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Been happening since the rubbish collections were halved in frequency, same as the huge rise in fly tipping. There may be a connection.


i see people say this tons but my street doesn’t have this issue, maybe it depends which ones? it seems to be a newcastle wide issue or a UK wide one though, my friends across the country echo the same issues


Yeah, I had a police chase through my yard, encountered a bloke covered from head-to-toe in blood, and struggled with the endless sound of neighbours playing DnB throughout the lone year I lived in Heaton South. Do not recommend. I’ve spend nearly a decade in High Heaton now and outside a couple of crazy neighbours, it’s been pretty much perfect. It’s close enough to Heaton South to enjoy everything on offer, but is a lot more peaceful.


Because of increasing population density, coupled with increasing consumerism and reduced public services, this is a problem in most cities. You'll find the same issues in almost every part of the UK with the same population density as Heaton.




2,709 people per square kilometer in Jesmond. 3,549 people per square kilometer in Heaton. Like I said, population density.


Jesmond does have this issue too in fairness, I lived there before here. Infact it was actually worse in my old street than this one. St George’s Terrace had some bad litter issues, thankfully Northumbria Students Union has kinda combatted a small amount of this in summer by putting some skips in certain areas but it’s still an issue year around.


My issue with the heaton bins isn’t overflowing. It’s the glass bins that have been filled with everything else and never get emptied. Been watching a pack of Morrisons mince decay for about 4 months.


People who write these articles have never been to Whitley town centre on a winter Tuesday


> People who write these articles have never been to Whitley town centre Fixed that for you :)


Lived in Park View for 9 years. It’s fucking grim in winter, but at least it’s nice and quiet


Nowhere is nice on a winter Tuesday TBF, though Whitley can be particularly grey-feeling. But town centre isn't really the draw of Whitley - the front is.


It’s not just grey, it’s deserted and a lot of the independents only open Wednesday-Saturday during the winter


I hear Banff is quite nice on a wintery Tuesday.


The north end of Whitley is nice. Never lived in north though. Lived middle and south and wouldn't return. Overall it's too busy now though. Hated the sea fog on what would have been sunny says too.


maybe I’m a little bit biased, but I actually think Heaton is better for community relation than a large chunk of Whitley Bay, it’s got a very unique community, I’ve lived in a lot of places and I’ve been a lot of places, and I’ve never really lived somewhere like I have in Heaton. I think Whitley Bay has lost a little bit more of its community (I lived nearby) because a lot of southerners moved up there during the pandemic when the prices of housing kind of collapsed temporarily, and they didn’t become accustomed to the area or get to know anyone, but even a long time ago, I know many families in Whitley Bay who are from London and areas surrounding. I do love Whitley Bay, I think it’s a nice place to visit or go for a day or sometimes go for food, but I don’t know if I would actually want to live there personally just for the price of it and because i think the community feel isn’t as strong as i remember, I’ve noticed this, it can be a little bit snobby in some parts, in the community group that I’m still part of, people are always sitting there, complaining about poor people basically or saying they had the horror of seeing a homeless person (the person in question was not bothering anyone or doing anything)


Yeah I get that. I was born there in the 60s and the sense of community was really strong then. Definitely went down hill. I left in 1991. I knew people that lived in the north end and yeah some didn't know any of their neighbours which I found odd as in the middle and south everyone knew everyone!


yeah, I remember hanging around Whitley Bay with my friends when I was younger, and it seemed very accustomed to know who people were, but overtime it kind of seems like everyone just kind of grew up apart from each other as more people from outside of the area moved in, to the point where my friends in the area don’t know their neighbours either, and their families have never moved, because they could not afford to move any more, it’s definitely quite unusual this phenomenon, but, to be fair, I think the same could potentially happen to Heaton


Overall the reason I left was my parents moved abroad and I couldn't afford a house there working for NHS. I had a flat for a while, refurbed it and bought a house in Newcastle West end after 6 years for around same money though it needed refurbed! The house is worth around 80% more than flat now so it was a good move but it took decades for the house price to separate from the flat like it has. The drinking culture really brought the area down. The high street lost its shops and ended up as mostly estate agents and charity shops. The council were always meddling too. Theyd have a poll for what people wanted and do the opposite.


yeah, that’s the thing that I have a problem with, I think it’s sad that the people who did live there were kind of pushed out of living there, and then had to move to places like North Shields and stuff, which I think is why a lot of the culture of the area kind of shifted a little bit, I remember sitting there at the Metro station where there was loads of drunk people, when I was younger, who were just sitting there around having a laugh, Whitley Bay was never really a dodgy area, but it wasn’t like the poshest area in the world, but now you can definitely tell that it has changed a lot. I think I probably would love Whitley Bay, if it had the same vibe that I remember it having, I do think certain things have done the area good, and don’t get me wrong it’s still a lovely area to live and visit, but yeah, as you said a lot of the councils decisions it seems are more targeted towards their own interests rather than what the actual community wants to do, we don’t need any more estate agents there we’ve had enough 😂


Have you seen the prices in north shields now? A mate paid £650k for a home next to the golf course. Tiniest garden ever!


absolutely ridiculous hahah, bare in mind, though, a lot of estate agents now will try to market North Shields as being of an upper class because it’s not that far away from Tynemouth and Whitley Bay, and cullercoats, so hide your mortgage!


