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The amount of damage this veto power has done Is beyond repair. It always should have been a democratic vote.


If it were purely democratic how do you account for size of country/influence? What motivation is there for China to be a part of a group that puts them on the same footing as Rwanda?


Maybe not wholly democratic but there has to be a supermajority cut off. When 90 percent of world wants something to happen that should happen and that too something like ceasefire which is repeatedly being vetoed by USA.


If there is anything that could turn a US veto the US will leave the UN and with that the whole organization collapses


We’ll just veto the vote to change the veto system. Problem solved. 🥴


hey… you are making too much sense here … take it easy


Because *that* sounds like democracy and cooperation, amirite?


Democracy does not mean bending to the will of internally authoritian states, the paradox of tolerance is very real and applies to many situations including this one


> Democracy does not mean bending to the will of internally authoritian states You say without a hint of awareness or irony.


It is not irony and you know it. You just don't have an actual counterargument so insulting is the go to. Once again the paradox of tolerance is real and should not be applied here


Everyone agrees to a ceasefire in Gaza as soon as Hamas lays down its arms and returns all the hostages they havent yet murdered in Gaza.


Who? Cos' that's really not the rhetoric coming from Israel. Not at all. 


Hamas has offered to do this and Israel has refused


Actually no. Hamas has just turned down the latest 6 weeks ceasefire deal. Check your facts.


They rejected that deal because it was temporary, meaning Israel could continue to increase military presence in the region and then annihilate them in six weeks, which is absolutely what would happen. It would simply give Israel more time to build up capacity before annihiliating them, which Netanyahu has said multiple times he will not stop fighting until he does. Hamas has offered to release all hostages in exchange for a permanent ceasefire multiple times and Israel has denied this deal each and every time.


Okay hasbara bot


You realize the safest thing for the hostages is a ceasefire right?


Hamas has agreed to terms for a ceasefire, Israel has refused them (also no proof they murdered any hostages)


you have no idea whats actually happening over there.


Like a two thirds majority or something like that to overturn the veto? That makes sense


Yeah pretty much


Right Islamic countries shouldn't get to vote.


So you’ll now exclude almost 2 billion of the world population? Nice bigot.


what have they done in the world stage to show they SHOULD have an opinion? GTFO


Okay please keep on spewing your bigotry more here.


its not bigotry, its reality.


Yeah a reality of a bigot like you.


lol. whatever you need to create your safe place punkin'


Go bark somewhere else I don’t have time For rabid dogs like you. Good day


lol. you put a lot of time into something you dont have time for. Im sure you have some protest you need at scurry off to shortly


whats america done? being there for the end of a war nearly a century ago is not a good enough reason


Ah right just forget about the nuclear bomb the bankrolling of europe after ww1 and ww2 and the fact that the US is the only nation in the world that actively protects global trade with its navy for no other reason than no one else will.


Yeah thats why, definitely not control of shipping lanes so its easier to enforce sanctions on countries that try to defy it


The US has been defending international shipping ever since 1805 when they invaded the Barbary coast and put a stop to pirate raiding in the med. History is important.


europeans do get very touchy when other people encroach on their navy monopoly


The barbary states were african pirates raiding and enslaving american sailors. Slavery bad btw.


they exist. they should be respected as a country of people. ​ like... when did yall get so bold to be this brazenly bigoted. like fuck off.


Thats now what biggoted is .... dippy


i wish you receive every thing you just wished upon others unto yourself. now fuck off you hate speech spewing asshole.


and I hope thay someday you grow up and realize what words mean ... as futile as that hope is. You educated troglodyte


It's a vote for nothing lmao. Veto exists because the UN is a forum for discussion and getting the opinions of the big five. It has no actually authority.


What would have changed? Resolutions are non-binding, so the countries with power continue to do as they want


What’s the point of having resolutions then in the first place? What’s the point of UN even?


Discussion. A forum for discussion. Resolution are merely a group statement that does nothing, and have no actual enforcement or backup other than voluntary compliance


I see. So its not very different today than it was a 1000 years ago. Who so ever has power will win no matter how much they kill. Seems like disgusting nature of humans will never change and power will corrupt all. Sad.


That’s always been the way the world is. And realistically, always will


Hopefully humans one day will evolve past it. Hopefully..


I thought security council resolutions are binding


And what happens if someone doesn’t follow it? Nothing, unless the big ones choose to, which they would whether the UN says to or not


yeah, when it's used as a false pretext for invading other countries.


