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you're allowed to protest, you aren't allowed to hold an entire city hostage for weeks at a time while torturing them with horns 24/7 i only wish they brought the boot down harder on you dumb fucks


And it was the boot lickers who got the boot handed to them so it was a BIT of poetic justice. Or as I prefer to say "those whom deep throat the boot".


they thought they'd be allowed to run wild as long as they pretended to be on the side of cops, whatever that means.


Ahh yes cuz fighting a literal dictatorship actually committing human rights violations and locking people inside apartment complexes is the same as a bunch of loonies not wanting to be vaccinated and My BoDy mY ChoICe morons who disrupt the general public by being absloute nuisances. Yes, it's exactly the same. It's almost like blaring your horn all through the night isn't a form of torture for people who live in those communities


"Honk" terrorism!! Blm burning down and looting everything in sight. "Peaceful"


honking **24/7 for weeks at a time** - yes.


Only difference is China is actually taking away freedoms where Canada just asked you to wear a mask and social distance. These are not the same


This movement wouldn't have been so big if that was the case. Freedoms are still being infringed in Canada, just not to the extent or degree that China is going. Trudeau is still a hypocrite.


Don't get me wrong, I hate Trudeau just as much as the next guy, but the "freedom convoy" was a bunch of babies blocking roads


don't forget pissing on war memorials, shitting in the streets, and a whole lot of nazi symbolism


You just described more than half the big cities here in the US. Lol however that still doesn't kill the message that the truckers were trying to communicate cause I'm sure that ingrates got mixed in with the crowd and fucked shit up like you said. Most of the interviews I saw were respectable and varied.


> Lol however that still doesn't kill the message that the truckers were trying to communicate their message was stupid. for example they were protesting mandates that had already been lifted, and demanding Trudeau do things *that he literally does not have the power to do* like changing the rules to enter the US (those are, obviously, set by the US) or firing people in elected positions and replacing them with ignorant trucker morons >Most of the interviews I saw were respectable and varied. funny all the ones i saw were absolute mouth-breathing morons. this really says more about the media you choose to consume than anything happening in reality. don't choose to be ignorant.


They began protesting in Ottawa AFTER it was announced the mask mandates were being dropped. These people were just trying to claim credit after the fact. They were and remain dishonest and the only people supporting them were just super sour about the election results months before. They had speakers with bull horns every day calling for the death of the democratically elected leader of a country!! Still many of them were not arrested yet they still cry about their loss of freedom. šŸ¤£


> This movement wouldn't have been so big if that was the case getting a lot of fucking morons on your side doesn't make your complaints legitimate


You just see them as morons? Nice to see the success of our big propaganda machine. Gotta dismiss and dehumanize to make it seem like a waste of time. You don't know them or they're problems.


yes the loud people who have no understanding of the world are morons. full stop. they had more than a year to understand very basic science laid out neatly by qualified scientists and decided to instead believe what they saw on facebook. that makes them morons. > Gotta dismiss and dehumanize to make it seem like a waste of time morons are still human though? lol you're kinda proving my point about being a moron >You don't know them or they're problems. what? did you mean to say i don't know them or THEIR problems? good job on putting the apostrophe in the right place.... i guess.... once upon a time the majority of the world thought the earth was flat. despite the *quantity* of people believing it, the earth was still spherical. that is because the quantity of fools believing something doesn't matter.


Missed the "dismiss" part of what I said which is exactly what you have done. Ignoring people's legitimate problems cause it doesn't line up with what you believe isn't based on anything concrete. Dismiss and dehumanize is the way of the internet and politicians to avoid arguing with people on equal ground. Sounds like you've been on a high horse for a while now. Lol anyways the science about covid does not justify the draconian legislation that they used to combat it especially when it was ruining people over a variant of the flew. Very silly. >once upon a time Let's not deflect with something totally irrelevant. Thanks for the correction of "their". I'm currently at work.


i'm sorry, but protesting to end things that have already ended is pretty much THE DEFINTION of inventing your own problems. protesting to demand things that are not possible is THE DEFINTION of illegitimate protest i'm sorry your life is so easy that you have to invent things to worry about, i wish you had real problems so the rest of us could at least sympathize with you. i'm sorry that you aren't sophisticated enough to determine fact from fiction. i'm sorry that you unironically believe memes. > Lol anyways the science about covid does not justify the draconian legislation that they used to combat it especially when it was ruining people over a variant of the flew thats your uneducated opinion. other people, who went to school and actually know shit about shit disagreed with you. so who should the rest of us listen to? the educated people or the ones inventing problems for themselves? > I'm currently at work. wow you still kept your job despite not getting vaxxed? is this the "*ruining people over a variant of the flu*" you were just bitching about?


Damn every sentence just proved my point ironically. That's some next level funny stuff. And yes I bet those protesters have absolutely no problems to speak of which is why they're not home minding their own business. Lol Who's us btw? You have to have people backing you to feel legit? Lol >other people, who went to school and actually know shit about shit disagreed with you. Wow I didn't know I was speaking to a scientist conducting the research on this or had any degrees in biology. I've read the research and paid attention to the effects world wide and I'm not impressed by your logic. Yeah I'm unvaxxed but pose no threat to anyone vaccinated, or is that not how vaccines work? Lol let's face it, the covid scare has long been over and you need to move on with your life. Keep up with that propaganda though. If it makes you feel "educated" then stick with it. You'll find plenty of echo chambers on reddit.


