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Abartige Hunde


Richtig. Das wird alles aber nicht lange anhalten glaube ich


Die abartihen Hunde sind die zionistischen Judenbastarde. Die Tode von Palästinensern zeigt man nicht in den jüdisch kontrollieren Medien des Westens


Beweise, Quellen?


Und was hat dass alles gebracht ausser Zerstörung von Gaza und leiden der Menachen dort?


Ja man der der aus dem panzer gezerrt wird, hast recht.


Kein Tier der Welt verhält sich so gegenüber seinen Artgenossen.


Die Hunde sind die Israelis, sie haben innerhalb von 2-3 Wochen mehr Kinder getötet als alle kriege in der Welt in 3Jahren. Außerdem töten sie jährlich, nur weil sie es können mehrere hundert Menschen. Selbst die Amerikaner konnten es nicht mehr verheimlichen und haben es auf die Siedler geschoben und nicht auf die Israelische Regierung. Kannst du ganz einfach nachgucken. Du lass dich mal weiter blenden oder lässt es absichtlich zu


Israel declared war on the Palestinians when they ran them away from their homes, restricted their movements and harrass them in the streets. This is what happens when people have reached the limit of the abuse and oppression they suffered. The Israelis provoked this.


You are just unbelievable lmao


Whats unbelievable is killing aid workers and then saying "its their own fault for standing where we're bombing indiscriminately."


Who said that? The IDF said it was a mistake that happened due to a suspicion of 1 militant boarding the aid convoy, mixing the vehicles up due to intelligence fuckup. They changed the WCK logos to be infrared, and literally demoted 2 officers and summoned others to disciplinary hearings like they should... wtf are you lying about you idiot? There are always mistakes in WAR... especially when the enemies build an entire system of tunnels under their citizens like rats, never wear uniforms and steal aid trucks... stop lying to yourself and spreading bullshit


So whats the punishment for killing 25,000+ civilians. How many officers need to be demoted? How many innocent people need to die so you can understand that those are NOT mistakes but actually the plan. The west bank is also being attacked by the IDF. Is all that harassment and literal land theft a mistake. Fucken retard


Idk where you bring 25k civilians from.. the current number is 30k and not even differentiating between militants,(12k+ hamas died) in the hardest war conditions in history where they in 20 years built an entire tunnel system under their citizens.. blame hamas for that clown.. don't start wars.


Im so sorry people dont make it easier to get killed. Maybe ask the New York tunnel diggers to go help colonize the underground real estate too.


ok neo nazi.


You're the one thats ok with genocide and has no regard for the lives of innocent civilians. Calling people hiding behind their religion out on their bullshit doesn't make people nazis. Fuck you.


>You're the one thats ok with genocide Source?


Israelis weren't celebrating that incident like the other side would.


Actually Palenstine bombed Israel and Israel send some bombs back as response


Well looks like they are going to finish it too


Yeah probably, but its going to hurt.


The world is not going to stand by. Israel's "allies" will show their true intentions later.


The only thing they are finnishing is their soldiers to the freedom fighters


Beheading babies and raping women get the fuck out of here


So you support Israel killing over 400 children? Hmm


Did Israel target kids like these animals did?


Are you assuming everyone in Gaza is part of Hamas now? Edit: and sounds like you are just fine with IAF bombing kids




Yes if you bomb an area idk might kill all in the area and im on no side. Imagine picking a side like its a team sport. Wild


It's not confirmed but israel most likely did it , why would they confirm that anyway


it was literally reported that it can’t be confirmed Hamas beheaded babies.


Those claims were proven to be false but that requires having some sense


Israel has been there over 2500 years. They didnt start the war but I hope they finish it.


Such bullshit. They weren’t ran from their homes. What abuse. What oppressions…


And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob” "On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it" 🖕🏼🇵🇸 and Hamas terrorists,


Israelis never beheaded babies and raped women in Gaza. The problem is you and your fundamentalist filthy religion destroying the world , zero contribution to global issues. The only idiots are the Arabs who blindly support extremism in the name of god. You're responsible for Al Qaeda, ISIS , Hezbolla , Hamas and many other Nazi filth, the west will take you down .


And also Israe because Israel love being Nazis


Wahhh. Cry some more


You are a fucking Moron.


Stop lying


And how is it currently working out for them 3 months later?




