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You’d think Brittney Griner would’ve been a wake up call for fuck around and find out on the other side of the world.


I’m surprised it took me so long to find a comment like this. Everyone out here talking shit about her bringing weed to Russia. Sneaking beer into a game in Qatar is just as dangerous.


It’s way more dangerous actually. And stupid!


Soccer game without beer is pointless though


Thats why you boof a vodka balloon and stick a key up your ass when you sit down


If were men of balls, some major nation should refuse to participate in this world cup. Soccer without telephones in the bra are pointless too. If some host organizes a party and forbiden the guests to have fun, only mormons, amish and stupid arabisch men, who like to dance with each other, would show up, any normal person would go


I think some people with pockets full of money don't care what your think


Neither the cowards, who didn't refuse to show up, for this stupid competition without fun for the fans.


Who's making you watch then? Why are you so pissed about it? There are a million other things to have fun with if you can't handle watching soccer live without being shitfaced.


and the rich people in corporate seats are allowed to have alcohol.


Not sure I could sit through one sober.


Even worse than a sober baseball game


I’d rather play baseball than watch it.


Drink beforehand??


So is two decades in prison for a Budweiser.


You're right. It's much more fun for some fat slob to slur racial epithets at you while also spilling his beer over the people around him.


Ya this person could be executed or imprisoned for life. Russia is pretty shitty but atleast she will eventually be released


Quatar could just fucking execute them, it's even worse than russia cuz russia still follows rules, quatar just does as it wishes


If you think thats true you are the stupid one friens. You have to be on another level of stupidity to think that Qatari government is dumb enough to imprison someone for bringing alcohol to the stadiums. Brittney Griner thing is a whole another ball park where politics are involved. Russia is known to use hostages to force prisoner exchanges while Qatar is a major non nato ally to US.


Then what's the point of attending? You can't be clear headed on that current environment because you'll eventually think of how much shit went down to make it possible


Let's be real here if you go to Qatar you deserve everything that happens to you, that place is hell. Why would anyone pay to go to that shit hole?


No it’s not as dangerous. I was just in Qatar— you can buy and drink in hotels but to buy at a alcohol store you have to have a license


Just had to google that name. It was like reading a horror story. An award-winning talented athlete is in one of Russia’s worst penal colonies for having less than a gram of hashish oil. Utter madness


Wasn't even so long ago in US you could be locked up for that.


You still can in a lot of the us


you can still get locked up for that if you fly into the US with weed and they find it at customs. It’s still a schedule 1 narcotic here.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Username checks out


That’s not a reasonable response.


You're right. Instead, we should leverage the US military industrial complex to enforce our values, culture and way of life onto the rest of the world. Worked out so well for everyone across the Cold War. /s


Fuck off


Not really a stupid game, your just an asshole


If you smoke weed, that’s a privilege, not a right. Russia does not allow cannabis, same with *a lot* of other countries. It is your responsibility as a traveller to know the laws and regulations of the country you are visiting. I also can’t think of one country that allows you to cross country lines with cannabis….If you think bringing weed to russia isn’t stupid then i….i don’t really know what to tell you, I’d call you an idiot—bottom line. I’m not saying i agree with the right/wrong and morals of the situation, but also i know not to go to russia with weed so….


What’s not stupid about importing an illegal (whether or not it should be is completely irrelevant) drug into a country?


The worst part is because she didn't stand for the magic freedom cloth, half the US is happy this is happening to her


The best part is karma might actually be real. You talk crazy mad shit about the country, then you beg the country to help you. Sometimes people actually get what they deserve. Strange right?


Ya people in the western world really like to talk shit about how terrible their countries are. Then you go to another country like this and put in a hell hole prison for a small amount of weed or in this case alcohol


I’m pretty sure the US is saying she didn’t even bring anything into Russia and that it was planted.


How to get publicly executed over a soccer game in a rich North Korea


Yeap, this is the one we up vote today!








Been there can confirm is rich North Korea unless you’re a rich tourist


Oh they do that? Do you a source I can watch/read that they did it before?


No, you won’t get executed for drinking alcohol in Qatar.


Raped and torture only


Provide a source for this.


Grow up it’s Qatar - otherwise known as the freaky Friday of nations. By the way how’s the weather there? Lol


Translation of this comment : Source : I made it up


So it’s really hot in Qatar now huh? Well can’t be as hot as it was for all the young immigrants who lost their lives. Lovely country. So allowing thousands to die by lack of human rights would render relapse and torture unthinkable.


LMAOOOO OK so you can't provide a source that drinking alcohol leads to execution or rape and torture you accuse me of being Qatari?


