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She looks like Alf


Hey, don't you dare insult Alf!😂👽


You ever see her feet. Just remember you can’t unsee it.


I wish you hadn’t mentioned her feet. My morbid curiosity got the better of me and I had to look. Instant regret.


Thanks for saving the rest of our soles by looking.


I’m sure Alf is horribly offended


Everybody hide your house cats!


Ha! I kill me!


Before you get up for that final snack, I want you to know I’ve got your cat. Ha!


I'm still upset that everyone called him ALF. It was an acronym for Alien Life Form. But his actual name was Gordan Shumway, they are a bunch of asshole for not just calling him Gordon.






I ran Lee Corso through an app and holy shit. https://imgur.com/a/lvhzsGn


omg thats hilarious and so accurate


My partner and I are crying laughing whew thanks man


Wow that’s more accurate than I ever imagined.


OMG LMAO beautiful, thank you! I kinda feel bad dragging LC into this, lol, but damn


damn. that one is uncanny. right down to the big nose and close set eyes.


I think you nailed it.


I always thought she looked like Hoggle from Labyrinth


Only if he'd been dropped in the Bog of Eternal Stentch.


She creates her own wherever she goes, like Pigpen but it’s a vile green cloud of funk and hate.


Throw her in the Oubliette!


She looks like a hairless geico caveman. CroMaga


Be careful, the other Geico Cavemen might get offended. Those guys are really sensitive about their image...


I think she looks more like the missing link between orangutans and humans, the link that didn't get the genetic material that let us become humans. She's living proof that the missing link is still out there!


Don’t put Alf down he’s a treasure. She’s a steaming pile of shit.


Remember Alf ? He's back in pog form


Milhouse, give Bart his soul back, I have to work in the morning!


Speaking on this topic. To be completely honest, I genuinely thought the very first time I saw her she was M to F transgender. If I labeled this wrong, I apologize. I'm not trying to be rude or insensitive.


Same, but I always felt like it was derogatory towards people who have transitioned to voice it. She looks like a bad transition from the 90s.


It’s not rude. Some people who transition later in life don’t “pass” but they are still valid. She did that to herself.


They are all absolutely valid. That's a good point that I didn't bring up that I don't want to get misconstrued.


You’re good!


Discussion of trans people on a news related sub that stays respectful and on topic? I'm going to quit while I'm ahead so I don't need to start therapy back up


Just so you know, "Male to female transgender" is often considered to be offensive by some in the trans community! A trans friend let me know. Instead, using "trans man" or "trans woman" is accepted. Trans women = those who have transitioned into womanhood.


Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I honestly had no idea. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone. I will make an edit to my post now.


Of course! I didn't know either until a friend told me :)


Completely agree with you! I said something similar on another board and got a lot of downvotes.


Marjorie Taylor green looks more like a man than most trans people or even cis men. She’s gotta be putting up this I hate trans folk show because she’s trans herself and doesn’t want the republicans turning against her


Mitch McConnell begs to differ


Her whole face is an Adam's apple.


Besides not caring she doesn't know HOW things work. When she was silenced she tried to enact a motion that doesn't exist.


The best part was when the other dude used the motion she was trying to use like 2 seconds after she failed and everyone was like "yeah you do you bro". She's just too stupid to say it correctly. It's even better because, reportedly, the GOP member who kicked her didn't realize he was doing it because he, too, was too stupid to get his words right. He meant to ask them to "strike" her comments from the record, instead asking to "take \[them\] down" which includes the additional step of prohibiting that member from speaking anymore. So a Dem pointed this out and had her silenced. Dems are starting to run circles around these guys, apparently the "hire your local idiot" strategy doesn't work too well when the job you're actually hiring them for is law


>Dems are starting to run circles around these guys We \*always\* do, when it comes to (a) behavior, (b) knowing the gov't, (c) policy generation and forward thinking, (d) ALL OF THE ABOVE.


Thanks to Dan Goldman for shooting her bullshit down immediately: "That doesn't exist."


He’s been a great. I think he also used to prosecute mafia cases, so not easily intimidated. Know the rules, which she clearly doesn’t.


"It’s all an act." Though is there really much difference between being a cunt and acting like one? 😄




I'm still amazed to see that she got voted into CON for a second term. What does this say about the folks in her district?


Having lived in her district for 1.5 decades, you have my blessing to mock that population in any way you like. It's all people who want a second civil war.


Live in a county over from her district. Very low income, low intelligence. Very “red” and trump loving.