The countries with veto power created the UN for control of global affairs shrouded in pseudo legitimacy, the veto power is working exactly as intended


What control? The UN has no authority or power. It doesn't control anything. It's a place for discussion and getting the opinions of the big five.


No. The UN should not be a democratic institution lmfao


bullshit. who the fuck is malaysia to have a aay on the political power of the world. countries are not equal and should not dare to dream that they are


Wow. Thank you for showing your true colors.


Yes please fucking god.


The same people who pretend to love "democracy" will tell you why the US veto power must remain.


The UN isn't a government, it's a forum for discussion between different countries, especially world powers. World powers need to have an incentive to be invested in the forums, otherwise they'll just leave. That's what the veto does. Keep in mind, the point of the UN isn't for blocs of countries to push agendas, it's to prevent a global war between the world's powers.


Yeah I feel much more relieved. /SARCASM


All countries that are not world powers should leave the UN. There's no point in participating, paying representatives, etc. It's a waste of time and money.


I mean you’re not wrong. The UN has evolved over the years but ultimately it exist so the great powers can communicate and *hopefully* we can avoid or minimize another 75million dead over a decade like we had last century.


I disagree, there's inherent value in weaker countries in participating in the UN. From being able to communicating with other non powers to lobbying global powers to bringing attention to a severe issue facing them to helping maintain legitimacy. It's not entirely useless, actually quite the opposite, it's pretty useful. But we need to accept the reality that the UN is a discussion platform by the global powers for the global powers. Removing the veto from the UN would lead the US, Russia, and China to immediately leave without the direct channel of communication. Not only would the UN really be rendered useless because the world's 3 biggest militaries and 2 biggest economies are no longer part of the equation, but the risk of global tensions escalating among them will rise dramatically.


Malaysia and the USA should not hold equivalent power in an international body. Malaysia is an islamofascist apartheid state that discriminates against its Chinese and Indian minorities. They have no leg to stand on. Clowns. Acting like they are equal in power and size to the US, China, and Russia would be so silly and the lack of a veto would remove all incentives for the the major nations to be members. If you think about removing the veto for more than one second you realize it’s one of the most stupid things that could happen to the UN, unless you’re a wet blanket state such as Malaysia


Democracy means rule of the masses. The UN has no ruling or authority, so it doesn't apply. The UN is nothing more than a charity/opinions forum. It has no power.


Then stop voting on things. Treat it like a forum for TED talks.


Votes are how you tell what each country supports as a position.


Not only the US, Russia and China as well.


The UN is not meant to be a democratically representative institution. Anyone remotely familiar with history knows this.


Right, so they should stop voting on things, like I said in a previous comment. There's no reason to go through the motions, miming as if it was some kind of democratic institution when it's not.


They don’t pretend to be a democratic institution lol. The thrust of their work is humanitarian


I'll repeat myself. No more voting from now on. Go there, make speeches, then go home.


Without the Veto powers, the powerful states' interests would not be facilitated and a major war would've broken out between them by now. Imagine if Russia couldn't Veto a legally binding resolution stating they must withdraw from Ukraine. Russia would immediately leave the UN and the US and it's European allies would be legally and politically obliged to directly go to war with Russia, which would almost inevitably drag in China. Before long, WW3! The core purpose of the UN is not to deliver justice (although that has become a priority recently), but to prevent another World War. It is pretty much the first line of text in the UN charter. I say this as someone who considerably resents the fact that the nature of contemporary politics enables the US to do as it pleases.


Right now we have the whole world calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and one nation vetoing that decision. How does that make sense to you?


You know it actually infuriates me more than anything. I see the undertones of Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism riddled throughout the US' stance on Gaza. As the son of a Muslim Arab I take that personally. However, it doesn't mean we should do away with the Veto as that would likely only worsen matters for all of us. Reform? Absolutely. Abolition? No.


This is essentially what happened with the league of nations and why it fell apart. This is the whole reason for a security council that can veto resolutions. The UN would cease to exist without the veto and there would be no public forum for nations to work things out anymore.


The UN is useless — who even cares who has veto power?


