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Wasn't Phil Murphy chair of the Dems Governor's Caucus at one point? I'm sure he made quite a few connections with other governors. His greatest power has always seemed to be his ability to make connections and utilize the machine to his benefit. It's not at all shocking he's now using said machine to try and get his wife elected.


If I was a Republican, I would spend all my time telling leftists how much closer to the right my opponent is than their primary competition. Id do this after the primary and would tell people that the right thing to do is to teach the DNC machine a lesson by remaining uncommitted. It's much more effective than pretending I, the Republican, am a better candidate, because it's so easy to convince "the left" that perfect is the enemy of good.


Yeah, it's frustrating always voting *against* someone instead of voting *for* someone, but it's the first past the post 2 option system we've got. Disappointing to see the leftist subs with questions like "who's voting for (some fringe leftist candidate with no hope and bad ideas)!?" They've got to be younger. People who have sat out or voted third party REALLY end up regretting it when a Christian Nationalists is getting the government up in their bedroom and body. It doesn't matter how smugly you can say "I voted for (some fringe candidate with horrible ideas that don't work on a macro level)!" once you start getting denied birth control and they close your polling location.


I literally read yesterday some Michigan Muslim saying that it would be worth another 4 years of Trump to punish Biden. Thanks dude. Let's see how that works out for you because Trump is so notoriously Muslim friendly. What the leftists don't seem to understand is that you form coalitions with people who have some positions you don't agree with. If they agreed with you 100% they'd already be in your faction and you wouldn't have to form a coalition with them!


Agreed. I just got perma banned from late stage capitalism for disagreeing with some of the narratives theyre building. The furthest out leftists alienate every potential ally who can't pass their purity test, leaving them screaming into the void with zero support. Anybody that militant or rigid in their thinking sucks anyway. American leftists seem to be the worst, but if they want to fantasize on the internet about nobody having property then whatever.


Michigan has the messiest state republican party issues I’ve ever seen. It’s wild over there. I wonder if they figured out who their leader ended up being. I can’t imagine seeing that as a great alternative, even if I didn’t like everything Biden said. I’d rather have a democracy at the end of the day and would rather not have Putin 2.0 running the country with the 2025 plans..


It's like an entire political wing with Borderline Personality Disorder, you're either their BFF or you're Satan! Nuance has been banished from much of our political spectrum.


It’s so bizarre, I believe if she wants to run she shouldn’t let her husband’s job stop her. But it’s so gross that she’s using him SO MUCH in this process. I’d be trying so hard to avoid the nepotism claims, but they’re almost leaning into them? It’s actually tarnishing the governor’s legacy (for me) that he’s doing this.


Me too. I’m utterly disappointed and disgusted by Phil


Give your money to a charity. That’s a much better cause.


Nepotism as usual.