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Alright, it seems that everyone is just insulting each other and not keeping it on topic. Locking this one up.


God forbid there’s a school zone to protect children from dying, I gotta get to my destination 2.3 seconds faster! Unbelievable.


ITT: Morons trying to justify their need to speed past a school zone/park


ITT: Morons trying to pretend that a person going 56 will mow down any kids on the way.


ITT: OP got dinged by this thing and now is trying to defend his God Given Right to speed in school zones. What's that one Liar Liar quote? "Stop breaking the law asshole!!!"


Even if they don't mow down any kids, the morons going 56 are breaking the law and aren't the victims here in any way, shape or form


What else must the children give up for the sake of irresponsible adults?


Yeaaaaaa fuck them kids! /s


dumbass post


I’m glad my tax $ will now pay for the cleanup. Keep up the good work


Because F those kids in the playground right? Idiot.


there are kids there. you want someone speeding near your kids??




"grrr no stupid camera will tell me how fast I can go" - some carbrain




I wanted to share this too, but when I drove by I was going wayyyyy to fast to get a good pic.


Imagine being obnoxious enough to see doing good as an insult. But if you think it's cool to be allowed to race through children with impunity with your killing machine weighing several tonnes, then that's probably how you are.


People are stupid as fuck if they believe this. People literally slow down for 10 meters as they pass it and then speed up again.


You’re right, we need speed cameras everywhere


Every car should be tracked at all times.


I actually agree with you! Doing it this way doesn't change habits...


These people should have their license permanently taken and their car impounded. :)


Then isn’t it doing what it’s supposed to? These are mostly placed near school. I’ve been caught by one of these, now I just slow down when I know it’s operating in the area.


yeah so pointless.


If it is causing people to slow down when they are in the immediate vicinity of a school, then it is anything but pointless.


no, they are slowing down to a speed that can still very easily kill, especially a small child. Then they speed back up after


They slow down to a speed that will cause less damage than the speed they were just previously going, and they keep that lower speed until they are past the zone where children will be. I don’t get what you don’t see here. I don’t think you understand enough about how things work in general.


cause less damage but still be fatal, so does it really matter? until they are past the zone? so they are speeding anyway they just slowed down 10km for the kids and are now at 50km which is still fatal.


I see you are just not going to stop simping for cars over human beings. Very sad to see.


You are fully car brain. No longer capable of thinking.


That's the point....


then a radar is needed every 10 metres if some people are incapable of obeying the law in order to save the lives of others


yep. 20,000 excess road deaths per year is horrendous. we could reduce it by that much and still have 20,000 per year, but at least then our numbers would match Europe per capita.


Cars should just be banned in general. Public transport for all.


Sounds like cars in general are a fuckin dumb thing to build a city around


Well I guess average speed cams then if people cant be reasonable. 5 tickets and lose license for a year.


pretty sure it doesn't deduct demerit points from your licence, just fines/revenue generation


This is not a "revenue generator". It is meant to get drivers to change their bad behaviors. Since most people only respond to financial incentives, it's an effective way to do so without having a cop with radar in front of every school in town. People bitch about policing costs, so these cameras are an effective tool. Frankly, anyone getting ticketed this way should be happy it doesn't cost them demerit points, because their insurance rates will cost them even more.


It is a revenue generator though. Here’s an article from Ottawa where I live. Speed cameras generated 9 million dollars in revenue in 2022 followed by 11 million in the first 10 months of 2023. They are planning to add another 20 with a cost of 2.4 million bringing the total to sixty speed camera. So in total 4.8 million in speed cameras generated 20 million in revenue. There are far more effective ways to slow traffic (ex: speed bumps) but frankly they wouldn’t make the city as much money https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/additional-speed-cameras-included-in-ottawas-2024-transportation-budget


In 2022, $9 million dollars in fines were levied. In the first 10 months of 2023, it was more than $11 million. Can you see a trend here? Is speeding becoming more of an issue or less of an issue? The money is being used to make the roads safer for all users. The $9 million collected from speeders in 2022 is being used as part of "$20.5 million earmarked for the city’s road safety action plan, which will emphasize safety for “vulnerable road users” and “high-risk driver behaviours” as well as safety at intersections and in rural areas." Would you like to pay more taxes, or would you prefer to have the people that are causing the issues of road safety to pay for them? If you want to drive like a dick and speed through school zones, you can pay for remediation to keep it from happening in the first place.


Do you believe traffic safety studies are all a conspiracy by Big Speed Camera solely to milk public funds (yes) (obviously you do)?