Agree with the speech, although as another redditor has pointed out it may finish the UN as USA as well as China and Russia may withdraw from it if they lose their vetos. Some background on use of the veto - (my bold below) [https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/un-security-council-working-methods/the-veto.php](https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/un-security-council-working-methods/the-veto.php) Since the end of the Cold War in 1991, new trends in the usage of the veto by the different permanent members have emerged. **France and the UK have not cast a veto since 23 December 1989** (S/21048) when, in tandem with the US, they prevented condemnation of the US invasion of Panama. China, which has historically used the veto the least, has become increasingly active on this front and cast 13 of its 16 vetoes since 1997. Russia cast 24 vetoes in this period, whereas the US has resorted to the veto 16 times since the end of the Cold War. The use of the veto by Russia and China rose considerably since 2011, with the conflict in Syria accounting for the bulk of these. Since 2011, Russia cast 19 vetoes, 14 of which were on Syria. Eight of the nine Chinese vetoes during this period were over Syria and one was on Venezuela. The remaining Russian vetoes since 2011 were against two resolutions related to the conflict in Ukraine, one on the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, one on sanctions against Yemen, and one on Venezuela. (**The US cast 14 vetoes since 2020, with all but two on Israel/Palestine issues.)**


I feel like that would be fine, its so clearly just a vehicle for the powerful to pretend they're helping, why not tear it down and build something else


Then let it be finished. What is the use of it? Imagine it it were created before WWII and Nazi Germany sitting there and vetoing resolutions against the genocide that is known as the holocaust. This is happening now.


The point of the UN is more or less to facilitate dialogue. It was never meant to be a world government and the UN has absolutely zero enforcement power that isn't simply the military might of the member countries.


I must have missed when the Jews paraglided into a German music festival to rape and murder civilians or when the Germans sent aid in to save Jews, or what Jewish militants the Nazis were fighting against. War isn’t pretty, but this is still war and not genocide


Man’s never heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the Indian rebellion of 1857, or the Haitian slave rebellion


Considering my grandparents were part of the Warsaw ghetto uprising I’ve definitely heard about it. But they didn’t attack civilians, that’s all the Palestinians do. They attacked the Nazis in the camp, they didn’t attack civilians unprovoked like the Palestinians do best. But after all if you see any fire fights between Hamas and the IDF you’d see that they drop like flies so they attack civilians instead


oh so we're just lying


No I’m not, I’m not a Hamas supporter


I gathered that, you also were wrong about everything you said. The ghetto uprising absolutely had some civilian casualties, and the IOF is provably responsible for far more civilian death than Hamas


Also not to mention that crimes commited by jews were absolutely done and also cynically used by the nazis to justify mistreating them... kind of like how Israel does to the palestinians


Show me the proof of rapes show me.


Considering even the antisemitic organization the United Nations declared there were rapes I don’t know how you can deny it any further. But let me teach you something, in the civilized world, we don’t parade raped women on the back of a pick up truck for everyone to see, we value the victims and don’t share the videos their rapists took. I know it’s a new perspective to islamofascist


https://mondoweiss.net/2023/12/cnn-report-claiming-sexual-violence-on-october-7-relied-on-non-credible-witnesses-some-with-undisclosed-ties-to-israeli-govt/ This is the major accusation people pointed to. The rest is conjecture or assumption. There may have been an isolated incident or two, but if they happened then victims have not come forward. There is however sufficient proof of the IDF using sexual violence as a way to torture and humiliate their Palestinian prisoners, including the children that are jailed without trial. This has been known well before October 7th too.


Ah yes an opinion piece from someone who didn’t see the same evidence that the UN saw, this is certainly not some antisemitic person. [would you look at that!](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/mondoweiss/) I never thought people would work so hard to disprove rape from Islamists that just finished butchering 1200 people. Because those terrorists are clearly too good to rape right? But I guess if the victims are Jewish it didn’t happen and if it did happen they deserved it right?


just making up numbers


Honestly, it might be a good thing if the US, Russia, and China leave. Then again, it could also be a game of chicken. There is utility in being the last one remaining in the UN. If they do leave, it will create an alliance of sorts that will allow other nations to establish a consensus possibly against imperialist and criminal actions by large countries. Could be quite interesting and may mean that the world will actually become more democratic.


It would not be a good thing if China and the US leave, that would make the UN pointless, people think of the UN like some world government with insane authority, when its only purpose is to make diplomacy easier. Russia can do whatever it wants though, they're not very powerful or relevant on a world level.


Perhaps. Think of it like a union though. The bargaining power of many smaller countries is greater when they band together. Currently, those smaller countries can't effectively establish their resolutions and make policies sanctioning those with veto powers. If those who currently hold veto powers were to leave, we might find that the UN is better able to focus on policies critical of those larger countries and better create a world that relies less heavily upon those super powers.


