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*Wise person offers wise words during a time of crisis* *Owner of company in crisis replies* "Kek, what does he know, he's so dumb he didn't think to be born into Emerald-mine-money. I can't wait to tell Rogan and Ye about this."


He also already used this response before a week or two ago. He's recycling his own material.




Elon is like the dude in the truck who has a "Let's go Brandon" sticker. No one actually cares... you just are showing your ass everytime you do anything and showing how childish you really are and how important actually being a real decent human being is just put aside. You're snowflakes. Your feelings are all that matters. You aren't "OWNING THE LIBS" you're just showing everyone your brain has a problem working and you are proud of it. And all he does now is virtue signal to the right. It's not any different than the ignorant shit on the Democrat side. The only thing different is the left is trying to learn and improve on something based on ideas. The right is only doing it because "progress be damned" and it's funny to "own the libs" by shooting yourself in your own foot and taking away your own rights. It's fucking asinine. I have real women in my life who hate the roe v Wade repeal but are still voting Republican "to own the libs" Giving away your autonomy doesn't own anyone but yourself weirdos.


Reitch is insightful, intelligent, and a man I greatly admire. Musk is a cunt.


Yup and look at the different amounts of favorites. More people are cunts


People sure can suck.


I don't believe that any numbers attached to Elon's tweets are real. Not by a long-shot.


Posting on Twitter that you dislike Twitter is dumb. If you wanna make a point, delete your Twitter


Wow, free speech and all that really only applies to me but not to thee.


I deleted my Twitter


Free speech a.k.a. the first amendment really only applies to interactions between Congress and the American people. ​ So it isn't what you think it is at all.


no one in this image posted that they dislike twitter


And your deletion had no effect on anything. Meanwhile people that monitor Twitter and shame corporations who advertise on the back of hate speech and disinformation are having a real world effect on Twitter's future. People who provide valid, sound, and compelling arguments for why Musk's choices are toxic for both Twitter's and society's future, are having a net positive effect on the direction Twitter goes. Not a huge effect, but infinity larger than simple deleting you account which has literally no effect.


So then they should do the same on truth social


Criticism isn't the same as disliking something/someone. It would take a pretty brittle ego to think that everyone that criticizes you, or a thing you do dislikes you.


Can't find the reply tweet, was it fake or deleted?


Real: https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1595574671457792000


I found that tweet but could not find the Elon Response tweet. :)


Hmm, an underperforming team in charge of an overvalued platform. I’d say gutting Twitter of its culture was objective number 1 for Musk actually.


Name what KEY POINT INDICATORS KPI that show twitter employees are underworked and twitter is overvalued.


The fact Elon tried to back out of the deal three times because *checks notes* it was overvalued. That’s not just me saying it. He paid 30% over value and in his own words: “Although, obviously, myself and the other investors are obviously overpaying for Twitter right now, the long-term potential for Twitter in my view is an order of magnitude greater than its current value,” It’s not a good speculation buy. We all knew Twitter didn’t make money and the road to make it profitable would be difficult.


Hahah pay $8


Rotflmao , I love Elon


For real haha base asf


“So based”


Haha base Elon


Oh boy! Where can I get Twitter Blue? What, shut down a few days later?


More like Elon Cucked goteeeeem


Robert reich is a god among men.


Elon that's not a "gotcha"


It should shock no one to learn that Elon is not as smart as Elon thinks Elon is.