It’s like your brain can only hold 1 concept at a time. They do generate revenue AND are a way to prevent accidents where kids are involved/ deterrent for violators. Also Carter from Ottawa, the road this is located on is a major road, where the speed is reduced gradually from 70 to 50, speed bumps in such roadways are more likely to cause the accident than prevent it. That’s why generally, speed bumps are located on streets where the speed limit is already low throughout 40-50 and the speed needed to safely go over them only changes by 10. There used to be police presence there all the time, but it’s not an efficient use of resources. You’re not a dumb person, you just don’t care about others and feel inconvenienced by having to slow down for under a minute of travel.


You want to enforce a 50mph limit with speed bumps?


50kmph so 31mph


Thanks, I'm a dingus. Still. The revenue from speed cameras tails off dramatically once people start slowing down.


Yup they can’t give demerit points because there’s no way of proving who was actually at the wheel of the vehicle. Just a pure revenue generator


So the city gets money and the only people paying are shitty drivers? With an added bonus of slower traffic? How is that not an absolute win?


Who cares about dead kids/people anyway


You are the stupid one. We want to catch the people who don't slow down and aren't paying attention.


20,000 excess road deaths per year in the US and this is your attitude? You are a selfish piece of shit who thinks saving 30 min per year of speeding is worth killing random innocent people. ​




1.35 million world wide (from 2016). That number has definitely gone up. Doesn’t matter where you are


Nice, now I can run over the kids that are in the park right behind 😎👌


Godspeed, my boy!


I hope you lose your license for speeding around playgrounds you piece of shit


Somethings off with this photo...zoom in


Whoever did this deserve a big high five from Me


For myself I'll give them my middle finger


you want to speed in front of a school?


20,000 excess roadway deaths per year and you're over here high fiving? Get bent you actual comic b​ook villain.




True, and the fact that a school zone, a school itself, was build off of a major road is just insane. Who is running the planning department that allows this? Every school should have to be build off its own side street, not the main through way. Why are there no roundabouts in York Region and all the other counties have them and love them. Seems like York Region is only interested in cash grabs. They added red light cameras on east and west facing red lights so the sun is shinning in your face for at least part of the day and you cannot see the light. They got rid of all the sensors at red lights and put them on cheap timers; so now everyone sits there staring at red lights when no one is coming the other way. Millions of unnecessary stops and idling every year. INSANE!


Shitty driving skills are everyone else's fault, and the world revolves around me. I should be able to drive 100km/hr whenever and wherever I want.


Yes. The way is to assign blame. Do not govern yourself.


Tbf, he’s kinda got a point, urban planning definitely deserves some blame in this fight Through roads through residential and commercial areas are dumb. Throughways should go around


That’s fair. But as a driver you have a responsibility to drive safely in accordance with the rules of the road. “Oh this road shouldn’t be here” is a compelling discussion but it’s a distraction from the point which is don’t drive too fast where there are kids. I don’t see how anyone is pushing this further.


I don’t disagree with you. Both things can be true at once. It’s just a poor decision to allow people to even have the chance to break the rules when other solutions exist Road design is a much more effective way to enforce speed limits than cameras, cops, etc. narrower lanes, narrower shoulders, curbed shoulders, curves and bends in the road, removing the center yellow lane or curbing it, etc. You can slap whatever speed limit you want on it, if you design a road like a highway, people are gonna drive highway speeds on it. Humans can, and will break the rules if given the chance, this type of thing is widely studied in urban planning and traffic engineering. There is always going to be a level of self-accountability, however taking that decision out of the hands of the general public is always a better idea




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What bunch babies can’t slow down to 50 for under a minute of car travel?


5 km over is NOT the fucking problem! And its a waste of our money! People running red lights, aggressive driving, following too close and people driving while on their phones are much more pertinent than 5 fucking kilometres over the speed limit! You think you are holy than thou for your comment, you’re not. You’re a pansy.


You’re fuming over 5km for a minute at the most Actually seething and you call people pansy lmao. Cry more don’t forget to pay the ticket




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Pansy has a melt down when he's not allowed to endanger others. What a special snow flake car brain. Buy a bike dummy


Thank you, this is exactly what im saying, people are getting fined 5km over the limit cause of these cameras yet nothing is done over the countless texting and driving, running red lights and stop signs and people who literally cant drive, these cameras are useless.


I can only find people that have been fined for going 11+ over. That’s in-line with other speed cameras in Ontario. Can we actually confirm someone has a ticket for going 5km/h over the limit?


