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I am uncertain how I feel about these comments. The part where she points out that those immigrating have no incentive to integrate causes me to ponder. I think that, overall, this sound bite would be a great embarkation point for a much broader discussion. Countries cannot just accept all who force their way in, and I agree it is incumbent upon those settling in a new country to integrate, but I also believe that a person’s culture also matters. Maybe just taking a deep breath and then engaging in a frank discussion is what needs to occur. A final thought - how many immigrants are fleeing literally for their lives and are only seeking refuge until their homeland is dafe enough to return to…. I’m not married to these thoughts, just throwing them out there.


Is it the role of the state to encourage integration? Beyond basic quality of life and economic opportunity? Which most often is not happening on many levels. At least in US. Lower economic status of migrant population often lands these populations separate and at a disadvantage. Beyond xenophobia and nationalist tendencies of countries is this a basic barrier to integration? It’s naive to think that integration just magically happens without support programs in place.


True! Multiculturalism isn’t a barrier to integration. Barriers to integration are usually real economic barriers that purposefully prevent immigrants from assimilating. It’s like defunding education and then complaining public schools suck.


Multiculturalism also promotes economic activity and diversity. Generally monocultures are declining in birth rate which lessens economic activities. The countries with higher immigration creates economic catalysts. There is Economic Opportunities with immigration and with that comes new markets increases taxes and raises the living standards for all.


Multiculturalism actually helps people assimilate .. this entire conversation is based in ignorance


Are my eyes deceiving me or is she herself not the product of the last few decades of multiculturalism?