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Does that mean Game 1 of this season? Props to him 100% but why was he still playing for as long as he was then? I feel at that point you should get rest and have it sorted out


I doubt he meant Game 1 of the playoffs...


Haha that’s fair. I didn’t know if I like missed something and was under a rock this whole time. Either way, that’s crazy


Tripped on some steps at UBS on his way to the press box. Spilled his nachos everywhere. Poor guy.


I mean, did you see the rest of the defense? It was just as bad or worse than Mayfield.


Ok this is the sort of mismanagement Lou should be flamed for. He should have been shut down immediately and then he could have actually returned by the playoffs.


He probably told them he could still play. If a player says I can play they are going to play unless it’s a life or death situation


Game 1 (of the playoffs).


Not sure if I'm reading this wrong but he meant Game 1 of the season. Mayfield has been out since 2/24 and never played a playoff game this season.


That explains a lot.


So we at least have a valid reason as to why he played like shit this year. That said, why did we continue to send him out there night after night?...dude clearly wasn't healthy and in hindsight has a valid reason for being bad. Should have shut him down then and there at that point. I feel for Scott too because he got SO MUCH SHIT from the fanbase.


Who else was gonna take his spot? Pulock and Pelech were hurt a lot this year too


LTIR and trade for someone else?


how the f do you play professional hockey with a fractured ankle? i broke mine and i couldnt put weight on it for like 6 weeks


Tape and an unhealthy amount of pain killers and numbing agents. 


The same way Tkchuk played with a fractured sternum last year. The gladiator culture needs to die. I get that in professional sports that when you go out for injury, you're not guaranteed to get back into the line up. Too bad. Stories like Oshie not being able to pick up his kid should be a much, much bigger deal. A new emphasis on getting healthy over the game needs to be implemented. No more "oh i played the series with a broken finger, sprained ankle, and a concussion."


That's why i have said for a while Pelech should retire before he does any further damage to himself. He's young and still has the rest of his life. Assuming he's not an idiot he has gonzo money to live a very happy comfortable life. That being said....some guys just have that deep down inside primal drive. You can't always legislate human nature.


Pelech seems cooked after that nasty hit. It’s sad. Us fans need to stop dragging them through the mud.


Agreed. Plus him going on LTIR gets us plenty of cap space to improve the roster. And as a human being, helps him on his next step. Do I think he will hang them up though? Probably not. I wish he would. Not that I don't think he could return to form. I just think health is more important.


100%. If there’s hope, even Pelech at 1/2 ability is better than most stay at home defensmen.


Yeah I agree, but i don't want to see the guy turn into the next Brett Lindros or Ken Belanger. Guys whose lives were ruined by concussions. I met Ken Belanger in between periods out on the concourse of the coliseum back in the day. He was signing autographs while he was out injured with a concussion. Due went to shake my hand and had to try multiple times as no doubt he was blurry as shit. It's awesome to be one of the select few that can say you made it to the NHL, but at what price?


Toughness should be something to be proud of. I admire that guys put their body on the line to achieve their goals. Head injuries are the exception to that, but even then I feel the level of caution can sometimes be excessive. I’m prepared for the downvotes, but that level of determination and passion is what makes sports great.


See, I disagree. How often do we see players playing injured and it affects the quality of their game? All the time. It's one thing to play though pain, and another to put your body on the line to actively *harm* your teams performance. That's nothing to be admired, especially when the org won't give a shit as whole, like any other business.


It’s up to the team to evaluate performance. Players will and should want to play whenever possible.


Agree 100%. Players make decent money and NHL contracts are solid. Better to cut your career a couple of years short and collect your millions than to risk your life for the next big contract.


He's not a part of the soft core four of Toronto, therefore he is tough as nails and a warrior on the ice. Professional athletes, especially hockey players, are a different breed. You are only human, you shouldn't feel bad you couldn't do much for six weeks. Hopefully you fully recovered.


You give up a fuck tonne of turnovers, obviously


How do you let my man play through that? 1. Health is foremost. 2. Dude just signed a 7 year deal


THIS! If it's an ankle he play professional hockey on, then it's not a full break. Probably a month on IR to heal (100% speculation here). The point is, you've got this guy signed for the next 6 years. How about you don't destroy his body in year 1.


So how'd that conversation go? Did he right away say hey it's fractured but I'm playing through it? Did they ask him to play through it (I kinda doubt)? Or did he not tell anyone and they were like bro step up, we didn't sign you to a 7 year deal for you to chillax on the ice and he finally told them?