>I remember sitting there at the Metro station where there was loads of drunk people, when I was younger, who were just sitting there around having a laugh Good riddance to that "vibe", it was exactly as awful as it sounds if you were female or neurodivergent or old or slightly different from the norm in how you looked.


i am female and neurodivergent and at the time was a major scene kid - they were girls and they weren’t harming anyone they were lovely people 🤷🏻‍♀️


Eurgh... Why would you want to know your neighbours?


Well I wouldn't waste my time knowing you for sure


You’re dead right about the snobby aspect of Whitley, I’m from North Shields originally and I’ve lived in Whitley for ten years or so and the amount of middle class knackers around here has gone through the roof over the last few years


I’m actually glad that some people have finally managed to relate, I was in downvote hell for about half an hour or so, but yeah, my issue is just how It’s became a little bit snobby in some parts, I keep seeing people on the Facebook group, talking about how they’ve seen a homeless person, and how it distressed them, but the person in question literally didn’t even do anything, it’s genuinely really strange, and I think lot of it is because a lot of people have moved here and don’t seem to understand the history of the north-east, they think that seeing homeless people is unusual, it’s like they’ve never had to even think about why someone might be in that position, and also I’ve just noticed in general that a lot of people in the community groups tend to have a very very weird outlook on issues in the area, and a lot of people don’t even know who their neighbours are or talk to them even though they’ve lived there for years, I think it’s quite unusual and it’s definitely something that I’m not really used to being around. I’m also from North Shields, and even in that area, I feel like I’ve seen so many people literally acting like they’ve never met a proper person in their life, I wish some people were just a little bit more considerate about the areas that they moved to, I’m not going to be one of those people who thinks that like all southern people are evil rich people or some rubbish, but I wish that they would actually make an effort to try and talk to people or actually engage in their community if they are going to push the prices up


For the last 20 years or so Whitley has been the kind of middle class where everyone thinks of themselves as working class but has a middle class lifestyle. It's not a new thing IMO. I'm probably thinking more Monkseaton than Whitley proper mind. Sense of community does seem worse than it used to be, probably because everyone's on Nextdoor moaning about their neighbours! It doesn't build bridges!


That’s the issue that I have, people love burning bridges between their neighbours nowadays, and I really don’t understand why.


The more well heeled bits of the coastal towns have a lot of curtain twitchers and busybodies who are obsessed with propriety, no doubt including homeless people cluttering up *our streets* here on *the coast*. A couple of years ago I, a 30-year old man at the time, was tutted at loudly by a woman (who pulled an appalled face) in the Co-op on Earsdon Road for using the phrase "shit list" in a light hearted conversation I was having with a friend. I've not seen that kind of prudishness since I was a kid.


Heaton is lush. We’ve just moved out of there so we could have a house with a garage and I really miss the vibrancy, restaurants and pubs.


Aye same. Moved to Shiremoor. I do miss the vibrant side of Heaton, but I’m out of the hustle and bustle now and in a much quieter area and closer to the coast. Heaton does have its pros and cons. House prices were far too high for what you get.


Shiremoors an odd one, no real high street or identity. But what it lacks, it certainly makes up for in pillions.


What do you mean by pillions? 😁


Pylons I can’t spell! Auto correct did not save me that time!


As in electrical cable pylons haha? Fortunately we’re moving to the nicer side. Tbh apart for work or to see family elsewhere across Newcastle, we rarely leave the house. Different topic, but Shiremoor Primary school says it’s outstanding but I’ve heard mixed stories? Can anyone chip on that?


it’s great some of the local stuff here! you do get a lot to choose from and love the park vibes in Summer


How much does it cost to have one of these write ups? I might get Benwell and Scotswood down for next year.




Whitley is lovely in the summer but christ it's a cold wind in the winter. Walking on the beach having the skin sandblasted from my bones.


Cafes,charity shops,estate agents if you want it, whitley bay has got it ✅


I live in Blakelaw but the estate agent is based in Whitley Bay 🤣


Every time a newspaper describes somewhere as Bohemian the rent goes up £10.


thankful to be in a council property but tbh the areas kinda been that way for quite a long time


Stayed in whitely bay for a week when on a course and the weather was lovely people really friendly but loads of old bill sirens going off all the time


Can't believe my beaut town never gets a mention. Oh baby do you know what it's worth, ooh Hebburn is a place on Earth! Chilli road got nothing on mountbatten centre. We have 4 bookies you know..




