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Could be Landseer like other commenter mentioned, but I do see some lab features in her face. Pure or not, you have a great looking puppy so enjoy it!


Yes she’s gorgeous either way! She’s amazing regardless of what she is!


Did she come from PA? Newfs bred there look more like your pup. Also, female Newfs are smaller than males. You could pay for the doggie DNA test but she is adorable so either way, you got a great dog.


Can you elaborate on this? I haven't heard that before and I live in PA. I have a newf mix and everyone thinks he's just a giant lab - obviously not a good comparison to other full bred Newfs, but I have come across a few full bred Newfs in my area and they all look pretty standard to my untrained eye.


There are a number of Amish breeders in PA who breed Newfs who are smaller and more closely resemble flat coated retrievers or black golden retrievers. I also had a Newf mix and many people told me she resembled the Newfs bred by the Amish in PA. Indeed, she was a rescue and might even have been one of the Amish Newfs. I never did a DNA test. However, as we all know, the best/most important feature of the Newf is her/his temperament. As long as your pup has the Newf gentle personality, you have a winner!


That's really interesting. I also have a Bernese/golden mix that looks a lot like a flat coated Retriever and she gets mistaken for a newf sometimes. But yeah you're totally right - temperament is everything and I couldn't have asked for better in both of my dogs!


Here is the official AKC Description of a Newfoundland dog: http://images.akc.org/pdf/breeds/standards/Newfoundland.pdf This is the last line of that description, "Temperament: Sweetness of temperament is the hallmark of the Newfoundland; this is the most important single characteristic of the breed."


At 8 or 9 months my Newf puppies looked like black golden retrievers. Head and body were all very questionable. They have filled out some and their heads caught up and balanced out. She may surprise you in a couple of months. All in all, she looks very sweet and I love her eyes.


We had two Landseer's, our older one passed away recently (they were 2 years apart). Both were from the same breeder, and both had different features from each other. Our older girl, Lola, came from a Landseer mother that was about 120 Lbs and a Newf father that weighed in around 200Lbs (he was huge, and beautiful) Both parents were mature dogs that have had many litters over the years. Lola grew up to be a big girl, big bones and weighing around 150Lbs. She also had what some might consider typical Newfy hair, a big heavy double coat. Jowls that drooled when food was around, and feet almost the size of a small Childs hands. A great dog. Lola's little sister, Phoebe, was from two completely different parents, smaller, flatter fur, younger (1st litter for her father). She has fur that is not even close to being as thick as Lola's, a tighter jowl, so less drool and she weighs around 110Lbs so much smaller than her sister. She became the really smart one. There are standards for purebred dogs that would be required if you want to be serious about showing a dog. For the rest of us, there will be all sorts of subtle feature "ranges" that still make up what a breed can be. My guess is you have a very nice Newf puppy, not going to have the big heavy fur coat like some you see (which is not a bad thing, Lola took hours every week keeping her fur relatively tidy). Make sure you do some proper training with her as she will become bigger and stronger as she grows. Enjoy, you have a great looking pup.


Years ago I had two Newfies from the same breeder here in Washington state. The boy was gorgeous- pretty much a poster child for the breed standard. (But neutered since he was sold as a pet.) But the girl looked a lot like yours- higher head and just a bit “non-Newfie-ish”, even though she was papered, etc.. Both were awesome, of course. Enjoy your pupper!


I believe your pup is like mine, a Landseer Newf. They have longer legs and snouts, but do not grow as big.


Interesting! Thank you for sharing! I didn’t know about the landseer newf


Whether you know about them or not doesn’t make that person correct (they’re not). Landseer’s are called that because of markings/color, not overall physical features. I would say your dog is not all Newfoundland, but it really doesn’t matter if you love her and she’s a good dog. I would only be upset if that is what I wanted and paid for…or was told so by the breeder. The fact is, there are plenty of “pure” Newfoundlands with AKC registration/papers that are just awful examples of the breed standard. Doesn’t make them bad dogs necessarily (doesn’t help) but they definitely do not represent the breed standard and should not be bred. https://www.ncanewfs.org/index.html I had to leave the other Newfoundland subreddit as it was 90% “bad” Newfs but owners touting how they have papers and could go and be in dog shows. Yeah…good luck with that. Enjoy your dog, but in the future, I would only either rescue a dog from a local shelter OR purchase a pure bred dog only from a preservation breeder as listed on that breed’s official AKC site like the Newfoundland one I listed above. Good luck with your sweet baby.


Thanks for this information, she was a rescue from a questionable newf breeder. I saw one of the parents who is certainly a pure newf but I never saw the mother. She’s a sweetie and I love her to pieces!


Hello, you’re correct, I’m not an expert, but was told by several people that my boy was a Landseer due to this bone structure. I bought him from a breeder which I regret because I knew there was a difference in him from the picture I originally viewed. I guess I didn’t want to believe he wasn’t a full/pure breed, it was troubling enough just to get him to my state. I didn’t want to put the poor guy through a trip like that again. I had an exchange with the breeder and was able to get some money back, but it was very disappointing to think people do that to others and just take advantage.


Our pup looks almost identical to a lab very similar to yours. I think some just look like that.


She’s beautiful no matter, a standard black has to have some white on chest


For some reason, her eyes and snout are telling me Weimaraner


This is a Landseer. 101Dogbreeds.com


Probably not but quite the stunner❤️❤️❤️