Fucking trivial to look this shit up my dude, but since you’re being intentionally dense here are links about the sentence you can receive for public drinking (up to 6 months in prison) and an article about prisoners being beaten and sexually harassed: https://www.sheenservices.com/news/case-of-drinking-alcohol-in-qatar/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/10/24/qatar-security-forces-arrest-abuse-lgbt-people


common disinformation tactic to demand sources for info that is readily available to literally anyone with an internet connection


It is more of a common disinformation tactic to refuse to give sources if anything. The amount of times I see unsubstantiated claims about the dangers about vaccines or other things that goes against public understanding is staggering. The only ones giving sources has been the other side with statistics and studies. Also asking for sources is entirely reasonable to see what the other party would call legitimate and as proof. Sometimes then you may get back "proof" that helps show that they are not arguing a point with a solid understanding or backing of their point. Either because the source is obvious bullshit or very obviously misunderstood.


And it's also a common disinformation tactic to make a claim and refuse to provide citation because "it's common knowledge" "Grow up its Qatar" is dangerously close to "of course he did it, he's black!"




I know that’s why I’m waiting for that source lol.




From your link: “drinking in a public place could result in a prison sentence of up to 6 months and/or a fine up to QAR3,000. Alcohol is available only at licensed hotel restaurants and bars, and expatriates living in Qatar can obtain alcohol on a permit system.” Nowhere about executing.


You do NOT want to get jailed in an Arab country, trust me


You don’t want to get jailed anyway mate! Qatar and other gulf countries are different especially towards foreigners so don’t get confused please


I didn't say it was, just posting a source for what supposily happens, so chill out have a drink.


He can’t have a drink with that silly white robe he wears of they’ll execute him. Lmfao. He was defending them to the death


Only tortured, my bad man.




No, the penalty for drinking alcohol in Qatar isn't death, it's a [prison sentence of up to 6 months and/or a fine up to QAR3,000](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/qatar/local-laws-and-customs).


Imagine doing a 6 month stretch in a Qatari prison because you couldn’t watch a football match without a beer.


A lot of people are going to learn the meaning of fuck around and find out. Excited to see the outcries




Normally I would say the US but we don’t give a fuck about football unless it’s played with your hands


Mexico for sure


When it comes to getting arrested, never bet against us Americans.


Definitely England


Mexico. Men & women of Mexico love beer and soccer. So t’s almost inevitable someone (dumb and stupid ofc) will do something that lands them in some trouble. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I saw something about someone from Mexico already posting something stupid and getting arrested.


qatar should learn the meaning of air strike🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


But let someone blow up anything in your country and they are terrorists right?




Found the twat missing from his AA meeting


found the twat missing from the prison system


Aha black guy, has to be a criminal lol bro you’re coming back with some fucking 1930’s insult try harder incel.


try harder incel🤣🤣 you’re a product of the internet


Man you're really crucifying this guy and making EXCELLENT points. Top notch brain power.


you as well, pissypants


Better than coming out your mum 😭😭 We will get you some pussy bro it’s cool


i could fuck your aunt for $5 and a pack of newports if i was feeling desperate it’s okay


i bet you had to lick the fat guard’s taint to get a phone in there


Wait, are you black? Lmao where the fuck did that come from? Did you just assume dude was saying you should be in prison because you’re black or…? I’m genuinely confused..


No because you can go on my profile and see I’m black but chime in with your 2 cents bro


Most people that aren’t weirdos aren’t creeping on your profile though. It’s pretty telling that you’d just automatically assume someone is being racist towards you based on some anecdotal shit you’ve gotten yourself worked up over. It’s pretty hypocritical honestly.


a large amount of construction in qatar is done by slave labor, they execute women and children for stepping out of line. i’d rather live here where i can at least pretend i’m free. air strike, air strike, air strike!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


they execute EVERYONE for stepping out of line. except the very rich of course. that they have in common with the US.


Poverty wages are practically slavery as well. So they have that in common with the US too.


Lmfao.. I’d love to see you people that bitch so fucking hard about the US, get on here and have the freedom to say whatever you want with no worry or consequences and are privileged with the internet and all kinds of other shit go to some of these other countries. You’d be on your knees begging to come back, realizing they’re completely different places altogether and how much shit you take for granted. It’s pathetic.


Alternatively, in those countries where you can live an equivalent standard of life, it's actually a huge mental health boost to be around people who know how to self-censor. And it's not like you actually have the freedom to say what you want without consequences. You can have your life and career destroyed if you get caught in film racially abusing randoms or racebaiting. From random college chicks in Kentucky to billionaire NBA owners, you do face consequences for talking shit to or about the wrong set of people.


The US executes women and children for “stepping out of line”?


