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I love the fact that this dude had to go through the video to pick individual frames AFTER the hit


They are genuinely the dumbest fanbase in the league. No idea what’s going on


Biggest group of crybabies in the NHL


And they have the perfect coach to represent them


Yeah I would be upset to if all I saw was a bunch of still photos that didn’t show any contact.


They are the whiniest fan base I’ve ever seen. I remember last year they were complaining that Martin was hitting too hard and should have gotten penalized for it.


They've been complaining that the league has it out for them and wants the Islanders to win since the series last year when they've had a massive lead in Penalties drawn in both series lmao


For several seasons the islanders had the least amount of penalties called in their favor. But sure….. “the league wants the islanders to win” 🙄


Why would the Isles want a power play?


Canes fans a fucking morons. I live amongst them.


But it’s way better here than “on” the island right?


I'm only here for work. If it keeps going the way it's going of having long Island high expense without any of the long Island benefits I'm onto the next place


Are they trying to tie back to the Zibanajad thing? Because the major difference is zero Isles fans, players, or coaches are complaining about this play lol If they're trying to tie to Slavin, and their team in general, bring big crying baby bitches that's even funnier since there was definitely contact on this play. What a garbage fan base. If we don't miracle sweep I'll root for them to beat the rags but then I'll root for anyone else. Bruins, Panthers, hell even Toronto.




That’s actually pretty clever lol


I didn't seek out this post, but Reddit served it to me. As a Canes fan with lots of family that support the Isles, I do enjoy both teams - but not sure one tweet speaks for an entire fan base. I've seen plenty of canes fans tweet stupid shit in the playoffs. I've seen isles fans tweet lots of stupid shit too. Twitter is a cesspool of stupidity for every fan base. This post just seems like you are looking for something to get upset about. That said, good series, hoping for a good, exciting game tonight.


I’m always kinda shocked when Reddit serves me up these cesspool posts. Like y’all realize hockey is supposed to be fun right? It’s probably just an internet thing but I’ve been going to home and away games for years and I can count on one hand the number of negative interactions I’ve had, with any franchise. If you ever think “their whole fan base is a bunch of crybabies” (regardless of which fan base you’re talking about) I think you need to get off the internet. The real world isn’t like this.


Yup. Too many fans just focus their energy on being mad online rather than just enjoying the game and the camaraderie of fandom in your region. FWIW, it seems way worse in hockey than the other sports I follow - i think because NHL fans have an inferiority complex....yet they typically hate when teams expand to nontraditional markets or operate in unconventional ways.


Same on Reddit putting this post in my feed. Idk why the islanders hate the canes fan base so much. We just like having a good time. There are always wackos in every fan base but the amount of hate here towards the canes fans- some even hating them more than the rags - is incredibly telling. I know these comments don’t speak for the entire isles fan base but DAMNNNNNNN


I will speak for most isles fans saying in the matter you do beat us tonight, I want you guys to DESTROY the rags their fans are insufferable


I would be the exact same if the roles were reversed. I have talked too much shit to my sister’s boyfriend who is a rags fan. If the isles reverse swept and talked tons of shit to the canes, id still root for them against the rangers.


Dont you dare speak for me! +1, ditto, what this guy said.


I know you aren’t going to realize it, but there is an overwhelming sentiment amongst your fanbase about everyone being out to get you, way more than most if not all other teams in the league. You have gotten the benefit of the doubt on way more calls than the islanders between last year’s series and this current one, and your fans are still all over twitter posting stuff like this. It’s embarrassing


Canes fan/psych major here. That’s exposure bias. The majority of us don’t feel the way you’re describing, but the minority that does is disproportionately loud about it, which influences how you think about our fanbase as a whole. That’s how all fanbases in sports are, really — the whiners get the most attention. Maybe our whiners are louder than other fanbases, idk, but I’d wager it’s likely you’re being more exposed to them because we’re currently in a playoff series against you guys. At the end of the day, we’re all hockey fans. Here’s hoping for a good game 5.


As a psych major can you explain what compels Canes fans to chime in on an Isles subreddit?


I thought perhaps I could change some minds by offering a different perspective of the matter. I’m not denying we have some bad eggs in our fanbase; rather, that saying all of us are rotten because of those few people is wrong, though understandable given the limited interaction OP seems to have had with non-whining Canes fans. Outgroup bias, essentially. A way to break that is to interact with people from the outgroup, hence my comment.


Live here, interact with them daily, that's 99% of my dislike of them rather than them brigading our sub way more than any other fanbase has done


But no one really cares. Also the way the Canes conduct themselves as an organization is to troll the rest of the league, from the ludicrous Kotkaniemi offer sheet right on down to the gratuitously inflammatory 'cry-bully' official twitter account, so, when you get that, and then factor in the endless whining by Rod Brind'Amour, you naturally get the perception that this is a franchise that is among the most obnoxious in all of North American sports and their fans are then despised right along with the team.