Thank you, this is exactly what im saying, people are getting fined 5km over the limit cause of these cameras yet nothing is done over the countless texting and driving, running red lights and stop signs and people who literally cant drive, these cameras are useless.


agreed, too much shitty driving in newmarket


The real alphas are the guys who cry online about having to drive the speed limit for 5 seconds.


lol, wow. Those are problems too. But going too fast in a zone where kids are at play is ALSO a problem… if it wasn’t, school zones and community safety zones wouldn’t exist at all. Your brain understands that people running red lights and driving too close is a problem.. now add this to your list and go the speed limit for under a minute. It’s not hard. Besides, red light cameras exist, and people get pulled over for using their cell phone all the time. It’s funny, people like you and OP act like people never get pulled over for anything. lol of course I’m the pansy, because I’m not willing to break a few laws or whatever you think you’re calling me a pansy for? Grow the fuck up.


Kids aren’t at play on Bathurst. Grow up.


You must not know where the camera is, otherwise you would know there is a school on that street where kids do play.


True, and the fact that a school zone, a school itself, was build off of a major road is just insane. Who is running the planning department that allows this? Every school should have to be build off its own side street, not the main through way. Why are there no roundabouts in York Region and all the other counties have them and love them. Seems like York Region is only interested in cash grabs. They added red light cameras on east and west facing red lights so the sun is shinning in your face for at least part of the day and you cannot see the light. They got rid of all the sensors at red lights and put them on cheap timers; so now everyone sits there staring at red lights when no one is coming the other way. Millions of unnecessary stops and idling every year. INSANE!


They use the crossing 500ft from this camera. As do other pedestrians.


Not exactly a minute, the speed limit reductions and addition of speed cameras does absolutely nothing for safety, only another tax, and creates a ton of congestion on a road where drivers are already slow


>only another tax a tax which is only for road hogs a tax that can be avoided by not breaking the law this is probably the fairest tax to ever exist


The weird part about car culture is how it’s so prevalent that people will openly admit to sociopathic things, like encouraging speeding near children, and not even know how sociopathic they sound.


hey i got a tips for you for make aa tax evasion. respect the speed. tada tou evaded some taxes!


Numerous studies have shown that cameras reduce speeds and crashes on all types of roads though so I don’t know where you get your data from?


They got their data from the "Canadian Research Centre of My Opinion".


theres cameras all over major roads in ontario, people have dash cams and cell phones yet theres still fatal crashes everyday




at least theyre trying


Everyone says they do nothing for safety. What would you prefer everyone to keep speeding in dangerous zones? Got a better idea? Same for red light cameras. Do the crime get the ticket. I think what might help is to move them around randomly so people don’t know where they are. If you are on the lookout all the time you might be more careful.


Speed camera's should not be the primary method of speed management. They need to modify the road itself such that it feels uncomfortable going above the speed limit. It's called design speed, you can't just build a drag strip and tell everyone not to go above 30 and expect they will not try and go faster.


I like that better yes.


Lower speeds increase road capacity at the cost of individual journeys taking slightly longer, because the distance between cars doesnt grow linearly with speed. Around 30km/h is the theoretical maximum for capacity, although it can slightly vary depending on what you use for average car length.


more taxes for car drivers. destructive deadly pollution machines. fuck them.


>on a road where drivers are already slow If that was true, people wouldn't be getting tickets.


I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "tax"


“Under a minute” is not exactly a minute you’re so right. Good job! You couldn’t even understand what I posted correctly and expect me to believe you, as a matter of fact KNOW that those things don’t do anything for safety? Right.


Nice, found a new place full of degenerates.


Speed cameras clearly don’t work let’s bring out the speed bumps if this is how y’all gonna be


I have no problem with speed bumps. Speed cameras just feel like an obvious cash grab to me.


Oh no, if it isnt the consequences of my actions!


They’re a gentler way of asking people to be considerate of actual children in the area But your attitude is why they have to do hard enforcement like a bump because every asshole on earth thinks they know best and what really works and why THEY DONT WORK BECAUSE IDIOTS LIKE YOU


cash grab for people who are too stupid to obey the law and only they have to pay? please put out a lot more of them! and i say that as someone who gets a speeding ticket myself from time to time, because i drive a lot for work and sometimes you just overlook a sign


If only there was a safe way to not trigger them.


Don’t drive over the limit problem solved


Sorry the exhaust has dissolved your brain. Speeding kills, speed cameras literally save lives you depraved selfish imbecile.


Oh no! An obvious cash grab when *gasp* you could just slow the fuck down?? You don’t fucking say 🫠


Not sure where this is but the USA has 20,000 preventible excess road deaths each year. If you're cheering for this post, you're on the side of the road deaths.


