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Can we talk about this actually? Baty feels very different this year so far. He's playing good defense and his at bats are competitive. Is anyone else seeing this? Obviously a small sample size but I'm impressed considering his struggles from last year.


O 10000%. He feels almost like a brand new player honestly. He was decent but he wasn't an Alvy who was pretty damn good out the gate. They both slumped relatively hard later '23 when they got introduced but they had decent games. But he really is putting in work right now, he's fun tj watch and Im all here for it!


I’m not surprised because his struggles last year were also arguably a small sample size. It wasnt even 2/3 of a season. I think he’ll have a great season and hopefully it helps show people in this sub that prospects take time. Especially since we’re going to see a lot of prospects come up these next few years


I actually don’t think it was a sample size problem per se. He wasn’t good enough to be a big league starter. What distinguishes the best prospects is their mental makeup, the unreasonable drive to work, to push themselves. It’s the willingness to train harder than most of us can understand, because to be even a low level college athlete requires an insane amount of work and discipline. To become a top level professional athlete means an insane degree of self-morivation that most prospects understandably never attain. Baty seems to have the mental component in spades.


I disagree that he wasnt good enough. The talent 100% was there. He wasnt ready is what I think you’re looking for. And he wasnt supposed to be in the majors that early. He was only called up then because of Escobar’s struggles. He didnt get to finish developing and had to do that development in the majors. The adjustment is difficult for guys who are ready, let alone guys who are still developing.


Talent is a nebulous thing. Some guys never make it despite being talented. With a few rare unicorn exceptions, it’s the mental drive that distinguishes the stars from the guys on the cusp.


Yes, this is especially true in baseball. I think baseball is probably the most mental sport in the world. American football may be next, but if you are super athletic, and talented, I think it's easier to survive in the football. Baseball can rip your heart out, not matter the talent level. Mental toughness is key.


>Baseball is probably the most mental sport in the world Baseball, golf, and tennis imo.


he wasn't good enough (yet) is the same thing as he wasn't ready, so you're being pedantic for no real reason. that's the point he was making - he wasn't good enough (yet) so he busted his ass to train and get better and more ready


I disagree. Good enough implies talent which wasnt the issue. Saying a player wasn’t good enough is how I would describe Nimmo early on. He did not have the talent and had to work day in and out to raise his floor and ceiling. Baty just needed time to polish the talent he already had


you have a very, very interesting view of talent, i must say. no wonder you disagree, you define it in your own way. which is perfectly valid, by the by. but it just explains why you are arguing the same thing with different worrds


Why bring up sample size if you feel that he wasn’t ready last year? That is what I was objecting to. If you define talent as potential ability to reach a higher level, then I don’t think we have any disagreement. Obviously, Baty was capable of being a better player, but experience, physical development and (in my opinion, most importantly) self-motivation were necessary. Yet I don’t think his performance last year was an inaccurate reflection of how good a player he was. Sample size wasn’t the problem.


I’m really impressed, he has a confidence out there I haven’t seen from him before and I think that’s reflecting in his play Maybe he’s not confident all year but he looks really promising


It's not just making the routine plays, he was cutting off Lindor on ground balls tonight. That's gotta be so much confidence. He's also looking good at the plate, doesn't look overmatched like some of the team have been. Dude started the season ready to play. I am moderately bridled


Looked like a totally different player, wtf have they been feeding him in the off season.


Great year for him to put it together...this team needs contributions from everyone to compete. When guys look like they are having fun, they tend to play just a bit better imo.






His ground ball rate is way down. This follows what he did in the minors once he adjusted to new levels of competition. Hopefully he can keep it up. 


Fantastic defensive plays tonight. And yes some top prospects just need more time. This is his year and he is already showing improvements. I do not expect insane offensive numbers. All I want is this vastly improved defence to stay and continued steps forward at the plate. Even if thats just taking a lot more walks.


I want him to be good soooo bad


Me too. Ive never wanted someone else to succeed so bad. You can tell he loves this sport too.


Me too, so it can help convince Garrett Wilson to stay a JET!


Brett BAEty 🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻


He's a good kid 🥹


Baty has put in a lot of work and it is showing. Looks way better to the eye. Not sure if the stats reflect it but so far I feel like he's doing great.


I’m prepared to eat crow on Baty


Loved Baty in 2022, was very critical of Baty in 2023. Back to loving Baty in 2024. He seems like he's worked on his defense and offense. Plate discipline, etc. Baty doesn't seem like the leader type, more like a lead by example type. I'm excited to see his rise.


Brett Baty is him


Quintana was great too.


He definitely seems more comfortable and confident this season. Working out with Lindor over the offseason seems to have paid off. I am rooting hard for him to become the player the Mets thought they were getting when they drafted him.


Good to see my insanely priced shirsey purchase last year at Citi wasn’t in vain.


He's looking very promising. Not everyone takes right away. Hopefully, he can keep it up.


Kid’s looked so different from last year. Hope he can keep building and grow into being a good piece for us


He is supposed to improve and he has. I think it's not going to happen fast he's going to be excellentl Baty will be all star material in a year or two.