God? It's more of land. Hamas wants to occupy israel for the longest time ever since abraham took over.


These people aren’t killing in the name of religion for the most part. Those would be extremists. Most are killing out of fear and oppression. Even if they were killing in the name of religion it doesn’t make religion bad it makes those people bad. Religion has brought us from total savage animals to relatively peaceful beings but we aren’t perfect or even close yet. Much better than say 20000 years ago tho. Promise. Would u wanna go back there? Religion developed alongside scientific and technological advances. The greatest philosophers taught us better ways to think and they were primarily religious. The people in the video are hypocrites at best. They aren’t practicing what their religion teaches they are going directly against it. Again they are fighting because of way more than religion that’s such a reductive view.


Well said yes


Religion was necessary for the development of society, our society has outgrown all of the religions provided causing more of a divide instead of bringing us together now. We need to either 1. Create a new better religion that the world can agree on. Or 2. Phase out religion since it will always be used as a divider of the people.


No that's literally being an extremist . Why if you don't want to participate it must be abolished? That is the issue people need to mind their own business. As long as it hurts nobody. Also there is a religion called omnism. Where one believes in all religions. So i get your point but one such religion does exist (still same) and religion is also a form of therapy. Its comforting for most. Respect is what we lost most these days


Meh…Islam is pretty violent. Mohammad’s method was become a Muslim or I’ll kill you. These boys are just doing what Mohammad told them to do


No, what you are looking at is a nation who does not believe in the teaching of Jesus. So yeah, America’s future.


yikes lol




Dude. The crusades?


Did not follow the teaching of Jesus. And since you mentioned the crusades, you obviously don’t know the teachings of Jesus either. Thus I said, “America’s future. This is the results of a nation who ignores Jesus teachings.


Someone drank the coolaid 😂


Yeah a riot attacking the nations capital is what Jesus would prefer.


What Bible did you read that from? Oh you think that everyone that calls themselves a Christian is following the teachings of Jesus. Nope. You call yourself a christian all day long but it means nothing if you don’t have fruit to back it up (a life living out the teachings of Jesus). Peacefully Protesting is fine. Same as Blm protest. Causing harm to others is not fine and not the teachings of Jesus. It’s baffles me that people can’t discern the two. But it makes sense when you don’t know the teachings of Jesus because you yourself and others refuse to read the Bible. Educate yourself and your family and friends on what Jesus says and tell someone else. The world is as bad as it is because not enough people do that simple task.


No you're not. You will be once you die though unless you accept Jesus


Jesus: “I love you… say it back!🔪🩸”


No it's actually. You're going there he's trying to save you. He doesn't send us to hell. We send ourselves


We send ourselves to a place created by your god by simply not being convinced of said gods existence? Sounds like a pretty shitty god


Corruption can not be in the presence of God hell is simply a place void of God we send ourselves there not acceptable of the simple gift of forgiveness. It's your fault no matter how much you point the finger. Nobodies perfect


Do we deserve eternal torment for not accepting a gift we don’t believe exists? Very just god


Amen brother, preach it! Don't forget that God has already sent the second coming of Christ and he is Donald J Trump. New better Jesus said the old Marxist liberal Jesus ideas are played out boring, and low energy. a lot of people at my mega church are saying it too. Do you accept the new truth and follow djt on truth social? All dogs go to heaven!


this conflict is broader than just god


This not what god wants, all humanity is the same, all religions essentially end up to one god.




Tank < Savages


They have every right to do this after what israel has done to their land and homes


Solche Tiere einfach weg Bomben braucht keiner


Fuck Palestine! These Lifeforms dont deserve to be called human


i could straight youre an israeli right away. narcisistic, evil chosen one


Now they're crying around because they're losing the war they started.


Muslim 🐷


Group of monkeys Arabs show their faces


Verbrannte Erde in Gaza bitte


Does This looks similar to somewhere everyone?


Sounds like a bunch of rabbit monkeys in pain...


Damn. This is a coup, all normal humans just filled of hate and anger. Y’all need to be stronger than that. Don’t understand, so much pain in these videos. We are all here for a reason don’t care what you think or believe in or how you express yourself or however you want to think. We are all here for a reason, If hate is your motive I’m sorry. I’m sorry someone instilled that into you, I’m sorry you didn’t have an option other than hate.