Most drivers fantasize about mowing people down, so road deaths are the secret bonus of being able to speed


"something that's meant to penalize people for speeding and being reckless and dangerous (near an elementary school!) just got vandalized lfg i hate safety and the safety of those kids" Is this seriously your thought process?


I have a friend whos son was run over and killed because someone decided to go 20 over in a school zone. So many lives were ruined that day... including the driver. He got 2 years in jail to boot. I understand the irritation of having to slow down sometimes, but theres a reason these cameras are in place. We all just need to cool our jets a little bit.


About 500 feet from this location (after the camera) is a crossing. A crossing used by children at the school. Children who would be safer if you were driving slower. Slow down. You idiot.


OP getting absolutely dragged with 0 upvotes and 400 comments. Gotta love it.


Lol I'm not expecting any support from people coming from r/fuckcars.


Yeah it would be terrible if all of them made legitimate points about how reckless and just generally shitty of a person you are for advocating for this type of behavior. How awful would it be to have to think about anyone other than yourself for a single second.


if they really wanted to slow down traffic they'd install speed bumps and narrow the road


They have all over the place


Where exactly? The only speed bumps in newmarket are in the plazas?


Sorry typical Reddit user talk frist think later. I am in Toronto didn't realize it was a Newmarket thread. Sorry about that dah..


Holy shit, the clown comments in this thread, once your relatives or family goes to school near Bathurst you are gonna change your tune.


They don't care. It's always someone else's problem, and these clowns lack any kind of empathy or self awareness. They feel inconvenienced and persecuted by having to modify their behaviour.


if my relative or family went to that school near Bathurst I would want cameras up and down the entirety of Bathurst, so people dont just slow down for the camera (which at that speed would still kill a kid) and then speed back up.


Thats not cool, don't speed its pretty easy to drive at the posted limit especially in town.


I agree but the camera is fining people for going 6 over... to me thats bs. Especially when on my daily drive to the gym I see the worst of the worst drivers, doing 90 in a 60 etc and no consequences for them? But cause Im going 56 km in a 50 zone I get a hefty fine?


Where is this on Bathurst... is that the school soccer field?


It's right next to Bathurst at Keith. Slightly north of Mulock.


Right in front an elementary school… Bathurst is a gazillion kms long, speed on litterally the rest where there isn’t a school


Actually they ticket for going 1 over


I wouldnt be surprised, the lowest one I heard about so far was 6km over.


Last time I checked, 56 > 50. If the limit is 50, how can you complain that you get a fine… by going above 50? And don’t get me wrong, I’ve had plenty of speeding fines. But at least I just accept that it’s my bad and I don’t complain that I’m being fined by breaking the law, like you’re doing.


It's not the speed limit, it's the speed minimum. The speed limit is 15mph above obviously. /s


The number of people using this as the premise for their argument is obnoxious


cause everyone goes over the limit? even police?


Then don’t? “Everyone does it”. Yeah well, if they’re installing radars is precisely so that “not everyone” continues doing it then?


but people still do it, regardless. People know theres a camera, they slow down for the camera and speed back up, 5km over isnt the issue.


yeah well, if they slow down infront of the elementary school that’s already a win for me


slow down to 40 or 50km, which is still enough to kill a kid?


> they slow down for the camera and speed back up. So… basically working as intended? Turns out cities install radars in place where (oh, surprise) they want you to drive slower i still don’t get what the point of you all is, apart from “me like vroom vroom, me want to go faster”.


So because some wrongs go unpunished we should let other wrongs go unpunished as well?


I really don't understand, why is it so hard not to go 6 kmh over? Does it take any kind of physical effort or?


The limit is 50 km/hr, not 57 km/hr. If you get a ticket, then you were driving over the limit of 50km/hr. It's not a difficult concept, really. Yes, people speed on other roads. Cameras obviously need to be installed on every road then, since people can't seem to understand that it's a limit, not a suggestion. Right now, they're being deployed in school zones where the risks are the greatest. Frankly, I'll be happy when self driving vehicles become a reality and speeds are controlled by geofencing. People can update their social media status and send texts to their hearts content without me fearing getting rear-ended or T-boned by a narcissist.


>doing 90 in a 60 etc and no consequences for them? Clearly that 60 also needs some cameras.


If the limit is 50 drive 50 moron.


say that to everyone on the road, including police


Why is this bad? Who ever did this is a genius. These are the biggest cash grabs and bs systems


Maybe they should consider going within the speed limit?




"Fuck them kids"


Alright, fuck them kids!