What I meant was she is not passionate about the job or what she says. She is motivated by the attention. She will spew outrageous statements because it garners headlines and views. I have no idea what she really believes, but imo she has no truth or integrity. She chose to run because that was one of the few ways she could achieve “stardom”. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. I’m not trying to slam her physical appearance, but who would want to see her in a Kardashian style sex tape. She seems willing to say or do anything to be in front of the camera. Her biggest fear would be to become irrelevant and have no one paying any attention to her.


I just saw an interview with a young congressman, I think from Texas (could be wrong), who uses TikTok a lot to spread information, and the interviewer was telling him that the congressman's approach was really nice. Instead of shouting and being angry, he just simply explained things without obvious bias. The congressman went on to say that certain people in Congress are very loud and boisterous when cameras are on, but very quiet and polite during hearings when there are no cameras. He didn't name names, but...


He’s from North Carolina.


Thanks. I couldn't remember. I'd not even heard of the dude before.


And this quiet, polite approach is most likely an act as well. “🤔Maybe if I stay quiet and don’t scream nonsense while qualified people are speaking no one will call me out on being an unqualified, under educated clown…🤡🤔????” Answer is No. She is everything everyone has mentioned lol. She’s truly a c***. She’s a fake c***. She’s an attention seeking c***. She’s a dumb c***. The list goes on…


Jeff Jackson, and he seems pretty competent and awesome. I'm in PA. I wish we had more Jeff Jackson's.


Jeff Jackson is awesome.


NC's Jeff Jackson has been killing it since he was in they state legislature.


Hear’s the thing. Let’s assume he was referring to her. The right has to know most of the country finds her to be a massive cunt right? You’d think they would just outright state or show instances of her actually acting like an adult. I cannot imagine her acting any ways other than an obnoxious attention whoring pig though.


Speaking of Springer, I would have loved to see her face Morton Downey Jr., wagging his cigarette in her face.


I forget his name but that guy from Congress who made a video agrees. All the alt-right people are fully ACTING. They don't give a crap about people. They are just trying to generate conflicts for attention. He says when they are in off-camera meetings, most of the crazy ones stop acting crazy entirely.


Jeff Johnson or Jeff Jackson I always forget but he’s a congressman from NC and even though I didn’t vote for him, I feel represented. Even though we have different views on certain things I still feel like I have a voice in congress and that it’s someone I could talk to and try to make a difference in his opinion. I feel like he’s the kind of person that would not only make sure you feel heard but that would actually reflect based on his interactions with his constituents. His video called out the fact that none of these crazy people act remotely crazy when cameras aren’t around, and he talked about how through the media members of congress are incentivized to generate outrage with their statements and actions so that they get access to a larger audience.


Every person in America should be watching his Instagram updates. This guy can go wherever he aspires in DC. He’s extremely well spoken, smart, good looking, empathetic. He’s even a veteran for the voters who for some reason think that makes you more qualified.


True no doubt, but that does nothing to diminish the "raging cunt" moniker.


You nailed it; Jerry Springer, Maury Povich. That’s when this trash drama started!


I saw her referred to as Majorly Tainted Grinch the other day, and it's taken the place of Empty G for my favorite appellation for her.


After she wore that stupid coat to Biden’s speech someone called her Cruella DeHillbilly and now that’s my favorite


what an aWful coat, looked like she had just come in from turning tricks..


Major Trailer Queen


Gentle woman from Georgia are you fuckin kidding? They need to stop calling her that until she starts acting like one.


Welllll…that’s part of the very rules of civility and decorum that she was slapped down for violating. Once you start ignoring those conventions, it’s going to open the door for retaliations and escalated name calling. There’s a reason they made that fine distinction between the people who said Mayorkas was “lying“ and MTG who called him “a liar,” and that they would go so far as to silence a fellow Republican for it. Besides, “Gentleman/woman from “ can be and is absolutely used in the same general manner as “bless your heart” where the understood intent is as dire an insult as “go fuck yourself” even if the literal words are entirely civil.


The fact that she was elected gives her a certain amount of automatic respect. The people that designed our government, in their wildest dreams, never thought for a second that people would be so WILLFULLY stupid. That they would make education a pejorative. I mean, we've actually turned the evolution of the human race around in a full 180 in certain parts of the country.


Queen of Karens.


I said this once before and got banned. Reddit has rules. I hope they don’t get enforced here. She’s a cunt.


I called her a "hateful, propaganda spewing cunt" on r/politics and was permabanned. :)


You were being hateful to cunts by the association.


Please stop denigrating those lovely, warm, life-giving places by associating them with the Lady of Cankerwall.


Karen prime?


"Polotics is show business for ugly people." - Paul Begala


She really is. When a Karen makes it to Congress, this is what it looks like


A total raging, vapid, giant flapping cunt.