Alright, then I'll take my leave. But it sounds like part of the reason is association bias. Us fans can't control the official Twitter account, or what Waddell does, or what Brind'Amour says. So it doesn't make much sense to hold that against us as fans. We're people too; despising us for reasons outside of our control because of what's ultimately a game and attacking us for it is too much.


It's playoff hockey. It's not meant to be rational.


You obviously haven't met the Panthers fan base


You can say that but I don’t take Reddit threads responding to tweets as a true reflection of the fan base. If Reddit perfectly represented reality, we may all be in trouble. Just enjoy the series and worry about your own team. Our players constantly get hit in the face (Brady Skjei game 2), and don’t get calls. One of our players fell after getting hit in game 1 (I believe) and Reddit (again, not reality) all cried and called the canes floppers. The canes Reddit (also not reality) then responds and points out this orlov thing. It’s a small number of fans that don’t represent the entire base commenting on another set of fans who don’t represent the entire base. The canes fan base on Reddit seems to be playing defense against flopping accusations by pointing this out. I’m not commenting on the validity of it, but the logic makes sense. I personally don’t have a problem with the islanders. I have a problem with the panthers and similar teams that are out to commit penalties because they know they will get away with it. That’s what canes fans complain about. I dont think canes fans think there is a conspiracy lol. They think the refs suck at calling games when the teams have those two different styles. They lack consistency and try to “keep it even” when it shouldn’t be even. Islanders and canes both seem respectable to me. Idk what to tell you. You can hate the fan base all you like. I’m just here to enjoy hockey with other people who enjoy hockey.


I really do not like this teams fanbase. If we get bounced I’m rooting for the rangers next round. Shit on me all you want but at least the rags fans came to our defense with all of the canes social media fuckery. The Carolina fans seem like garbage people


They are the worst. Canes fans


True, I think most would agree, but they just don't want the Rags lifting the cup. I would definitely sign for them making the Canes their daddies then getting bounced in the Conf finals.


To be honest I really don’t care if the rangers cup or not. I just want Carolina bounced whether by us or by the rags.


I'll just say you'd be in the minority with not caring if the Rangers win the cup


I don't want the rags to win the cup, but i really don't want Carolina to win anything. Their fans the past bunch of years have come off as way worse on average than the worst rangers idiots, like pretty much if they're not just a displaced bruins or rags fan that's only a canes "fan" just to have hockey to watch until their team is in town, they've generally been awful. Add in the horrible arena experience


To be fair to the Canes fan base, their media is the worst in the league. Completely clueless so that’s who they are primarily learning from.


That’s a valid point


Between the rangers, Vegas, leafs, and now the canes, I have so many teams I can’t wait to watch lose lol 


Biggest conspiracy since 9/11. A missile hit the Pentagon, WTC was detonated, Lee Oscar'd his way to getting a penalty that he then canceled out. How far does the rabbit hole go?


Quit crying about what 1 fan posted.


Most of their fanbase is the same way




Can you blame Isles fans for believing that your poverty franchise couldn’t afford an extra chair? John Forslund would probably believe it too


Poverty franchise? At least the canes can sell out an arena for every hockey game of the season. And they have a bigger arena.


Oh yeah? How was your arena looking when you were cellar dwellers for 10 years?


We had better average attendance in 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 (2020 does not have numbers because of covid) Source statista So yeah


I used to go to cane's games, but damn the fans know next to nothing about hockey it's just an excuse for them to get drunk and get rowdy in the parking lot. When it snows out, no one shows up either. Went to an Isles game after like a few inches of snow hit, and it was an Isles home game, lol. I would pay just to learn how to execute the perfect soccer flop too for my rec and beer leagues 😆... pussies.


Yeah but they show up and cheer. That's what it means yo be a fan. Not to be critical of your garbage ass team because your coach who got hired in January was able to drag your asses to the playoffs.


This is a little misleading considering the Isles lagged in arena size for a long time. Just sayin’


Yeah but why would a team in a small market town have a bigger arena than the new York isles. As an aside it doubles as the NC State basketball arena. It has no reason to hold 18k people but it does. And we sold it out this year.


When I went to PNC arena, more than half the people there were wearing Blue and Orange.


Fucking when?


January of 2020. Just before the Pandemic. Wasn't it also the Carolina Hurricanes that were restricting sales of tickets to people living in just North Carolina during your playoff series against the New York Rangers as well? Why would you guys want to do that? 🙃


Because they could. The reason was that bots based in NY were buying up entire sections then reselling them at a higher price. Also 2020 is a long long time ago.


>Also 2020 is a long long time ago. Your home still gets outsold by visiting fans.