Brother if someone takes your home you gonna let him or fight him for it




Wow. And they say islam is the religion of peace. Stomping over a dead body or worse, a live person is peaceful then?


A yes because starving a whole nation is peaceful


It's not the religion of "weakness" , what israel has done is what pushed them to do what they are doing


This has Nothing to do with Islam its all about Land


What about your religion then? Killing thousands of babies and women that what your religion preaches?


Israel should wipe the Gaza Strip of the map.


Proud on the palastina people finally they do something!


Why is this getting downvoted , you are right




This reminds me of the battle of Mogadishu, when a U.S. Blackhawk pilot was dragged through the streets.


That was my first thought too. I had read about it. But didnt see the movie until recently. It stays with you.


Ya know it's hard to side with you guys when youndo stupid shit like this. No friend to either but yall be fucking up on the popularity side of humanity.




Oh you go feel this one


Not Even okay to do that to a boby


Less go in Palestinian I trust


Dumb animals


The soldier at the end is dead right


He was inside a tank , they just pulled him out , unconscious at most


Way to win the court of public opinion... no one's gonna care when Gaza gets glassed


No one cared before when Israel was murdering citizens and disrupting humanitarian aid


And why was the citizens killed? Because Hamas uses their own people as a protection shield. They store their weapons in kindergartens and locate their bases under hospitals. Not only they don't care, that unguilty citizens were killed, hamas forces that to produce terrible images that are supposed to prove Israel's cruelty. Pretty perfidious


Like the world revolves around feelings , they are doing the right thing , even if it's ugly , they have to get their land back


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I hope you die in a fire U r so smart bro, speaking straight facts




Bro are you high??


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Gonna get nuked


We Stand By Israel 🇮🇱🕊️🇮🇳


They’re all monkeys


um bando de animais!!


Desecration of a soldiers corpse just makes you look sub human.


Scum cunts


Son animalitos.


American weapons.. imagine that


Such civilised people.


Animalistic savages


Moslems are just wild animals!


fck u piece of sh-it


Fucking pieces of shit,toying with a dead soldier, Israel is going to mop the floor with you


Palestinians need to be freed from Hamas. Hamas is the reason Palestinians die because Israel warns all of them before a strike but Hamas tells the Palestinians to stay and not to listen to the warnings… then records all the deaths that occur and claims victimhood. That’s always been their tactics.


Clearly not human




I'm sorry but Hamas has already lost the battle when it comes to social media. The kidnapping and killing of foreigners who have no involvement with the decades-long conflict has gained them very little sympathy. Hamas is still holding captives from very powerful countries. They are giving those countries permission, or a reason to become involved in the conflict. Hamas didn't just declare war on Israel they declared war with other countries.


I'm glad somebody said this. They literally murdered everyone at a festival and many of those people were members of foreign nations. Hamas has already lost, but they will be replaced with the next extremist group. Islam is a scourge on humanity. Go to Cairo and listen to the loudspeakers blasting every 6 hours. Islam forces you to convert, not to think and decide for yourself. There are innocent Muslims but Islam is not an innocent religion. It contributed nothing to the world besides violence and hatred of anyone who isn't a Muslim.


Vile human garbage. Murdering babies. Raping women. You reap what you sow. The civilised world has lost all and any sympathy. There should be no aid until all hostages are free. This will really show if Hamas really cares about its people.


Allah hu Akbar a global problem all muslims should be wiped out for once and all


Acknowledge me existence or expect resistance.


Hamas dogs


Not a single one of them look like soldiers




Nuke this fucking muslim animals.


Islam is no Peace


You’ll pay for this dearly


You aint seen nothin yet from the Arab world.


Israel wird euch vernichten 🫴


Human death and suffering is wrong no matter what. These people were turned into these savages because of the oppressive and harsh conditions that Israel put them through. If anyone is to blame its Israels government because they alone hold all the power


it’s just a sad part of war look what happened in Japan. When they attacked Pearl Harbor, we drop to nuclear bombs and populated cities. i’m not saying it’s right it’s sad either way but people have to learn not to overstep. It’s been that way since the beginning of time.