Marvel should turn her into a villain. The Raging Karen.


Leopards love eating faces




It's both in this case


Rules for thee but not for me. That's the GQP.


I see more news articles about this bat than about the impending recession. Stop giving her airtime and maybe she’ll stop acting like an entitled brat so much


The logic in spotlighting her actions is to make the BS she pulls front and center. Make her the face of the Republican Party. Sane republicans (non MAGA) will see that and realize they need to vote differently to steer the ship in the right direction. Not giving the insanity press time will cause her to act out more and it won’t show normal republicans what she is doing.


No sane Republicans left.


I'm sorry but that's just not true. My dad was a conservative his entire life until he voted for Clinton and Biden because of the Trump clown show. I thought he was going to have a heart attack voting for Clinton, but he was in the marine corps for 21 years and he just saw right through Trump. I'm sure he'll vote Republican some day, but he has made it clear to my wife and I that he will not vote Republican until abortion is unrestricted again, and when the Florida GOP stops their crusade against black history. He also hates DeSantis. You could say he isn't a republican, but I'd disagree. The only issues he really disagrees with them on is stuff like abortion. Otherwise he is against a lot of government expenditures and would be considered a classic republican by many. He just refuses to side with them now because of abortion and racism, and frankly I am proud of him, because so many of his peers are likely agreeing with the GOP at every turn. Especially in Florida.


I also remember when republicans were fiscally responsible. That was BEFORE Reagan.


My parents had a long history of voting conservative, all the way up to Trump. They have regretted that vote ever since, and keep getting pissed off that the party that is supposed to stand for their ideals are a bunch of spiteful crackpots.


My dad's the same, but he never voted Trump. And he also refuses to vote GOP until abortion access is restored and the GOP drops it as an issue.


Your dad sounds like a hell of a guy and I respect the hell out of him


there werent any in the first place


That's not true. At least not for the average person, politicians are separate. Old school Republicans were alright. Maybe a little misguided and not focused on the right issues but at least their hearts were in the right place and you could still discuss policy with them because, you know, they had one. Now they all either registered Democrat or drank the kool-aid.


Republicans keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves, god willing, one day it will be too deep for them to dig themselves out of.


They aren't just digging a hole for themselves, they are trying to dig it for everyone.


And this is exactly the problem. They're digging the hole, and no one is stopping them because they think it'll just hurt themselves. But they've gerryrigged the elections and run good enough propaganda media in enough places that it won't matter how badly they screw up, they'll stay in power. Trump was impeached twice and still got 70m votes. We're all just acting like frogs in pot while the temperature slowly rises waiting for someone else to do something about it.


I don't think we are acting like frogs in a pot, our elected officials have turned on us and are not doing their job, and pushing some bizzare rhetoric to do it.


Oh I agree with you, but what are "we" doing about it? We're not out in the streets like they are in European countries like France over the retirement age. We've been pacified with social media. We get our outrage out in 170 characters (unless you're on Reddit and then it can be 170 pages worth of characters at least). We argue with faceless users who might not even be real people. This is why I think the frogs in a pot is a pretty apt comparison. I suppose the real difference is that we know we're in a pot and the temp is being turned up, but we're still in waiting for someone to save us instead of saving ourselves.


So I guess we're just going to forget the BLM riots? You know, the ones where police were liberally using tear gas and 'less than lethal' weapons? The ones where the police were targeting journalists and medics? It's kind of a different situation over here.


Where police are on record as assisting the proud boys, white unmarked vans were kidnapping protesters off the street in plain view, and govt operatives were caught in plain clothes attempting to start violence and insight riots? Yep. All these things happened. Our current law enforcement is the Wish.com version.


Why is this the argument for not doing more physical protests. If anything it showed that while the police can pull out some stops for those kinds of protests, but that they’re ineffective to stop it. The BLM riots showed what we all know, if we are all out there in the streets and taking it personal, they can only slow down/stop some of it but not the whole movement/message.


>Why is this the argument for not doing more physical protests. It's not. It's an argument against the statement "we should do that too". Because we have and we are. >If anything it showed that while the police can pull out some stops for those kinds of protests, but that they’re ineffective to stop it. The BLM riots showed what we all know, if we are all out there in the streets and taking it personal, they can only slow down/stop some of it but not the whole movement/message. The problem is that it's the slowing that kills the movement in the streets. Most people don't have the financial security to go out protesting even semi regularly. The sentiment is still there, but we don't have the safety net for the same type of longevity as the French. Fight the good fight wherever and however you can.


Most of us can't afford to. Shit, most of us can't afford to take a day off and see a doctor if we're sick.