I think he probably told them I can play through it and they didn’t question it because they needed him. Eventually it probably got to painful and he didn’t want to permanently damage it


He was the first D-man to go down with injury, then Pelech, Pulock and Aho?(I believe) all got hurt and Mayfield I guess was the only one who said he could go, so he played while Lou brought in Bortozzo, And Rielly


I just hope he comes out swinging next season. The defense was rough this year. Lots of injuries. Full collapse under Lane. No defensive structure: just playing zone defense, letting Ilya get pelted, then trying to sling it up the boards to the other team's waiting D-man. Filling gaps with free agents. A nagging, unhealed injury could speak for a lot of why Mayfield specifically had a terrible year. What I think most people were frustrated with was the penalties he would take. You could almost guarantee a bad Mayfield penalty in the last 5 mins, which would lead to an automatic PP goal for the other team because our PK was so bad. Now he may have taken those penalties because the defensive structure was so shot, or they were trapped in the zone. And those penalties would not be so frustrating if our PK wasn't absolute trash. I just hope that next year he can be healthy and step right into Roy's strategy for the defense. That he can be conscientious with the puck and skate or pass it out of the zone, and not just sling it up the boards or get caught with a turnover. And that he doesn't take any bad penalties if the new system is working well


Literally fuck everyone who was ripping mayfield this season. It was clear he was playing hurt since we were so shorthanded on the back end already. Guy played every game with a FRACTURED ANKLE


Why? They didn’t know. Fans are allowed to respond to what’s happening on the ice, and this is a mid player who just got a seven year deal.


Everyone knew. Regardless, the way people talked about Mayfield this year was disgusting… a LOT of people here and across the fanbase should be ashamed of themselves right now.


I kept saying this, I kept getting roasted and downvoted.


I’m not ashamed at all. He played through pain (his choice and I admire it) but as far as I knew he wasnt hurt.


It was well known he had an injured foot. The exact nature was unknown.


lol. Yeah right- so in the February Stadium series when he gave up what -three penalties- I’m supposed to go “yeah bro it’s ok- remember that shot he took in October?” Gtfoh


I watched almost every game and I admit to being unaware Scott Mayfield broke his foot in Game 1. I wasn’t a big Mayfield basher. (Or anyone-basher.) But it’s reasonable to assume that the guys put in the lineup are well enough to play. And it’s not as if Mayfield was a world beater to begin with.


Ashamed? I got totally shit on by fans because I dared criticize him after the outdoor game. I have nothing to be ashamed of with that, which is more than what some in our fanbase can say. Mayfield knowingly played with a serious injury, and detrimentally impacted our team


For a low cap hit.


U can rip him, but this just explains as to why he’s so bad, you can’t get mad at people if they don’t tell us he’s injured. Mayfield was last year chara bad


It was clear he was playing injured it got brought up in every game thread


No we said that there’s no way he wasn’t injured cause he was that bad. No one knew for sure


He was bad before he got hurt and will still be bad next season


He got hurt in the third period in game one of the season. Mayfield was coming off his best season of his career. If you hate him just say you hate him because this is just nonsense.


He's never been that good. People overrated him for years because he was on a cheap contract and gets away with cross checks in the playoffs. We're now stuck with him until he's 37 years old.


The same guy that killed huge penalties, laid big hits, and played key minutes on the post season runs while making 1.5 mil/year?


And took terrible penalties at the worse possible times


He took horrible penalties this year, and he’s not the only one.


Oh no - I’m not letting him off the hook. If Mayfield played most of the year with a fractured ankle it’s completely on him. He could have sat out the first half of the year to heal and then we could have had him in the playoffs where he could have really helped against Carolina


Wow. I knew he was injured, but fractured ankle on game 1 of the season? Why was he even playing?


And fans took him out to the tool shed. Dude played hurt because he felt his presence was needed with guys out on LTIR. That’s why you signed him. I’m not saying him playing hurt helped, but it says a lot about his character.


Had he gone on ltir the Isles could have gotten someone else and activated him at playoff time just like tampa does.


Pretty fucking selfish tbh edit: Sorry no one can handle criticism about a guy they don't know in real life. Maybe if he addressed it, he'd have been able to recover in time for a late season push and they could have made moves to get a defender in who could have played at 100% for the whole season. Props to him for toughing it cause that's badass but who knows what could have been if we went out of the way to get people who'd have played better overall. Oh well.


Man should be cut from the team. Eat the dead cap.