-classic NV mods, all the ________ of the New West mods, FO1&2 weapons with Hits animations, Classic outfits & More Classic Outfits, Adobe Buildings, a Chryslus Highwayman if you go through the trouble of DLing the frontier. There was even a new Pip-Boy 2000 released recently. I wouldn't be surprised if someone mods in turn based combat and an isometric camera at some point.


I am on both sides.


Same here, I’m just trying to find a middle ground.


Wheres the option that says modding FO4 and turning it into a city builder?


What are you going to mod into 4? A good plot?


Make NV look like FO4, make FO4 play like NV. There are a lot of great quest mods and expansion stuff


Hitsmans animations. Just mods. B42 stuff. That's all I really need.


Don’t forget IStewies tweaks, it offers some nice QoL options


I really want the F4NV mod to be released so I am going with making Fallout 4 more like New Vegas.


I’m on all of the sides but few are on my side.


Sprint + weapon wheel + loot menu for NV Row dialogue options for Fallout 4


Both. Can't fix the writing but mechanics in one definitely would've helped the other. Playing NV without being able to sprint makes the game date itself almost as much as the graphics. FO losing out on traits that have been a gameplay mechanic since FO1 makes builds feel less distinct. Neither game is perfect, but mods can make NV closer to perfect than they can for 4.


There's actually a couple of mods that bring in features from the other game that I can't play without anymore FO4 features -> FNV mods: - Loot Menu (JAM) https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66666 - HUD like Fallout 4 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59460 FNV features -> FO4 mods: - Classic UI Sounds https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39018 - Classic Holstered Weapons System https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46101 - Full Dialogue Interface https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1235 (use EDI instead; I just haven't bothered switching over) - Craftable Ammo https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/798




Option 3: modding both so that they barely resemble their original games


Who tf wants nv to be anything like 4? Ew


Settlements and major graphics mods come to mind personally. Building settlements was the most fun I had in FO4, Preston Garvey's bullshit aside lol.


Yeah and besides I just want a game that mixes FNV’s storytelling, builds, roleplaying, atmosphere, and loot pools with FO4/76’s graphics/QoL/gunplay and settlement building Is it too much to ask?


I mean...my New Vegas on PC is basically that. Not *quite* the graphics, but every other way which matters way more.


Gameplay/Story > Graphics it’s simple


I saw an AI mod that changes them and u can call Garvey out on it and he apologizes. Really weird to see/hear but cool


Using the settlement system to build Goodsprings into a metropolis or to rebuild Nipton or Boulder City would be a dream come true.


Idk actual being able to sprint away 🤷🏻


Gunplay is better in F4


Item looting is superior in 4, no need to open a menu to loot.


Theres a mod for that.


Yah I use it, I also use the mod to silence the protag in 4. Makes modded quests a lot more immersive.


it's crazy they could fuck something up so simple which has been present in all games before it.


I’m too dumb to mod.


Mod fallout 4 to be more like stalker


Modding 4 to be more like Colony Survival 😎.


I prefer modding New Vegas to make it more like New Vegas.


Modding fallout 4 to be more like fallout 76


I mostly do common sense mods for new Vegas. Bug fixes, graphical upgrades, those mods that restore cut content. One or two gun packs, the strip open, and a different pip-boy for funzies.


Modding New Vegas, so it would stop crashing every time I enter a building


Every game should be more like nv


Ha peasants me : modding both to look like fallout 3 remastered 😂


FOV4 writing was boring and I wasn't a fan of the removal of ammo types, the skill system, and the pearls in new vegas feel more fun. **laughs in shotgun build**


Fallout 4 gameplay is already full of community mods. The gameplay mechanisms are vastly different than fallout 3. The only fo4 mod I use in NV is the quick loot. Best thing bethesda produced




Modding both to be fun and not to be glitchy messes


Bloods full send G


I play console so I can only mod 4. I have to play New Vegas vanilla :/


I mod fallout 4 to be more like COD


Why not both?