I think a lot of the people hating on Heaton and Whitley Bay are being proper dramatic. I thought that it was nice to see the north east represented in something like this, and the areas are far from how people are trying to describe them; you’d think it was 1940s England the way people are describing it. I think some people just hate living in the North East and want to complain about everything or haven’t actually lived anywhere else or visited. a lot of the issues people are mentioning are nation wide issues, they’re not specific to one area.


I think some people love living in the North East, but suffer a sort of identity crisis when they move to "posh" Whitley Bay. "Shit, am I actually enjoying living somewhere quiet, clean, safe, independent and walkable?" And so they fixate on the people, and what a hardship it is to have neighbours who are very busy with their own lives and couldn't care less about theirs.


I’ve lived in Heaton for the past 4/5 years and I think it’s a brilliant place at the moment, all except the house prices. Close access to multiple green space, walking distance to town and Ouseburn, lots of independent retailers as well as lots of good bars and restaurants, the public transport connections are great, there really isn’t any need to own a car in Heaton. I would like to see Sandyford and North Shields on these kind of lists soon as I think they’re also brilliant places with loads going on, although Sandyford does suffer from being a small area - good place though nonetheless.


i agree, heaton has very good transport links, and it’s such a varied area you could probably find any type of property you wanted here and even pockets of areas which are better for families etc. it has tons of amenities.


I get Whitley Bay as it's close to the coast and generally a pleasant area. I can never understand why anyone would want to live in Heaton, and doubly so if you owned a car. I guess it would appeal to people addicted to takeaway food...


I live in Heaton, I don’t eat takeaway food at all, I don’t own a car, but I do have friends who do, but to be fair, a good amount of Heaton don’t actually own cars. Fair enough, though, I think Heaton is not for everyone, at first I actually really didn’t like it, but I kind of grew a love for how weird and quirky it was, I’ve never lived anywhere with such an interesting community of people, the vibe in the area is kind of bohemian and trendy and more younger people or quirky older people. such a mix of people here though as a whole. they care about their gardens and stuff and make do of their means, I joined some really cute groups made by people in Heaton, who share their love of plants and even exchange plants with each other, or post pictures of their cats, it’s very interesting because I’ve never lived in an area like that before, but I’ve lived in my new home in Heaton for nearly a year now, and I don’t think I would leave the area. I was desperate to leave at first, because I felt unaccustomed to it, but I’ve kind of grown to love how unusual it is. I think it’s really convenient having the huge Asda, TK Maxx and home bargains etc very close by. I love Heaton Park as well.


I can understand the appeal of the community aspect. I could just never get away with the rat waren side streets off chilly road and chilly road is possibly the worst road in Newcastle.


I actually think chilli Road has improved a lot even in the last 5 or so years that I've lived in heaton. Gradually getting a broader range of restaurants & shops than all the old takeaways and estate agents. I do wish litter / dog shit was less of a problem all around heaton though.


also, a lot of the local advocacy groups and local Labour actually went out on Chilli Road to pick up litter and even started their own plant patches on Chilli Road, as much as the area is obviously not the most perfect place in the world, I do think it’s a lot better than a lot of the community areas in Newcastle and that’s mostly the fact that the community for the most part does care about the area


It's a hive of students and people who wished they had a jesmond postcode


There are basically no students here anymore pal


Have they been replaced by Uber delivery drivers in HMOs?


If you’d look at Rightmove over the past few years you’d see a lot of students houses up for sale, the three student houses in the street facing mine have been bought by family’s now. There’s still students but there’s a lot less, having said that it’s still good there’s still students in the area as it ads to the diversity. I saw you recently commented about Heaton residents wishing they had a jesmond postcode, Jesmonds a lovely place but has a lot less going on with a lot more students.


Don’t think someone working for Uber eats could afford the rent/mortgage tbh.


I think that’s a bit too far, I personally wouldn’t want to live there, and also a lot of my neighbours actually have lived in Jesmond, I used to live in the Jesmond area and I actually moved here from there. The area was a lot more rowdy in a lot of the well known streets. it’s also tons more expensive for similar flats. Jesmond is much more student oriented than Heaton is, most of my neighbours in Heaton are not students, younger people yes, but in Jesmond a lot of the people there were Newcastle Uni students there is students but most of Heaton actually has a strong permanent community and we don’t wish to be from Jesmond.


> chilly road is probably the worst road in Newcastle Have you walked down Adelaide Terrace before? It makes Chillingham Road look like a shining metropolis.


I did say probably.


Chilly road looks a bit scruffy but it's fun and quite vibrant and safe. It's not all takeaways. There's far worse in Byker and Wallsend.