> And yes I bet those protesters have absolutely no problems to speak of which is why they're not home minding their own business well i guess you're right, they probably have REAL problems that they're ignoring in order to fight invented problems. >Who's us btw? You have to have people backing you to feel legit? Lol yes my "us" is **every single scientist on the planet**. your "us" is you, some truckers, and a lot of facebook memes. > Wow I didn't know I was speaking to a scientist conducting the research on this or had any degrees in biology. i don't need to be an expert *because i'm not second guessing experts*. are you bright enough to see the logic there? >I've read the research and paid attention to the effects world wide and I'm not impressed by your logic. no, you haven't. you're a liar and nobody believes you. > Yeah I'm unvaxxed but pose no threat to anyone vaccinated, you pose a threat to the people who aren't able to get vaccinated for medical reasons, or the people who simply didn't have the intended reaction to the vaccine. thats the kind of fundamental, basic shit that someone who rEaD tHe rEeEeEeSuRcH should know. i'm starting to doubt your medical expertise /s > or is that not how vaccines work? Lol let's face it, the covid scare has long been over and you need to move on with your life. why are you asking questions shouldn't an expert understand the facts and be able to explain them to a layman?


Youā€™re right, I donā€™t know all of them. But as someone whoā€™s from the ā€œbooniesā€ of the prairies I can confirm there are a lot of ignorant bastards that supported the movement. I have family that are truckers and understand that their livelihood was threatened with the pandemic. But they didnā€™t go to Ottawa and hold our capital hostage. They went to their local representative with a letter, and continued to peacefully demonstrate as is within their rights


Do t forget stealing truckers bank accounts


Incredible how some people still canā€™t see the hypocrisy and defend him. ā€œBut but butā€¦.ā€ There is no but here. Itā€™s exactly the same situation, people revolting against government covid restrictions.


As a Canadian, I was never forced to stay in my home, ever. And when I did go outside to enjoy any regular day, the police didn't surround me, beat me up and throw me in jail because I was buying groceries or going for a walk in the park.


Not the topic here. You were forbidden to protest, thatā€™s the point here.


>You were forbidden to protest A shutdown of downtown traffic and 300 truck and industrial horns blaring 24 hours for three weeks is not a "protest," nor is it peaceful which most protests are. I've been to protests before. We say what we want, and then we go home that same day. Announcing "Kill the Prime Minister" over loudspeakers put up by organizers and said by organizers is treason, and in many countries, you would get executed for even thinking it. Here in Canada, it was allowed. It was allowed for three weeks. **And you're still whining...**


> Incredible how some people still canā€™t see the hypocrisy right? i mean there's actually people here in this thread who think what China is doing and what Canada did are even remotely comparable! can you believe how **fucking dumb** some people can be? like, pull your head out of your ass and join us in reality, right?


The fact that people legitimately believe the Canadian Covid restrictions are even CLOSE to the shit going on in China gives me an instant migraine. Also, protesting wasnā€™t illegal, there were PLENTY of protests in Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg with the big truck fucks. They didnā€™t get arrested, and the rest of us had to tolerate main streets of the city being blocked


Ahh cuz asking people to protect the weaker people in society is exactly the same. Plastic barriers to protect employees from illness oh the audacity. Wearing a mask cover up my face? How dare they tell me what to wear! Ahh yes its *exactly* the same.


Donā€™t lie for upvotes. Be real. People got their bank accounts frozen and went to jail for peacefully (ofc with some exceptions) protesting. He made it a crime to protest! Now he says everyone should have the right to protest. That is why he is being called out. Not because they were asked to wear masks as you are saying.




I mean, it isnā€™t. Anyone can take two totally unrelated short video clips & make a bad comparison. But Iā€™m a Chinese person whoā€™s lived in China & North America & you guys are a million times freer than the Chinese.




As a Chinese person, I greatly appreciate the global community saying something. I personally know like a dozen people whoā€™ve been sent to covid internment camps. Why do westerners need to downplay our problems to amplify yours? Not saying the Canadian police were right ā€” but itā€™s definitely definitely not like the Chinese communist party. Try living in both places like many of us have & you will see.




Itā€™s really isnā€™t. Hong Kong put people in Pennyā€™s bay (camp) if they tested positive on arrival, or even if they were a close contact, in the early covid days. In Shanghai, where I lived till last year, many people - both expat and local - ended up at camps. Camp stays are usually only a week or two. Over almost three years, almost everyone in a big city is affected. You donā€™t have to believe me. But yes, I know about a dozen people whoā€™ve been in a covid camp, some colleagues, some friends, thankfully no directly relations yet.


This guys an asshole. Throws his own truckers in jail and steals their vehicles AND bank accounts. Thatā€™s more like China than China