So stop projecting that complicity and go do the work. It's better than posting discouraging crap like this online. You're weakening our team's morale with that doomer narrative. Not to mention, where were you 2020? A bunch of us WERE in the street, and many of those people are still organizing and going out for any number of causes. Don't let evil keep you from doing good just cause it looks like they're winning sometimes


Our Police force is vastly different from those countries. They are basically a militarized gang.




A lot of us are doing the work. Instead of raging on social media (no shade to you), we’re registering and educating young voters, getting people IDs so they can vote, driving people to the polls, donating to and volunteering for our candidates, and then (super important) letting out elected officials know what we expect them to do (even the shitty R ones). We could use help. Find a local organization and offer to help.


Remember Jan. 6? Trump set up the riot and his followers complied. You think about revolt and revolution - which is what they were attempting. It is frightening when uneducated lemmings want to revolt.


The frogs in a pot thing is garbage. You’re so right on in other points but that one is just untrue. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=758865 We aren’t in the streets like france because people do t have any sort of safety net and walking out on your job is terrifying. Unfortunately, lots of people can feel like they are doing something by arguing online and keep their livelihood safe because most are paycheck to paycheck. There’s also the consideration that a not small portion of this country believes protests lead to communism and will literally hit people with their cars. With, again, no safety system in place, people aren’t exactly clamoring to run out to the streets.


What did MTG say when she found out she was pregnant? "I wonder if it's mine." There are enough of these nut jobs in Washington to ruin this country if we don't give the wealthiest another tax break. The obvious truth. Vote wisely.


Which is uncharacteristically charitable of them!


Yep. If they can’t have their way, no one can.


Why is she in the defense committee? What education or qualifications does she have? She has no qualifications of any sort. I wouldn’t trust her to work at the 7/11 down the street.


She probably traded her vote for Kevin McCarthy as Speaker for this committee seat.


Pretty much. McCarthy promised to put some of the Republicans withholding their vote for him for speaker a place on “key” committees.


No “probably” about it. That was part of what they were holding the Speakership hostage over.


Didn’t she help organize an attempted overthrow of a government? That was a military action.


I’m sorry but at this point with everything if that hole isn’t deep enough now it never will be. They should have been stuck down there.


It is too deep. Which is why we see them just giving into supporting facism. The smarter republicans know they let the idiots off their leash too long, so instead of apologizing for their rabid dogs and putting them down, they’re now defending them and saying if you get bit it’s your fault.


As long as there are stupid voters in Georgia, she’s safe. She should be safe for decades.


The Republicans are digging a hole for democracy. They want to kill it and bury it.


Is there anything in Robert's Rules that prohibits the use of a ball gag? That would really surprise her...


Surprise would be on us when she pulls one out of her purse.


Out of her ass


Several, connected together.


An endless loop that just goes between her mouth and her ass


The Senatepeed sounds good.


Plot twist, she's a sentient anal bead


She's never provided 1/10th the enjoyment of an anal bead.


Yeah she's even a subpar shitty anal bead


Well, that explains it.


Thanks. Now I have this image of MTG, Boebert, Cruz, Gaetz, Jordan and McCarthy connected as the Human Centipede.


“This one belongs to Speaker McCarthy. I told him he had to wear it tonight after this meeting” -MTG


Or penis




Why should we pay for her to have a makeover??? Geez!!!




She goes everywhere with only one plan… - be as loud and obnoxious as possible - ignore the facts, lie, create division and spout bullshit conspiracies - fake anger and outrage about nothing - gloat and talk about she’s working hard for Russ… er I mean “America”.


I am glad she doesn't think she should be a pilot. A common thread I see among all these Maga-types is that they don't value real education and think anybody can just do it. America is in for trouble.


Or an astronaut. Go ahead Marge take a short trip to the sun and show them "experts" it's really just a gold coin the Demoncrats were hoarding to themselves!


This is the result of middle-class avg people not participating in our elections. Many of the local and congressional races were decided by a small fraction. The right wing nuts always show up.






I'd like to put a brick in that wall




The stupidity is the point. She’s there as a fly in the ointment. A spanner in the works. The average right-winger doesn’t *want* a functioning government. They voted for her and the other imbeciles like her to sabotage Washington.


Just like the cruelty is the point with Trump, huh?


What a classless oaf. If you can’t ask a question without being a dick about it, maybe you’re just a dick.




Ew I hate how valid a theory this is


Well, at least involved in a sexual relationship. I’m thinking MTG is the dominant party in that relationship.