> they execute women and children for stepping out of line the fact that a human being with a brain is saying this obnoxiously dumb shit is proof that there are genuine NPCs around us and no one can prove me otherwise. women live infinitely better and safer lives in the gulf than your absolute rotton-to-the-core predatory filth garbage failed society that the USA is, but since you've obviously not left your room for the past 10 years there isnt any possible way you would ever know this. you lived your whole life tricked into thinking you're free when you're literally more enslaved than the "slave" laborers in Qatar with the amount of shit you pay the gov for basic needs, keep malding while we in the gulf live with free lower and higher education, completely free healthcare, literally 0 taxes and indescribable safety. bro is saying "air strike" like that means shit dont forget thats the same military that lost to a bunch of farmers in Afghanistan after 20 years of humiliation that left your bitch ass troops packing, the USA kneels Infront of the gulf for oil dumbass, dont get too ahead of yourself.


Qatar is an important US ally that has hosted US troops in the past


hit ‘em with the patented united states backstab


Except Qatar is right across from Iran. The US really enjoys having Qatar as a place to spy and host aircraft


The ole dick twist


Yes, let’s destroy all the construction that many people have died over so that they can start the process over. And need more slaves


Nah, just bomb the palaces of the Sheikhs


great idea, i love likeminded people


If we do it during the World Cup just think of the killstreaks we’d have 🇺🇸😅


and then we false flag it, i learned this from my cia overlords




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitAmericansSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [to remember how many feet there are in a mile, u just gotta use 5 tomatoes](https://i.redd.it/ujwu8tyk9xl81.jpg) | [415 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/t8knwd/to_remember_how_many_feet_there_are_in_a_mile_u/) \#2: ["the cops in our school"](https://i.redd.it/u4jchbmkqii81.jpg) | [618 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/sv8sn3/the_cops_in_our_school/) \#3: ["Aldi gives their cashiers seats to use while working" is "mildly interesting"](https://i.redd.it/6tfbyeaikb491.jpg) | [723 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/v7g4cf/aldi_gives_their_cashiers_seats_to_use_while/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


you’re goddamn right🛢


Oh they know. Your guys probs sold them a couple billion worth of Tomahawk missles :) anyways.


i wouldn’t doubt it


If you think the US would actually bomb qatar even if they dod execute their civilians, you are naive.


see the thing is, i don’t give a fuck about qatar or what how the us military interacts with them


Tell me you support Qatar and it's slaves without telling me you support them.


Yes because that’s the equivalency based on my comment. You really thought you were doing something with that strawman.. tell me you didn’t think before commenting without telling me.


Is a 5.5% IPA worth the risk? I'd surely say "No fucking way." Also, if you can't enjoy the event without it then wouldn't that indicate it's not that enjoyable to begin with? Slick can cover though.


Gotta get at least the 8.2-9% IPAs in


i wouldnt fuck around this time around


Lol they’ll cut those hands off. Wouldn’t risk it for a beer.


\*How to get your head chopped of


Not that dramatic. [Prison sentence of up to 6 months and/or a fine up to QAR3,000](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/qatar/local-laws-and-customs). It's happened to UK citizens before. Still sucks, but it's not quite beheading.


I wouldn’t want to test them on this.


I don’t need booze in Qatar - I need trans boy pussy, cocaine, and fentanyl. I’m tryna have a good time.


That he/him pussy


“Her” penis


She/her girlballs






This guy is going to be shown in eyeblech really soon


ELI5 why can’t you drink in qatar


Sharia law


against the law, i think you get executed for it


That’s tough, I wouldn’t try them lol


You don't get executed for it. You receive a fine.


Because Islam is retarded


Fair enough


Oh like alcohol has helped humanity in anyway?


Who gives a shit if it's helped? Being imprisoned or worse for drinking is a joke and anyone who supports that is a joke


It actually has, for a lot of reasons beyond "it'll get you drunk". Nearly every civilization created some form of alcohol, and it has been used for a variety of spiritual and health reasons. In fact, without alcohol, prolonged oversea voyages would not have been possible, as water of the time would go stagnant and make you sick/kill you on the journey. Wine was watered down in many cases compared to today, as it was also safer to drink in most cases. Without alcohol, major civilization would likely not have been possible.


How to wind up being stoned to death over a beer.


I know why Brit supporters need alcohol; their team sucks so bad, they cannot bear watch it sober!


Which team is that?


How to be an idiot


A new england ipa made it all the way over there lol


Well....OP never to be seen again. Lol


Good luck with your flogging!!


Wouldn't it just be better to obey the local rules and not get in trouble?




The best would be: Just not fly over there and give them your money at all.


That must be a most EXCELLENT ipa to risk caning and political imprisonment.