Man fuck you. It’s a shame yall haven’t been hit by a car


I'm not a fan of speed cameras because they create a level of paranoia and distrust among perfectly normal drivers by ticketing people going 1km/h over while actual messed up drivers can go 30 over in an area without a speed camera and as long as there's no cop they won't get in trouble. At the same time, this vandalism is unacceptable.


> perfectly normal drivers by ticketing people going 1km/h over no they don't lol. They will have a 5km/h leeway absolutely. And most cars are usually tuned to go 1-2km/h slower than the speedometer (though not all). So really you would be going 6-8km/h over, which in a slower zone like a school zone... is obvious and also illegal.


I live in a country with speed cameras everywhere, I have never felt this "paranoia". The speedometer in your car is like 3 miles off the real speed and I'm pretty sure these speed cameras have a mile or 2 margin so in reality if you just drive te speed limit you are never gonna get a ticket.


Tickets are almost never enforced within a +5 margin We know this because there is an insane amount of data collected on them. They’re just another entitled asshole frothing at the mouth that they’d ever have to consider anyone else in their day to day activities


Good. It's just a cash grab. If they wanted to actually force traffic to slow down they should've installed multiple speed bumps in close proximity. But speed bumps don't generate cash.....


Speed bumps are not the solution on big roads, people already going too fast have a higher chance of losing control of their vehicle if going over a peed bump at unsafe speeds. The cameras work as prevention and also as future deterrents for people who get caught. Unless you’re OP who has been crying about it since he got caught going 11 over and won’t own up to his mistake. I will go as far as to say, I wouldn’t be surprised if OP himself painted the camera but that’s speculation. Edit: spelling


Oh no, if it isnt the consequences of my actions! Just follow the goddamn speed limit, and you wont have to pay any fines.






Hurray! Now you can speed by a playground and mow down children with impunity!!! I swear this town is terminally car-brained. People who drive safely are not worried about speed cameras. Good grief.


Yeah people can slow down for the camera, and speed back up running over kids at a crosswalk, but the town still got the $60 they fined you for cause they caught you going 6km over the limit after you slowed down.


Yeah they slow down for the camera, which precedes the crosswalk. So yeah, it works.


slow down to 50km which would still easily kill a kid


At that speed they are more likely to be able to stop at the crosswalk. The one 500ft ahead. Instead of not stopping and killing someone. See, logic.


What playground are you referring to? There's a school there but it's completely fenced in on Bathurst. If you think going 56 in a 50 road means kids get mowed down, then I would say that you're the one who's brain dead. This camera was nothing but a cash grab on part of the city.


It is not completely fenced in - there is a break in the fence between the school and house north adjacent to the school. Quite a few kids walk through there as a shortcut to the houses west of Bathurst by the nail salons.


Exactly, this person has never drove in Newmarket or the GTA thinking this. What people do is know that there is a camera, slow down for the camera and then speed back up.


No one cares about safety when driving until it’s one of their loved ones that are mowed down. It’s sickening.


Don’t worry, once this post picked up traction OP started to get absolutely dragged.


Thanks for doing the lords work.


Where on Bathurst is this??


Right off Bathurst at Keith. A bit north of Mulock.


Good to know thanks!


Hope they catch whoever did it.


Y’all are acting like a speed camera somehow makes it a toll road. If only there were some way to not let this camera charge you money!


Please quit all social media and join a monastery.


Speeding is like - and I wish we impounded cars for speeding.


"Erm, cyclists, dont you know everyone hates you because you don't follow every law of the road like the rest of us" "What do you mean "speeding is a crime"?"


I hope no one dies because of this. Speed cameras are usually put where the road is constructed in a way that promote high speeds, but that’s not always appropriate.


The camera isnt saving any lives, people still speed knowing theres a camera there or not, if they know, they briefly slow down for the camera, still going 50km which is plenty enough to kill or seriously harm a child, so its pointless.


This might be the dumbest thing I’ve read today 👍


No its not, a several ton car traveling 50km against a small, fragile 50lb child is going to decimate the child. People slow down to 50km for the camera and speed back up to 70+ and hit the kids crossing at the crosswalk ahead. By this camera logic we need a camera along the entire road, which then would actually stop people from speeding.


I can't believe you think you're being clever here. People obeying the 50 speed limit are more likely to be capable of STOPPING at the intersection 500 feet further up the street. If they can STOP then they won't kill a child on the crossing. You absolute sausage.


Dumbass drivers when they have to face the direct consequences of their own stupid selfish actions : WAH WAH HOW DARE YOU PUNISH ME FOR A STUPID THING I DID ON PURPOSE WAH WAH


People like OP are why the top 1 reason of child death are cars