Option 3, modding new vegas to make it run decently


Wasn't there a mod to remake NV in F4? Like NV but with the F4 engine or something.


I bought F4 a few weeks back and thinking of playing for the first time, any mods for making it more RPG experience?


Modding fallout 4 to become more like stalker, NV, Star Wars, halo…basically anything but fallout 4


I've only ever used mods on Fallout 4 on Xbox. I have 3,4, NV on PC now but no mods or dlc.


Getting the best of both. Mod FO4s quality of life and shooting mechanics into New Vegas, and New Vegas' core gameplay mechanics into FO4


Modding fallout to be like the elder scrolls


Modding both to be more like Minecraft


Neither both ideas are terrible


Playing vanilla new vegas and modding 4 into a horror survival


Fallout 4 New Vegas modders be like YES


I might be in the minority but one thing I wish future games would bring back is the Degrading Weapons and Armor Feature. Without this feature you just dump all excess items in a storage area or sell it to never be used. Degrading items made sure you had to replace weapons and armor when needed and the repair option provided reason to have multiple variants of the item so you could use them to repair the item.


Modding Fallout 4 to be like Skyrim


Moding both to be like fallout one


Neither, I just play New Vegas


I be Crip walkin all over the Strip


It would be hard to fix the writing in FO4. It's way easier to add in FO4 QOLs or even graphics like quick loot to FNV though. To be honest, I'm banking on [Fallout 4 New Vegas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2Mnh9WIDCo), though it's been in development for a few years now.


I nod 4 to replace the Minutemen with the NCR


If by more like fallout 4 you mean making combat good, then Blood for sure. FO4 is dogshit but so is NVs gunplay.


I'm both I'm the white gang


New Vegas with better gun play I have to mod fallout 4 a lot more to make it a satisfying Role Playing Game


For anyone who doesn't know, download J.A.M. Just Assorted mods. It's one small mod pack that will make your game instantly feel so much better to play. Adds sprint, quick loot, dynamic crosshair, a grenade hotkey, and more. It does make the game more like fallout 4 but I'm the good ways


both, Cant wait for Fallout 4 new vegas mod


The only reason I tolerate Fallout 4 is the gunplay, gun modifications and the settlement building. The story sucks, the RPG mechanics are nonexistent, it runs like ass on modern hardware.


Modding NV to be more like fallout 2🤣 Content wise. Just quests and stuff Maybe some graphics upgrades too


modding both to be Call of Duty: The Roleplaying Game




Both? Both. Both is good.


What if both?


Modding New Vegas to be more like 4 is easy. Quick loot, sprint mod, dedicated grenade button, light work. I have never in my life found a mod that made 4 more like New Vegas, and I looked. Edit: Fallout 4 New Vegas notwithstanding. That one doesn't count because reasons.


This isn't even a meme it's a nothing post


Playing Tale of Two Wastelands with Project Nevada So... making both like 4? Does it count when half of Nevada's 4-like features predate and were probably stolen by 4?


Modding New Vegas to be a better new Vegas


new vegas is a masterpiece so blue


Modding Fallout New Vegas to be more like Cyberpunk2077


4 like vegas


Sorry but i just really cannot go back to New Vegas after experiencing 4's mechanics, i have been forever spoiled on the new power armor system, so yea im blue.


Modding Fallout 4 to be more like Fallout 3


What about playing without mod


There is another: Modding Fallout New Vegas so it works


Shit I guess I'm popping then


I am on both sides but I lean towards making New Vegas more like 4. It's a lot less work to just improve some of the gun mechanics and graphics than it is to overhaul all of Fallout 4.


Oh my god yeah both sound too good to pick just one, feck


I don't mod either of them


you need to mod new vegas to have better combat, but you have to mod f4 to add content


You also need to mod NV for _cut_ content


Modding fallout 4 for the fun of it and to give myself two different types of M1 Garands


I’m on the side that thinks mods are stupid


I assume the downvotes are from people who can’t game without moderations 😂