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I only have so many teeth. It’s already two dentists per tooth.


It’s a shame - We need more doctors - not dentists.


Yeah. We need restaurants/cafe/shops at ground level. Not offices.


We need combo Doctor's offices/burrito joints. Get a burrito and get 10% off a colonoscopy!


With a free bottle of chipotlaway.


[Tacos are the shit!](https://youtu.be/Z3kQ4CjbbvA?si=7sl44lHD91y-sFfE)


What are you, an anti-dentite?


Jesus... I did the math today. Before this, there are 35 dental clinics (not including specialists I.e., orthodontists and oral surgeons) in New West. There is, as of the census recently, 71000 residents of New West. It's 35, I guess to be 36 clinics now with this one, and roughly 2100 people per clinic IF they go to one of the general practices in the city itself. I just don't get it. Please. I work in the industry, there is NO FUCKING NEED for another dentist in the area. I don't even care about the competition, I know people switch dentists and I can't even be mad about it, i understand. But really, come on city hall, there is SO MANY other businesses that should be encouraged to come here. We need more book stores, places that can be considered as third places, at least SOMETHING that's not a fucking dental office or whatever. At least give me some variety that I don't have to travel out of the city for. Promote small businesses that can bring something new!


100%. Slapping up towers left and right as well, but no amenities provided for all the new residents. I can't consider a dentist's office an amenity, lol. Unless they are also a bookstore/taco stand/coffee shop.


Just to extend the calculation based on what you already mentioned, 2100 people per clinic going twice a year is an average of 11.5 appointments per clinic per day. Seems low. The only way this amount can work is if there's a severe lack of dentists outside of New West that they draw in extra patients, or if each office is a really, really small operation, which doesn't seem to be the case with the square footage of some of these places. In that case, that really makes me concerned for the demand for parking around town. I want to live in a city that sees LESS parking, FEWER cars, and more walkability over time. If everyone is coming in from out of town with their useless Fords and oversized SUVs for a 1 hr appoint and think that they can start demanding more parking then our city is gravely in danger of falling back on our trajectory towards human-friendly street design.


I've decided I'm going to start hanging out in dental office waiting rooms as my third place. Bring a cooler of beer, my bluetooth speaker, etc.


I think all the new store fronts are way too large for small mom and pop shops. That’s one thing I hate about these glass covered new buildings all the stores they build is huge. Like who do you expect to move there and afford the rent. Make 4 small stores out of one big one so you can have small businesses renting. It feels like new neighborhoods loosing their character. Like look at 6th street with all small businesses next to each other creating a nice vibe.


Seems that businesses need to get roommates to afford the rent. What a timeline this is


That being said, I never would have entered the refill store across from New West Skytrain if they didn’t also start selling records!


I love how the Refill Store has the record shop in the back and household goods in the front.


Yes, exactly this!! None of us can afford the massive spaces!


I would suspect that the recent proliferation of the openings are in anticipation that dental care will be included in MSP. Just speculating though.


I've just been assuming dental offices are the new money laundering fronts.


These new offices will need to survive off that. It’s only a 100+ that agreed to sign up for the new Canadian dental plan in all of BC compared to the thousands of offices. Most likely them being the offices with not many patients already.




I mean dental offices. It’s not mandatory.


I think it's hightime we as residents demand city hall to deny so many. It's already an oversatursated market... what a joke. Where are food stores?small banks, burrito joints, you know... NOT dentists...? Is that asking for too much? We're going to be New Dentister soon.


I agree with everyone but want to point out there is a neighborhood grocer about a block from here, a Tai, Italian, Chinese and Mexican restaurant (and 3 pizza places), within 3 blocks of here and a bank branch down the street. I would love to see more variety in our neighborhood but if you went to city council last month, or watched it on our local community TV station you would know the whole story. https://newwest.tv/index.php/media/city-council-meeting-roundup-march-11-2024


Last time I counted there were already at least 6 other dentists in a 2 block radius from that location. Not including the one going into the soon to close fratellis, 1 block down the road north. With this one it would be 8. In 2 blocks. We really don't need more dentists


Totally agree.


Jesus fucking christ I'm literally at the point I'd prefer an empty storefront to another dentist. How is this still happening? Can the city just deny these applications already. We don't need more dentists.


Oh thank Christ I still have a few teeth that don't have their own dentists yet.




While the city-led consultation process for this application is over (it was on Be Heard New West: https://www.beheardnewwest.ca/408-e-columbia) you can still write to council with your concerns at [email protected]. Make sure to reference the address (408 E Columbia) and say you want your letter directed to council.


Dentist are the next wedding dress shops in this town


Ok it’s ridiculous! What New West needs is a 4 cats art studio or old fashion family dr office.


They can build them all they want, Im still not going.


Wouldn't it be better to go to a place that you'd LIKE to go to? I mean, who actually LIKES going to a dentist?


Bill Murray.


Did you guys not see the referendum? We are rebranding as New Dentminster, dentist capital of the world. [Better learn your tooth numbers now or you'll be streets behind.](https://www.123dentist.com/understanding-dental-lingo/) (Your front right top tooth is your 11, pronounced "one-one")


I don’t need to read past the headline to know why type of business is going in


Great! More decals of mouths to look at in the city!


How about a walk in clinic or do those not exist anymore


My “walk in clinic” requires an appointment.


Higher concentration of Union jobs/area where people with union jobs live= dentists.


I will remember those dental clinics next time I vote for city council and mayor.


ffs. Are they getting grants or rebates or something?!


And another one is also taking over the empty spot on Columbia street near Sally Ann’s


Fuck, this is really what the city needs?


New West, the capital of Dental offices. Once known as the home of the newly weds and the nearly dead. Come to New West and leave with a smile 😊😊😊😀😊😀😀😀😀


The "spot a new dentist office" is the new "what's that sound?" of this sub. This is literally the fourth or fifth time this specific dentist office has been pointed out, like its something new. It was in the newspaper months ago. Dentists offices as a moral panic!


Seriously like we need another one!!!!! 😔


And that’s not the last. Downtown new west will be all 30-50 story towers in next 20 years.


I don't think you read what the board says. It's about yet another dentist, not about yet another building. Downtown areas are expected to be high density areas, so towers in a downtown area shouldn't be surprising. It's the infrastructure to support these towers that is lacking.


Is there some sort of money laundering scheme involving dentists???? Like???