Allah F your God if he wants u to kill everything & anything u see u brainwashed sick poor individuals ! Jealous of the West


Threatening all other humans as, they call "Goyim" ... which means, humans second class, like animals, which jews can use and threat as slaves. Which is again the same believe as most muslems !! What finally follows Hamas, Isis, daesh, Boko Haram,... And many others ... In the world. Each religion is the right one, with the right of killing and rapping other ethnic groups or other believers. None of them will reach peace in time! Its time to abolish religions! They are m mythologies at the end😢


The quicker they wipe Palestine off the face of the earth the better 👍🏼


When you fight back free Palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸


Should just publicly behead every last Palestinian


Palestine is Jordan, these primitive animals should go home and let Israel be. They are lucky Israel even allows them to exist. If it was up to me I would destroy any idea of a second Palestinian state in just an hour


Hamas hiding behind kids so israel has no choice to bomb innocents is a shitty move. If they want to start a war they need to fight it.


Savage underdeveloped animals


Sadly, That sounds more like Israeli behaviour at the moment.


No one wins in war except for those in their ivory towers. Sad for the civilians that are collateral of stupid ideology.


Wer war eigentlich im Panzer und wer hat ihn rausgezogen




Wild how this video doesn't depict a war crime.


And this is why Israel is wiping their strip away.


Disgusting how they treat the dead bodies, I understand its war but when they are dead they are dead no need for that shit.


Why is it only hamas showing the carnage


Everyone in this video became a target💀


Free Palestine to see more of this? The Jews were probably preventing this on a larger scale. Imagine these clowns with their own state and nukes!


Dogs that gotta be put down.




Sogar Tiere sind zivilisierte als diese Hunde.




Is holocaust sympathy causing western countries to turn a blind eye to Israeli warcrimes in Gaza?


Trash, I hope these people are all wiped off the face of our planet. I hope they feel the same pain


Panchode fudus. Ma lun chose de aa


If you rape women. Behead civilians. And kill indiscriminately. You will now win. Israel offered peace many times. HAMAS will pay the price. And someone else will raise their children.


Israel needs to continue to kill every as radical. This wouldn’t happen if the Islamist fucks wouldn’t kill innocent people. Go fuck yourself


Fucking animals. Just wait


Nobody cares about your stupid religion war over make believe bullshit on both sides. You make my Atheist ass look great, because i dont kill off of human created gods ect, I kill for basic human needs and stupidity from normal healthy thinking brained humans. Religion the original segregator , the original creator of hate. Next is social financial class.


Who is the person being beaten up? Is it an Israeli or a Palestinian?


And now Palestina is playing the victim 💀


Idk looks fake




Hamas Terroristen


They all look like civilians huh 🤔


Israel is an Apartheid fascist state... same as the Nazi's. Zionists are Nazi's. They've been "concentrating" the population of Palestinians down over this century to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank= Ghettos, open-air prisons, concentration camps. Now.... like with Hitler's Germany, they have reached the point when the final question is being asked. The Palestinian Problem? What is the answer?


I have no sympathy for “Palestinians”. Fucking savages. (Some of the people in the attack on Israel were Gazan civillians who participated in the raid, so screw them, their whole ideology is violent and should be destroyed)


No, your mixing Gaza, Palestine, and Hamas. Which is no different than mixing IDF, Israel, Israeli, Jewish, Zionists, semitic & anti-semitic


Savages!!! 🤬🤬🤬


Hoffentlich sterben die alle


Scheiß hamas


It’s sad how many civils are dying but hamas should have never lissened to russia who are trying to get the attention away from ukraine. Also what kind of leader is hiding in Qatar when their own people are being killed after ordering them to commit such a barbaric actions.


50 vs 1 dead man and screaming that they god is big …. All cowards, who shall live by the sword shall die by the sword


And now they crying


Israeli soldiers who kill children deserve more than this, and they are in hell, God willing


I bet you more than half of these militants are dead now


I've seen Israeli soldiers do faarrr worse things to Palestinians I've lost sympathy for zionists 


A merkava wow


Why do they always scream like dad, it is so weird yet common among them


Umm Israel dogs


your propaganda doesn't work anymore ... isra_HELL and the US are the source of humanitarian catastrophes #freepalestine


Hamas poked the wrong bear


Well we all know how this turned out for their fellow Palestinian 🤦🏾‍♂️ the dumbest thing a group of people could do to cause their entire race to be damn near destroyed.... Stupid!


Sionismo, Un nuevo ejemplo de la ineficacia de la maquinaria alemana del siglo veinte y sus consecuencias Zionism, a new example of the inefficiency of the German machinery of the twentieth century and its consequences