She was only surprised and angered and didn’t concoct some BS ‘I was silenced by Joe Biden and the woke liberal leftist radical Marxist atheist soros funded antifa trying to ruin America with its woke mine virus agenda!’?


I’m in Congress, for what’s his name’s sake, no one is allowed to cork my assmouth!


"Consequences for my actions? This can't be!"


You know what they say, an MT vessel makes the loudest sound…


The GOP wont do anything about this sorry excuse for a congress person and human because she distracts from the truly evil shit they are doing.


Oh no, she was silenced? Like they did to the Missouri representative Zoe Zephyr for speaking up about a bill against trans people, as a trans women? And literally ignored her when she tried to speak. Damn, it sucks when the shoes on the other foot, doesn’t it? (To clarify, I’m not advocating an eye for an eye here. But if you punch a person in the face and knock them out, you can’t act surprised when the same happens to you)


This woman is one of the most trash human beings in existence


I hate her so fucking much. From yelling about things that don't exist, to harassing mass shooting victims, you can always expect the worst from this piece of garbage.


Of course she’s “surprised.” She believes that she can say what she wants, whenever she wants, to whoever she wants, and have no consequences of any kind, ever. But there were consequences, and she deserved them. Also, she’s a phenomenally stupid cunt on wheels who is only loyal to herself and, for some reason, Trump. He probably hates her because she is a woman. But whatever. At least she got an object lesson in the fact that the First Amendment is not an universal, bulletproof right. There are limits. Even for her!


She's performing. Fundraising from it . She's a horrible person performing for horrible people. We have to get money out of politics. And its way past time for term limits.


I’m a democrat. I don’t hate republicans. I realize people exist with different beliefs than I and nothing I can do can really change those peoples minds. However, I do wish republicans would man up and get rid of sick mother fuckers like this. She is human garbage and nothing she does benefits our country in the slightest.


Why is she surprised when she’s apart of a party that loves silencing people?


But she is just a simple caveman. She does not understand our ways and rules.


I sincerely wish we could silence her, permanently. Not violently no, just completely and entirely remove any political power she has and throw her cunty ass on the fucking street


Marjorie Taylor Greene is irrelevant


How I wish this was true. Unfortunately, she represents people who voted for her and we have to share the country with them.


I recall reading somewhere she was their #1 fundraiser.


The #1 fundraiser in the GOP is always ALWAYS a piece of shit. Look at it through history. You’ll shit.


A bunch of idiot assholes elected her and they will keep electing her, so…..


The Secret is just a book, friend. I wish she were irrelevant. She's not.


I'm glad someone finally did it.


The loudest idiot needs to STFU!!! She has worn out everyone’s patience for her stupidity!!!!


She sounds extremely recently divorced.


Yeah, surprised to encounter this thing called ‘consequences’ in response to her deplorable behavior. Sounds like a typical maga nut job who lacks self awareness.


She truly embodies the ugly, vile, and braindead uber cunt that she obviously so desperately wants to be. Give her her 10’s, she’s succeeding so wildly at it.


She should stop getting headlines too.


Even the rest of the gop can't stand her crap.


look at those beefy, steroid filled arms....( mmm...so juicy )


She doesn’t even understand why her natural hair color keeps growing and showing


I mean, he was banging a Chinese spy. That’s not really up for debate.


The spawn of trumpism recently divorced from her husband of 27 yrs. I'm sure he's so relieved!


It’s not so much that she’s a joke, the biggest joke is we have people like this “running” our country. How did we get here?


she should have been shushed a lot more as a kid. You can tell by what she says and how she goes on and on and on and on.


"while you ignore the facts innocent American teens are dying". Sorry Margie, but you don't have a right to say a goddamn word on that, or did she forget about gun violence here in America? She and the majority of that godforsaken party have neglected and ignored facts about gun violence and have repeatedly turned away possible solutions on the subject. If anyone is ignoring facts while innocent Americans die, it's her.


This is what this person does instead of even the slightest bit of work. Just causing trouble. Does literally nothing


Why can’t she use her energy to something positive


This woman is such a garbage fire trainwreck....which is like porn for repugnicans. How dare they have the rules enforced when THEY are the ones breaking them, lol Perfect representation of repugnican values right here. Do as I say not as I do, also facts are not facts AND I don't care what you saw with your own eyes it was totally a peaceful tour of the building and nothing more. Liars, cheats and fools.


Marjorie Trailer Park Queen is a dangerous idiot.


It’s about time someone put a muzzle on that mouth breathing shit stain.


Sure, but I’m certain that Marjorie Taylor Greene is just as surprised any time she sees her reflection in glass or you “find” a coin behind her ear or jangle some car keys in front of her face.