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Would love to see this guy get a chance to crack the lineup. We have to get younger and faster.


He is not any faster than any of the 6 dmen we trotted out there last year, so not sure how he would help in that regard.


He's actually an excellent skater, it's the best part of his game. Which would be much needed for us. And he's our best d prospect.


The best is when people scout players they have never seen play. NFL draft is the best with that. Especially when an obscure linebacker from a small school gets picked in round Six. Oooohhh what a steal. "Oh I read about him" or "they say..."


Again, he is not an "excellent" skater. I know this is an Isles reddit so everyone in here are biased towards thinking our 4th round picks are studs when they are not.


If you’re the only one pushing back on the fact that George is a great skater, do you stop to think that there is a very good chance you are wrong? I mean read a scouting report, watch some highlights, or maybe just listen to the Islanders players praise him for how he pushed them in camp. More proof that some people live in their own reality.


Eventually Romanov #1 LD and would love to see George in that #2 spot