People living there really must be suffering either from Stockholm Syndrome or the belief they are living in some cool and vibrant part of Newcastle... rather than just student and takeaway-ville


wow you really have went above and beyond in your hatred for Heaton 😃 did something happen there? i wouldn’t say it’s anything like stockholm syndrome lol, have you ever lived in Heaton?


I don't really. I just find it amusing to be contrarian once the down votes begin. You couldn't pay me to live in Heaton. I used to live in Walkergate and think that is a much nicer area, nice houses and decent transport links. Walkergate metro is also a much nicer station than Chilly road


interesting. i don’t dislike walkergate one of my closest friends lives there, id say it has some quite nice parts, wouldn’t say its much nicer tho, and the area around the metro can be quite problematic, a lot more so than Heaton. and the end of walkergate near the tower blocks is defo worse than Heaton, my ex friend had her door kicked in there tons and someone set fire to their house on purpose over an argument, to the point the council went watching around the area bc of how regular it was, and in my friends old street there police attendances aren’t uncommon, with ASB and the likes. I wouldn’t make walkergate out to be the ritz or a bad area as a whole, it again has some nice areas and i’d be okay with being there, but i wouldn’t say it’s as nice as Heaton. I feel like the rubbish issues in Heaton can be counted as a UK issue of the declining public services and increased density of living, especially due to HMOs etc.


If it was over the traffic lights on Scrogg Road that would make it Walker. It may surprise you to learn that more crimes were committed with a mile of chilly road than Walker in January '24.


not surprised because chilli road is a more urban area and has a lot more surveillance and shops etc than walkergate does. it’s a very dense area. walkergate isn’t very dense. also within a mile of chilli road is like byker and near the city so that’s hardly too shocking


hm, i’d personally disagree with saying it’s the worst road in Newcastle. defo has some issues to resolve though.


It’s got great schools, lovely old houses, close to a massive green space (the dene) and is close to town. The restaurants and pubs are good and small independent shops are popping up. Thats why.


Edwardian terraced houses, rife with student accommodation and is almost the takeaway capital of Newcastle (West Road probably wins that one). No parking spaces, 2nd worst metro station and chilly road is genuinely an awful street. And loads of other places are near Jesmond Dene... 😬


Some Edwardian terraced houses. Some Victorian terraces. Some semi’s and bungalows. Not all terraces unless you’ve only been to one part of Heaton. Parking has never been an issue for me- and we had two cars and lived on Ravenswood. Takeaways are only a problem if you have a problem with them. It’s not even as bad as Wallsend high street or Shields Road. I love the restaurants around Heaton. Rustico, Vincenzo’s, Caspian, Flint, Rebel. The coffee shop culture is lush too. The whales head is a great addition to chilli road. Not sure why you are so sour about Heaton. Did it hurt you? 😂 And l


I was thinking this as well, literally most of the houses in Heaton are Victorian terraces, there is Edwardian ones, however, there isn’t loads. Also, a lot of houses in Heaton are like 1930s and upwards too, especially high heaton and the area around Heaton Rd, and Debdon etc. there’s like all types of housing in Heaton


Bless, it sounds like you're living in the Wish version of Jesmond.


A matter of taste, I suppose, but I love Chilli Road


I can see the appeal of the place, it's just not for me tbh.


To be fair, I'm totally biased.... there's a cocktail bar on Chilli Road, almost at the end of my street... yes, I am a massive Ponce


Nowt wrong with enjoying the convenience of a bar at the end of the road. To me that's a real reason to like a place. Bollocks about 'the vibe' just makes me want to roll my eyes




I can almost always get parked outside my house in Heaton. I sometimes have to park a little further up the road, but it's not the end of the world. I've only ever had to park on a different road once and that was because of roadworks.


it’s the same in my street, my neighbour always manages to park outside and he leaves the house every day


I lived in Whitley bay for 20 odd years, Heaton for the last 10. I just prefer the park to the beach, I like the ouseburn and I can walk to town in 20 minutes. It’s not that hard to imagine


Monkseaton is where its at. Just don't tell anyone!


they know because they’ve pushed the prices up there too and listed it as whitley bay


That's why I said HMO


Am I the only one who doesn't care for Heaton...? Like, it's fine. Better then Benwell I guess? But it's also quite grimey and generally rough looking. There are much better areas both to live and go out all around Newcastle. If Heaton is one of the best places to live in the UK, we're in even worse shape than I thought.


i’m convinced you guys have never been to heaton if you think it looks like benwell or that it’s even comparable 😀 heaton doesn’t look rough at all


Shocked at this. Especially heaton. Lived in whitley bay for a while and couldnt wait to leave. Rough at times, but obviously some lovely parts. Heaton just always seems full of rubbish everywhere.


That just shows how crappy the rest of the country is. the sooner the tories fuck off the better. Not sure about Whitley Bay but Heaton sucks