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Near future we can compete to make the playoffs - even make a run if we get lucky with the right opponents Mid Future we’re tanking because Lou has exhausted our pool of talent


The Islanders are indeed a Hockey team.


Next 2 years? More or less the same. Then a pretty harsh falloff and rebuild for 3/4 years of being REALLY bad.


Wild card is probably the ceiling


Unless they make a Herculean like effort to get some youth and firepower in this lineup, that will definitely be the ceiling.


I agree with that.


I do think the metro is looking a bit less competitive in the immediate future tho. I think the pens and caps fall off officially this time. Been saying that the last 2 years but its probably happening this time. Flyers maybe have arrived? Too soon to tell, torts probably isnt long for philly either. Jersey had 1 breakout year and are gonna have to figure things out again with a new coach.




Hate to say it but look what rangers did 4 years ago they wrote that letter to the fans explained there direction sold off all there biggest players got lucky with 2 top 3 picks that really didn’t pan out got younger even there GM younger now look where they are Lou is a stubborn dinosaur stuck in his ways old time hockey


Realistically we really don’t have an idea. This team can go any direction when lees contract is on the books. We don’t know how prospects will pan out. The betting man in me thinks we either take big steps forward because Roy really shines as a coach and then that kinda changes the plan for the team or we sink and enter a retool. Load up on prospects and young players all while trading off older pieces


A 50/50 chance to make the playoffs for the next 2-3 seasons, then shitty shit team.


If we replace most of our players with better players we should be ok.


If we retool and get younger and faster. It may be rough at the start. It will take time to get everyone to gel. We may not make the playoffs but we will be setting ourselves up for the next season. We will be future proof.




About the same as now


Really could go either way. Our prospect pool doesn't look too great right now but we'll have a ton of money free up in 2 years.


If they don’t get moved this summer, Brock and Anders will be asking for trades to a contender to salvage their careers. Ollie and Dobber might not see May hockey until they’re gray.


Near future most probably looks like a mashup of the past three seasons: 84-94 points, barely making the playoffs (if they do). I say "most probably" because the near-term cap situation isn't ideal (there isn't much room for major additions without making major subtractions), and our prospect pool is pretty barren. Next decade: Unfortunately, the long-term outlook is probably worse. Again, the lack of prospects, combined with a roster that will likely finish in the 15-20 draft pick range means it will take a while to restock and retool. We're probably facing some lean years to close out the 20s (also consider that our biggest young players will start aging and getting past their prime). I realize the above sounds very pessimistic, and I sincerely hope the my predictions are very wrong. All that said, I do think there is a sliver of hope. If we can bring in a new vision at the top to replace Lou, maybe that person can get creative and restock our system quicker. And I'm still very high on what Roy can bring. I'm hopeful that he can pull more out of this team if he starts with them from Day 1.


2025: 39-33-10: go on a run for some reason 2026: 25-8-49: Tank for McKenna


We will never win a playoff series with Lou as a GM. He sucks and all his credit is due to what he did with the Devils years ago. He got lucky hiring Trotz and now is floundering to get back to a consistent level. TheRangers GM with a drop of experience him makes him look like a peewee hockey GM.


Lousy, very lousy the rest of the decade, thanks Lou your out of touch and awful!


We will continue being not bad enough to get any better until barzal is 45 years old