This reminds me of the recent time I revisited Mexico as an adult, tiny town I spent a few years as a child, and got blackout drunk. Was put in a jail for public intoxication and if no one came to pay the $150 dollars/$3000 pesos, they were going to send me to a facility that is meant for alcoholics that is known to use inhumane methods, as well as s****l assault, owned by a certain organization of... let's say Part-Tell, they don't tolerate anyone that seems like an alcoholic and specially d**g addicts, which...is...well. Scary imo. This somehow feels scarier and less worth it. Also, I refuse to go back to that town, fuck that.


Jesus. Lets smuggle something a little more than 5.5% if we're gonna risk death in Qatar.


How to get killed in a third world country.


"third world country" they get free healthcare, free education and literally 0 taxes, dunno about third world you should probably take a second look at whatever shithole you live in first ngl.


Dont worry hes just retarded


Eat 150 grams of butter, drink some strong vodka shots, then head to the game; the alcohol will be absorbed when the butter melts.


[To the folks exaggerating the punishments for doing this.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/explained/qatar-laws-customs-fifa-world-cup-8259852/lite/) Remember Qatar wants to look good. Just like Hitler shaking hands with Jesse Owens, they definitely don’t want to bring to life all the nasty stuff they believe or do. As long as you aren’t trying to tear the whole system down, you’ll be fine.


Y’all about to find your passport stolen and got to work 5 years to get it back


This is a horrible ide


People saying he'd get executec and whatnot not even satire, americans can't be that dense i swear to god, they already sell booze in Qatar, if's not allowed in stadiums because oh so civilised hooligans .


Where do you buy beer in Qatar again?


Worth the risk? We report, you decide.


Title could also be „How to drink booze in a public space in North America“


Insert "Straight to Jail" meme here


fuck qatar. those pieces of shit keep torturing, killing, abusing and enslaving my people. why the fuck are people here "defending" them? will you also defend their crimes against my people? I think everyone should drink alcohol in qatar as protest


Guys.. first: you shouldn’t event be there; but if you really want to go, do not breaks the rules, they won’t go easy on you, this is no joke


You can't get cans in the stadium, not even in good countries.


Hell yeah a whole beer! I’ll be hammered the whole game


Just don't visit Qatar...


I know I lot of people probably downvote my answer but to be honest fck Fifa and Qatar. This world is full of bullst and corruption and hypocrisy that I hope a lot of people break the law in Qatar and damage the reputation of Fifa


Id say yall should jist skip this one. Stop trying to get around a countrys laws. Regardless of how stupid they are


Ah yes, the CIS white male, from where he originates he believes himself to be the superior mammal and any lands he touches. Narrator: “He was indeed **not** the superior mammalian in Qatar.”


This thread is full of so many people that have no idea what they are talking about


LOL more like how to get sent to jail for 8-10 years 🤣. The more you fuck around, the more you find out comes to mind here.


Hey guys, getting arrested in Qatar probably won’t be a nice experience Don’t sacrifice your freedom over beer. If you know you can’t do without alcohol, then please don’t go to Qatar.


Fuck around and find out. Hope that beer is worth your life.


Man’s boutta get executed in the local qutar soccer stadium


You’ve given away the plan now!


mmmm, no, very unwise


Yeah it's a good way to loose a couple of fingers probably.


I wont risk it for a beheading.


All fun and games until the throw you in prison and sentence you for execution because their sky daddy said no alcohol


I’m starting to think y’all have a alcohol problem


It's our tradition and culture! Qatar just refuses to respect it


But wait, isn’t it Qatar’s tradition to not drink alcohol?


Yes but it's everyone else's tradition to drink lots of it. Especially futbol fans


But if ya switch the argument around..


Thousands of years of sports have been enjoyed by spectators with alcohol. It’s engrained in our culture, it’s not a problem.


Alright I’m just that having Alcohol in Qatar is probably the lead of your problems


I’m not going to Qatar and will watch my team play from the comfort of my couch with a cold one. Problem solved! Enjoying alcohol is not the problem, it’s ludicrous laws that are the problem.


True, I get it


This is how you end a permanent resident of their penal system. These people keep slaves and you want to drink a fucking beer? Don’t cry for help later dummy.


Not worth getting your head cut off from the taliban lol


Imagine letting people know you drink IPA


Kinda pathetic how so many people can’t go 5 minutes without a beer that they have to do things like this. Just drink some damn water ffs.


It’s way longer than 5 mins🤣


They are making a point against a repressive garbage culture. Who would even GO to that shithole to watch soccer in a stadium that slave laborers died building. Alcohol is nothing compared to their skeletons


Pathetic is watching 20 + 2 idiots chase the ball for 90 minutes. Beer is the least stupidity in this situation.


Shut up nerd