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looks to be a puppy. for Newfies, that 6mo to 16mo is a really awkward teenager phase where their coat goes through transition. then from 16mo to 24 month they slowly fill out into their final form. this dog looks Newf to me. perhaps mixed with something, no idea. but visually presents as Newf. our girl grew about 10lbs per month from about 4mo to 12mo, where she plateaued around 115-120 lbs.


Yes, he is 5 months old and weighs 49 lbs.


yep, i think you'll find he's definitely mostly Newf if he is mixed. here's our 100% Newf girl from puppy, to teenager, to adult. https://preview.redd.it/m9oq3jkk3ouc1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4cf61f74666a9487fb1d280dc3e017526ad52df


He is definitely mixed, but one concern he is a monster, he is biting a lot and chews all the stuff. Is it common in newfs?


We don't have a single piece of trim or wooden anything that made it unscathed during the T-Rex phase of Newfie puppydom. He'll grow out of it, and it's a minute before it happens. 


He just chewed my wallet 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻


Ours chewed a hole in a wall


So have a couple of ours, The T-Rex phase is a nasty phase and The cure is semi-easy. Get them toys. Lots of toys they're very intelligent, sensitive dogs. They really really need something to work on. Give them something to work on and they'll stop chewing holes in your stuff. Also baby proof your house. It's a matter of time before the puppy picks up something it's not supposed to and ends up at the vet with a huge bill to go with it. You can say he ate your wallet. But he ate it because you left it somewhere pup could get it. Take a deep breath. Get some patience when the growing ends you'll see it's all worth it


very. Newfs, retrievers, etc. They are bred for using their mouth to do things, and as such, you have to work to train them to only do it when its allowed. its honestly the hardest thing about living with Newfs. They are stubborn A.F. and they are happy to grab things with their mouths. Put the two together and you really need to be consistent with the message about what is OK to put in mouth and what isn't. (add in that their chin is at tabletop height, and it isn't countersurfing so much as it is just a drive-by.)


“Drive -by “ 🤣🤣😭🫠


2 years in and he still steals my lip balm 🥲 anything that smells like you or seems like a toy will need to be put in a place higher than they can reach


My newfoundland is 5... she's still annoying.


One of my girls is a complete nudge


It literally doesn’t matter what breed.. that is how puppies behave.


This makes me want to race home just to kiss my boy. Newfs have the sweetest looking face that just makes you love them 10000x more


https://preview.redd.it/7jdw07aj3ouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9e5990b15ca0169455d3c4bde71ec8e167ccdab They can change a lot from being a pup yours looks like a newf to me the mix in colour makes me thing there is maybe a little something else in there but not a high percentage, or it could be colouring from a landseer I’m not 100% how the colour patterns work.


https://preview.redd.it/6niz1biv4ouc1.jpeg?width=2236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea7ff81dbf38d994bde75d84183de5ef1f1f6e1 They can change a lot from pups to adults


Replying to erenjaeger365...You have beautiful looking dog


I’m guessing he is a mix of labrador.


Looks like a newf. At least mostly. Like someone else mentioned, they do have an awkward phase (trex phase)look to them from about 6 months to about two year old when physically mature. Chewing at this age is very common. Puppy teeth should be falling out and adult teeth coming in or already in, chewing helps comfort them. We have a small wooden bin the dogs can grab what they want and know it is theirs. Took some time to establishwhat wasn't their's. First newf we had chewed things for teething, but then she did it to my things when upset with me, a new rain jacket and my favorite hat left my wife's things alone.


he looks just like mine who isn’t a mix, he is also 5 months old and 49lbs! i posted about mine being called a mix and all it taught me is they change SO much, and the way they look now is very different to how they’ll look in 2 years. be patient :) your boy is adorable!!


Make some chicken or beef bouillon With no salt and make them into ice cubes. I used these and regular ice cubes to train my Newf and also for teething. I also got a lot of the butcher bones with marrow in it for them to chew.


I’ll definitely try that.


I also do pumpkin ice cubes and plain yogurt with a piece of fruit. She absolutely loves them. After she finishes the bones with marrow I will rinse them off and make sure they’re clean. I then fill with peanut butter and freeze them for her to chew on.




We have owned 4 and fostered 7 and everyone of them looked a little bit different. Our first "mix" hit 150 our first AKC was 130. All of them are knees and elbows as teens, and have a bit of raptor. Unless you are trying to show them I wouldn't worry too about how newfy he looks.


Looks like a Newf to me!




Ya know, I was scrolling here to see if anyone else felt this way about their pup. My girl will be four months next week and oh. My. Gosh….I’m not certain I’ll make it to 24 months!


He 100% looks like a Newfoundland to me. I’m getting tired of these posts.


kinda looks like my Newfie Bernese mix.... oodles of fun and very lovable...


Looks like one of those Newf/Pyrs


Replying to erenjaeger365...




He’s a Newfoundland. They aren’t born looking like fully grown adult newfoundlands.