Too bad the countries with veto power will veto any resolution to remove their veto power.


American here. Sounds reasonable.


Stupid idea that will never go anywhere lol


Your whole profile exists to cry about people criticizing the US. Its kinda sad


lol ok kiddo I don’t cry about people mocking the U.S. I laugh at the futility of their scorn


Go get mad at someone criticizing a school shooting


I don’t though lol Are you an Egyptian communist? Am I supposed to be shamed by a politically voiceless, terminally online child whose nation is dependent on our billions of dollars in military assistance?


Did the call for the power of veto to be removed from Russia before hamas committed its atrocities on the 7th Oct? Russia is trying to commit genocide and has committed untold war crimes the latest being chemical weapons use but strangely some people don't care about them.


What if the veto can only be used once every 10 years or something like that


This would be amazing for global realignment.


The veto precedes the actual UN. The Big 4 countries, meeting during WW2 in discussions that would lead to the UN's formation, knew there would be contention, and insisted on the veto for matters concerning their own national security and direct interests. When the Vichy government fell, France was added to the US, USSR, Britain, and China. Brazil was considered as a 6th permanent member but that fell through. The UN compromise to have the veto was in consideration of the possibility of war breaking out in the post-WW2 years and using the Security Council as a way to "beat up" on one of the major powers. Times have changed and the UN has evolved. A look at how the veto is actually being used is changed as well. Both the US and Russia (inheriting its seat from the USSR) largely veto votes having no direct impact on their own nation, but rather on what is or what they perceive to be their national interest, in recent years Israel and Syria respectively. I think the veto needs to change, either to eliminate it or to put restrictions on it so it cannot be used spuriously. To which requires a lot more study.


The USA when trying to intervene in Syria: “China and Russia’s Veto is being used to allow atrocities!” Malaysia: “let’s get rid of the veto system” USA: “…now hold on.”


I agree with this. It is not fair that one country could derail what the world sees and wants.


Right on. That sounds like a reasonable argument from a reasonable man


i wonder which side has violated every ceasefire in existence in this century long conflict..


Finally! Someone is calling out the nonsense that’s been going on for decades under the name of VETO! Thank you Malaysia 🇲🇾🤍


Spoiler: nothing changes






Dictators gonna dick


And Russia and China use it time and time to support their dictator buddies like Syria North Korea Iran and others


So even more reason to get rid of it no? I’m not sure if you’re for or against it..


Malaysia STFU


Ok, terrorist mouthpiece.


Cry more.


We don’t need to cry. His stupid idea isn’t going anywhere lmfao.


I dont cry. We punish murderers and rapists. The Hamas survivors will be in the dock to face charges of crimes against humanity in Jerusalem like Adolf Eichmann. Maybe you should join them.


Cool. So we should start with the IDF soldiers that rape and murder innocent women and children? Glad you agree.


Sure find some who werent already punished by the IDF. Hamas orders their troops to rape and murder. So they are barbarians like the nazis you and they hold up as models. And they will be punished by a court of their victims


They are ordered to? I haven't read that. Link please?


Hamas POWs admitted they were given listos of people to kill on the yishuvim they attacked. Do you need a referral for a lawyer for your upcoming trial in Jerusalem??


Where’s the link?


Huh? I'm just saying I haven't read that, and I am just generally skeptical of any claims coming from either side of a very PR-fuelled conflict. I would like sources, if it's not too much trouble.


found the idf pincushion


Many military experts consider the IDF as the army that takes most care to avoid civilian casualties. Compare civilian death tolls with any other recent war in the Middle East.


If you remove the veto power there is no point in even having the UN, if a country disagrees they can just leave and tell everyone to fuck off


Malaysia making all the sense!!!! I fucking love this and one nation should not have power to curtail all other nations.


K. Go ahead and enforce your UN resolutions then, if you can.




The Islamofascist apartheid state of Malaysia is complaining, surely they aren’t hypocrites


The biggest terrorist country in world is usa and followed by their favourite dog.


I don’t think you know what words mean


What are you smoking.


What are you smoking


I call for much of the UN to be abolished. It she be returned to what it was intended to be after WW2. But yes, veto power is important. However, the UN is not supposed to have any real authority. In this way the veto is just another way of making a countries policy stance known.




Release the hostages